A Fox Fights in Gotham. Chapter 1-2


So this is an idea that I had floating in my head for a couple months, and with the release of DMC 5, I started writing a story like this, only I was half way through the first attempt when I apparently failed to save a copy of the FUCKING THING! An amazing fight scene, amazing quips, a humiliated Joker and what would have set the tone for the whole story.

So I give you My The Batman and Naruto cross over that has elements from the DMC games, some references to over properties because I wanted too and it's my idea for Fan Fiction.

ALSO this attempt will be the first two chapters in one so there.


:Story Start:

Gotham Clock Tower-Late at night-Last night of summer.

A figure sat on one of the oldest buildings of Gotham, wearing a faded grey coat with red inlay, with a navy blue shirt with a collar that covered his mouth, a pair of aviator goggles over his Yellow Blonde hair, black pants, black vest and an old pair of combat boots. On the figures back was large silver sword with red inlays. His right hand covered in a thick brown leather glove while the other was a simple black biker's glove.

The figure watches the moon in the sky as the clouds travel through the night before suddenly turning his head to the east. He opened a tile on the roof and placed the book that was in his hand under said tile before he proceeded to jump off the tower, dropped a half way down before kicking off the building and reaching the buildings across the road. The figure then jumped across the roofs, until he reach China Town and crouched over a large area connected to the main roads by two alleys.

Looking down the alley he sees two groups of men, one with crates of weapons and the other with several suitcases. The leader of the group with the weapons, "No Bat? we deal quick. You want this gear to kill him. Your bosses better have distracted him."

The leader of the group with the suitcases replied, "Our boys are robbing couple backs at once, all crew not affiliated with our gang."

The first leader opens a crate to reveal an assault rifle with high tech scope, "Multi-spectrum scopes, can see even the Bat," he hands one of the rifles to the second leader. The second looks through the scope with a smirk as the first leader adds, "And enough armour piercing rounds that make ten inch steel look like water."

"The Bat will never expect this," The second leader speaks as he looks through the sight and spots a tiny creature with claw climbing down the wall behind the first group. Before he could comment on such a thing the figure above had dropped down and slashed through the weapon with the oversized sword as it lightly glowed red from heat.

The figure jump kicked members of the first group and slashed the wall behind them. They were knocked out while black dust fell to the ground. The figure flipped his sword in used the blunt side of the weapon to knock several of the thugs in both groups before he set the garbage on the ground aflame and then using his sword to pole vault over the thugs, kicked them in the back before slashing the ground again. He punched the leader of the first group, leaving the leader of the second group conscious before a large snake like monster with large sythes on the ends on bony arms about to attack the second leader. The Figure got between the thug and monster and while revving his sword slashed the monster in two.

The leader looked at the figures back to see a large red fox with nine tails howling at the moon before the figure says, "Forget everything you saw here tonight," before he hopped up the alley wall and returned to the roofs.

The thug was silent before he growls and pulls out his phone as the weapons melted in the fire as he calls his boss, "Boss, the guns were wrecked, some guy with a red fox picture on his back set the weapons," he looks to the undamaged suitcases, "And the money. He took down everyone but me to leave a message. I think the Bat has a side kick."

Gotham Rooftops-Bowery District.

The figure ran along rooftops and grinded along metal pipes, and used a fire escape to reach ground level and while walking in the lonely street, he reached another alley across from a store called, 'Splinter's Antiques' and once he gets to the dead end he presses a brick on his left causing the ground at the wall to open like a trap door. The figure drops down and once the trap door closes the figure walks along the old access shaft before he pulls a pipe away from the wall opening another door to appear in the wall before it opened allowing the figure entry to a Training Dojo with old rugs covering the floor and the lights turned off.

"Naruto!" a voice shouts causing the figure to flinch as the lights turned on, "You were out pass curfew," the elderly Asian man in robes with a Jade Cane, which he used to point at the grandfather clock by the other entrance of the room.

Naruto sighs and says, "Sorry Sensei, I just needed some air. It was not my fault that I bumped into a group of Purple Dragons buying weapons from Ronin, or the demons that showed up during which."

The Sensei looks at Naruto and says, "Dress up in what could be mistaken for vigilante, like the Batman."

Naruto just shook his head and says, "Why should I care about some guy in a fancy suit when I have enough to deal with," he took a deep breath and asks, "Did Kaguya eat her veggies? Splinter Sensei."

Splinter sighs as the two head upstairs to the Apartment above the Antique store, and says, "Getting Kaguya to eat anything else besides vegetables and fruits are the challenge."

"She was called the Rabbit Goddess before my friends and myself landed in Gotham," Naruto comments as they reach the lounge and says, "Crazy what has happened since then."

Splinter nods as he takes a seat on an arm chair and says, "hard to believe that you all are actually older then you appear, with you being the exception," Naruto as he leans on the wall shakes his head as Splinter finished, "You are too immature to be seventeen."

"Well not all of us were turned into pre-pubescent," Naruto joked as a small baby girl walked into the lounge holding a blanket bunny suit onese, and her thumb in her mouth and her white hair looking like bunny ears and a head band over her forehead. Naruto smiles and kneels down next to the two year old and asks, "Could not sleep?" the small girl nods before Naruto picks her up and says, "Well, how about a midnight snack and then I can tell you a story," before walking towards the kitchen.

Splinter sighs and says, "Remember Naruto, you have school tomorrow," he received a groan of annoyance, "If you do not go. You can forget being free to go out at night."

Naruto sighs, "Fine!" once Naruto entered the kitchen he turned the light on to find a twelve year old with spiked silver hair, scar over his left eye and a facemask covering the bottom half.

Naruto sighs when the twelve year old spoke, "You need someone watching your back out there Naruto. I expect this lone wolf crap from Sasuke."

Naruto takes a deep breath before taking an apple and had his finger glow blue and start making a breeze as he used his finger to cut the apple into tiny bunnies. Naruto spoke, "You know why I am against that. You or the others would not be able to handle the stress of the underworld," before he and Kaguya began eating the little rabbit apple slices.

Kakashi sighs and says, "Naruto remember I out rank you."

"As a Ninja of Konoha," Naruto countered before adding, "Hunting demons in Gotham is something I am doing until we find a way home," he carries Kaguya out the room and to a door with a bunny drawing on the door.

Kakashi enters the lounge and says to Splinter, "Why is dealing with such an active teenager so difficult."

Splinter laughs lightly at the fact a twelve year old is speaking like a parent, "Teenagers are impulsive and make mistakes. Remember, Naruto has fought in the Underworld twice. It took him months to win to defeat the first, Demon Lord. It took him less for the second but only because he learned how to fight with the RED QUEEN."

Kakashi sighs and says, "Naruto was the prize for a war that was for free will, meaning loosing, all of humanity in our world would have been forced into a dream world."

Splinter sighs and says, "The right to think for one self and earn what you seek."

Kakashi simply nods before saying, "And not dying due to the loose of our life energy. Good night Master Splinter," as he heads to his room.

"Good night, young wolf," Splinter spoke before taking a meditative crouch and began to meditate. A short time later Naruto had returned and crossed his legs and placed his fist together and joins Splinter in Meditating.

The next morning-Splinter's Antiques-Lounge

As Splinter and Naruto continued to meditate a young boy with black duck butt shaped hair walked into the lounge and turned the television on to show the news. On it an obese man with thick moustache was speaking to news reporters and saying, "Has anyone seen this Batman. No, that is because he is an urban myth."

The reporter then asks, "Chief Bullock, What about this Red Fox that was reported to have taken down an Arms deal in China Town last night?"

"No more questions!" Chief Bullock shouts as he goes back into the police station.

Splinter opened his eyes to glare at Naruto, who continued to meditate. A pink haired girl the same age as the boy enters the room with Kaguya in her arms. She entered the kitchen while Kakashi came out with a mug of coffee in his hand as he sat in front of the television.

The news anchor then spoke, "The Red Fox is the latest on strange cases here in Gotham, with the sudden decrease of crime in the city can we expect these caped crusaders protect Gotham or are they just criminals biding their time. If you have any information please call the number on the screen. Rates are as supplied. Onto sports The Gattor's opens this season with tonights home game against the Clevenland Roosters."

The TV was silenced when Kaguya came running in and crashing into Naruto knocking him onto his side and saying, "Naru, Sak is mean."

'Sak' or Sakura comes into the lounge and says, "All I said was that Naruto is going to high school today and that she would have to wait until after it for the two of you to play."

Naruto sighs and says, "Kaguya, today you get to look after Splinter's turtles while he runs the shop. Though this time you should not eat the turtles' vegetables," Kaguya has her hands behind her back trying to look innocent.

Splinter then spoke, "Naruto, you were seen."

"The only one who could have seen me and remember it," Naruto spoke and with a thoughtful look, "I saved from a Snake Wraith after taking down all the thugs and demons had attacked."

Splinter sighs and says, "You need to be careful, my student. If the wrong person see you, it could have dire consequences," Splinter looks at the Clock and says, "You all should get ready for School. Kaguya, when I open the store would you like to play with the turtles?" Kaguya simply nods in excitement.

The boy with the duck butt styled hair asks, "I still don't understand why she does not remember anything."

Naruto sighs and says, "Whatever turned you into a Chibi, probably affected Kaguya mentally while your Susano protected us, Sasuke," as he said that Kaguya just poked her tongue out at him. Sasuke growls before chugging his tomato juice and heading to his room. Sakura quickly follows him but heads to her own room.

Naruto stands and heads in the opposite direction only for Kakashi to throw an orange vest at Naruto while saying," They had a description of your coat. You are going to have to hide your coat and goggles at school."

Splinter stands and says, "Spend the whole time at school, Naruto, and I will give you an item that may help you in the future," Naruto sighs but nods before getting ready.

GCPD building-that moment

An African American was reading through a series of reports and a final report about a failed arms deal in china town from the night before. He shook his head and proceeded to stand at a pin board with a map of Gotham and proceeded to pin a new red pin at the spot the first appearance of the Red Fox.

As the bald man looked at the map, he was knocked out of his thoughts by Chief Bullock who says, "Bennett! You and your partner need to catch this Batman and his side kick."

Bennett was about to reply but instead asks, "Partner?"

Chief Bullock takes a step into the office allowing a female detective of Asian descent enter the room and says, "This is Detective Ellen Yin, formerly of Metropolis PD. She will be aiding with the Batman Investigation, I want The Bat and this Red Fox behind bars, as well as their allies," before he stormed out the office.

Bennett then introduces himself, "Detective Ethan Bennett. Sorry about the Chief, he really hates this Batman character."

"Any information on this Red Fox?" Ellen questioned.

"Nothing," Ethan answered, "There have been some crazy cases that have no evidence of the Bat, that the police have assumed that the bat was the case, but with the introduction of this Red Fox."

Ellen nods and says, "So, we have nothing?"

"Zip," Ethan joked, "Is it true there is a flying man in his underwear in Metropolis?"

Ellen sighs and says, "Yes and frankly he has made police work and living in Metropolis for the rich, had to move three times in a year, before transferring to Gotham."

Ethan grabs his jacket from his chair and says, "Whelp. I want to have a look at the Red Fox scene. Want to tag along?"

