This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter universe, which are trademarked by J.K. Rowling. I do not claim ownership of these characters nor the locations such as Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, etc. that are Rowling's creations. This work also includes Pokémon, which belong to the Pokémon Company, and I again claim no ownership of these characters.

I thank both Rowling and the Pokémon Company for the universes they have created that allows me to do something like this for my own entertainment and, hopefully, the entertainment of the readers.

A/N: Hello and welcome to the seventh and final instalment of my Harry Potter/Pokemon series, 'Harry Potter and the Arceus Plates'. If you are new to this series then please head over to my profile page to start off at the beginning with 'Harry Potter and the Sacred Ash'.

Thanks to everyone who has been following so far (and sorry for the slight delay in getting this uploaded). We're now in the final stretch so I hope you are excited and, without further ado, let's get going.

On the night of the 28th July the street of Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey, was quiet. That was not unusual. It was a nice, normal neighbourhood, after all. Nothing weird ever happened there.

Up in the smallest bedroom of one of the houses on this street, number four, sat a boy named Harry Potter, a book in his lap and a furrow in his brow. He turned the page, the paper feeling crisp and heavy in his fingers, and let out a sigh.

The book he was reading was no ordinary book. It was a book of legends. Entitled 'Gods on Earth' the book, gifted to Harry by his late Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was the world's most comprehensive guide to Legendary Pokémon. Though large and filled with minuscule text, however, it still held very little information. Most of what was known was basic, the rest nothing but guesswork.

Over the summer Harry had taken to reading 'Gods on Earth' at every available opportunity, and he had plenty. His relatives, the Dursleys, did not care for Harry or want anything to do with his 'unnaturalness' and likewise Harry didn't want anything to do with them. As a result he spent the vast majority of his time locked away in his bedroom, whiling away the hours as he waited for his birthday, July 31st, when he would finally be allowed to leave.

The doorbell rang.

Harry paused, eyes flicking up from the book as his ears strained to listen. It was likely nothing, Privet Drive was irrevocably a very dull place to live, but even though it was most likely the neighbours from next-door or some other resident of the sleepy town Harry was still put on edge. These days nothing could be taken for granted.

Across the landing he could hear Uncle Vernon's muttered complaints. He'd turned in for the night and, though not yet asleep, he clearly was not pleased to be interrupted. In this case he appeared so peeved that he would much rather ignore whoever was at the door.

The doorbell rang again, followed by a firm knock.

"What in the blazes…" Harry heard Vernon's curses before his voice fell, dropping down to a low murmur outside. Still, it was clear he was ranting quite vociferously in the confines of his bedroom.

"Boy!" Vernon eventually shouted and Harry let out a subconscious sigh of annoyance. "Answer the door, will you! And tell whoever it is who decided to disturb us at this time of night to bugger off, some of us have work tomorrow!"

Harry rolled his eyes. It was late but it wasn't that late.

Still he rose from his bed, gently closing 'Gods on Earth' as he did so, and he reached for his belt, Pokéballs attached. While it was unlikely, if there were Death Eaters out on the front porch then he should be prepared for them. He stepped out onto the upstairs landing, leaving his bedroom door open so as to allow the Pokémon inside, Talonflame, Pikachu and Umbreon, to come to his aid if so needed, and turned to walk down the stairs.

"Boy!" Vernon shouted again, irate as the doorbell rang a third time, the knocking becoming quite insistent.

"I'm going," Harry snapped, catching a glimpse of Aunt Petunia peeking out at him from behind her bedroom door. He began to descend the stairs.

It was dark on the lower floor of the Dursley household, all four residents currently upstairs, and as Harry descended he did not turn on the light. The more insistent the knocking became the more on edge Harry was.

Reaching the door he placed his eye against the peephole. An eye of deepest red stared back.

Harry gave a sigh of relief. Flicking on the downstairs light Harry pulled open the front door.

"Bang! You're dead, Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I saw Murk through the peephole, Mad-Eye," he retorted, glancing up to see Murk the Murkrow riding on Mad-Eye Moody's shoulder.

