"Where did you say you came from again?" asked Aedan Cousland, a heavy armored man with short red hair
Aedan Cousland, a nobleman in his mid 20s is on his way to becoming a Grey Warden.
"I have never hear of Astora, what is it like?" asked Darrian Tabris, an elf in light armor with white hair and a ponytail
Darrian Tabris, a city elf from Denerim Alienage in his late teens, is also on his way to becoming a Grey Warden.
Elf, a humanoid race with pointed ears.
"It's a self governed state, rule by the knights and the clergy."
Darrian: "Are you a knight? you look like a knight."
He is talking about my elite knight set, the dark blue tunic over the armor does make me look kinghtly.
Aedan: "I have never heard of this Astora before, are you sure you're not making it up?"
Darrian: "Come on now, just because you haven't hear of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
Aedan: "Unlike you, I have formal education, and how can you trust him? He just came out of nowhere and would not even show his face!"
Darrian turns his face away, mumbling something.
I do not blame him for being suspicious of me, I am trying to hide my face.
Aedan: "For all we know, he could be a Darkspawn!"
Darkspawns, from what little I know, they have some similarities to the Hollows, but more organized and dangerous.
"He is not a Darkspawn, as a Grey Warden, I can tell."
An armored man with a dark hair and beard, two swords on his black, one long sword and one short sword, walks up to us.
"Do not worry, he is of no danger to us, and besides, you will see Baldwin's face soon enough."
Duncan, Grey Warden Commander who looks to be in his 50s.
Baldwin, that is my name, I haven not heard my name in a long time, I almost didn't react to it. I am Baldwin, former Knight of Astora, now undead. I will not forget, I will not let the curse take me, I will not turn hollow.
To be continued