"I am driving," Ellen says with no nonsense, Ethan just shrugged as he led her to his car, as they walk Ellen says, "We should go to some of the recent sightings of Batman and possibly Red Fox."

Gotham High Cafeteria-Lunch-With Naruto.

Naruto sat alone at one of the smaller tables with his pot noodles that he ate with a pair of chop sticks. He finishes his first pot before pulling out another hot Pot Noodle from his vest while mumbling, 'Thank you, storage seals.'

As he ate he hears a voice say, "So my dad decided that I can't be a police woman in the future. He wants me to be an Olympic Gymnast."

Naruto looks up to see two girls, one with deep red hair wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue pants, the second girl has orange hair, yellow shirt, short shorts over black stockings and combat boots, and a guy wearing black punk gear and missing his front teeth.

The orange haired girl says, "That is crazy, my dad may be a scientist but he would never tell me not to be something I would want to be. Why did he say that, Barbara?"

"Get this," 'Barbara' says, "He says that Gotham is too dangerous for me use all the hand to hand combat training and computer systems I have worked on over the years. Sometimes I think I would have been better off with your dad, April."

As they walked towards Naruto, the boy sees Naruto and growls, "Who are you and why you are at our table?"

April says, "Casey, anyone can sit here. Its school property."

Casey argues, "What can I say Reds we always sit at our table."

Barbara sighs and says, "Then," she walks up to Naruto and says, "High I am Barbara Gordon, my friend here is April O'Neal, and the annoying jerk is Casey Jones." April says a short hello while Casey just grits his teeth as he glares at Naruto.

Naruto finishes his second Pot Noodle and says, "Naruto Uzumaki Namikazi," before he pulls out a third piping hot Pot Noodle, and begins to enjoy it.

Casey looks around before asking, "Where did he get hot water for his noodles."

Naruto glares and says, "It is a Ramen cup," he points at the label on the pot.

Barbara sighs and says, "So are new to Gotham?"

Naruto eats his ramen before he says, "I have been living in Gotham for two years, had to learn how to speak English with my friends, before being enrolled here," he pulls out a faded brown book written in Japanese kanji.

Casey looked over his shoulder as the three took seats around Naruto, "Why is this book written in chicken scratches."

Barbara and April glare at Casey, while Naruto just reads his book. Barbara looks at the cover and translates, "Tale of a gutsy Ninja. Never heard of it, is it good?"

Naruto sighs before he says while still reading, "It is a story about a ninja fighting to bring forth peace to his homeland while fighting all bandits and ninja with conflicting ideals. While also dealing with nobles who would force him into doing something he would do."

April then asks, "Does the man succeed?"

Naruto shakes his head and says, "No, in the story the hero sets the stones to achieve his dream with the next generation, through his family and his students," he closed the book before walking towards the exit of the Cafeteria."

"Wow, talk about a lame story," Casey spoke while April and Barbara just glare before they proceeded to slap him.

Gotham High-Main Gates-Afternoon-After the end of school bell.

Naruto walks out the main gates of Gotham High as he walks towards the alley he knew would lead him to the roof tops only for April and Barbara to stop him and Barbara asks, "So Naruto, where you heading?"

"Home to Splinter's Antiques," Naruto answered before walking towards the alley.

"Can we tag along?" April spoke, "Start a study group."

Naruto sighs and says, "I am walking across town."

Barbara simply says, "Well a walk through Gotham could do us some good, and we can get to know one another," as she and April pull him along.

April then says, "So where are we heading?"

Naruto sighs, "Bowery District," with that the two girls pulled him towards the closest elevated tram terminal. The three walked up the stairs as Casey tries to sneaking behind them. Naruto noticed while they took a seat by the lines heading towards the Bowery District. Once the tram opened Naruto, Barbara and April got on the tram, Casey tripped on a trash can that had suddenly moved in the way. The tram then left the station with Casey chasing after the departed tram before stopping at the edge if the terminal with a glare.

Arkham Asylum-Sub Levels-That moment

A cloaked figure walked through concrete tunnels filled with rusted iron pipes that travel along the tunnels that travel under the water ways of Gotham. The figure in the dark cloak walked along the tunnels with a strange staff with a broken skull with horns. The figure walked with the tapping from the staff indicating that it was made of metal. The figure's shadow bubbled before a snake appeared from the shadow and spoke, "Master, what you desire?" spoken with hiss before its form shifted to reveal it's form as that of a cobra.

The figure breathed heavily and says, "Stop with the rhetoric questions, you have your task." The shadow snake hissed before it slithered away into the shadows. The figure then proceeded to a scratch the ground while muttering what could be mistaken for gibberish or ancient Latin, as he went the staff's top glowed with golden energy.

Splinter's Antiques-Bowery District-Forty minutes later.

It had taken Naruto and his two new friends half an hour to reach the Bowery District and ten minutes to reach the store. He entered the store with April and Barbara followed him in to see Naruto head straight to the large turtle tank with the white haired toddler, how was staring at the turtle with the orange markings on its shell as it continued to rock back and forth on its back, while the red marked turtle appeared to glare at the crazy one. Naruto sneaked behind the toddler before scoping her up and saying, "Having fun, Kagu?"

Kaguya then proceeded to hug Naruto and asks, "Who was sckool?"

"Boring," Naruto answered as he went to the cash register and proceeded to leap over the counter while holding Kaguya with one hand before placing Kaguya on his shoulder letting her sit there without her being able to fall off.

Kaguya then stares at Barbara and April, and glares at the two and asks, "How they?"

Naruto looks at Barbara and April, simply saying, "Friends from school?"

Kaguya just glares at the two, before snuggling closer to Naruto. Hamoto then steps into the room from the back and says, "Good for you Naruto, already bringing girls homes from school," which made Kaguya glare harder at the teenage girls."

Kakashi then appears behind Barbara and April before saying, "Looks like he has fallen for the attraction that is the red head," Kakashi was reading an orange book as he walked through the room. Sakura entered the store while pulling Sasuke by the wrist, literally dragging him along the ground as he glared angrily to the air. Once Sakura reached Hamoto she hands him two notes from their teachers about Sasuke and Kakashi.

Sakura spoke, "Sasuke got into a fight with every single boy in our year and Kakashi was told off for not removing his mask," before she joined Naruto behind the counter.

Hamoto sighs and says, "Sasuke, no training tonight, you are on cooking duty and then cleaning the dojo. Kakashi, I will call your school tomorrow and have this straighten out."

Sasuke growls in acceptance before he heads to the back. Kakashi takes a stool and continues to read as he enjoys his book. Barbara then introduces herself and April before asking, "Training?"

Hamoto smiles and says, "I am a retired martial artist, I have been working on my child hood dream of being an artist. I moved to this land and started my store to achieve my dreams. Naurto and his friends have been a big help. So while they have been in Gotham, I have been teaching them my clans' style of martial arts."

April then asks, "Would you be willing to teach us?"

Hamoto was silent before he says, "At the moment, I will have to say no. I don't know either of you yet, so maybe in the future if I understand that you would not use my teachings for anything other than their intended purpose," he smiles lightly. Naruto had stop paying attention as both he and Kaguya appeared restless as they tried to look around, as if searching for something that shouldn't be there. Hamoto then says, "Naruto can you please come with me for a second, I need some help in the store room," Naruto nods before handing Kaguya to Sakura, Kaguya being grumpy about the change trying to fight out of her grip.

April then looks to Sakura and asks, "So who is this, Naruto did not introduce us."

Sakura doing her best to hold Kaguya sighs and says, "I am Sakura, and this is baby Kaguya. She doesn't like other girls anywhere near Naruto for some reason," being overly honest while also trying to protect Naruto.

Barbara then asks, "You all seem to be a family, but you all look very different compared to each other."

Kakashi sighs and says, "We are all adopted, but we knew one another before meeting Hamoto Sensei. He has been a big help," he had a faraway look in his eyes and stopped contributing to the conversation.

Sakura then says, "If you are waiting for Naruto, he probably won't be done until after midnight, there is that much stuff in there that they probably won't finish until late."

Barbara sighs and asks, "You want us to leave don't you?"

Sakura was about to try and politely say, 'yes' only Kaguya spoke first being very rude, "Go away! Poo poo heads!"

Barbara sweat dropped at Kaguya as she gave an adorable angry baby face. April just smiled and says, "Well, tell Naruto that we said goodbye and that we will see him at school tomorrow," as April pulled Barbara out the building. Once they were half way to the tram terminal before she says, "Well that was a thing. So what do you think he is really doing?"

Barbara sighs and says, "No wonder you want to be a reporter, you are suspicious of everything," the sarcasm in her voice overpowering their option to look up when a shadow crossed behind them.

Splinter's Antiques-Basement Dojo-that moment

Naruto entered into his section of the Dojo and when he opened a sliding door his jacket and other gear waiting for him. He looks at his coat looking pressed and cleaned. "I cleaned you're coat and added some pouches," Hamoto says while standing with his cane before he opens reveals a small chest with a strange black snow flake styled flower symbol. "This is the gift I promised you," handing the gift to Naruto.

Naruto opens the chest to reveal it full of throwing stars, with the same symbol as the chest. Naruto smiles and proceeds to bow and say, "Thank you, Sensei!"

Hamoto gives him a light smile and says, "May they aid you in battle my student."

"Don't break them Dobe," Sasuke comments as he enters the Dojo with a vacuum cleaner.

Naruto glares at Sasuke before he says, "That was one time!" he takes his vest off and shirt revealing the heavily bandaged right arm, the red circle cross tattoo on his left shoulder and on his left hand was a strange clock tattoo that appeared to move as he checked it. Naruto touched the bandaged arm and grimaced as he put on a dark blue long sleeved shirt with the collar reaching his mouth. He then equipped the coat and as he reached the goggles, his large sword, the RED QUEEN, appeared on his back appearing to float on his back. Naruto covered his face and the placed the goggles on his head. "Wish me luck."

Sasuke just glared while Hamoto smiled lightly before Kaguya had gotten away from Sakura and shouts, "Goo Luk!" Naruto salutes before running to the secret entrance of the Dojo. Sasuke looks at Kaguya and shakes his head in annoyance.

Arkham Asylum-Sub levels

The dark figure continues to carve into the stone with his staff, with a level of concentration that causes the figure to not hear the commotion above. As the figure is about to finish the pentagram the snake returns and says, "Master, my task is complete. All that is required are the words," the hissing in its voice distracting.

The dark figure finishes his chanting and with a heavy laugh says, "Good, I have finished the seal, now we finish our task for this night," the snake returns to the Dark Figures shadow before the Dark Figure sinks into his shadow.

Arkham Asylum-Main holding

A hunched over man with white skin, green hair, purple strait jacket and bare feet, laughs in hysterics as he released all the patients of Arkham Asylum, Gotham's oldest and most secure insane asylum. He laughed as he found a comfortable chair and says, "Yes, this place will be perfect for my new Joker Hide out!" Alarms blared as the shadows and the walls started to warp, while claws started to cut their way into reality.

Gotham Rooftops-That moment

Red Fox jumped across roof tops as he raced through the city to get to the source of the dark feeling. He landed on the stadium roof running along and jumps over an alley as a high-tech car almost runs over a man in a suit, who noticed Red Fox jumping.

