
BB & Rae: 17

Kori: 19

Vic: 19

Dick: 20


BB: 5'10

Rae: 5'6

Kori: 5'8

Vic: 6'0

Dick: 5'8

It was a calm night, every one minding was their own business in the tower; suddenly a pink wearing alien princess flew into the ops room with a wide smile and a glass bottle in her hands "Friends, let's play the game of truth and dare." Starfire said cheerfully; Raven closed her novel and shot a cold glare at the smiling Koriand'r, Beast Boy and Cyborg paused their game and Robin closed the news paper in his hands.

"Please friends... I truly wish to play." Starfire gave them her pouty face While staring at them with her puppy dog eyes. They all knew they'd never stand a chance; everyone let out a collective sigh of defeat and gather around the young princess who now had a victorious grin on her face.

They all sat around in a circle, Starfire placed the bottle in the middle; Beast Boy stared at Starfire, "dude! I thought you said we were playing truth or dare, not spin the bottle!" Raven groaned, "this IS a type of truth or dare Beast Boy; you spin the bottle two times, first one asks and the second answers" The young empath turned her head looking at the alien princess "am I right... Starfire?"

Starfire nodded "you are absolutely correct! Now who shall do the spinning of the truth or dare bottle ?" Cyborg crossed his arms "Well... Since you're the one who wanted this in the first place I say you should." The others nodded in agreement; Cyborg's human eye shined "you know... I have an idea to make the game better!"

Robin looked at him, the half robot teen could swear he was giving him the stink eye; "What is your idea?" The boy wonder asked in a distrusting tone. Cyborg smirked "Well… what if... when the second person chooses truth we all must answer, but if he or she chooses dare only that person does it." Robin rubbed his chin, saying with a slightly sinister voice; "That's actually a good idea! this way we feel less embarrassed of answering the truths but the humiliation of the dare is the same; I agree." Raven's eyes widened; both Beast Boy and Starfire raised their hands in agreement, being out voted four to one Raven also rose her hand in defeat.

"Can I offer an idea too?" Raven asked in her monotone voice "Um.. sure Raven!?" Robin said nervously. "I'll cast a spell so if anyone lies or avoid the dare you'll be punished." Young empath said looking at Cyborg with a mischievous smirk. They all nodded not daring to disagree with Raven. Dark sorceress smiled and chanted her mantra "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Cyborg thought with himself 'This might not have been a good idea.' He shrugged 'Too late now.' Starfire spun the bottle, the first time landing on her and the second was Beast Boy; Starfire place her finger on her chin, humming as she try to think of a question or a dare "Friend Beast Boy... Which is your decision? Tell us the truth? Or risk the dare?" Beast Boy said "truth." With no hesitation in his voice.

"So Beast Boy... What are your three biggest fears?" Beast Boy's ears perked up with that question; he stared at Starfire, a loud sigh escaped his lips as his head dropped "Number one... is waterfalls..." He heard Cyborg snorting in order to keep himself from laughter; young changeling shot his half robot friend with a hard glare. Silence took the room until he continued, "Second is this fear of being abounded and betrayed by people I care about, losing then; pecially if it's my fault." At the last sentence, Raven felt the sadness that surrounded him the second he was asked that question increasing; "And third is needles." Young empath could feel the sadness overload.

Raven hummed; "I think my first fear is me, second is losing the ones I love and third, well... is my father, Trigon." She said with her monotone voice. Robin said "My first fear is... losing the ones I care for; second is Slade... and honestly I'm kinda afraid of myself too!" It was Cyborg's turn "I don't know... I'm not afraid of anything!"

Raven's eyes started to turn red "lier!" She growled, a bright circle appeared under the half robot teen and he got zapped with a magical blast. Cyborg's vision cleared, "uh… what I meant to say was..." He looked at Raven. " losing the ones I love is one and..., losing my humanity and I'm really scared of spiders." He said quickly with twitching eyes.

Starfire was the last to answer "I'm afraid of small spaces, I truly enjoy freedom; I also am afraid of losing my loved ones and I am also afraid of being alone." Starfire spun the bottle once again, Cyborg and Beast Boy; the young changeling frowned "Seriously?!"

"Truth or dare green bean ?" Beast Boy groaned "Dare." A grin appeared on Cyborg's face "I dare you to eat meat." Young changeling's eyes widened "Dude I...told you before, I should NOT eat meat!" He said with a certain amount of nervousness; only encouraging the half robot teen;

"Either that or you answer a truth." Cyborg said as he placed a piece of bacon under Beast Boy's nose. Young Changeling turned his head to avoid the tempting smell of dried meat; the taste that he had secretly missed for five years. With sign of defeat, jade skinned teen sighed "Just... get on with it, man." He said, filled with frustration and annoyance.

"Why don't you eat meat?"

"Ugh I told you! Cause I turn into those animals; it disgusts me to eat what I can become." Raven's two indigo eyes multiplied into four red demonic eyes; tentacles replaced her feet and grabbed Beast Boy "You're a lier!" She said in a demonic voice.

