A/U: Hello, whoever is reading this chapter, this is not my first try in fanfic, but is my first in english, english is my second language, and if you like this story and is willing to help with the grammar, please PM me. So, this is just the introduction, a codex if you will, it will be updated as the story goes on. If you see something wrong, just tell me in the , let's get to it.

"This is a galaxy—wide alert for all human territories. Fleet admiral Steven Hackett has declared Threat Condition Saber One. Enemy presence confirmed in Sol System. Earth under Reaper attack. I say again: Reaper attack is underway. [Static]… further instruction to follow on coded channel Crimson Tacit. May God save us all. [Static]"

"[Static]… under catastrophic Reaper attack! Primarch Fedorian is dead, Ground forces are trying to secure the next in succession! …[Static] … To all that are listening: We lost Palaven! Regroup on the [Static] System and wait for-EVERYBODY GET DOWN! [Reaper attack sound]

The Reaper war was the worst conflict ever seen, after the war, the death toll was too much to bear. Few were the ones that liked the Batarians, but seeing an entire species go extinct was a blow to everybody. The process to rebuild was long and hard, with the real scale of the disaster slowly hitting everyone.

The Geth, reaching full intelligence, helped the Quarians settle in the homeworld. The integration between the two species was slow, there was a lot of animosity yet. With time, they started to understand each other, the Geth helped the Quarians with their immunological system, now as strong as any other race's. The two species now work together both in civilian life and in the military as equals. For their work in the war, they both were granted seats in the Council.

The Krogan case was a bit more complicated, their monstrous birth rate was a big problem, even the Krogan themselves knew it. With time, and a lot of negotiation, an agreement was met. The Salarians, now the Salarian Republic (after both Army and STG deserted, the union was destroyed by the Reapers), developed something similar to the Genophage: only 10 to 15 kids would be born, but no stillborn, only the healthy children. The Krogan now got hope for a better future. It took time, but Tuchanka was healed, and the proud Krogan people raised to their former glory as the protectors of the galaxy. They were also granted a seat in the Council.

The Rachni were a more delicate matter, there was a lot of fear involving then. It took much time, decades, for the fear to die down. But the Rachni showed that they could be trusted, helping advance medicine in unimaginable ways. They also gained a representant in the Council.

Entry 9: It became clear that some races having power over others would not work. Drell, Hanar, Volus, Elcor, all of then gained a say in the Council.

Entry 8: After the war, it was decided that every race should have people with military training, the Asari were the biggest example: they started training the maidens, instead of letting then into bars, a 15-year military servitude was demanded. The same for every other race, of course considering the different life-spans, Salarians would make just 2 year of servitude, for example.

Entry 10: Shepard and Tali settled in Rannoch, they decided to adopt a Quarian boy, that took the name Kal'Zorah, and later a Human girl, that was named Hannah Shepard. Shepard and Tali lived there, in the very first place they landed on the war, for the rest of their lives, as their children moved on and created their own families. Both the names, Zorah and Shepard, were extremely known in the Milky Way, there was always a great pressure put in their descendants' backs, always looking up to Tali and John.

Entry 11: The years passed, becoming decades, then becoming centuries. Technology advanced as it was decided to free themselves from the mass effect shackles. New forms of FTL were discovered, the HyperDrive was developed in a joined species effort, all ships were fitted with these drives. Other advancement was the immunity to indoctrination, this came from the peoples fear over the still living Leviathans, although they are not seen in a long time. The non-necessity for Element Zero drives made the size limits obsolete, making the construction of bigger ships possible.

Entry 12: Research involving AIs were now legal, the new AI are fully evolved AIs. After negotiation the AI rights were stablished. The gender and role on the society is of teh AI's choice and is up to the AI if it wants a body and if the body will have a more organic look like EDI's body, or more a robotic look like the Geth. The Geth decided that their bodies were their platforms, it was like this that they were created, and it was like this they will live. Entry 13:Deep Space satellites fitted with scans and sensors were built and sent to the corners of the galaxy and into Dark Space, no one wanted to take the chance, there is always a possibility that some Reaper survived. They were monitored by multispecies teams, always watching for outside threats.


Frigates: 500 meters in Length. Deployed in squad of five to eight, designed for fast attack and heavy aerial support.