Red Fox eventually reached the Asylum to see the Arkham patients wandering outside the building while a large Jack in the box sat on the bridge leading to the Asylum, he runs pass but once he reaches building a mirror popped out of the ground before he was pulled into the world behind the mirror.

A figure reach the roof tops within sight of the Asylum to and looks at the building with a small scope, while the police arrived to see the Box pop and explode. The figure stepped into the partial light of the full moon to reveal a man in grey suit, with black briefs, boots, gloves, cape and cowl, and yellow belt and bat shaped symbol on his chest. Batman looked at the destroyed bridge and says, "Theatrical," before pulling out a bladed boomerang with a bat motif that launched from his hand and with a cable attached to the launcher attached to a water tower that gave him enough lift to launch him towards Arkham. Though when he reached the same distance as Red Fox, a mirror appeared in front of him before he could dodge, he was pulled in.

At that point detectives Ethan Bennett and Ellen Yin arrive as it started to rain heavily. They both got out the car, their rain gear still at the precinct. Ellen looks to the sky as Ethan talks to the officers at the scene. Ethan tells Ellen, "It will take a while for the harbor patrol to arrive and take us across."

Ellen looks up to the sky and says, "Like we will get any dryer?" before running off the bridge and diving into the water. Ethan made a joke about her being a triathlon wiz before following her. Once the two stepped onto Arkham island they took one step before they both fell onto a mirror.

Arkham Asylum Underworld-The moment that Batman entered the Mirror.

Batman landed on a platform and turned the way that he had come from to see, the portal gone. Looking around he sees floating platforms and below he sees a vortex formed around the clouds that cover the distance. Looking closer at the platforms he sees they are made of the different sections of Arkham, though the floating sign that spun lazily, saying 'Arkham Visitors centre.'

Batman then says, "What is going on?" he then dodges to the left as a series of throwing stars impale a strange creature that had managed to sneak up on the Batman. He turns around to see a series of half goat half human, demon like creatures surrounding him. They came in for the attack before Batman kicked and deflected the goat creatures' attacks before some more throwing stars flew past Batman for lodging themselves into several of the goats, this repeated as the goats vanished into dust, as he grabs one of the stars, hidden by his cape while looking around with all his senses to try and find the source of the stars before the last goat fell. "Reveal yourself!"

He hears a loud sigh before Red Fox steps out from behind the Batman like stepping through a door before saying, "So you are just a guy in a suit, dress like a bat?" the disbelief in his voice was very humorous, as he adds, "So what parents killed in front of you, and promised to take vengeance?" the Batman gave no outward reaction, but on the inside he was shocked on the inside. Red Fox's eyes widened as he shouts, "I was joking, please tell me you are not a complete emo too, because one teme is enough for any reality."

Batman then glares and says, "You are a meta-human?"

"No, just very insightful," Red Fox answered as he walked towards the edge of the platform and before Batman could stop him he takes a step forward and another platform attached to the first platform. Red Fox then says, "Come on, I have to get to the Demon Lord before I can get everyone out of this Underworld."

Compared to the first platform, which was just a flat platform with one side not blocked by some walls. The new platform had an upstairs section and a series of stepping points that lead to the next platform. Red Fox placed the Red Queen over his shoulder and leaves it there before looking up.

Batman walked slowly up to him and asks, "What is this place? Who are you? What is going on?"

Red Fox sighs and says, "Trust me when I say, you shouldn't be forced here in the future, unless you look to for a doorway to the Underworld. I don't trust you with my name, so just call me Fox or whatever the press decided to call me," Red Fox then jumped up several platforms before he shouts down, "And as far as I know, someone has been opening these portals or making new ones, they normally a decade apart or so."

"What were those creatures?" Batman questioned before adding, "Why did you kill them?" before he aimed his grappling hook up and skipped the platforms.

Red Fox appeared in front of Batman as he reached the top of the platform and says, "Well those things are Sytr or Faun Demons, depends if you prefer Greek or Roman naming. And they are not sentient they are made by the influence of the Demon Lord trying to break through."

"Break Through?" Batman questioned before answering his question, "To Gotham," he looks around the realm as the next platform shifted to into place but this one was a large room with to see a series of door with people behind the doors shouting to let them out, "What happens if they break through?"

Red Fox scratched his chin in thought before clicking his fingers on his left hand to say, "Atlantis, the Aztecs and the white martians. There civilisations were destroyed by demons that broke through before a hunter could defeat the demon."

Red Fox then smiled as he steps into the open area with a smirk as he entered the area, Batman joined him which caused Red Fox's smirk to vanish before the path behind them was closed by sudden spikes shooting out of the ground, walls and ceiling. Batman then looks forward and asks, "What now?"

"Now I have to protect you while cutting down a couple waves of enemies," Red Fox answered before he turned his head slightly and says, "The barriers only cover the entrances of the ground floor, won't stop you checking the captured humans on the next level. Be careful the Goats like to sneak up on people," before stabbing behind him with RED QUEEN resulting in a Goat turning into a dust.

Batman raised his grappling hook and shot towards the balcony to find a couple of the Patients screaming about the demons trying to get them, though he found one cell open and an orderly lying on the ground with a manic grin. He checked for a pulse before having to dodge an attack from a strange clown man who shouts, "Hello, don't tell me you are not a patient."

"And you are?" Batman glared at the Clown man.

"I am the JOKER," Joker spoke before he says, "Like the place, apparently the management decided to renovate while I decided to move in. I must say I like their style."

RED QUEEN suddenly appeared between the two while piercing a sytr demon where it turned to dust before Red Fox jumped to the railing looked at Joker for a second and says, "He's human," before jumping back and dropping on a group of sytrs before throwing several star through the air piercing several Sytrs between the eyes while one goes through one sytr which bounced into one of the cells holding one of the other Orderlies, who picked it up with a smirk before he started to panic again with the star in his pocket.

Joker glares at Red Fox and says, "That brat, does he not know who I am?" before he punched Batman who defended against the barrage of attacks.

"A bad punch-line," Batman says, as he manages to punch the Joker.

Red Fox continued to fight the demons before a mirror appeared before detectives Bennett and Yin appeared and fell on a couple sytrs. The sytrs vanished before Ethan looked up and screamed as a sytr went to cut him, only for Ellen to shoot several of the demons through the head before reloading.

Red Fox cut down the last sytr before raising his right hand into the air and catches a gardening spray. He walked over towards the detectives and says, "Great, first a guy dressed up as a Bat, then a guy dressed as a sad clown trying to be cheery. Now a guy who almost shit himself and a badass with a gun," he laughs and says, "I dig it."

Bennett glares while Ellen smirks before Batman drops down and says, "Joker got away. Another Jack in the box."

Red Fox shakes his head and says, "He probably was already in here, probably back tracked to his starting point."

Ellen then raises her gun at Batman and says, "What is going on?"

Red Fox sighs and says, "Fine I will tell you what I know, while the reader, reads something else," getting confused looks.

Gotham-abandoned building in near Arkham.

The dark figure walked through the halls of the abandoned building where he begins to speak in the strange language as a small seal glowed gold and opened to reveal opened allowing a eight clawed feet stretched out and proceeded to lift a black bulbous body with glowing purple eyes. The portal then closed due to its task complete. The spider looked around as the figure laughed, chanted a spell that caused the spider to flash purple and he says, "Done, now you and your spawn shall give me more time. Go and feed on the life in my future domain." The spider dug into the ground and proceeded to vanish into the ground.

Arkham Asylum Underworld-After Red Fox's explaination.

Red Fox looked around and walks to the second entrance while Bennett and Yin followed him. Batman took up the rear. The next platform appeared this one a very long halway. Red Fox took a step before he stopped and pulled out the garden spray and asks batman, "What is this for?"

Batman took the spray and says, "One of the Orderlies is stuck grinning and possibly is trapped in his body."

Red Fox closed his eyes before he says, "It is not demon based, so he should be fine until I fix this."

Ethan then shouts, "What? Are you so self absorbed that no one else can save the day?"

Red Fox sighs and says, "Any concept of time here, does not exist," Red Fox continues to walk while saying, "First time in an Underworld, I was fighting for a whole year before I got this big sword on my back. I did not age a day or was I gone for more than an hour," as he spoke he rubbed his right arm subconsciously. Red Fox looked down the long hallway and says, "I will get you out of here so stay here."

"yeah, like we are just going to let a vigilante solve a job for the police," Ethan argued causing Red Fox to stop and quickly punch him in the face knocking him out.

Red Fox then says while pointing at Ellen Yin, "Keep an eye on him, last thing he needs is being eaten by a demon," before walking off.

Batman follows him and asks, "So what exactly can we expect from this Demon Lord."

Red Fox holding his sword with his left hand over his shoulder and says, "No clue," Batman's eyes did widen as Red Fox continues, "First one was a queen with an army the second was humanoid that was really fast."

Batman looked around as he asks, "Did the world around them indicate what the demon lord was at the end?"

Red Fox scratched his chin and answers, "Well with the Queen, the demons were all different knights and archers, but the Underworld looked like a mass up of the museum at the time. The demon at the clock tower all looked the same as the final Demon Lord, though they tended to double in number when I did not take them out in a specific way."

Batman looked back the way they went and asks, "So we are either going to be attacked by a giant goat, a Nymphs or a Cyclops."

When Batman turned back to Red Fox he saw him in his face with an impressed look in his eyes and says, "You are really smart," Batman shook his head before rubbing his cowled forehead in a grimace of pain. Red Fox looked at him and asks, "Headaches?" Batman nods while Red Fox then adds, "Like the world is literally crushing you? Like no matter what you do, you can't win?" Batman looks at him with wide eyes.

Batman asks, "What is going on?"

Red Fox sighs and says, "Underworlds do this sort of thing, the more you fight back, the more they realm forces you into surrendering to the demons you take."

Batman took a deep breath and focused on calming down, before he asks, "How are you able to handle being here?"

Red Fox looked at Batman, smirking behind his mask, that annoys Batman, before he says, "I say 'fuck you' then kick a demon in the crouch and insult every demon I see," he then stopped, "with some exceptions." Batman took out one of his throwing weapons as they reach the end of the hallway. Red Fox stopped as Batman went to the side door before it could be opened. Red Fox sighs and says, "Bats if this was a trap," he gestures behind him and says, "They would have attacked already," he kicked the doors down and proceeded to enter a large ring with floating doors, desks, therapist chairs and strait Jackets. Red Fox sighs at the sight of a large hole and says, "So where is the demon," he stepped out and onto the ring before Batman followed.

Batman looked around, analysing his surrounding before Red Fox kicked him to the side as a large axe crashed onto the spot Batman had been at. A loud roar was heard before a large brown muscled giant with a single horn on its forehead, with a single eye and toothy mouth with a roar directed at the two.

Red Fox then threw several stars at the Cyclops who rose one of the axes in it's hands to deflect the stars. The Cyclops' eye glowed purple as it raised both Axes and started chopping at high speeds, following Red Fox while Batman dodged the opposite direction and threw his weapons, which does nothing.