"So?" Moody barked. "Think I'm the only trainer with a Murkrow, do you?" And he pushed Harry roughly to the side, brushing past him with a rhythmic clunk of his wooden leg, revealing his companions.

"How are you, Harry?" Remus Lupin greeted him pleasantly, stepping forward as Moody clunked down the hallway through to the Dursley's kitchen.

"I'm alright," Harry told him. "It's been very quiet."

"Well, I think that's about to change," Remus said with a smile.

"Wotcher," Nymphadora Tonks announced herself, nudging Remus into the house impatiently. The impish auror was sporting neon pink hair today, spiked up in her usual style.

The last person to step through the doorway came as a surprise.


"Hello, Harry," the eldest Weasley child greeted him with a firm shake of the hand. He looked good, and just as cool as always, but Harry could not understand what he was doing here. Even though the whole visit was a surprise - they were supposed to collect him on his birthday - seeing Moody, Remus and Tonks still made some sense. Bill, on the other hand, had much more important things to be doing, including but not limited to his upcoming wedding with former Beauxbatons Champion Fleur Delacour.

"We'll explain in a moment," Bill assured him, correctly reading Harry's confused look as he stepped through the doorway and closed the door behind him.

"Had enough time chatting?" Moody growled, stomping back into the hallway to glare at the group. "We have a job to be getting on with, you lot. Now, Potter, where are your relatives?"

"Boy!" Uncle Vernon's yell sounded before Harry had the chance to answer as the beefy man came thundering across the upstairs hallway. "What in the blazes…!" He fell silent, looking down on the group with a stupefied expression as he stood at the top of the stairs in nothing but his dressing gown, hanging loose, and his underpants.

"Ah, there you are," Moody growled, looking up at Vernon as though unconcerned with his current state of undress. "Grab your wife and son, Dursley, and come meet us in the kitchen." And he clunked away, leaving a pale faced Vernon shaking in his wake.

There were few people intimidating enough to get Vernon Dursley to do something without argument. Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody was one of them.

The rest of the Legion of Ho-oh members followed Moody into the kitchen, Harry joining them.

"What's going on? What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked as the Legion members spread themselves around the room. "I thought you weren't supposed to come pick me up until Wednesday."

"There's been a slight change of plan," said Remus delicately.

"There's been some Death Eater sightings in the area," Moody barked brusquely. "We've decided to move you early."

"Death Eater sightings?" Harry repeated worriedly.

"We don't think they know you're here, Harry," Tonks assured him. "But ever since Headmaster Dumbledore's death they've been seen all over the place. Without him there's no reason for them to hold back. With the sightings in your area we thought it'd be a good idea to move you now, rather than risk them finding you."

"Exactly," Moody growled. "And the sooner we leave the better. Where are those damn Dursleys?" He glared at the door.

At that very moment, as if summoned by Moody's ire, they appeared. Vernon led the way, his dressing gown wrapped up tighter now, his sizeable bulk blocking out the figure of Petunia behind him, clutching his hand with a pale face, also dressed in a night gown, with rollers in her hair. Last but not least was Dudley, fully dressed as he'd undoubtedly been up playing video games, looking less frightened than his parents and far more confused.

"What's going on?" He asked. His parents looked at him askance, Petunia making panicked hushing noises to her son. They stayed quiet, cowering in the kitchen.

Moody stepped forward.

"We're here to take Potter," Moody said simply. Looking up, Vernon appeared to take courage from this. He straightened, puffing himself up, trying to look confident.

"Well, in that case, take him," he encouraged. "And be off with you." Moody scowled. Almost immediately Vernon withered back.

"Oh, believe me, Dursley, we will," he promised. "But before we do leave I have a few things to say to you. So shut up, and don't move." Vernon nodded mutely.

"This is the last time you're going to see Potter," Moody announced. "On his birthday he will become an adult in the Pokémon world, fully recognised by law, and he will no longer require guardians. And I sure doubt he'll want to hang around." The Dursleys stayed quiet, not daring to speak as Moody fixed them with a firm glare.

