Hey there guys, PyroDagger here and this is going to be my very first fanfiction, so sorry if it's not good as other fanfictions (Just so we're all aware, I doubt this going as good as other fanfictions).Also unlike most fanfictions I'm gonna make sure that no matter how many hiatuses I go on, I will let the public see this fanfictions conclusion. But anyway with that out of the way let's get right into the story.
' & Bold text= Someone's thoughts
Underline, & Bold text= Time Skip/Important Information
Underline, Bold text, & Italics=Beginning/End of Chapter
Chapter 1:The New Alliance
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"! Lucy yelled at Natsu again. 'Honestly I don't get what the hell is so wrong about hanging out in Lucy's house when she not here. I mean all I really wanted to do was just come and say "Hi" but she wasn't home at the time so me, and Happy decided to wait for her' Natsu thought.
"Alright, alright fine we'll leave" Natsu told her.
"If your gonna leave then use the door like a normal human being you big dolt"! Lucy yelled at Natsu as he was trying to leave.
"Come on Lucy, we both that if Natsu started using doors like a normal human being, we would think somethings wrong with him" Happy responded. And almost as soon as he responded they both left.
The Next Day…
Everything was normal in the Fairy Tail guild… Well least normal for them, of course it wouldn't be Fairy Tail without it's daily brawls. Which as usual were started by Natsu, & Gray throwing insults at each other.
"WHAT WAS THAT ICE PRINCESS"?! Natsu yelled back at Gray.
"YOU HEARD ME FLAME BRAIN"! Gray responded.
"We can't go a day without those two buffoons dragging almost all the men in the guild into their ridiculous fights" Carla said with a sigh.
"Come on Carla you know as well as everyone else that we're not Fairy Tail without our daily brawls". Romeo commented.
" Although I'm not trying encourage them I'd have to agree with Romeo on this one". Wendy agreed. "And besides, it won't to long until Erza breaks them up".
"Yeah, I guess you're right Wendy". Carla responded. But just as Erza was about break up their fight the guild doors were kicked open, and 17 cloaked figures appeared. At this point everyone had stopped fighting even Natsu, and Gray who were in midst of beating each other to a bloody pulp. From what everyone could see there were 4 adults, 11 teenagers, 1 kid, and a cat.
"So this is the famous Fairy Tail guild, huh. It seems a lot bigger than I expected". One of the adults said.
"Who are you, and why are you here"? Erza asked.
"Oh sorry about that". One of the teenagers said. After that they grabbed their cloaks and tossed them into the air, revealing their identities." We, are the Guardian Tamers"! The teenager yelled in excitement.
"Uh… What the heck are Guardian Tamers"? Almost everyone in the guild asked.
"Woops, forgot Guardians Tamers are pretty rare". Another one of the adults said.
One explanation later…
"And that's pretty much it". One of the teenagers said.
"I still don't get it". Natsu said.
"So long story short you all are a group of demon hunters from an alternative world that use almost ghost like beings to help you defeat them. In hopes to protect the world from this Lucifer character, who you have already defeated. And the reason you came here was to form an alliance with us because you all are afraid that two demon generals that you all previously defeated will try to resurrect this Lucifer character. Is that correct"? Makarov asked
"Yeah pretty much". The kid said.
"So with that out of the way what are your names"? Erza asked.
"Oh yeah that's right I almost forgot. My names Xavier, the black haired girl next to me is Tiffany, the black haired guy right next to me is Rob, the girl next to Rob is Norelby, that cat is Banshee, the little girl is Mindy, the girl with the eyepatch is Katie, the girl next to Katie is Aundria, the guy with the somewhat spikey black hair is Frank, the green haired guy right next to Tiffany is Cosmo, and the guy next to Katie is Tyrone, the adult behind me is Emile, the woman next to him is Masae, the man with the hat next to Emile is Jon, and the guy all the way in the back with facial hair is Tim". Xavier explained.
"But what's in it for us"? Gajeel asked. Catching everyone's attention.
"How about the fact that if we form an alliance it lowers the chances of both worlds getting utterly destroyed, is that good"? Tiffany asked.
"Huh, guess so". Gajeel said.
"So do we have a deal"? Emile asked.
"Yes, it would be an honor to form an alliance with the Guardian Tamers". Makarov said while putting his hand. And in response Emile shook his hand.
End of Chapter 1
Hey guys PyroDagger here again and I just wanted to say a few more things before we go any further into the story. First off, pronunciations: Emile is pronounced as Uh-meal, Masae is pronounced as Mu-say, Aundria is pronounced On-dree-uh, and Banshee is pronounced as Ban-chee. And with that please give me feedback tell me what you liked, and didn't like about, and please give me helpful tips on how I can make this, and all my upcoming fanfictions better then they currently are. So I'll see you guys in the next chapter, bye.