Red Fox avoided the chops before jumping on the cyclops' left arm reaching his face and proceeded to cut the Cyclops in the eye before it screamed in pain before Red Fox jumped away as a couple dozen sytrs attack the two heroes. Red Fox kicked one of the goats into a pair of them that tried to attack Batman. The Cyclops swung its right arm around with the axe head scratching the ground. Red Fox sped to Batman before jumping over the speeding axe that killed all the Sytrs. The Cyclops removed its left hand from his eye before holding its remaining axe with both hands before slamming the weapon into the ring that broke through destroying the ring. Red Fox then throughs another set of stars at the Cyclops as it swings the axe down on him, which he dodged.

Batman through several more batarangs resulting in the attack which caused nothing. Batman reached back into his belt fingering the star he collected earlier, before his eyes widened.

Red Fox managed to avoid the swings before he manages get on the Cyclops right arm and proceeded up and avoids the cyclops' attacks with its left arm before Red Fox reached the eye and slashes several times causing several red lights to appear with the purple light spread out from behind its fingers.

Red Fox lands on the ring as Batman has to fight sytrs as Red Fox landed while droping on a sytr. Red Fox then throws several stars at the sytrs between the eyes. Batman and Red Fox had to dodge several slamming left fists that caused the ground to crumble making it harder for Batman to dodge the attacks. When the Cyclops recovered its sight, gives a roaring scream as it attacks all focused on Red Fox.

Red Fox did his best way to find a way to attack Cyclops. Batman tried throwing more batarangs at the Cyclops eye before Red Fox shouted, "NOW!" Batman continued to throw more batarangs along with ten of Red Fox's throwing stars that managed to cause the Cyclops screaming in pain before Red Fox throws the RED QUEEN like a spear into the Cyclops' eye before kicking it into the cyclops' brain. Red Fox pulls out the weapon before jumping back and landing on the remains of the platform to say, "Thanks," Batman hands him the remaining stars, before Red Fox hands him back on and says, "Keep it, it should give you a way to fight demons a bit better in the future."

Batman accepts the star before he says, "Bullets appear to work too."

Red Fox shrugs and says, "Who knows, the Underworld is weird," Red Fox looks to the Cyclops as it's body dissolves into light particles, "Oh, make sure you are ready to head back to reality, you leave the same way you came in." Batman nods as he prepares his grappling hook, as the Cyclops finishes turning into a small white crystal that flew to Red Fox's hand and burst into light and going straight to Red Fox's goggles causing him to say, "These are my favourite pair! He then looked through the different modes as the underworld mirrors appeared to phase through them as Red Fox says, "Cool x-ray vision."

Gotham-Two minutes after Batman entered the Underworld

Batman fell out the demon mirror in midair like Red Fox had said before he used his grappling hook to enter Arkham to get Joker's victim. Red Fox walked casually from the bridge before he turned to the right to see, Ellen and Ethan dropping down like before only for them to land on their rears. Red Fox looked at Ellen as they stand and says, "Commando style and Kanji tattoo?"

Ellen hears him, causing her to blush before she raised her gun and shouts, "Don't move! You are under arrest!"

"Sorry, new goggles," Red Fox replied as he stepped back towards the destroyed bridge and says, "Plus, can you blame a guy for seeing a beauty such as you," he then fell backwards into the river.

The two Detectives ran to the broken bridge to find Red Fox with his hands in his pockets as he casually walks across the river not giving a shit. Ethan then asks, "Did we just try to arrest the messiah?" Ellen shook her head before looking to the side to see Batman swing across the river with an orderly reaching the buildings across the river. Ellen sighs as she holsters her weapon, while Ethan then asks, "Kanji Tattoo?" resulting in Ellen punching him in the face.

Gotham Clock Tower-Ten minutes later

Red Fox crouched on the roof of the clock tower and messed with the dial on the left side of the goggles and proceeded to changed the colours of the lenses getting a series of different views of Gotham everything from skeletons, nude images of some of the girls that were working this late. He sighed when he look at his hands on the purple setting, seeing his left hand with a light blue glow while his right was a mix of red, blue, green and purple.

He opens the roof tile and pulls out the book and a pencil and started sketching as he drew the sytrs and the Cyclops, while writing some details about his fights and what he has found the goggles can do. He left some pages after the sytrs' page as they would be seen more as time goes on.

Once he was done he places the book back under the tile before he jumps off the building and proceeded to roof hop back to the secret entrance to Splinter's Dojo.

Wayne Manor-Batcave-Twenty minutes later.

Batman placed the comatose orderly with the crazed yellow toothed grin. The batcave was multiple levels, with the Batmobile parked on the rotating platform. To the right of the computer the an elevator opened and a balding man with thin moustache in a butler suit holding a trey of tea.

"A stranger in the batcave?" the Butler spoke before he asks, "Master Bruce what is going on?" he sees the Orderly's crazed grin, "This fellow needs a dentist."

"Or a medic," Batman spoke before heading to the science station and proceeded to scan the novelty gardening spray and says, "I had an encounter with this Red Fox from the news this morning. Alfred, I fought Sytrs and a giant Cyclops," he revealed the throwing star that he received from Red Fox, "I entered a world of madness, alternate worlds and demons."

Alfred was silent before asking, "Underworlds?"

Batman removed his mask revealing black hair and he asks, "How do you know the name that Red Fox used."

Alfred continued to examine the orderly and says, "Old legends from both the Pennyworth family and the Wayne family Master Bruce. Tales of an old order of hunters, keeping secrets from the rest of humanity. Talks about the creatures of evil, and that special types of metals were needed to craft weapons."

Once Bruce finished examining the Joker Toxin he had the computer create the anti toxin, before he examines the throwing star and says, "Interesting, this metal its an alloy that, is made up of several different metals," he steps away from the microscope as he types on the scanner and reads, "The metal of this star is chemically treated and," he scratches the sample with a batarang and sees the batarang blunted, "Harder than Titaium," he then takes the same and proceeds to cut into solid stone like butter.

Alfred sees the damage and says, "The stories my grandfather spoke that several metals fused together in harmony was the secret to stopping what goes bump in the night."

"Did your grandfather speak of portals?" Bruce questioned as he returned his mask over his face before he took the Anti Toxin to the Orderly.

Alfred spoke, "I am afraid that all I can remember from his stories was that it was affected my the alignment of the stars."

Batman then asks, "Any idea why my parents never told me?"

Alfred sighs and says, "Your father and myself never truly believed in such stories, sir. Your grandfather's journal may have the information, but when he died his book vanished."

Batman nods before he sent Alfred back to the elevator as the Orderly awoke from his comatose state. The orderly sat up and rubbed his jaw and looks around in shock before he spots Batman he jolts back on shock as Batman spoke, "You were poisoned into a comatose state which also forced your jaw into a locked state, the pain should be reduced in time." He helped the Orderly stand and carried him to the random poles before he pulled out a piece of fabric and says, "Tie this around eyes and I will give you a ride home, just tell me the address." With that Batman helped the orderly down to his car and proceeded to drive the blinded orderly home.

Splinter's Antiques-the next morning-early

Naruto was meditating with Splinter once again in the lounge. Kaguya could be seen sleeping on the couch nearest Naruto. Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke were eating breakfast while the news played on the television.

"Last night Arkham Asylum dealt with shared hallucination, with the Batman fighting the man who apparently released all the patients of Arkham, calling himself the Joker. With the intervention of the Batman and Red Fox, the Joker's plans for Arkham was derailed. Since then Arkham Orderly –Bla Bla- was returned home safely after being infected with a toxin that apparently caused facial disruptions and leaves the victim in a comatose state. The Antidote for this toxin was sent to all hospitals and facilities in the event that the Joker Gas is weaponised." The Anchorman finished.

Then the Anchorwoman spoke, "In other news, Red Fox is apparently a ninja, as one orderly from the Arkham incident sent show the network, a throwing star used by the Red Fox," an image of the throwing star was shown before the Anchorwoman spoke again, "Though with the Arkham incident has also brought up an interesting side effect, as most of the Patients involved with the shared Hallucination have been shown to have been cured of the mental psychosis' with patients that were not coherent are now fully stabilised. Which has made this reporter happy to speak with her family again," the anchorwoman smiles before the news finished for the morning.

Wayne Manor-That moment

The Anchorman spoke, "And last night's Gatters' game ends with unprecedented victory."

Alfred was dusting shelves of vases and books as Bruce Wayne sat on the couch facing the television drinking a cup of coffee as he listens to the news. Alfred then speaks, "And Bruce Wayne with an Alibi for the night, Even though you had to leave early."

Bruce nods and says, "But the Joker got away," as he rubs his chin, while Alfred leaves the room to answer the door and Bruce mutters, "he was moving in, but where was he moving out?"

Alfred the returned with Detective Ethan Bennett, "Master Bruce, it is the Police."

Bruce looked at Ethan Bennett noticing the black eye that had been forming through the night, "Detective?" Bruce appeared concerned.

"Bruce," Ethan said in humour, "I thought we were set to shoot hoops last week."

"Sorry, Ethan, I have been busy, totally swamped," Bruce answered. The two took a seat on the couch as Ethan took a deep breath and says, "I saw the Batman." Alfred dropped a vase and apologies about breaking a Ming.

Bruce then question in character, "What is he like?"

"A guy, like you or me, but he wears bat pyjamas," Ethan joked, "But that sidekick of his packs a mean left punch," rubbing his eye before he says, "Though I don't know what the Batman deal is, but he has definitely made a difference to Gotham, but the heats on me to catch him and Red Fox."

Bruce's eyes narrowed before he asks, "How do you know they are working together?"

Ethan laughs and says, "The both of them were at Arkham last night and before the two saved everyone from some crazy hallucination."

Bruce took a sip of his coffee as he thought about the incident before he asks, "What happened?"

"Me and my new Partner had to swim through the bay to reach Arkham and as soon as we reached the place we fell through a trap door and landed in front of Batman and that annoying side kick of his. We were attacked by strange creatures that turned to dust. Then when I confronted the kid about getting out of the place," he gestures to his face and says, "I get this, for trying to do my job."

Bruce was silent as he remembered what happened in the Arkham Underworld before smiling and asking, "Maybe he has a problem with authority, or bossy policemen," Bruce smirk caused Ethan to sigh before laughing lightly.

Gotham High-Math Class before Lunch

Naruto was sitting up straight with his eyes closed and completely asleep, a skill he mastered in his youth. Next to him is Barbara who would turn to him a couple times while listening to the teacher. Having dreams of ramen and girls, what can he say, It took him being sent to another realm to actually become at least partially a pervert, while also giving up on any chance of dating Sakura. Plus the new age difference caused problems.

Naruto continues to sleep while the teacher spoke to ask Naruto a question, "Naruko," that what he said, "can you answer the question on the board," Indicating the complex equation based on time.

Naruto then suddenly snores very loudly before Barbara punched his arm in embarrassment. Naruto looked up at the board before rubbing his eyes and says, "As time goes on, x increases by zero point zero zero two millimetres, good night," before he closes his eyes to go back to sleep.

The teacher was about to reprimand Naruto before his glasses fall and says, "How did you answer that, its University level," Naruto just shrugged before falling asleep until the bell goes off and the teacher says, "Okay class read through chapters one through three of your text book by the end of next week, study for the test at the beginning of week three."