"Unfortunately, Potter is also an integral part of a war that has spanned decades of Pokémon trainers, and as such many people want him dead. And they will be quite happy to kill you to find him. My advice, if you want to live, is to keep quiet. Potter never lived here. You've never heard his name. And maybe if you're lucky you'll live to see a better day."

Moody finished his speech, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the Dursleys, and it took them a moment to realise that Moody was done talking.

"Of course," Petunia gasped, still hidden behind Vernon. "We won't say anything about the boy, I promise. We don't speak of him much anyway." Beside Harry Remus shifted and Bill subconsciously folded his arms across his chest. Reading the room Petunia very wisely shut up, retreating back behind her husband.

"Well, it appears that being worthless pieces of vermin has proved fruitful for you Dursleys," Moody commented, Petunia flinching at his words.

"Now now," Vernon said angrily, straightening up. But a firm glare from Moody silenced him immediately.

Moody took a breath.

"We'll be on our way now," he said dismissively. "And you can continue on in your meaningless, pathetic little lives as you wish. Let's go." He stomped forward.


Even Moody stopped at the softly spoken word. Everyone was caught by surprise, not least the person who had spoken.

Dudley looked as shocked as anyone by what had come out of his mouth but, now he'd said it, he seemed to have decided to stick with it.

"Dudders," Petunia whispered fearfully. Dudley shook his head.

"I am sorry," Dudley told her, turning his head and this time looking straight at Harry. "I've been really mean to you. I'm a really bad cousin."

Harry just stared at him. Even though Dudley hadn't been openly antagonistic to him in years he hadn't expected this.

Dudley shifted.

"Uh, yeah," he said awkwardly, looking around and seeming to realise he was standing in the middle of a room of strangers. "That's, uh, that's all I've got to say. So… uh, bye." He raised his hand awkwardly.

Harry looked at him, sizing him up, before he gave a small nod.

An awkward silence filled the room.

Moody huffed. "Come on, what's with you?" He barked and Harry jumped in surprise. "We don't have time for this. Potter, grab your bags and go."

Moody's harsh words seemed to spring everyone into action. The Legion members began to make their exits, the Dursleys flinching as they moved past them, and Harry ran upstairs to throw the rest of his possessions into his trunk. As he slammed it shut and locked it Bill and Remus took a hold of the handles and began carrying it downstairs as Harry returned Talonflame, Pikachu and Umbreon to their Pokéballs. He turned, taking one last look at his now empty bedroom, and closed the door behind him.

He hurried downstairs.

The Dursleys were still in the kitchen where they'd left them, watching what was happening with wide, terrified eyes, and as Harry looked back at them they seemed to flinch away.

All except Dudley.

Dudley Dursley was standing in front of his parents, just inside the hallway, looking all the taller for the way his parents were cowering away behind him, and, though Harry couldn't quite believe it, he looked… sad.

"See you, Dud," Harry told him. Dudley raised his hand in a timid wave and, nodding to his cousin one final time, Harry stepped out through the front door and closed it behind him.

"Come on, Potter," Moody said in a low growl, his gaze flickering from one end of the street to the other as he pushed Harry forward. "This is our ride."

Mr Weasley's minivan was parked across the street, Mr Weasley himself seated behind the wheel.

"Ahoy there, Harry," he greeted cheerfully, waving as Harry approached. He was looking well, a lot better than the last time Harry had seen him over Christmas. A year and a half ago Mr Weasley had been victim of a terrible attack from Voldemort's Arbok, Nagini, and his recovery since then had been far from straightforward.

"Hi there, Mr Weasley," Harry said with a smile. The Weasley patriarch was one of those people you couldn't help but get along with.

"We'll have enough time for chitchat later," Moody growled, pushing Harry round to the back to where Remus and Tonks were loading Harry's trunk. "Get in. We're taking this van all the way back."

"You too?" Harry wondered. "What happened to your car?" In previous trips Moody had driven a cramped, beaten up Volkswagen wherever he went.

"Lost it," Moody growled. "Blasted Death Eaters got on my tail and I had to leave it."