At this point Beast Boy started to shiver; he ran his hand through his dark green hair "Trust me! You don't want to know the truth..." He said with a serious tone; Cyborg smirked "Yes I do."

Beast Boy shook his head. "If I told you; you'd hate me." Cyborg laughed, placed his hand on his best friend's head, stroking his hair "listen grass stain... You're like my little brother and that will never change... I could never hate you."

"What about the others... can I trust you all not to hate me after this?" Everyone nodded, having no idea what they were getting themselves into; jade skinned teen sighed as Cyborg and Raven released their grip. He raised his head "Fine... I'll tell; the truth is... it... it reminds me of the first time I murdered someone." He confessed sadly. Every one, even the dark sorceress gasped in shock; he wasn't lying, but titans couldn't believe it. Beast Boy... a murderer?

"I was 13..." Beast Boy started, his eyes twitching as they were unfocused, like he was looking into the past. Raven could feel the frustration and horror he had within. "My uncle, he adopted me; at the time, he seemed like a good guy... He was my dad's adopted brother;" Beast Boy said the word brother in a hateful tone "But the man was a crule, heartless snake that only cared money and didn't give a damn about me. That day... it was his second attempt to kill me! He wanted to get rid of me so he could get to my family fortune that I'll inherit when I get 18... It was the second time he hired assassins." None of the titans had anything to say, they were staring at the jade skinned changeling who was telling one of his darkest times from life.

"They were stopped by Mento and Elasti-Girl who adopted me after that but..." His voice cracked "While they were fighting..., o-one of them tried to shoot Rita... I-I couldn't let that happen and..."

"I ran toward her; a great rage came over me, I transformed into a beast, that's where the name BEAST boy came from; that thing you saw me morph into during my fight with Adonis... it was in me the whole time... it usually comes out when I'm protective of someone I care for..." The titans didn't think their jaw could drop even farther, but it did as the young changeling continued...

"That bullet hit my arm, I-I was scared and mad; I just shoved my claws through that guy's heart and ripped it out!..." at this point, beast boy begin to sob, tears dropping from his eyes "I ate it! I ate his fucking heart!" everyone stared at him, unable to breath or blink "When I turned back into myself... I realized what I did." He sighed, whipping his tears "Ever since that day... I have PTSD. Whenever I eat meat I get sick to my stomach and it reminds me of what horrible thing I did that day..."

Raven said in a quiet and slightly shivering voice "He's telling the truth!" tears gathered in her own eyes. as the sadness and frustration of Beast Boy affected her. "...I didn't want you to know… now you're all scared of me and hate me..."

Everyone sat there frozen not sure what to say or do; Raven slowly stood up and walked toward the green changeling. Beast Boy didn't know what to expect, but what happened next was beyond his expectations. He found himself in the embrace of Raven's alabaster arms "I could never hate you... not even a bit." Her voice was soft and caring.

Cyborg stared at them and shook his head, wrapping his arm around them "I don't hate you either B." Robin placed his hand on young changeling's shoulder "you were just trying to protect them." Starfire hugged them all tightly "Beast Boy... you are still our friend and I am truly happy you trusted us and shared your dark secret with us."

"Star. need. to. breath." Said Beast Boy, gasping and pleading for air; The young princess let go of her friends "I am sorry." Beast Boy's face split in two with a wide grin; "it's okay Star."

Raven looked at his emerald eyes, noticing a hint of light blue in the corners; she felt her heart pounding on her chest. 'What else does he hide behind those bright smiles of his?' Knowledge said in nevermore.

Beast Boy said trying to lighten the mood in the room "Maybe next time... we should just play a board game instead?" Everyone chuckled softly and Raven smiled a little. Cyborg suddenly remembered something. "Hey, Raven! just out of curiosity. Why didn't your spell work on Beast Boy like it did on me?"

Raven smiled sweetly at Cyborg and said "That's because I placed a stronger spell on you; I knew you wouldn't play fair. Besides it acts differently based on how big your lie is. It's more sensitive for you though Cyborg; it can detect your smallest little white lies." She said in a creepy tone. Both Robin and Beast Boy fell on the floor laughing their asses off.

Starfire was giggling so much she floated up into the ceiling. Cyborg cross his arms across his chest grumbling to himself, "Even Raven is a freaking comedian now." Beast Boy said with a cheery voice looking at Raven; "Rae! that was, AMAZING!"

"It's Raven." She said, crossing her arms to show her annoyance but things were different in nevermore. "What if he kills us too..." Whimpered Timid. "This is Beast Boy your talking about. he'll never hurt us." Trust exclaimed. "And he really cares for us alot! he said it himself!" Happy said, squealing and floating around.

"Do you still want to play after all this?" Raven asked Beast Boy softly. "Yeah why not? It's not like i can't trust you with my secrets... At least some of them..." He said with a soft smile; Raven's cheeks darkened as she returned the smile with a smaller one. "He has a cute smile..." Affection sighed affectionately (no pun intended).

