Loud Ranger S.P.D

Chapter 1

Welcome to Newtech

Well, since I have seen this type of crossover on the site so I thought I'd try a crack at it. As for why I did S.P.D. It won the dice roll. Simple as that. Well, I don't have much to explain so... Let's kick it up!


Deep in Space a large imposing ship began to leave the orbit of a planet.

"This planet is of no further use to us." A gravely voice said as the planet exploded. "Now where to next?" The voice asked the shadows. "Yes. Earth." The voice said with malicious glee as the ship flew off.

(On Earth)

Within the streets of a technological metropolis, drove a yellow 87 Challenger. Suddenly, the car stopped next to an outdoor basketball court as a Hispanic girl clad in a black leather jacket over a yellow shirt.

"Okay. There it is." The girl said while looking up at a large building with what looked like a dog head on the roof when out of nowhere, a basketball hit her car.

"S-sorry ma'am." A young child with green and purple leathery skin said as the girl picked up the ball with a large frown on her face before smirking and tossing the ball up from behind the goal and through the hoop.

"It's all in the wrist." The girl said before getting back in her car while still looking at the building before pulling out a picture of herself when she was eleven and wearing a yellow hoodie with a blue R and W on it standing next to a white haired boy wearing an orange polo shirt. "Wish me luck, Lame-O." She said with a smile before she continued to drive.


A group of black clad individuals consisting of two brown haired young men and a blonde young woman were inside a warehouse, clearly searching for something as one of the men waved his hand as energy appeared around it.

"He's over there. The man said as his counter parts stepped forward.

"Alright. Bridge, you stay back for cover. Syd go in on the left. Linc... Where's Lincoln?" The 'leader' of the group asked before seeing a creature beginning to run. "Oh never mind." He said before he began running while making energy shields to use as platforms to gain some air. The blonde then looked at the ground to see what looked like a shadow with nothing to cast it.

"Sky, wait!" Syd callee before the man attempted a jump kick only for the creature to fire at him with a shock rifle which he was able to block with an energy shield.

As Sky fell to the ground and Bridge went to see if he was okay, Syd ran past them and slid her hand along a steel beam as her arm became coated in metal. The creature tried to aim his shock rifle at Syd only for a shadow to rise up behind him and form in to a white haired young man who was clad in the same uniform as the other who then grabbed the creature in a full Nelson. As Syd was about to land her punch an alarm sounded and the warehouse disappeared as the group were found to be standing in a small room.

"Sorry about that, Boom. How's your neck?" The white haired man said as he let go of the creature and it shifted to a man in a mocap suit.

"I'm fine, Lincoln." Boom said as Lincoln patted his arm and walked to his team.

"Why didn't you wait for my plan?" Sky asked in a reprimanding tone.

"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure the team completed the test." Lincoln said, gaining a slight glare from Sky.

"Well, next time, follow my lead." Sky said as Syd rolled her eyes from behind him when suddenly, a woman with cat ears entered the room.

"B-Squad, follow me to the lab area." The woman said, gaining nods from the team as they began to follow her. "Not you, Cadet Loud. Commander Cruger wants to speak with you." She said.

"Thanks Kat." Lincoln said as he nodded and went in the other direction.

(Back in space)

The ship arrived at wormhole that was blocked by some kind of energy shield.

"A Siriun Space web. So, you're still alive, old friend. Good. I've missed having a challenge." The voice said before pulling out two blue balls with X patterns around them and threw it to the ground as a humanoid Robots appeared.

"Go and retrieve the device that I require to get through this nuisance." The voice said as the robots bowed and left.

(Back on Earth)

After a few minutes of walking, Lincoln arrived a large octagonal room and began looking around before someone spoke up.

"The Commander is in his private office." Said the leader of a group of black armored individuals with multicolored helmets.

"Thanks, Charlie." Lincoln said before he moved his elbo to the right in salute before entering a small office where a man with the head of a blue Dog was sitting.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Lincoln asked.

"Yes I did, Cadet Loud." Cruger said before pulling up the footage of the test. " B-Squad seems to be doing well despite still having a few issues to iron out." He said, making Lincoln assume he was referring to him acting without orders.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll try to... Lincoln tried to say before Cruger raised his hand.

"Lincoln. I'd like for you to open that case on my desk." Cruger said as Lincoln hesitantly complied, his eyed becoming as wide as dinner plates upon seeing the contents.

"Sir, with respect, are you sure?" Lincoln asked.

"I am one hundred percent certain of my decision." Cruger said in a tone that conveyed clear pride.

"Thank you, sir." Lincoln said with a salute.

"Now for the next order of business." Cruger said as he turned is chair and activated a monitor on the wall, causing Lincoln to once again adopt a look of shock.

(With B-Squad)

Kat led the group in to her lab were they were confused to see the Hispanic girl.

"Cadets, this is Ronnie Anne Santiago. She was one of the top cadets in our urban training program. She'll make an excellent addition to your team.

"Good to finally have another girl on the team." Syd said with a smile as she shook Ronnie Anne's hand.

"Nice to have you on board." Bridge said with his ever friendly tone.

"Good to be working with you guys." Ronnie Anne said.

"Now that the introductions are out of the way." Kat said before she snapped her fingers and Boom walked up holding four phones with with white outlines, sirens on top, and black plates with the words, 'change' 'phone' and 'judge' on them next to side ways Ses Ps and Ds.

The members of B-Squad along with their newcomer all had looks of elation on their faces, knowing what was coming next.