Naruto sleepwalks out the room with his gear as he wakes up slowly from that which is school life. He walked towards the front courtyard of the school and took a seat at the steps before he pulled out his premade Ramen Cups and began to eat that he was enjoying until April and Barbara sat down next to Naruto and Barbara says, "So we are eating outside today?" Naruto just shrugged and continued to eat.

Casey then showed up and says, "Are you two trying to ditch Casey Jones?"

Barbara sighs and says, "Why is that a bad thing Casey? I mean we get to avoid your lame attempts at flirting."

Casey looked shocked, "It is not lame red," he glared lightly.

April sighs and says, "Your attempts at flirting are always themed around getting us to do something inappropriate. Last Halloween you tried to have us dress up as cheerleaders in shredded uniforms."

"Zombie cheerleaders," Casey argued.

Barbara glares, "With crotchless panties and them being too tight to wear a bra underneath. By your own admission."

The argument continues for a while as Naruto looks up to see a clown themed blimp.

Across town-Gotham Novelty store-Ten minutes prior.

Batman looked between the playing card he retrieved from Joker and then looks at the building across the road. His eyes narrowed before he runs forward towards the building. Once inside he sees the whole warehouse filled with novelty items that appeared to see the different joke themed items that appeared to be made into dangerous weapons.

Batman walked forward until he gets to the wall to see a large Jack in the box, when he had to dodge to the left from a sudden boxing glove that was shot from the rafters. Joker then dropped down on to the Jack in the box, and spoke, "Well, well, I have a Bat in my Belfrey. I was just about to give Gotham a smiles," the Joker then laughed as he equipped a pair of aviator googles and hat before the Box he was standing on and proceeded to rise turning the Jack into a balloon with a large wooden basket revealing it to be a dirigible.

The entire warehouse began to partially collapse forcing Batman to run outside and spots the path Joker was heading, "The balloon is filled with Joker Gas and he is going to pop it on the Lady of Gotham." Before he summons his car and follows him.

Gotham High-Present.

Naruto looked at the laughing clown from Arkham before he sneaks away from the arguing group before he jumps to the roof and throughs three throwing stars that graze several of the sand bags. Naruto smirks as he summons his goggles to see Batman fight the Joker before the sand bags broke off and the basket being stabbed by the colossal statue.

He then hears Joker scream in the distance, "HOW! I WAS SURE THAT WIND THE WEIGHT EVERYTHING FOR THIS," he was silent before he shouts, "WHO THREW THESE!?"

Naruto smirks as he see Batman smirk as well be punched Joker and hand cuffed him to the balloon ropes and the wooden basket. Batman could not see Naruto but he smirked any way before gliding away from the stuck balloon. "We are even now," Naruto smirks before dropping down and walking around the building to find Barbara and April slapping Casey, before turning to Naruto and pulls him away without a word.

Once they were away from Casey, Naruto had to ask, "So what exactly did Casey do?"

"He was being a pervert," April spoke with Barbara growling.

"Was he being obvious and honest or was he being underhanded?" Naruto questioned causing Barbara and April to stop as Naruto continued, "Because if he was trying to be underhanded he should get his comeuppance."

Barbara and April looked at him strangely and Aprils says, "I guess underhanded, while saying that we should be worshiping the ground he stands on."

"Oh a royal pervert," Naruto spoke with nostalgia, "The two of you need to break his nose."

Barbara then asks, "How do you know these things?"

"My god father was a self admitted Super Pervert," Naruto answered before he adds, "Dumb thing to, all I had to do to get him to teach me something was to trick him with a supposed 'female' to spend time with him."

April looked at him strangely and says, "Your god father seems weird. What do you mean 'was'?"

Naruto sighs and says, "One of his past students killed him," he then walks away with a sad smile, while April and Barbara just stood watching him walk away.

Splinter's Antiques-Basement Dojo-Afternoon

Naruto was standing with Hamoto proceeded to take several stances at high speeds while Kaguya watched from a bean bag that was placed near the stairs up to the store with a small television was one with the afternoon news report. The Anchorman spoke, "After last nights Arkham incident Batman was seen fighting the Joker in a balloon basket held aloft by a balloon filled with earlier's mention of Joker Gas. The Joker has been arrested for his attempt at attacking the city with the Toxin. Gotham is in debt to both Batman and Red Fox, while Fox remained unseen. So on behalf of Gotham, thank you Caped Crusaders," everything else that was going to be said was stopped by Naruto throwing one of his throwing stars at the television in annoyance.

Hamoto sighs and says, "Why did you interfere?" as he continues to work on his forms.

Naruto continues with him and says, "He helped me in the Underworld. He threw some of the throwing stars at the Cyclops so I could win," Hamoto was silent as they continued to work on their forms, "And so instead of having to owe him one, I did the same thing for him, cutting the cables holding the sandbags on the balloon, keeping it at the height where it would pop. I figured it would help."

The two then turn to one another and Hamoto says, "So you were repaying your debt. You did the right thing," he turns to Kaguya to see her whacking the broken television with her teddy bear. Naruto grips his gloved right hand in pain as Hamoto sees this and asks, "Are you in pain?"

Naruto takes a deep breath and says, "No, my bandages just itch," Hamoto looks to him in disbelief, "I'm fine, just need to head out soon."

"You should relax for the night Naruto," Kakashi spoke as he entered the Dojo before he adds, "You defeated an Underworld last night. You can have a night off."

Naruto just shook his head before he went to the section holding his gear before closing the room off. Kaguya glared at Kakashi before Naruto exited his room and proceeded to the secret entrance without a word. Hamato then asks Kakashi, "I have known Naruto for a year, and even I know that telling him to stay still for extended periods when he can help someone, is truly impossible," before he heads up the stairs to his store.

Japan-Midnight-Tokyo-Yakuza family home.

Several figures dress as ninja's with glowing red eyes, and some with four arms searched pent house manor building and proceeded at search the building as they tossed the penthouse while a random television was on showing Gotham news. The only ninja without a mask looks at the television as the Red Fox's throwing star was revealed on the screen. The figure stepped into the light to reveal a Caucasian Male with tiger styled hair metal backpack and high-tech guns on his waist, and an eye patch over his left eye. When he focused on the image he growled like a tiger, before using his fingers to claw through the television screen. The tiger like figure shouts, "Master Shredder needs to be informed," before drawing his guns and blasting a hole in the roof and proceeded to rocket out of the building, while the ninja's vanished into the shadows.

C2-Gotham High-Two weeks later-Afternoon

Naruto steps out of Gotham high with Barbara and April walking beside him. Naruto had started to walk the two to their homes, which surprisingly were on the same block, in the opposite direction to the Bowery District.

In the time since Red Fox met Batman, since the balloon incident, Red Fox has not seen Batman during his nightly hunts. The media continue to claim that Batman and Red Fox were working together, which pissed him off whenever they called him a side kick.

When dealing with Barbara, Naruto met her father, who gave the patented 'I am a cop and her father, I can get away with it,' look that made Naruto raise an eyebrow. Naruto talked with Inspector James Gordon and the two got along swimmingly except when talking about Barbara's future career decisions. Barbara was really thankful for Naruto's support, but Naruto politely refused to stay for dinner normally saying, "Sorry, I just need to get home." while adding minor details like needed to babysit or help with the store.

When dealing with April, he would only give half answers before saying goodbye and heading off. April's dad really did not like him.

Casey constantly tried to show him up at school but was constantly stopped when he fell for his own pranks or sporting equipment bounced suddenly into his face. Casey spent his time glaring at Naruto while April, Barbara and several of their female friends, while all the other guys started hate Naruto. When Naruto realised what Sasuke felt like in the Academy, all the girls 'wanting' him and all the boys 'hating' him. It was official, hell had frozen over, because he felt sympathy for Sasuke.

Naruto was currently walking away from Barbara's home towards the closest alleyway, while Casey Jones was following him while holding a hockey stick. Casey ran after Naruto with an angry look, he reached the dead end alley to find it empty with no Naruto. Naruto was running along the roof tops and speeding through the city. With no one is looking up in the late afternoon.

Naruto jumped until he reached the terminal in the Bowery District where he appeared from behind the stairs to the terminal before he walked to the Antique store. Once inside he went straight to the counter. While Hamoto tended the store, the television in the store showed news reports of people going missing in alleys, in the sewers or late at night. Naruto worked at the counter. Kakashi sat nearby while reading a book on a chair. Sasuke and Sakura were working on their homework while Kaguya crawled to Naruto and grabbed around his leg and just sat on his foot.

Naruto looks at the television and says, "I should look into that," Kakashi glares at Naruto and says nothing before Naruto speaks, "Stop pouting Kakashi, people are in danger and this seems to be demon related," Kakashi turns a page.

"Kaka! Stupid!" Kaguya glares at Kakashi from her spot on Naruto's foot.

Gotham Sewers-That moment

Three men were waiting in the dark sewers, shivering due to the water dripping from the roof. The three were talking about how they were not safe from the one person that ruined them.

"Batman," A forth man spoke as the first three had fear in their eyes, "I know he ruined me too. But now there is this Red Fox, he cut into the deal I was making to get back into Gotham. So did you all bring two million each?" the three men nod before the forth takes a step to the left, "This is Bane, he volunteered for some crazy super soldier experiment and he is going to solve our rodent problem." Bane lifted up his hand revealing a Yellow disk attached to his hand.

Gotham-Abandoned industry District-Night

The tiger figure was organising an old warehouse to his masters specifications as several multi armed ninja's worked on cleaning and building a throne room, and digging beneath. One ninja without glowing eyes and a single set of arms came up to the tiger figure and says, "Tigerclaw, Shredder has sent a message, he will be in Gotham in one month. He has been delayed due to the Yakuza Families rebelling."

Tigerclaw was silent until he says, "Tell Master Shredder that if he needs me to squash the Yakuza to contact me when he needs me." The messenger bows to Tigerclaw before heading off to relay the message.

Batcave-That moment

Bruce listened to loud music as he played with a pair of robot arms while inside a metal sphere frame as he tested the system. Alfred came down and in the process of alerting Bruce to his presence, was back handed by the robotic arm covering Alfred in Bruce's Nachos. Bruce turns the machine off before helping Alfred up and taking him to the medical area of the cave. Once he had helped Alfred the alarm system in the cave went off before he suited up and ran to the Batmobile.

With Red Fox-Gotham Clock Tower

Red Fox lying on the roof of the Clock Tower reading his book, he spreads his arms as he looks at the partial moon with a sigh as he sighs. Red Fox closes his eyes before sitting up and placing his goggles on, just skimming through the different lenses before jumping in the opposite direction Batman shoots past below.

As Red Fox jumps across rooftops before sensing one of his targets before he ran to an Alley near April's house. He sees Casey head into the alley while appearing angry. Red Fox follows him in and sees and oversized web catching Casey before a large red Spider with purple eyes revealed itself.

Red Fox throughs some stars around the spider causing it to fall to the ground before he jumped into the air and curb stomped the spider with both feet, before walking away silently.

Casey seeing Red Fox simply says, "Great teamwork Fox, think you can cut me down?" Red Fox just jumps up to the rooftops leaving Casey alone and stuck for several hours. The crushed spider spasmed before two tiny spiders exited its carcass and crawled into the sewer. Casey spent the night tied up in a web.