Alien princess spun the bottle, it landed on Starfire and Robin. Koriand'r gave Boy Wonder a sweet smile "So... Robin, truth or dare?"


Starfire hummed; "What is... your real name?" She asked. Robin stuttered "It's uh... it's, it's -ugh- I can't tell you!" Beast Boy gave him a brotherly smile filled with sencitry As he also had a rather unique birth name. "It's okay, what if we tell our real name first; then you go. huh?"

Robin managed to crack a grateful smile "Thanks..." Beast Boy inhaled; saying his name with loud sigh. "Garfield, Garfield Mark Logan." Raven scoffed "Garfield." Young changeling frowned "it's not THAT bad!" Cyborg crossed his arms, a grin on his face. "Victor Stone." Starfire smiled softly "Koriand'r."

Raven shrugged "my birth name is Rachel, but I go by Raven mostly."

"Rachel's a cute name..." Jade skinned teen whispered to himself. Raven's pale cheeks got a scarlet shade, hearing his comment. Robin sighed "My name is, Richard John Grayson." Raven and Cyborg's eyes shined mischievously "Richard as in short form,... Dick?"

Every one even Raven laughed loudly grasping their stomach; every one except Starfire, "I do not understand, what is so funny about the name 'Dick'?" Dark sorceress whispered into young alien's ear; Starfire's eyes widened "oh! that is the most hilarious and disturbing thing I have ever heard!" She said as she started laughing until tears dropped from her eyes.

"I knew this would happen." Richard muttered to himself, crossing his arm with a pouting face.

Quiet some time passed; at that point Raven was wearing a pink pajama against her will and her hair was long until her shoulders because of koriand'r's hair growing potion. Starfire's hair was shorter and until her ears thanks to Raven.

Robin didn't have a mask on, his sea green eyes were revealed and every one knew batman/Bruce Wayne is his adoptive father. And Cyborg had tofu crumbs all over his face. It was now Cyborg's turn to ask Robin something "Truth or dare,... Richard?"

"Don't call me that!" Half robot teen chuckle "Sorry... would you rather being called,... Dick?" Every one laughed again; Richard frowned "Stop it! and I choose truth." Cyborg rubbed his chin and hummed "ookay…? so... what hobbies or/and abilities do you do that you haven't told us about?"

Robin looked up "Um... hm... I used to be in a circus before Bruce adopted me. So I'm a really agile and a good acrobat." Cyborg rubbed his chin "I cook for fun; though I guess it was obvious already..." Starfire hummed "I sing songs and dance. And sometimes kiss silkie." Everyone cringed at the final sentence.

Raven said shyly yet monotonous. "I sometimes play video games..." Beast Boy's eyes widened "Really?! Wow!"

"You didn't say what you do, Garfield..." Raven said with a mischievous smile. "I uh..." Young changeling blushed and chuckled. "it's kinda, out of the character you know of me..."

Cyborg smirked "What? That you work in a lab?! Do researches and solve extremely difficult math and physics problems?" He said teasingly

Beast Boy chuckled again nervously. He couldn't believe he was exposing this to them. But he couldn't handle Raven's punishment again. "My birth parents were both scientists; specializing in genetics. So I ended up pretty smart and into science and math. So I have a part time job at a science lab my parents used to work at before we moved to Africa... And I play a lot of diffrent instruments too. Those are my hobbies."

Three titans stared at Raven who was wide eyed herself; "He's telling the truth," She scoffed "But I don't get that some one who declares to have a bright mind has a lack of words"

Jade skinned teen smirked "I'm a man of science and math; not literature and poetry." He crossed his arms "I'm sorry that I lived 12 yrs of my life in Africa talking mostly Swahili. Besides, the fact that I don't use a lot of diffrent words doesn't mean I don't know them. I know up to ten diffrent languages."

Raven smirked "If you're SOOO smart; why don't you solve a math problem I give you with your mind?"

"Sure." Garfield replied with a shrug. "OK, what's the answer to: 1023*4903/32*777+128?" Beast Boy hummed, he's eyes moving like he was reading a paper; after few seconds he answered, "3897506999/72(I got the answer with calculator; so it's accurate)"

Dark sorceress looked at Cyborg in disbelief "Vic?" Half robot teen nodded "It's accurate!"

"How dares he! mocking us like that with his intelligence! We must avenge our dignity!" Rage yelled in nevermore as Brave and knowledge tried to stop her. Raven huffed trying to supress her anger. "okay... you are really good at math, but... " Something clicked in her mind as she smiled evilly. "But I bet you can't play those instruments of yours that good."

It seemed like she had pushed the right button; jade skinned teen frowned "OH! is that so? After We're done with the game, we can have a little wager on that." Young demoness rolled her eyes "Fine then, Let's end the game now. Aren't you guys tired?" Before they could say anything, crime alert turned on. Robin sighed as he rose on his feet "Doesn't matter anyway, we need to go."

"we're still having the bet, Logan."

"I was hoping you'd say that, Roth."

to be continued...