A/N: I was watched Dosed and it came to me. I know most of you haven't watched Ghost Whisperer, but I have never seen someone more in need of healing than Bobby so I decided to write a scene where he meets Melinda Gordon. You only need to know the basic premise of Ghost Whisperer to enjoy this. ~Meowser

Melinda had hoped to enjoy her trip to California, even without Jim and Aiden, but it was like she was meeting a ghost around every corner. It didn't help that Los Angeles had experienced a major earthquake recently. She was avoiding looking at even living passersby, because she there were so many ghosts, it was getting hard to tell who was who.

It was giving her a real headache, and she wasn't feeling good at all. The sun was hot on her head, and she knew that big cities were always a challenge for her, but she didn't expect it to be this hard, having underestimated it. She hadn't gone to NYC for almost three years now, and she had brushed off how hard big cities were when Rick had asked her to come visit him. He was now teaching at UCLA, and wanted her help on a lecture.

Their relationship had slowly but surely been repaired since his abrupt departure nearly ten years ago, with a lot of hard work on both of their parts. She knew that things would never be the same, but she wanted to help him out, somehow repay him for the two years he'd spent being an invaluable resource and support for her, snark and all.

They were planning on meeting for dinner Thursday, the day she flew in, and the lecture was Friday morning. Melinda was walking to the restaurant from her hotel; they were close and she'd wanted to get to know the city. Rick had offered to give her a ride, but it was a gorgeous 80 degree day outside, and that contrasted with Grandview's miserable 40 degrees had made the decision to walk a slam dunk.

She was now regretting it, deeply.

She was so close to the restaurant, she could see the sign, but her head was spinning and she finally realized that she wasn't going to make it; the sun was too hot, and the ghosts were overwhelming her.

She collapsed on the pavement.

"Middle-aged female collapsed on the sidewalk," Bobby told his team as they neared the scene. "It could just be from the heat wave, it could be something more serious."

He'd been having a hard week since the LSD brownies incident, and even having Athena around being the solid support she was, hadn't been able to curb his longings for a high and to see his family again.

He'd been seeing Brooke around every corner, hearing her voice in his sleep.

He could never forgive himself.

The ambulance pulled up on scene, and their patient was already stirring awake. A good Samaritan was hovering, giving her water, and their patient was looking more than a little embarrassed to see a whole medical team approaching.

"I told them to cancel the 911 call, I'm fine," she apologized. "I'm sorry to waste your time," she told them as they got closer.

"It's not a waste of time, ma'am," Bobby answered. "We'd like to check you out, if you're willing."

The woman, a petite brunette, sighed, finally nodding. "Okay."

"I'm Bobby Nash, and this is my team," Bobby said, nodding at Hen and Chimney. "Can you tell us your name?"

"Melinda Gordon," she answered, as Hen began to strap on a blood pressure cuff.

"Melinda, are you a native Angelean?" Hen asked, as Chimney shone a light in Melinda's eyes.

"I'm not," she told them. "I'm here from New York to see an old friend of mine. Oh god. I'm late for dinner." She started to struggle to get up, but Chimney and Hen halted her.

"Whoa there, wait a minute," Chimney said, gently pushing her back down. "Let us check you out first. What happened here, Melinda?"

She sighed. "It really isn't a big deal. The sun was hot and I'm...not good in crowds either."

Bobby wondered why she'd paused as she had, but ignored it.

"I just fainted," she said.

"Do you faint frequently?" Hen wondered. "Because that can be an indicator of a lot of different, more serious conditions."

Melinda paused again, and Bobby now didn't ignore it. That should be an easy question to answer. "I have been known to faint when my...anxiety is high," she said slowly. "But it's manageable. I live in a small town and it's not a problem."

What an odd answer.

"Blood pressure is normal, and so are vital responses," Chimney told him. "She is responding normally, and she doesn't show signs of heatstroke."

"Ma'am, I'd really like to recommend further testing," Bobby began.

"I don't think that's necessary," Melinda replied. "And really, I'm late to dinner."

She tried to get up, and Hen and Chimney gave her a hand, effortlessly lifting the small woman to her feet. Bobby now noticed the heels on her feet, and the closely fitted black cocktail dress. Both of those could have easily contributed to her being lightheaded. Maybe he was overthinking this.

"Let us give you a ride to your destination then," Bobby said.

She laughed. "Ride in an ambulance? I haven't done that not as a passenger since my husband was a paramedic. Yes, I will take a ride. Thank you, Bobby Nash."

"Was?" Hen questioned.

"He finally went back to med school," Melinda replied, taking the arm that Bobby offered her. "He's the surgeon general at our hometown hospital now."

"That's incredible," Chimney replied.

"What brings you to LA?" Bobby wondered, giving her a hand up into the ambulance.

"I'm here visiting a friend of mine, Professor Rick Payne at UCLA," she answered.

Bobby got into the driver's seat and Hen and Chimney indicated that they were set in the back.

Melinda told him what restaurant she'd been heading to, and Bobby pulled out into traffic. It was just a couple blocks away.

"What's he a professor of?" Bobby wondered. Traffic was a gridlock, and he didn't feel good about using the emergency lights, so they'd just have to wait it out.

"Supernatural studies," Melinda told him.

"Like ghosts?" Bobby asked, his eyes meeting hers in the rearview mirror.

She hesitated. "Yeah."

There was a girl in the cab with them, and Melinda didn't know if she wanted to bring it up. They'd have a max of five minutes riding together, and she didn't want to seem like a crazy person, but the sadness hanging around Bobby Nash was almost palpable.

And the girl, who hadn't spoken much, now opened her mouth. "You can see me."

Melinda just nodded, pulling out her phone. "Sorry," she apologized to Bobby. "I have to text my professor friend."

She'd learned new tricks with smartphones, and had begun to force her supernatural visitors to interact with her through the technology. She'd learned new tricks, having grown tired of always being the crazy person talking to no one.

Who are you? She typed.

I'm his daughter, Brooke. Please. You have to help me talk to him. He still blames himself.

For what? Melinda wondered, meeting the girl's eyes.

For my death.

Melinda was suddenly engulfed in flames, choking, so hot, unable to breathe.

Aiden had helped her learn to control her visions more; she'd learned by watching her stronger son. She pulled herself back to the present, breathing hard.

"Are you okay?" Bobby asked. They were very near the restaurant.

"I am," Melinda replied. "Bobby, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he replied, his eyes darting to her before landing back on the road.

"Do you miss your daughter Brooke?"

Bobby felt his world tilt on its axis, and he had no idea how to answer the question posed by the woman sitting next to him.

They had just pulled up in front of the restaurant she'd been headed to, and there was a blond man waiting for them out front.

"Melinda, you haven't changed at all, always making a dramatic entrance," he said, his jaw dropping when Melinda climbed out of the ambulance. Bobby quietly agreed.

Melinda turned around, handing Bobby a business card. "I have to go, I've kept him waiting too long," she told him. "But please, give me a call when your shift is over if you want to talk."

"How do you know about my daughter?" Bobby asked, before she could slip away.

"I've talked to her," Melinda replied, and closed the ambulance door.

A/N: Part 2 is coming :)