With Batman

Batman was hanging off the under railing of the tram system, while below is the destroyed armoured truck, its money gone, bricks fallen to the ground where he had been through into and the Batmobile parked a distance away, but still in sight. He had just been broken by a man named Bane. A giant of a man whose size increased by a yellow fluid from a wrist mounted device, increasing his strength. In the end Bane broke several of his bones, and would have killed him, if Batman had not thrown all his smoke bombs before using his grappling hook to get to his current position.

He contacted Alfred as soon as Bane left with the money and had to stay silent when Detectives Yin and Bennett arrived and searched the area. Eventually Alfred arrived and carried him to Bruce's extended city car and after a brief argument returned to Wayne Manor, with the Batmobile receiving the 'return to base' signal from Batman's belt.

Splinter's Antiques-several days Later-Morning.

Naruto and Hamoto were meditating like normal, the only difference being that today was Saturday. Kaguya came into the lounge to see Hamoto and Naruto meditating, and took a seat near them while staring at the television. Kaguya then walks to the television and slaps the screen a couple times before accidently slaping the on button turning the news.

"Last night a new criminal arrived in Gotham," The news anchorman spoke, "According to witnesses, Bane, was seen fighting the Batman before the Bat ran away. Detectives in charge of the special crimes had this to say."

Detective Ellen Yin came on screen and says, "We are under the assumption that Batman has been injured and are searching all local hospitals and clinics surrounding Gotham."

"With that said, Gotham is concerned with what is going to happen to the people of Gotham," The Anchorman says, before Hamoto changes the channel to a cartoon with a bunny and a duck fighting over which hunting season it is, and much to Kaguya's joy that the rabbit would constantly win.

Hamoto turns to Naruto while placing the remote down beside him and says to Naruto, "So, young Naruto, today, we will be sparing to train your skills. Your task will be to subdue me."

Naruto opened one eye before asking, "Limits?"

Hamoto lightly laughed before saying, "No killing," causing Naruto to nod.

The two went towards the Dojo, before a knocking was heard at the door causing the two to look at the door to see Barbara and April waiting outside. Naruto sighs and after performing a quick one handed transformation with his left hand, turning him into what he would normally wear during the week instead of the Red Fox gear he normally wears through the night, his right hand still covered in bandages and a thick glove. Naruto answers the door, where Barbara and April come in and say 'hello' to Hamoto.

Barbara then speaks, "April and I, wanted to ask you, if you wanted to join us at the mall, just to hang out."

Naruto was about to say 'no' when Hamoto answered for him, "He would love too."

Naruto was shocked by this and before he could comment he was pulled away by Barbara and April. He just sighed as they pulled him outside to see Casey Jones there with a smug smile. Naruto finally got to say something and it was to ask Casey, "What is with the smug smile?"

April sighs and says, "Casey claimed that he teamed up with Red Fox to fight off some Purple Dragons."

Naruto nods and deciding to play along, "Wow, are you his side kick now?" the inside joke was well hidden.

Casey laughs and says, "More like Partners in saving the town, from criminal scum messing up the streets like the garbage they are," his triumphant smirk was annoying.

"Wow, you are a garbage man!" Naruto says as he walks past Casey who was smiling until he realised what he said. Casey silently fumed as they went to the tram station, Naurto asks, "So where is this 'Mall' place?"

Barbara snorted in humour and says, "Amusement Mile, They have some of the best stores as well as the entertainment stands."

Casey gained a perverted smile and says, "Yeah, they have some nice lingerie store."

Naruto sighs and says, "Yeah, and an angry mob of women just waiting the castrate a teenage boy trying to record them."

Casey looked at him strangely and says, "I don't have a camera!"

"They will think you do when I tell them," Naruto countered as they entered the tram, "And yes I am willing to lie," as the tram doors close.

Gotham sewers

Bane walked through the sewers to meet with his employers. They all were very annoyed as he did not take care of Red Fox, and apparently he did not kill the Batman either. After listening to the four mob bosses for an hour he roared before activating his enhancements and proceeded to turn them into paste. For days Bane set traps and waited, Red Fox never showed himself, that much of his enhancement drugs has left him to the point where he could not control his baser urges. Bane growled before he shoved his way through the chambers breaking the frames and halls travelling through the Sewers.

Amusement Mile-Two hours later

Naruto drank his vanilla milkshake, as Casey sat with him sporting a black eye and covered in milkshakes. Naruto was silent still under his transformation to hide his clothes. Barbara and April were the ones to do that, due to Casey following them to the change rooms without their consent or knowledge, with his phone ready to record.

Naruto sighed at the memory of his threat to turned into the real thing. Casey then spoke, "Why did they not hit you?"

"I asked them if they wanted me to wait outside the store," Naruto replied before adding, "Instead they invited me to act as an audience."

Casey growls at the thought when he shouts, "What makes you different to me?"

"I don't try to film them, without their permission," Naruto replied, "And honestly I have no idea," and returns to drinking his milkshake. Casey just glared at him as April and Barbara came out the lingerie store. They then took each of Naruto's arms before taking him along, towards the Ferris Wheel of Amusement Mile. The ferris wheel was very large with cabins that fit four people. As they waited a homeless man in a black coat pushed a shopping cart past them with a metal pole with broken demon staff, that glowed slightly as the staff pass Naruto.

They stood in line for half an hour when they reached the front of the line, Naruto still drinking his milkshake. April and Barbara pushed Casey out of line causing him to miss out as the door shut. Casey was then pushed away by security, as the ferris wheel spins to the set of seats. Naruto sits back enjoying his milkshake until it was empty, where he placed the empty milkshake down before pulling out a second milkshake from his 'pocket' and started drinking a strawberry milkshake.

April and Barbara looked at him strangely before Naruto pulled out two more chilled milkshakes for April and Barbara. Barbara nods and accepts the milkshake in disbelief while April simply asks, "How do you keep this stuff in your coat? Seriously hot Pot Ramen and chilled Milkshakes?"

Naruto drank his milkshake and says, "Storage seals," the two looked at him confused with his honest answer, but when they looked at him in disbelief, Naruto spoke, "magic." Naruto drank his milkshake in silence while looking to the side, where his eyes widen as a the ground below exploded into dust with a roar.

Amusement mile-Ground-five minutes earlier.

Casey walked out a bathroom after cleaning himself of milkshake leftovers. He found an empty bench and took a seat in annoyance at being ditched and was seriously tempted to go back to hanging with his ice hockey friends. He looks up at the ferris wheel to see Naruto, April and Barbara drinking milkshakes and growls before storming away with angry steps and posture. The ground then begins to quake before Casey was sent flying towards a portable toilet that fell over and a light post fell over blocking him in.

What launched him was the large red fist of Bane as he smashed his way out of the ground, causing all of Amusement Mile to shake with the Ferris Wheel freezing up. Bane crawled out of the sewers below began to shout in angry and insanity, "RED FOX REVEAL YOURSELF SO I MAY END YOU!" and begins to attack the different stores, and genially just causing terror.

With Naruto.

Naruto looks at the red figure as he terrorises the stores while also destroying public property, with narrowed eyes as he heard what the red man said. Barbara looks down and says, "A super villain?"

April looked with them and says, "What is he shouting? Because that might explain what he wants."

Naruto sighs and says, "He is shouting for 'Red Fox' and wanting to 'crush' him," he then narrows his eyes more and says, "I don't think he is in the right state mind."

Barbara then pulls out her cell phone and dials while April speaks, "That must be Bane, and he has been attacking different parts of the city, though it is believed that he got the Batman a few days ago and has been spotted setting traps online."

Naruto sighs and asks, "So he has been looking for..." he was silent as he watched Bane rip out a lightpost before he destroying a police car, "Me," he whispers before standing, "Not a word."

April and Barbara, who could not reach her father, looked at Naruto before he dropped his transformation and opened the door and jumped from the top of the Ferris Wheel and lands on a light post behind Bane, his sword, RED QUEEN appearing on his back.

Bane vs Red Fox

Red Fox waited on the light post before he speaks to Bane, when he threw another light post. "What do you want?" as Detective Ellen Yin and Ethan Bennett arrived at a safe distance. Bane turned to Red Fox as with a feral grin before he roars and steps towards Red Fox. Red Fox dropped down to the ground and calmly walked towards Bane as Yin and Bennett took cover while aiming their guns, Fox spoke, "Look I am not looking for a sidekick, and frankly you are not my type."

Bane with his limited mental ability was able to understand the insult. So Red Fox, with Red Fox seeing it and not caring, was back handed into an alcohol store to the side. Bane was about to follow when a hydraulic stomp was heard coming from behind. Bane turns only to receive a robotic fist from the Batbot Suit, with an injured Bruce Wayne piloting the heavy armour suit.

Bane Vs Batman (BatBot) and detectives.

Ethan looked at the BatBot and in awe says, "Wow, talk about a muscle suit."

Yin sighs and says, "No you can't have one," before she took aim at Batman and shouts, "Freeze, you both are under arrest!" only for Bane to throw a large rock at them.

Batman got between them and Bane before charging at Bane with a raised fist, where Bane tackled Batman, who flipped Bane and proceeded to punch Bane in the face. The problem was that the fight was limited by a small area to fight in, due to their size. Bane threw Batman over the detectives and on their car. Ethan got out the way while Yin got between them and raised her weapon at Bane, only to be backhanded when she shot him, with the bullet bouncing off him and into Yin's shoulder. Yin was then back handed to the side and into the railing, she lands in a sitting position while unconscious. Ethan ran to her as he tries to keep an eye on Bane.

Bane stomps to Batman as Batman stands before Bane had a bottle of Vodka smash into his face. Bane turns to Red Fox as he walks forward like nothing happened reading the label of another bottle of Vodka, 92 proof. He looked up and placed the bottle under his coat and says, "was that bitch slap meant to hurt?"

Bane Vs Batman (BatBot) and Red Fox (Annoyed)

Red Fox avoided a charging and roaring Bane as he moves to talk with Batman, asking, "You look different. Did you get a haircut?" Bane charged forward to perform a double handed hammer smashed and Red Fox says, "I am trying to have a discussion here," as he used his right hand to stop the blow by raising his hand without issue, "You are annoying," he then proceeded to shoulder throw Bane with one hand.

Batman looked at Red Fox through his camera system and says, "You are strange."

"Whatever BatEmo," Red Fox says as he turns to Bane and asks Batman, "What is with those tubes?"

Batman answers with, "They pump chemicals into his body that increases his strength and size."

Red Fox looks at Bane as he drools slightly as he growls. Red Fox says, "And makes him less of a man. Can you distract him for a bit, I have an idea that will take some time to do."

Batman answers with, "I am taking him down, do what you want as long as it does not affect me," before he charges forward and punches Bane.

Red Fox shrugs and jumps up to the pole he landed on and says to himself, "Hmm, never thought I would use this for anything other than a prank," before he focuses on Bane and one other item his plan entails.

Batman proceeded to punch and throw Bane around like he normally would, with a series of flips, punches and kicks but no gadgets. When suddenly Bane became seriously dizzy and throws up his guts, before he says, "What is going on?"