"Thank god," Tonks murmured. She had truly hated that car.

Moody glowered.

"Get in," he growled, pushing Harry forward and into the back of the van before he too pulled himself up.

As Harry stepped aboard he was in for a surprise.


Sitting before him, her expression an odd combination of nerves and excitement, was one of Harry's best friends, Hermione Granger.

She beamed at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, grabbing a seat across from her as Moody slammed the doors shut, pushing his way to the front of the van.

"Collecting you," was Hermione's answer, though she understood full well why he was so surprised. She gestured to her companion, the Pokémon that sat on the seat next to her. Absol.

"Moody obviously didn't want me to come along," she said as Bill quickly jumped into the front passenger's seat and Remus and Tonks quickly strapped themselves in. "I was only able to convince him to let me come by pointing out how useful Absol could be."

That made sense.

Moody leaned over the front. "Let's get going, Arthur," he grunted. Mr Weasley started up the minivan.

"Absol's ability to predict disasters is certainly fascinating," commented Remus, sounding very much like the academic who made such a good professor at Hogwarts. "I understand he's been giving you warnings for quite some time."

He certainly had. It had been nearly five years since Absol had first shown himself and since then he'd become an irregular, far too common presence in Harry's life. And since his last three appearances had led to someone's death it was clear Harry had been far from successful in preventing these disasters Absol foretold.

He decided to change the subject.

"What's been happening since I've been away?" He asked as Mr Weasley pulled out of Privet Drive. "I haven't had any news for months."

"Nothing good, I'm afraid," Remus said wearily. "Ever since Dumbledore's death Voldemort has been free to do whatever he wants. Of course we're fighting him, as are the aurors. Minister Scrimgeour was an auror himself, back in the day. He was head of the department before his promotion so, as you can imagine, he's giving them all the support he can."

Rufus Scrimgeour, Minister for Pokémon, had taken over from Cornelius Fudge just over a year ago, after it was discovered that Fudge had been wrong in denying Voldemort's return. The man was an unknown to Harry, he had never met him before, but from what he could tell he was a definite improvement on Fudge.

"Of course, it's not helping much," Tonks piped in from her seat beside Mad-Eye. "Aurors are highly trained but they haven't had to deal with anything like this since the last war. Most of the active aurors back then are desk jockeys now. And there are just so many Death Eaters, way more than there are people to fight them, and that's not even before you take into account the really nasty ones."

"Bellatrix," Harry agreed. The crazed servant of Voldemort had ruined more than a few lives and thoroughly enjoyed doing it.

"And Dolohov, and Avery, and the rest of the LeStranges come to that," noted Tonks. "You have to be pretty mad to welcome Aunty Bella into the family. And then there's Malfoy."

"Malfoy?" Harry repeated, alarmed.

"Lucius," Remus clarified for him, causing Harry to calm somewhat. For a moment he'd thought they were talking about Draco.

"You missed that, too," Bill commented from up front, glancing back to look at him. "There was a breakout from Azkaban a few weeks ago. All those caught in the Department of Mysteries, including Lucius Malfoy."

"Right," said Harry. He supposed that wasn't necessarily the worst thing in the world. At least Draco had his father back.

Remus looked at him.

"Let's change the subject," he announced. "Talk about something a bit more cheerful. After all, we have lots to celebrate."

"Of course," said Harry, remembering suddenly. He turned to Bill. "It's your wedding soon. How's it going?"

"Beats me," Bill responded. "I have exactly one thing I have to remember and that is to turn up on time. If you want to know anything like the flowers, or the dresses, or the ceremony you'll need to ask mum." Beside him Mr Weasley chuckled.

"She is in her element," he murmured.

A/N: And so that's it for the first chapter. If you enjoyed it then please leave a Review and follow me on Twitter for further updates.

To DelugeLeader 666: Thanks for the support. I'm not using Gen 7 Pokemon in this story, for continuity with the first instalments, but I do have a few ideas for stuff connected to this universe after this story is finished, one of which I hope will include Gen 7 Pokemon.

Until next time.