"On Comander Cruger's orders, B-Squad is being promoted to active statis as Power Rangers." Kat said with a smile as she covertly activated a com device in her ear and grabbing the phones, one by one giving them to the members of B-Squad.

"These are your S.P.D morphers. As you can see, they also double as communicators and judgement scanners to determine the guilt of a suspect." Kat explained before an alarm suddenly sounded.

"What's going on?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"There's a suspect causing a disturbance at the outlet center." Kat said. "A perfect test for some new Rangers." She said with a smirk.

"Right. Let's move out Rangers!" Sky ordered befor the team left the room.

(With Lincoln)

Lincoln had just left Cruger's office having taken off his uniform's jacket and was holding a different one.

"Hey Lincoln." Charlie said, getting his attention. "Give em hell." She said, gaining a smirk and nod from the white haired man as he left the room.

(With B-Squad)

One of the blue robots was causing a panic in the Outlet center and blasting at random buildings to cause pandemonium before grabbing two people and tossing them in to the air only for them to be caught by, amazingly enough, two copies of Ronnie Anne that then disappeared upon landing as the real Ronnie Anne ran forward along with the rest of B-Squad.

'Okay. She has powers too. Good to know.' Sky thought before stepping forward. "Stand down now and you won't be harmed." Said as the robot threw up and ball that exploded in to several robots with soccerball like heads.

"Well, that didn't work." Syd said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, this will." Sky said as he unclipped his Morpher from his belt. "Ready?" He asked.

"Ready!" The other exclaimed before pulling out their morphers as all four of the shouted out "S.P.D EMERGENCY!" before all of them were envelopes in blinding light and clad in multi colored suits with badges in the fronts of their helmets, S.P.D pendants over their right breasts, sirens on the sides of their helmets and large black numbers on the left sides of their suits.

"What? I must have gotten the wrong Morpher." Sky said in frustration at being clad in a blue suit with a 2 on it.

"Don't worry about that now. We just have to fight." Said Ronnie Anne, who was now clad in a yellow suit with a 4 on it.

"Right." Both Bridge and Syd, who were now clad in green with a 3 and pink with a 5 respectively, both said as all four Rangers went into combat.

Syd ran up between three of the robots, punching two of them through the chests before spin kicking the third in the head, knocking it off and sending it to hit another nearby robot.

Bridge pulled a small blaster off his belts and used it to put power behind his punches on two robots before rolling over the third he punched before shooting two in the heads.

Sky ran forward to kick one of the robots to the ground before pulling out his own blaster and combining it with a blue saber that had been on his left hip and shot the remaining four down.

That left only Ronnie Anne, who had pulled out her own saber and sliced straight through three robots before going for the blue one. Her effort was met with the blue robot shooting the ground beneither her and launching her in to the air.

Ronnie Anne tried to get up only to see the robots blaster in her face. Just as the robot was about to blast her, it was met with a drop kick to the chest.

"You haven't changed a bit. Always going for the biggest guy in the room." Lincoln said as he stood to show his uniforms jacket now had a badge of his right breast, an S.P.D pententen tover his left breast, red lines on the left sleeves and the entire shoulder and right sleeve in red with S.P.D in black.

"Lincoln?" Ronnie Anne asked, shedding a tear from under her helmet.

"Stay back. I got this one." Lincoln said as he pulled his Morpher up. "S.P.D EMERGENCY!" He called out before in a flash of red light, Lincoln was given a red suit with a black 1 on it and car themed handguns on both hips.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sky whispered with a growl.

"Mind if I borrow this?" Lincoln asked, kicking Ronnie Anne's saber in to his hand and ran forward, deflecting blasts from the robot in to the aura before jumping over it and slicing it twice in the back. The robot then tried to slam its blaster arm on to Lincoln only for him to spin the saber over his shoulder and block before taking his left blaster and shooting the robots arm off.

"Time to finish this." Lincoln said before tossing Ronnie Anne's saber back to her and pulling out his right blaster to combine with the left one. "Delta Blaster combo mode!" He called before blasting the robot in the stomach, leaving nothing but its head.

"Gotcha." Lincoln said with a thumb down. "Power down." He said as his suit disappeared and he ran to Ronnie Anne. "You okay?" He asked as he offered his hand to her.

"I'm fine." Ronnie Anne said as she powered down and took Lincoln's hand.

"That was pretty inte..." Lincoln tried to say before Ronnie Anne jumped in to his.

"I can't believe it's you." She whispered in tears.

"Good to see you too." Lincoln said as he returned Ronnie Anne's hug while off to the side Sky was fuming at not being picked as Red Ranger and could think of nothing else to do was walk away without a word.

"Sky. Wait." Syd said as she powered down, her call for teammate falling on deaf ears.

"Let him go. He's got every right to be mad right now." Lincoln said before looking back down to Ronnie Anne. "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" He asked with a chuckled.

"Yeah, you definitely do, Lame-o." Ronnie Anne replied.

"Come on. I'll explain everything back at the base." Lincoln said as the Rangers began their return to S.P.D headquarters.

(Back in space)

The other blue robot returned to the ship before the scorch of the voice began laughing before stepping out of the shadows revealing a skeletal being with a large left antler and an antler cut in half on the right side of his head.

"Next stop, Earth." He said as the shield blocking his ship was destroyed and it went through the wormhole.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Now, before I go I have one question. As most fans know Dekaranger had a Senshi that was never got adapted in to Power Rangers. Would you like one of the Loud sisters to become that Ranger? Please leave your thought in the reviews and until next time and as always keep on keeping on.