Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, but college has been kinda chaotic for me. I only get three days off and thats IF I don't have homework to do. So I apologize again for the lateness of the chapter. Unfortunately, this is going to end up being the new norm, so I'm gonna have to ask that you suck it up and deal with it like me lol.

Anyway please enjoy this new chapter and have a great night!

Much Love,


Chapter Seven: The Dark Cometh

Harry couldn't hide the smirk that twisted his handsome features into a wolfish snarl, he felt like breaking something. Or to be more specific… someone. Hearing what the little shit had done to the youngest VK, and the fact that he'd been doing it for some time, made his blood boil with tightly contained rage that was just begging to be let loose. The pirate stalked about the halls of the school, intently looking for the intoxicating air of violent superiority this punk would no doubt expel from his putrid core, a feeling Harry was sure he himself was radiating.

Muscles burned and ached with anticipation, he hadn't had a good fight in so long, and now it was a craving so strong that he was positive it would feel like an orgasm when it was satiated.

The hallways held no one that fit the air he was searching for, but the courtyard was a very different story. A cluster of boys stood by a large tree that shaded a nice portion of grass around it's trunk, while it normally wouldn't have made him pause, the sudden realization that girls were actively avoiding the group made him suddenly veer off into their direction. The closer he got the more obvious their combined auras became, they all had varying degrees of rage and unchecked complexes that made him grin in delight.

Their rage would make them sloppy, they'd lose focus and ultimately lose the coming brawl.

"Hey, I got somethin' to ask you boys."

The collective murmur of their conversations came to an abrupt halt at Harry's sudden intrusion, and as they all turned to look at him he noticed they all looked like perfect gentlemen. These boys were dressed like perfect students, not a hair lay out of place, and they all sported semi-toned physiques that told him most would be sportsmen. But something was definitely wrong with them, it became painfully obvious as he finally got a good look at their eyes.

Every pair of eyes, was dead.

Blue, Green, Brown, Hazel, all dead. Lifeless orbs of total stoicism and sadistic detachment. These boys wouldn't have seen Dizzy as a little girl, defenseless and undeserving of their torture, all they would have seen was another girl who just happened to be a VK. They would have enjoyed her helplessness, her inability to fight back against their wit. But then again, only one of these boys had actually hurt her badly enough to seek help. And he planned to put an end to the torment permanently.

"Which one of you rotten fucks hurt the little VK girl?"

A bit of emotion flickered to life behind their eyes, an emotion that was undoubtedly fueled by anger. An elder boy made his way through the crowd, he looked no older than sixteen, maybe seventeen. He bore caramel-gold eyes and raven-black hair, his skin was a dark chestnut color and was flawless, he was a heartbreaker. And normally he wouldn't have cared an ounce about how cruelly beautiful he was, but it was little Dizzy's heart he broke.

"The little bitch with the pigtails who wouldn't shut up? That would be me. What do you want?"

Harry chuckled and looked up at him from under hooded lids, feeling his eyes burn with frigid fire as his temper swallowed him. His fist clenched and before the guy could blink, he'd slammed it up into the V of his jaw. The kid dropped like a sack of potatoes, clutching his jaw. Snarling in rage, Harry viciously kicked him in the ribs, then again in the stomach as the other boys watched in terror at the brutal justice being dished out.

Justice they were not keen on turning towards themselves if they dared interfere with the pirate's fury.

"She's eleven. Did you know that? Did you care to find out?"

Another kick went to his jaw, breaking a tooth or two.

"She's never had anything to be happy about, or excited about like being here. At Auradon. With nasty little cumstains like you!"

Harry dropped down and started punching him, aiming for the eyes and the nose, things that would easily break and show up beautifully when bruised. To the other kids, he looked terrifying, beautifully glowing blue eyes that pulsed and shifted like Mal's, set into a snarling face.

"You beat up an ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD CHILD! A GIRL no less! What kind of MAN are you!?"

A stray fist slammed into his throat for added emphasis, a brutal assurance that the point would be made. The kid sputtered and reached for his throat, trying to force air into his unresponsive lungs. Growling, Harry reached down and grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to look Harry in the eyes.

"You won't go near her again. You won't touch her, speak to her, you won't even fucking look at her. I find out you so much as breathed on her and I'll rip your goddamn throat out with my fucking teeth, I'll flay you alive and watch you scream as the air that touches your exposed muscle makes you writhe in agony. Have I made myself clear?"

When there was no immediate affirmation from his victim, Harry screamed directly into his face.



Harry dropped his broken and bleeding body in disgust, shoving himself away from the pathetic cretin with no intention of being gentle about it. His rage-filled eyes scanned the boy's friends, delighted to see their once-dead eyes filled with nothing but fear.

"Any of you try and avenge him, or try to get to Dizzy for him, and I'll make sure you all look like him. One by one, you'll find yourselves in the hospital, and one by one, you'll end up dead."

