I do not own Predators but all new characters I own. Enjoy.

"Ah, shit. I hate the jungle. Too many pesky bugs." The man slapped his neck as for a moment, he believed there was a bug there.

"What do you expect, Conner?" another man accompanying him answered back to him, "This isn't man's world. Mother nature rules here."

"Fuck that, Nate, when I get paid, I'm going to cut down a large portion of this "mother nature" land and build a nice big home that says, "man rules here". He laughed to himself. Nate, however, didn't really find that funny at all. It's not the fact that he like nature but he had to be put up patrolling with a laughing joke for weeks, though he wouldn't say that to Conner's face.

Both men were armed with pulse rifles, each with a flashlight attached. The spookiness of the jungle at night has already worn off them after weeks of doing the same thing. Two hours of patrolling before they can return to the safety of the camp.

"Come to think of it, our client never told us the reason for hiring us?" he asked, "What do you think he is hiding?'

"Who cares as long as I'm getting paid. Did you even see the paychecks when we started this job?" he laughed again, "I mean, come on, we are getting paid by a rich guy here."

"Just shut up already." Nate, becoming irritated by him and his joking attitude every time Conner opened his mouth. "Let's just get this patrol done and over with so I can get my beauty sleep tonight."

Conner held up his hands, "Alrighty, cranky already, Sleeping Beauty." He commented only for Nate to groan in annoyance. Conner was pushing his boundaries, perhaps he should ditch him alone in the jungle and see how well he can handle on his own as Nate knows how much of a scaredy cat Conner really is. That should teach him to behave a bit more.

They continued on, scanning everything around them but dull. It was the same route they've been patrolling for the last few weeks. Checking the same thing and nothing new ever came. Finally, they came to the edge of the area they were patrolling which was a bank of a steady moving river however further down was a large waterfall. They haven't had time to explore that part of it not that they had the chance. Turning around, Nate suddenly stopped the lifted his face slightly to the sky.

"Wait," he said firmly. Conner sighed in tiredness and turned to Nate.

"What? Don't you want to get back, Sleeping Beauty?" but the insulting name never phased Nate. His face was still looking up but turning at the same time.

"Do you smell that?" he asked. It took a moment for Conner to do the same. What came to mind was that Nate must have smelled something nice and wanted him to join. As Conner took a few sniffs in the air, he could smell the water, and the jungle but on the last sniff something caught his nose. Something off.

"Yeah, what is that?" He said, while still smelling the air trying to get a clear sent, "It smells something like…"

"Rotten flesh." Nate finished his sentence. Though Conner wants to say something else, he agreed with him. He has smelled rotten flesh before, he had come across a few rotten animal corpses.

"It may be a dead animal." Conner said, "It's the jungle, after all, everything dies out here by something."

"But still, I want to check it out." Conner knew that there was no way to convince him to return to the camp without investigating. Conner quickly followed Nate as soon he noticed him wandering off. They steadily walked towards a random direction off their route. However, the rotten smell was getting closer and stronger. It finally got to the point where it was strong enough that Conner almost vomited.

"Gross," he coughed a few times. He looked around on the ground using the flashlight, but there was still no sight of any corpse of animals. "Where the fuck is that smell coming from?"

He looked towards Nate for an answer when he wasn't getting any, but he didn't need an answer from him. Nate was pointing his flashlight up to the trees. Conner followed the light but what the lights were spotlighting on made him burn an image in his mind.

High up the in the trees, hanging off the branches as if it was a decoration, hung from the feet was a human corpse. It appeared skinless. It bared it's red now decomposing muscles, the light also features hundreds if not thousands of flies swarming the corpse as if he was some bug light. Conner swore he could see patches of white he didn't bother to imagine anything else other than those being patches of maggots.

"Sweet Jesus, mother fucking Christ…this is messed up. What psycho did this to him?" he asked still coughing a few times, trying his best not to vomit at the sight of it.

"You mean "them"?" At first, Conner didn't know what Nate mean until he put his flashlight up to the trees and notice something else in the trees. There was more hanging human corpses, all with the same disgusting, deformed features. Some looked worse than others.

"What did this to them?" Conner asked again.

"I don't know but judging by the condition of the bodies, this killing has been going on for a few weeks now." Nate answered, looking at each corpse before going back to the first one, "This one I would say was killed two to three days ago. It still looks fresh."

"How to the fuck do you know?" Conner blurted at him before Nate gave him a dull look.

"I'm a tracker, I had to learn this stuff when hunting prey." He answered irritated, "I told you that weeks ago. You really are stupid to forget that."

"Like I gave a fuck then!" Conner blurted again, louder and more stressed, "And I don't give a fuck now, let just get the fuck back to base camp and tell them." Much as Nate wanted to stay and find out what they are dealing with, Conner was right. The others must know of their gruesome discovery. They have an enemy here and it's a threat to humans, and it could still be here.

"Fine, let's go." Nate said calmly and together they started heading back to base camp. Conner already scared as shit was bolting ahead of Nate. Nate called him to slow down but he didn't listen, he just kept going.

What made him halt were the gunshots coming from behind him. It's Nate! Conner spun around and to his horror to find Nate was gone. It took a moment for him to realise that he had gone too far and Nate has fallen behind. Shit. Conner knew that if he turned up alone, he will be in deep trouble unless he has a really good excuse.

Conner, reluctantly backtrack, hoping to bump into Nate. After a few minutes, he bumped into nothing. He stopped and looked around. Tired and stress was getting to him, making him feel that he was lost and did the only thing that he can do.

"Nate!" he called out, "Nate, where are you?!" his voice echoed through the jungle. Conner called out multiple times, but nothing responded back. His heartbeat increased as he began to worry even more. Just when he was about to call again, he got something.

"Conner!" Nate's voice called out to him. Filled with relief to hear his voice.

"Nate, where are you?" Conner called out. The silent paused.

"Conner!" Nate's voice sounds distressed. Shit, he was in trouble, but Conner was able to hear where the voice was coming from. Immediately, Conner rush towards the direction of Nate's voice.

"Nate! Nate, I'm coming!" he shouts, letting his distressed comrade know that he was coming to help him. As he ran, he flashlight finally spotted on something on the ground in front of him. He stopped and picked it up. It was Nate's gun. Did he drop it? Conner took a 360-degree turnaround, scanning for any signs of Nate. Nothing.

What happened? He thought to himself, looking back to the gun. But then he notices a reddish colour stain on the gun and it was still wet. Blood! The gunshots. Nate was attacked but by what?

"This isn't man's world." His blood ran cold and looked up. His eyes widen to the sight. There was a freshly skinned corpse hanging from the tree, but he didn't need to the guess, that it was Nate.

"Oh, my god." Conner whispered. His eyes followed to the side of the corpse followed by the flashlight. They stopped on an unknown large figure sitting in the tree looking down at him.

"Sweet Jesus, mother fucking Christ." Conner becomes more shocked. That was his voice. It mimicked his voice! Before Conner could react, the creature howled, and a large light was heading straight for him.