Red Fox dropped down with two bottles of Vodka filled with yellow fluid, before saying, "Wow, you can hold your liquor," he claps sarcastically and adds, "Though considering you have pure alcohol running through your veins, instead of this yellow crap," Bane falls to his knees as he begins to shrink, "I guess you can't keep it up, I hear that happens to most senior citizens, I hear there is a little blue pill for that."

Bane steps forward in a drunken wobble, but when he reaches Red Fox, he was punched between the eyes by Red Fox, which shot him back and into a wall leaving an imprint of the depowered Bane.

Red Fox then looked at the BatBot and asks, "Are you compensating for something?"

Batman sighs loudly and says, "Unfortunately yes, a few broken bones," they then hear the police sirens, Batman turned away for a second and when he turned back to face Red Fox to find him gone. Batman then activates a series of thrusters on his back and shot into the sky before running across rooftops in the setting sun.

With Barbara and April-A couple minutes before the end of the fight.

April used her phone to record the fight while Barbara just watched the fight play out and was shocked when Naruto, Red Fox or whatever he calls himself, get flung into the alcohol store. They were both worried until they saw Naruto exit the store and beat Bane with the aid of Batman. They saw him hold two yellow bottles before punching Bane, talking to Batman before vanishing into thin air. April stopped recording as Naruto, who appeared behind them. He was silent until he let out a deep breath to say, "So you two have questions?" The two turned and did just that.

Batcave-an hour later

Batman in the BatBot returned to the cave having walked through the tunnels to reach the Batcave. Once there he sighs and says, "Alfred!? I am back."

Alfred from his spot at the Batcomputer shouts, "So sir, has Bane been dealt with?"

"He will be arrested for his crimes," The Batbot opened and Bruce crawled out and adds "Turns out Red Fox is more durable then the Batman," he sighs sadly before adding, "Though he has no interest in protecting the city."

Alfred arrived with a wheel chair and proceeded to help Bruce to the Batcomputer while saying, "That makes sense, the Batwave has found enough reports stating that Bane had set traps for Red Fox each night since he 'broke the Bat' all incidents, the Red Fox never appeared."

Bruce scratched his chin and says, "Then today was just a matter of him being in the right place at the right time." He opens a new file and titled it Red Fox and says, "With listed sightings added to the file and all the knowledge I know," he sighs and says, "Damn it, I know nothing other than he can fight, deals with the super natural and," he paused before saying, "Values human life."

"Master Bruce?" Alfred questioned as a voice or realisation was in his voice.

"He could have ended that fight before I even arrived," Bruce finished, "That sword of his could cut through Bane without issue, but," he left what he was going to say, unsaid.

Alfred thought heavily and says, "So he chose to be a target and," Alfred was distracted as he went to the BatBot as it was raised up to the main level of the cave to find a yellow bottle of Vodka stuck to the front of the BatBot. Once he reached the bottle, he grabbed the bottle by the neck resulting in the bottle suddenly detached and says, "It appears you have a gift."

With Naruto-An hour later

Two hours for them to be rescued by emergency crews getting the Ferris Wheel working again. Though every person on the wheel had been talked to by the police to get statements, with Naruto saying, "I was at the top of the Wheel with two girls my age, I barely saw the fight below."

April showed the recording she made while Barbara spoke with her father that had arrived, and after a brief talk she said a goodbye to Naruto and April saying that she would see them tomorrow at Naruto's place.

Naruto groaned and says, "Great," he starts walking towards the tram station as April followed with him and when they were out of ear shot of the police Naruto said, "I don't want to repeat myself tomorrow." With that he turned into an alley with April following him and proceeded to find the alley empty. Naruto had jumped up to the rooftops and sped through the city. He looked at the sunset as he saw the clock tower and decided to watch the sunset.

With the homeless man-Under the deck of Amusement mile.

The homeless dark figure pushes his cart under the deck with his feet dragging through the water. Once he reached a stone wall under the pier, he pulls out the staff and stabbed the bottom into the wall revealing a hidden doorway that went deeper underground he dragged the cart behind him.

The figure reached a round chamber with three sealed doorways, before slamming the staff on the ground that turned the floor into an elevator, that went even deeper underground and proceeded to enter the ancient satanic temple and sat in a throne. He looked with glowing purple eyes at the map of old Gotham, with Arkham Asylum, the Gotham clock tower and the old museum that used to be the library for the elite of old Gotham, scratched off.

The figure was deep in thought as he says, "I need allies," he revealed his old and clawed hand having the elevator floor flip to reveal a large crystal. "GEM OF SIGHT BEYOND SIGHT!" the figure stands and places his hand on the crystal, "ENTICE THOSE WHO CAN AID ME RETURN TO MY YOUTH!" images of a suited penguin, a strange doll and many other items appeared causing the dark figure to smile before collapsing to his knees causing his hood to reveal his skull like face and bald, missing most of his teeth and overall very weak as the snake exited his shadow.

"Master," the snake said in concern before being very serious as it glares at him, "GET UP! You have plans to make."

The 'Master' says as he stands, "patience, enticing distractions will only result in success," before laughing like a lunatic.

With Naruto-Clock Tower-An hour after Sunset.

Red Fox sits on the rooftops relaxing as he waited for the time when demons were ready to find them. Red Fox reads his book as he takes notes on the spider he sees the Spider that finds that he was thinking that it was too easy. He was confused until he sensed some demons, so he jumped off the Clock Tower and jumped to the rooftops across the main road and travelled towards the source.

He eventually reached the Gotham's abandoned church, one of the places where homeless tend to live at night. Red Fox was within ear shot of the he hears screams before he smashed his way through the old window diorama to find many of the homeless people being webbed up into cacoons by two oversized spiders. Red Fox revved his sword and cut both the spiders in half which also set the webs on fire releasing the homeless people. When they all reco0vered from the attack, Red Fox left the church missing the four tiny spiders that crawled out of their carcasses before heading down to the sewers.

Once Red Fox stepped out, he stopped when he saw a pair of policemen with their guns raised and pointed at Red Fox with one saying, "Hands in the air!"

Red Fox did just that before saying loudly, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" while looking behind the policemen, causing the two to look behind them due to the urgency in his voice, only to see nothing before turning back to find Red Fox gone.

Red Fox was behind them and placed a piece of paper on each of their backs before jumping to the rooftops. He smirks as they return to their patrol car and drove away. Red Fox then proceeded to older Gotham and proceeded to hunt more demons.

Gotham Police Station-An hour later.

Chief Bullock paced back and forth after reading the report made by two of his patrolmen, who later discovered notes for the Chief on their backs that both read, 'Really, you are all wasting your time chasing me, when you can't see me.' There was a chibi picture of Red Fox making a piece sign with his hand.

Chief Bullock growls and says, "That Sidekick is humiliating me!" he then noticed his door was partially open and he corrects himself. "I mean, of the GCPD." The policemen outside continued their work as they tried to keep their jobs.

Chief Bullock is seen to have a tendency of firing those who disagree with him. Sometimes the person disappeared if he could not have them fired. All was believed to have been caused by the mob. When people complained to Commissioner Loeb, they were 'transferred' out of Gotham.

Chief Bullock stands and looks out the window and glares outside at the news crews and reporters listening to Commissioner Loeb, explaining that the Batman and Red Fox are dangerous criminals, and it was a civilian's duty to either report or perform a citizen's arrest.

What no one knows about Chief Bullock and Commissioner Loeb was that they were taking bribes and withholding evidence that would free almost every prisoner in Blackgate Prison and get the two the electric chair.

Splinter's Antiques-Early morning-Sunrise-Sunday

Red Fox travelled along rooftops towards the different the secret entrance, it had been a late night and as he expected he had to fight Sytrs who took a pot shot with arrows. Their target was some homeless people and the subway trains. In the end Red Fox ensured that no one was injured or saw him, except the homeless.

Red Fox walked through the secret entrance to find Hamoto meditating in the middle of the Dojo. Naruto lowered his face mask and says, "Sorry I am late," he tiredly rubs his eye and says, "It took a couple weeks but now the Sytrs are showing up, any idea where the spiders came from?"

Hamoto opened his eyes and says, "No idea," the honesty in his voice caused Naruto to stumble before he adds, "Plus the fact that you never encountered them before in the three Underworlds you encountered. Still no sight of the demons that you first encountered a year ago?"

Naruto say in his meditation position in front of Hamoto and says, "I have not seen the knights and their different types, just the Gremlins and Wretches from the clock tower. But they always target the gangs."

"What did the knights do in the underworld?" Hamoto questioned.

Naruto thought deeply and says, "They followed their queen's orders to the letter, even if the queen fumbled up her words." Hamoto rubbed his chin before the doorbell went off causing Naruto to sigh and say, "April and Barbara, must be wanting to learn what my deal is."

Hamoto asks, "Did you reveal yourself?" Naruto nods causing Hamoto to sigh and says, "You made your choice, you must make it right."

"You don't mean?" Naruto asks dragging a finger across his throat.

Hamoto smacks the side of his head and says, "Of course not, you have a choice to make. You could admit your origins, the truth of demons in the world or both."

Naruto rubbed his face and stands to walk towards the stair, performing a transformation so that he looked like a civilian, and went to the door. Kaguya ran up to him in her baby bodysuit with bunny teddy bear where he picked her up and asks, "What should I tell these girls?" Kaguya just got an angry look on her young face as Naruto used his abilities to stick Kaguya to his back over his right shoulder. Naruto went to the front of the store to find April and Barbara waiting for him.

Naruto opened the door, allowed the two girls in, locked the door behind them and led the two to the kitchen, where they found three cups of tea and one bottle of milk next to the orange cup. Naruto sat at the orange cup and gave the milk bottle to Kaguya. Naruto was silent until April asks, "So how long have you been a superhero?"

Naruto took a sip of his tea and says, "Ninja," correcting April, "came to this time, planet or dimension, about two years ago."

Barbara looked at him strangely before asking, "What are you some kind of alien?"

"As far as I know," Naruto answered as Kaguya lowered her bottle and burped loudly and dropped her bottle that Naruto caught and he says, "Me, Kaguya, and three others came to this place due to an 'issue' that occurred in the place we lived," he took Kaguya off his shoulder and rubbed her back due to calm her down as he says, "Kaguya you can't glare at ever person you meet."

April went into her 'Junior Reporter' mode, "So is that why you could survive being punched through a wall?"

Naruto had a thoughtful look before he answered, "I am not sure," they look at him in disbelief, before he says, "My Godmother and Sakura, regularly punched me through a wall, normally stone. Never really used my chakra to defend myself."

Barbara looked at Naruto as he apparently continued to think on it, while April asks, "What was your 'world' like?"

Naruto answered, "Well we are more in touch with nature, no fire arms, no advanced technology, but a single man can destroy armies with enough training."

"Training?" Barbara questioned.

Naruto placed his left hand flat on the table where it glowed blue with chakra and he pulled the entire table into the air with the cups staying balanced, before he turned his hand slightly but enough for the cups to slip off. The cups stayed in place while what was left in the cups showed that gravity was still working, "This is a simple chakra based technique, used for walking on water or climbing trees without hands. Some if the other villages have different methods, my friend Gaara told me about how they used Chakra to condense sand as they walk through the desert."

