Lily shared a confused look with Marlene when the Welcoming Feast didn't appear before them. Professor Dumbledore had already greeted the students and announced the new Head Girl and Boy as Lily herself, and James Potter. Usually, the speech was saved until they had all eaten, but evidently, Dumbledore had more to say.

A nudge from Mary, who was sitting to her left, brought Lily's attention back to the headmaster.

"This year, Hogwarts will be playing host to a number of our foreign counterparts in an event known as the Triwizard Tournament, and I ask that you all show them the same respect that you do each other. Our guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in late October."

Dumbledore's eyes swept the Great Hall as murmurs erupted among the students. Hogwarts had last hosted the Tournament fifteen years ago, and none of the students had been old enough to participate in the last one. It was at Beauxbatons five years ago, but only those of age were allowed to go.

It seemed that Headmaster Dumbledore had just reminded everyone of this while Lily zoned out, for there were cries of outrage from the younger students. Lily glanced up the Gryffindor table at the fourth years who had made the angry cries, and her eyes caught on James Potter three seats away. He was whispering with the other Marauders and had a familiar look on his face. It was one of confidence and arrogance, and it pissed Lily off. She knew he was going to participate, but she had to try and stop him. Being Head Girl was going to be hard enough without that jackass getting himself killed.

The feast appeared then, so she piled her plate with food, temporarily putting the Tournament out of her mind, and chatted with Remus and Mary about classes. The topic of the Triwizard did not reappear until Marlene brought it up during dessert by addressing the person next to her.

"Hey Sirius, think you'll try for a spot in the Tournament?" An angry glance from Lily did nothing to stop the conversation, only got her a confused look in return. Sirius Black, the man in question, grinned lazily from his place next to Marlene. Twirling his wand in his fingers, Sirius yawned in a way that made Lily think it was fake. A stifled laugh from Remus only reinforced this thought.

Ignoring Remus and Lily's poorly hidden grins, Sirius opened his mouth to respond, and froze, staring at something over Peters shoulder. The four who were sitting with their backs to Sirius ́ fascination swiveled around on the bench, Lily included. A small group of Slytherins stood behind them, including Mulciber, Avery and, to Lily ́s dismay, Severus Snape. The latter stood slightly behind the former two, and was glaring with such hatred at James that Lily was almost taken aback. She knew Sev hated him, obviously, but this was pure loathing.

Lily was the first to speak. "What do you guys want?"

Sev glanced over at the sound of her voice, seemingly about to speak, but Mulciber interrupted. "We are not here to talk to you, Mudblood."

"Hey!" James leaped up from the bench, dropping his fork with a loud clatter. "Don't call Lily that!"

Sev sneered and hissed at James, "Lay off, Potter. We only came to warn you and your- " here the sneer became more pronounced, "Marauder friends, not to try for the tournament. A Slytherin will be the one to represent Hogwarts." Before he could finish, Professor McGonagall was striding toward the Slytherins, and Snape saw.

"We should go," he hissed, and Mulciber, turning his head to argue, began to lead the Slytherins away at the sight of McGonagall. James stood, seething, and watching the back of Snape retreat. McGonagall had returned to the staff table to enjoy the remainder of the meal, having seen the source of the problem leave. James, who showed no sign of sitting, was now glaring at the stone floor. Lily stood and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, surprised. Lily let her hand drop, regretting the action, and guided him back to his seat before sitting in her own chair.

The appearance of the wannabe Death Eaters had destroyed the cheerful mood at the table, and they sat in silence save for the Great Hall around them. James fairly crackled with fury, and stabbed his fork into a piece of treacle tart with unwonted force. It came as a relief when Dumbledore stood, vanished the food, and requested the Prefects show first years the way to the common rooms.

As Lily led nervous Gryffindor first years to the tower, she stepped up next to James, feeling the usual urge to snap at him. For what, she wasn't sure. They had to work together this whole year anyway. She should at least try to get along. Before she could say anything, he spoke. "So, what about this tournament thing? Reckon I should try and compete?"

He was trying to sound lighthearted. It almost worked. Except Lily could see through the charade easily, and knew his real motive behind the desire to compete.

"I know you want to beat the Slytherins out of the spot for Hogwarts champion, but it's not time yet. Half of them won't have the guts anyway. Besides, I'll put my name in too. Increase the chances of a Gryffindor champion, yeah?" Why did she say that? Anyone in their right mind knew she wasn't going to actually put her name in.

James stared down at her as they approached the Fat Lady, herding the first years. "You want to put your name in? Bloody hell, Evans."

She glanced up, trying to act nonchalant. "Why not? The chances of me being picked are not high. Besides, we've got until nearly November - Dilligrout - to decide."

By this time, the two had passed through the portrait hole to find their friends sitting by the fire playing Exploding Snap. Peter spotted them first.

"Oy, Prongs, Lily! Want to join?" Everyone looked up, distracted by their appearance. A card exploded in Marlene's face as Lily sat in the only empty armchair. James looked pensive for a moment, before wedging himself in the chair and stretching his arm across Lily's shoulders. She glared at him. A moment later, he was unceremoniously shoved onto the floor. At the thump, the group looked up from the cards to see James on the floor and Lily curled in the chair like a cat. Another card exploded on Marlene.

Sirius choked with laughter, both from the image Marlene made with one eyebrow mostly gone and dirt coating her face, and the fact that James was now sprawled on the floor. Mary giggled, as James laid on his back and made an exaggeratedly hurt face.

"And to think, me and Evans were getting along so well until she decided I wasn't worthy of sitting in an armchair," he huffed, in a fake prim accent.

"Get your own damn armchair, Potter. We get the Head Dorm common room because we're in the same house."

"You guys get a common room?" This came from Sirius, who had a glazed look on his face. No doubt he was imagining endless parties, drinking, and what he called fun, Lily thought, slightly vexed.

"Black, you are not using our common room to party whenever you want!"

"I can if you're out doing all your Head crap."

"Then James will be too."

Sirius frowned at this, seemingly stumped. He looked to James for help, but only grinned at the floor where James had been. Lily frowned, craning her neck to see over the edge of the chair, and sure enough, James wasn't there. She shrugged and curled back in her chair. Only to hit something strangely solid.

¨Looking for me?¨

Lily leaped in shock, almost falling onto the rug.

̈ ̈What the hell, Potter?¨

The rest of the Marauders roared with laughter, but to Marlene and Mary's credit, they at least attempted to hide their amusement. Lily personally thought they did a miserable job of it. Sniffing disdainfully, and trying to squelch her smirk, she marched toward the girls staircase.

"Evans! Where are you going? It was a joke!" he honestly sounded desperate to Lily, so she took pity and decided to respond.

"I decided we should go to our common room. Maybe there'll actually be enough armchairs there," she grinned at James, so he knew she was joking. The rest of the night passed in a blur of laughter and firelight, so before Lily knew it, she was curled on a four poster bed in her own dorm. It was strange, without the voices and low murmurs of her roommates. She would get used to it, she supposed. It was probably better anyways, peace and quiet would do her good when it came time to prepare for the N.E.W.T.S.