The ride back was fairly uneventful. Luke, Han, and Leia arrived at the Falcon with Chewie's body. Udo wailed at seeing his great-uncle's corpse. The group agreed they would give the Wookiee a proper burial on Coruscant, as he had been a great war hero.

As the Falcon made its way through space, they heard the news: Sen. Zyr had won the election and would become the new president. He had miraculously survived the explosion on Csilla, and was being viewed by many as a hero. Furthermore, news had spread of how Hosnian Prime had been liberated and the Sith had dispersed, and he had been quick to take credit for it.

"Let it be," Leia said, "I served my galaxy as Princess, General, Senator, and President. Now I can hand it over to someone else."

"I'm sorry, Leia," Luke said, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your son."

"You did what you felt was right," she said.

Along the way, they heard a distress signal from Csilla, emitting from a deserted area of the planet. Finn insisted they land. Once they did, the ship's sensors immediately led him to a familiar droid.

"Well, hello," Veep said, "It's about bloody time I was rescued."

"I have a feeling this droid is going to be a lot of trouble," Finn said with a smile, "Come with us."

The group returned to Coruscant, where Chewbacca's burial was held in a solemn ceremony.

A few days later, as Leia's presidential term came to its end, Han was packing up the Falcon. He, Luke, and Leia were returning to his castle on Takodana to live out the remainder of their days.

First Rey said goodbye to Leia.

"Are you sure you want to leave?"

"Yes. I don't need to see Zyr's inauguration. And I think it's for the best I spend some time with my husband, reclaiming what we lost. After all, it wasn't all bad times. Sometimes we lie to ourselves and believe the worst. Life's too short to dwell on our tragedies."

And with those simple words, Leia turned around and solemnly boarded the Falcon. Next it was Han's turn to say goodbye to Rey.

"You were the first father-figure I ever had."

"Being one kid's father was enough for me. I'm glad you got me to see the galaxy one last time, and try to right the past. At least my son's at peace now."

He boarded the Falcon and now Luke was the only one left.

"Are you sure it's wise to do this?"

"The Sith Imperialists are no more," Luke said, "You killed Darth Cullen, the few remaining Sith are scattered throughout the galaxy. I think I've done my part and now I can enjoy a time of rest."

"Kylo Ren is still alive. He might come after you...and them."

"He might, but I don't think he will. He's alone now, and has to know he needs to re-strategize. That kid has a lot of things to sort out."

"What about me?"

"I've taught you the ways of the Jedi. Or at least I started to. But actually becoming a Jedi is something only you can do yourself. Swear to me you will not use the darkside of the Force?"

And although Rey knew she was lying, she told him.

"I swear."

Luke seemed contented.

"I think my training is in good hands with you. Make the most of our your life, Rey from Nowhere."

And with that, the Falcon departed, off to Takodana, with its three heroes riding happily into the sunset.

That night Rey again felt the temptation to use the darkside, until she finally gave in. She reached out and sensed Kylo Ren; he was sleeping somewhere (she sensed he was on some starship, seeking refuge, all alone) and she entered his dreams.

The little boy named Ben Solo was in his home, playing with his toy monkey-lizard, when suddenly Rey stood in front of him. Ben looked up at her, suddenly realizing he was dreaming and that she had violated his mind.

"How did you get in my dreams?"

"The same way you did with mine."

"So you're using the darkside now? Have you finally decided to become a Sith?"

"No. I've only come to warn you that, whatever you're planning, come to me. Your battle is with me now. I am now the last Jedi."

The little boy laughed at her, and Rey exited his dream.

The next day, the inauguration of Tyk Zyr took place inside the Great Senate Hall. The event was open to the public. Everyone applauded as Zyr became the first Chiss to be president of the senate.

Rey, Finn, Udo, and Veep all watched the ceremony from afar, and there was silence in the air. Rey knew in her heart that this was a sign of bad things to come, and the New Republic would have some dark days ahead. Still, while she didn't trust Zyr, she knew he was no longer being aided by the Sith. As far as what to expect, she couldn't know for sure.

What she did know for sure was that she had her friends with her now. Just the fact that she had friends at all was an accomplishment. She would help Finn find himself, forge his new identity. She would face Kylo Ren again. And she would continue to learn, and become a Jedi, even if the pull from the darkside was strong.

I have found my place in the galaxy. I will preserve Luke and Leia's legacy. And when the Sith return, I will be part of the Resistance.


Click on the author's profile for the sequel, Ep. VIII: The Resistance Lives.