Kakashi entered the kitchen to find the three teenagers and one toddler talking, his mask up as he looks at the blandly before walking out the kitchen. April asks, "What was that about?"

Naruto was silent and until he says, "That was my teacher in my old world, when we came here they de-aged a couple years."

Barbara stares at Kaguya and asks, "How old is Kaguya meant to be?"

Naruto was thoughtful before he says, "A few millennia? I am not sure," Kaguya looked at him confused before he adds, "Though she does not remember our old world, we have some theories, but nothing we can prove."

April takes a sip of her tea before asking, "So what is the deal with that sword and those creatures?" Naruto looked at her strangely before she elaborated, "The internet is filled with stories about you fighting demons," she pulled out her laptop and opened the page to display a drawings of him, some blurry pictures and one recording of him fighting some Wretches. April then asks, "What are those things?"

"Demons," Naruto answered with no hesitation, before he did hesitate and says, "about a year and a half ago, I had my first encounter with the Underworld."

A Year and a Half Prior-Gotham-Night time

Naruto had snuck out wearing his orange jumpsuit and head band, no offence to Hamoto, but Naruto needed to get out of the store. He was jumping from roof to roof, until he reached the history museum where just watched the cloud covered sky before taking a step back and being pulled through a strange mirror.

Royal Underworld-Part One-Day One

Naruto fell on his butt, before he looked to the sky to find and eternal eclipse and red sky with black stars. Naruto stood before he looked at the ground around him to see the Gothic style of Gotham, with a distinct medieval castle with banners that literally bleed on the ground below them. Naruto looked around and noticed he was on a bridge that crossed a river of blood.

Naruto freaked out lightly before calming down and heading towards the castle and looks around. Once inside he sees a couple knights and speaks, "Excuse me, where am I?"

The Knight turned around to reveal an undead medieval soldier, (Knight Zombie from Black Ops Zombies Origins Map) grabbing Naruto and throwing to the side into the stone walls. He was then surrounded by the Knights who tied him up and dragged him along the cobble ground and through the courtyard and into the throne room.

He was forced to his knees in front of a stone throne that began to turn to reveal a woman covered in flames as a dress, a set of horns with a flaming crown between them. Oh and her body is nothing but burnt flesh and bones.

The Knight bowed in front of their queen as she gained a hungry look in her empty eyes, with a flaming tongue licking its charcoaled lips and says, "Take him to the kitchen, prepare my feast."

That was when Naruto realised that he was the menu, so he looked around quickly before switching places with a Knight that was closest to the exit, before he just straight up ran from the castle. Only for a horde of Knights, on foot and on skeletal horseback chasing him out the castle and Naruto proceeded to find the a blood red forest that he jumps from tree to tree.

Eventually he lost sight of the Knights and took a seat at the base of a tree and breathed heavily as he looks to the sky to see no movement in the celestial bodies in the sky. He took a deep breath before an arrow pierced the tree next to his head, causing him to run as fast as he could before another arrow came from the side cutting his shin causing him to fall and his right hand to be caught in a metal bear trap below the elbow. He tried to pull his arm out when regripped on his arm drawing blood. He hears the sound of hoof beats getting closer and felt true terror.

His eyes then widen as he puts more effort in opening the trap. Using his left hand he pulls out a knife and starts to wedge it in the trap, only for the trap eat the knife. Naruto looked in disbelief before pulling out another such knife and has a determined look on his face before swinging down.

Splinter's Antiques-present

Naruto stopped talking when he mentioned the trap and says after taking several deep breaths, "is it okay if we take a break, this story is very traumatic for me," Kaguya placed a hand on Naruto's arm in concern.

April then questioned, "You ran in Terror?"

Naruto replied with, "Yes, Underworlds have an effect on the mind, makes you see the world, the way that the demons want you too. To hunt a helpless and terrified teenager, like an animal for example."

"How did you get away from the knights," Barbara questioned, "How did you even survive?"

Naruto smiles sadly and says, "I made a friend," before continuing the censored version for Barbara and April. Unaware that Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and Hamoto were listening from outside.

Royal Underworld-Part Two-Day eight.

Naruto walked after running away from the trap clutching the stump that was his hand. He did not encounter anymore knights since the trap incident. He continued to walk through the woods before reached a mountain ranged and walked through the first pass he found through the mountains.

That had been the day before where he found the place and currently he was walking up a mountain. His head band tied tightly around his arm, the metal plate hanging at the bottom. As he walked he heard some birds squawking in the distance. As he walked he hears a voice, "Get back you beast, you have taken my sight, now you won't stop hassle me!"

Naruto sped forward to see a cloaked man swinging a metal cane at a group of winged women creatures. The creatures attack the figure before looks down and throws a rock the size of a football at one of the creatures. The creatures then swoop down to him only for the figure to say, "Use my cane," as he takes knee. Naruto grabs the cane with his left hand and jumped into the air and proceeded to hook the one of the creatures before smacking it into one of the other creatures, causing the flock to scream at him before flying away.

Naruto returned the cane and says, "Why were those strange women attacking you?"

The figure accepts the cane and says, "They took the eye I made and now I am stuck in the realm of the Underworld. Where is my manners," the figure removes his hood to reveal man with dark blue skin, pointy ears, a single blind eye, mustache and beard, and half the top of his head missing, "I am Phineas."

Naruto steps back in slight panic while saying, "Your," he trips back as the blind creature look at the distance.

Phineas then spoke, "You are a human," the shock in his voice caused Naruto to be more confused than scared. They both hear squawks in the distance getting closer, "Quickly this way," Phineas used his cane to help him walk to a cave, Naruto took a second before relenting and entering the narrow cave entrance. Once inside Naruto sees a small blue fire and scraps of fabric acting as a bed, "Welcome to my home. Sorry, I was not expecting company."

Naruto found a large rock and takes a seat, "What are you?"

"I am a Scholar, an Inventor and a Prophet," Phineas answered with a straight face before he smiles, "Oh and a Demon, as you humans labelled us. What was the last thing you remember and where did you land?"

"I was on a roof in this city I recently moved to, and some mirror appeared before I found myself on some strange castle of blood and a queen on fire," Naruto answered.

"The Blood Queen of fire," Phineas spoke, "She loves human meat, but when she cannot have her favourite meal she eats her minions," Phineas took a meditative seat and says, "Someone opened the portal from the human side. I know how you can get home," he said seriously, "But I will need you to do something for me." Naruto's eyes narrow as Phineas adds, "Those Harpies, they have my eye," he gestured to missing part of his head, "Get it back for me and I can help you get home, but it will take time."

Naruto was silent before he rubbed his right elbow and asks, "What do I need to do?"

Phineas spoke, "Look out the cave, the harpies will return to their have in a few minutes, they need to surround themselves in metal to rest their wings. My eye is gold with different engravings," Naruto does just that while Phineas speaks, "I will need my cane to lure them out, but you will need to sneak into the hive."

"Break in and steal back your eye," Naruto replied as the harpies flew back to a large metal sphere that is about an hour further along the pass. "Anything that I should know about these Harpies?"

Phineas simply said, "They eat their wounded. Cut their wings and they will lose all focus on you."

The Harpies flew away as Naruto says, "They are leaving now," Naruto looks at Phineas and says, "You better be telling me the truth."

Phineas nods and says, "Then you can kill me with my cane," he held it by the shaft and adds, "Once you return I will tell you everything you need to get home." Naruto nods at the conviction that Phineas spoke before running out the cave and along the path.

Splinter's Antiques-The present.

Naruto sipped his drink as Barbara asked, "So you helped him?"

"A blind man wanted his eye back," Naruto answered, "and frankly he was the only demon there willing to help me."

April then says, "Please continue."

Royal Underworld-Part 3-Day nine

Naruto reached under the hive as he spots a way in that strangely looked like items such as pipes, pots and weapons, melted together. His way in was one such pot that had a large hole through the bottom that led through a tunnel of steal metal. As he travels through the metal hallways that as he got closer to the centre of the hive he found the rarer metals being more concentrated. He eventually reaches a large chamber with a floating sphere of gold, precious gems and rare metals rotating, with Phineas' eye being seen next to a handle with leather peeling off.

Naruto drops done and cracks some broken egg shells before noticing the unhatched eggs the closer he got to the centre of the room. Once the metal Sphere revealed Phineas' eye he jumped up and tried to stick to the metal with his chakra only to get zero traction and had grab the handle that shifted behind the eye. So he raised his feet against the sphere and pushed against it dislodging the eye and a single sided blade that is almost two meters long. He drop the sword collected the eye and placed it in his coat before catching the sword and accidently crushing an egg shell under his foot.

That was when he heard a loud and angry squawk from above and realised the biggest mistake that he could have ever made, he never looked up. Doing so now he saw a hundred Harpies staring at him and the crushed egg under his foot. Naruto figured that if he was going to die, then he would take as many of them as possible. So he cut the sphere in half by channelling Chakra through the blade like he was taught before he starts running. The sphere crushes many of the eggs causing the Harpies to drink the fluids expelled while Naruto jumps through the biggest tunnel which slipped and sparked along when he landed on a loose frypan that led to the outside to a drop that he used his new sword to stab into the cliff wall to slow down and he landed on the path from before he ran back to Phineas.

An hour later he reached Phineas' cave and said, "I hope this is it," he pulled out the eye and gave it to Phineas before adding, "We may be stuck here a while, I kind of destroyed their nest getting this."

Phineas smiled before placing the eye in the cavity that was his head and says, "Well there is step one," he looks to Naruto and sees his arm and sword and says, "Looks like we need an extra step," he steps to Naruto and sees the stump that was his right forearm, "No wonder you escaped the Queen, you left a part of yourself behind and her minions completed their task. But this means it will take longer to get you home."

Naruto looks at him and asks, "What do you mean?"

"The only way to get you home," Phineas starts and says, "You need to kill the Queen of Fire, it will disable the seal being used," he looks off to the distance again and says, "At least you have collected the tool to achieve this," indicating the sword still on Naruto's back, "You young Naruto," Naruto's eyes widened before he stepped back as Phineas speaks, "My eye sees truths, concealed pathways and secrets that others want to keep hidden," Phineas' eye then glows, opening a portal and says, "I know a place that will aid you," with that the two walked through the portal.

Splinter's Antiques-The present-Lunch time.

Naruto was silent after explaining his sword, Hamoto entered the kitchen and asks, "Would you two like to join us for lunch, than afterwards Naruto can tell you the rest of his story."

Secret Base-That moment

Tigerclaw smiled as he looked at the completed throne room of his masters Gotham Base, Master Shredder would probably reward him with it when their mission was complete. One of his ninjas came to him and kneeled and says, "The prison, the pit and the Labrartory are complete, your ninja's will be finished the storeroom by the end of the week."

Tigerclaw nods before speaking, "Then have our stealthiest Foot Ninja search out our new minions and income," the Foot Ninja that kneeled to him nods before heading towards the exit. Leaving Tigerclaw to smile at the thought of his reward.

:End of Chapter Two:

(I hoped you enjoyed the two chapters and if you think I should continue please comment.

Just to keep this up:


With that said I hope you enjoyed, please review and as always BEWARE THE WRAITH!)