Destroyer: 550 meters. On layman's term, a big gun with engines strapped on the back. Armed with twin super MACs , these ships were nicknamed "sniper-ships". Usually staying on the back, close to the carriers.

Cruiser: 1400 meters. The bulk of every fleet together with their heavy cousins, also responsible for the ant-fighter/anti-bombers roles. Armed with both MACs, Torpedoes and Rows of Guardian Lasers.

Heavy Cruiser: 1900 Meters. Less numerous than the common Cruiser. Armed with MACs, Torpedoes and Heavy Ordnance Missile Pods.

Dreadnought: 2800 meters. The usual heavy armor of the fleet. Armed with Dual-SMACs running the full length of the ship, Heavy missile Silos, Guardian Lasers, Torpedoes and a small wing of escort-fighters. (A wing has 10 to 14 aircrafts)

Super-Dreadnought: 3700 meters. The most armed and armored ships in all fleets, but also the most expensive. Having the best shields, best armor and best weaponry, it is rare, existing only five: the Asari "ASC Reverence", the Turian "THS Spirit of Fire", The Krogan "KWV Might of Kalros", the Quarian/Geth ship "RSC Fury of Creation" and the Human "SSV Passchendaele". Armed with Twin-SMACs, Heavy Missile Silos, Torpedoes, Guardian Lasers, two wings of Escort-Fighter and the newest Ion-Cannon, a weapon so powerful that is used very carefully, a single shot can pierce a Dreadnaught for one side to another.

Carriers: 4300 meters. Big, slow, unarmed but heavily armored and shielded, the carriers are responsible for transporting and deploying vehicles and personal on the battlefield. Armed with four rows of Guardian Lasers along its hull, thirteen Wings of Fighters, eleven Wings of Bombers, five wings of Attacker Aircraft and 200 unmanned drones serving as additional Guardian Lasers and in the case of close proximity combat (Although the idea of the carrier is to be far away from the fight).

Fighter/Escort-Fighter: 21 meters. Small, fast and armed with dual fast firing machine guns and 14 air-to-air missiles, the fighter role is simples, clear the enemies of the sky, usually deployed in squads of 10 to 14.

Bomber: 50 meters. Heavy, but fast, the bombers are design to carry heavy ordnance, deploy it and go back to the carrier to rearm. Armed a Heavy Plasma Cannon and it can carry up to 63 400 kg of explosives. Used mainly to engage other big ships and to destroy large targets on the ground.

Attack Aircraft: 23 meters. The design and manufacturing are done by humans. Resembling the old A-10 Warthog, it uses a rotatory cannon that fires a mix of High Explosive Rounds and Incendiary Armor Piercing Rounds at 3,800 RPM and HEAT Air-to-Ground Guided Missiles. Used mainly as close air support for terrestrial troops.

Drones: 10 meters. Small and fast machines, armed with a more powerful version of the Guardian laser, only one direct to the front.

The armored vehicle doctrines also changed, now with the Main Battle Tanks, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Anti-Airs and so on.

MBT: Heavily armored and shielded, this tracked monster roll over everything on the battlefield, armed with a heavy MAC, that fires APFSDS* Shells and HE* Shells, also with top-mounted and coaxial-mounted machine guns.

*Armor Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot *High Explosive

IFV: Light, fast, can be both with wheels or be a hover, armed with Fast Firing Heavy Machineguns and ATGMs*, can also transport troops.

*Anti-Tank Guided Missile

AA: The name explains itself, armed with Dual Fast Firing Medium Machineguns and Ground-to-Air missiles.

HyperDrive: This drive has the ability of opening a portal that engulfs the ship and shots it in a "dimension" that resembles a spinning tunnel, making the travels far faster. The portal usually is not visible, making it look like the ship just shot forward, but an interesting thing is that when a large fleet activates their Drives at once, a big Rift opens, and all ships travel together in formation trough the "tunnel".


Quarian Culture and Society: With the time in the Migrant Fleet, the enviro-suits became part of the culture and is still used today, but not in the same way as before. The suits that they use are not actually enviro-suits, it doesn't have the same limitations, it just resembles the enviro-suits. The quarians use enviro-suits mostly in the military, with armor on top of it and in the navy. The hoods are other important part, a Quarian always were a hood, only putting it down in the presence of friends and family. The Geth and the Quarians lived in peace now, both species in a single democracy, with two representatives, one Geth and one Quarian.