Well, this is it! Thanks to my loyal readers for sticking with the story and a BIG thanks to Misspatchesmom for being my beta reader! Hope ya'll enjoy this final
chapter! Please read AND review! Thanks!
The reading of the Will was the next week. As expected, Ducky had left a good portion of his assets to the various charities he had supported during his life. However, he also made sure that a lot of his estate went to his 'children and grandchildren.' When going through Ducky's things, Palmer made sure anyone who wanted could choose something special to remember Ducky by.
It was decided that when the time came for Ducky's ashes to be claimed by the family, Clay and Ellie would claim them and fly with them back to DC. Six months after Ducky died, that is exactly what happened.
Abby and her family waited at the airport with the rest of the DC NCIS family for the London branch of their family to arrive.
"Mama? When will Aunt Ellie and Uncle Clay get here? Why are they coming?" asked Alex.
"Well, they should be here anytime now, they are bringing Grandducky's ashes so we can tell him good bye properly."
"Remember when we asked you all to write something or say something about Grandducky?" Gibbs asked.
"Uh huh. I did it." Alex replied.
"Good for you, Buddy. When Uncle Clay and Aunt Ellie get here, we are going to take the ashes and sprinkle them in Grandducky's favorite spots. Then we're gonna plant a tree near his favorite bench near NCIS and we will read those things to say good bye."
"Grandpa Gibbs made a special sign to put next to where the tree will be planted." Tony explained.
"Oh." Alex replied, but still looked confused. Before the little boy could say anything else, however, a voice called out,
"Hello, family!"
"Uncle Clay!" all the kids cried out at once.
"Aunt Ellie! Jules!" The newcomers were then attacked in hugs. After the kids were finished, the adults moved in for welcoming hugs, starting with Abby.
"It is SO good to see you guys!"
"Same here. Wish it was under better circumstances though." Ellie replied.
"Did you bring them?" Palmer asked. Clay nodded and pulled the urn out of his carry-on bag.
"I wanted to keep them close for protection. I didn't want to risk anything happening during transport."
"Thanks for that." Gibbs spoke up.
"Anything for family." Clay replied, adding,
"Dr. Ducky's family, and so are all of you."
The Reeves family was staying with the Krakowsky family while they were in DC. They were taken back to the house for supper and rest. Thec for Ducky would be held the next day.
The special memories about Ducky would be shared when the tree was planted. Jimmy and Tori went alone to spread the ashes in the rose garden, and were joined by Gibbs, Abby, Caty and Cocoa, Tony, Ziva, Tali, AJ, Timmy, McGee, the McTwins, Ellie, Clay, Torres, and Kasie to sprinkle some from the bridge over the Potomac. Before heading to the Navy Yard, Tony and Ziva picked up their younger kids from Senior, and the others went to gather up the rest of their families. They all met back at the Navy Yard, by the bench that Ducky had frequented. They all helped dig a hole, and McGee, Tony, and Palmer lifted the tree into it. Then everyone was allowed to put some dirt back into the hole. Each person then took a small handful of what was left of the ashes and sprinkled it into the dirt. As the ashes were sprinkled, the person whose turn it was spoke. Tori went first.
"Grandducky, I'll never forget how you taught me about the different birds. Because of you, I know about all kinds of different species. I can't wait to get bigger so I can work at a bird conservation center. You also taught me how to listen to nature and trust my instincts. I love you, and I'll miss you very much. Good bye, Grandducky." Tali came up and pulled her best friend into a big hug as they watched the others in their family take their turns. AJ and Tali each took their turns and then they and Tori clung to each other and sobbed.
When Caty's turn came, she simply signed, with tears rolling down her cheeks,
"I Love you Grandducky. Rest in Peace." Kelly came over and clung to her sister for a long moment before taking her turn.
Kasie was crying so hard when her turn came that she had to stop and calm herself before speaking.
"Dr. Mallard, You were the father I needed after my biological dad died. Now you're gone, too. But I know you'll always be with me in spirit watching me from above, just like my real dad. I love you very much. I'll always miss you. Thanks for everything. Bye." Abby came up to her successor and hugged the woman tightly. They were soon joined by Palmer and the three clung to each other for several moments before pulling apart. It was Gibbs' turn, next. He swallowed down his emotions before speaking.
"Duck, you've always been a true friend. You were one of the few who didn't put up with my crap. You stuck by me, no matter what. I'll never be able to repay you for that. I've always been... grateful... for your friendship. You treated me like a son and I loved you like you were my dad. I hope wherever you are, that you know that. Thanks, Duck. Rest in peace. So long." There was a moment of silence after Gibbs spoke. Then Abby came up and hugged the man who was like a father to her and said huskily,
"He knows, Gibbs." Gibbs held on to Abby tightly for a moment as he regained control of his emotions. Then they pulled apart and Abby took her turn. She took her handful of ashes and sprinkled them, before kneeling down on the ground and patting them into the dirt. She closed her eyes, then, and said a silent prayer. Then Jesse helped her to her feet again and she spoke through tears.
"I-I always saw Duckman as kind of a grandfather. He always had wisdom for me and helped through some pretty stressful times, He supported me through the time that Gibbs and McGee were lost in Paraguay. He was there for me when I was panicking when Tony and Ziva were trapped in that shipping crate, and when Gibbs was in Mexico." Abby paused to take a shaky breath before continuing.
"Right after I found out that I was adopted, Gibbs said something to me that'll I'll never forget. I think it fits in this moment. Family is more than just DNA. It's about people who care about you and who you care about. Thanks for caring about all of us, Duckman. I love you so much. I'll always miss you and I'll never forget you. Never. Good bye, Ducky." Abby's kids all came up to hug her tightly, and Jesse pulled his wife close. Then they stepped back to give Palmer some space to say his goodbye.
"Well, Dr. Mallard, I hope you approve of this spot we picked for your tree. I know you loved to sit on this bench to meditate and spend time in nature. Thank you for being a great father to me and a wonderful grandfather to my kids. I... just don't know how to say good bye to you...even after all these months. You'll always live on in our hearts." Palmer wiped away the tears from his face, but more came as he continued.
"I love you more than I can say. I'll keep going, because I know that's what you'd want. But the pain will still be there for a long, long time. I'll miss you always. Good bye...Dad." After the rest of the NCIS family joined him in a tight group hug, Gibbs placed the plaque under the tree in a cement casing. The engraving read:
Dr Donald H. Mallard - 1932-2028 ; Loving Friend, Father, and Grandfather.
Gone from this Earth, but always alive in our hearts.
After a few moments of silence as the NCIS family stayed lost in their memories, the group started to disperse. As Abby turned to head out with her family, she noticed a lone mallard soar down and land on the pond nearby. The duck seemed to watch the family with great concentration and Abby, in that moment, felt a strong sense of comfort and peace. She looked up into the heavens and whispered,
"Thank you, Duckman. I know that was you. Thank you, God, for blessing our lives by bringing Ducky to be a part of our family."
Well, that's the end. Thanks to all who stuck with this story till the end! Don't forget to review this final chapter! New story will go up on Wednesday. It will be a
follow-up to Normal is Boring. Catch ya later! Bye!