With that he turned and stalked away, leaving the bruised and bloodied boy on the ground for his friends to pick up. Harry could have skipped like a fucking fairytale princess all the way back to the cabin, he was so happy to feel pain in his knuckles again. He'd catch hell for it, no doubt, both from Fairy Godmother and from Mal. But in his mind, it was so worth it.

Of course, the moment he stepped foot into the cabin with bloodied knuckles and an incredibly nauseating air of violent pleasure he was met with furious green eyes and a very pissy-looking Fairy Godmother.

It appeared that while he was enjoying himself the headmistress had come to check on them.

Damn his rotten luck.

"Harry! What the hell - sorry Fairy Godmother- What in Hades is wrong with you?!"

"Mal I can, unfortunately, assure you the use of the name Hades still classifies as a curse in this scenario, however, I must concur with you. What in the bloody blazes of the Underworld gave you the notion that beating up another student would be tolerated, Mr. Hook?"

The VK's stared at Fairy Godmother with open-mouthed astonishment, this was the closest the woman had ever gotten to actually cussing at anyone, and she didn't seem the least bit concerned with the fact that her almost-cussing was directed at a student. Even Harry was looking at her in what might be considered fear, if she was angry enough to near curse at him he might actually be in serious trouble.

His previous assessment of the Fairy woman was apparently very miscalculated, she was not a pushover after all.

"I… um… decided he needed an attitude adjustment?"

Fairy Godmother nearly went atomic.


Harry regained some of that righteous anger that had fueled his desire for destruction, feeling the burn of his Dominance flare once again he screamed right back at her, "An' if Ah hadnae dain anythin' Dizzy wulds be in his place! He didn't car how old she was, ur how badly he'd hurt 'er, aw he cared abit was hoo guid he felt abit it! Ur ye really gonnae pit his well-bein' ower her's?"

That seemed to deflate Fairy Godmother a little bit, and she looked at the VK in front of her with pained eyes.

"I'm supposed to safeguard all the student's well-being, not just one. I adore Dizzy, but he's my student too. While the Parent in me applauds your brotherly sense of justice, the Rule-maker in me must discourage it…"

Harry glared at her, his body nearly trembling with rage.

"Sae yoo're jist gonnae lit hem get away wi' it? He beat an eleven-year auld lass, an' th' rule-maker in ye says that's awe rite? Is 'at whit yoo're sayin'?"

Fairy Godmother looked at him with agony-filled eyes that threatened to spill, her voice beginning to crack. But Harry had long since become deaf to her grief, and now wanted nothing but to rid himself of her presence.

"I'm saying that I can't legally do anything…. She has to complain to me… repeatedly, and I have to witness it myself. I'm so sorry Harry, I know shes's-"

"Ye don't ken anythin'! Ah protected 'er on th' isle, Ah loo'd 'er loch a bairn sister, an' Ah willnae tolerate 'at wee fuckstick beatin' on 'er ever again!"

Harry shoved past Fairy Godmother with tangible hate, stalking over to Mal and holding out his hand.

"Come wi' me, now."

"Mr. Hook I must protest, you need to be punished-!"

"Ah don't gie a buck whit ye want hen, Ah have nae respect fur ye. Anyain who condones littlin' abuse isnae human tae me anymair."

A gasp left the headmistress as tears finally fell down her cheeks and her legs seemed to give out from under her, Harry dragged Mal out of the cabin and to her room, and when the door shut behind them he dropped to his knees and buried his face into her stomach. He clutched her against him tightly as her hands ran through his hair as gently as the summer wind kissed one's face, and as her shirt began to stick to her skin, Mal lifted his face gently and kissed the tears that dribbled silently down his face away. Harry had looked up to Fairy Godmother, like the other VK's he'd seen her as a substitute parent without ever really realizing it, and now that the pedestal of goodness that held her up in his eyes had shattered, he too was beginning to crack.

Quietly, and without judgment, she eased him into bed and curled herself around him, letting him bathe in the aura of protection and love she poured out of herself. Mal said nothing as she petted his hair until he'd cried himself to sleep, her tender heart breaking as she watched him cry a little longer in his sleep. She felt her magic stir, and like she had done with Evie not two nights ago she watched the door warily, but this time she had a bigger part of her soul to protect.

A better reason to slit the next unfriendly throat that stepped across that threshold.

Evie appeared at the door another hour later, her signature knock warning Mal that it was just her and that she meant no harm. She took in the state of Harry Hook and decided to stay silent, but offered Mal a dinner plate and a forehead kiss before heading to Doug's room for the night. Normally Mal might have wondered about that, her sleeping in his room and the implied significance it held, but at the moment Harry's welfare plagued her mind more. Evie had put Harry's plate in the mini-fridge beside Mal's bed, and after a nibble or two, her own plate joined it.

She was too stressed to eat.

The man beside her had the face of a boy caught in a nightmare, and with a bit of peridot-green magic, she smoothed his features with a more pleasant dreamscape, allowing her to smile a bit. And like Evie, before too long the lull of sleep claimed her too.