The remaining Mayans hauled Levi to the desert, not too far from Vicky's and over Riz's property line, but close enough to know who and what was nearby. Levi woke up on the ride but was still groggy and dry heaving once the trip was done. His head trauma was severe and they could all see it.

"Hey," Bishop crouched down to look Levi in the eye, snapping his fingers in his face to catch his attention. "You came after my little girl, me and Tash, we can handle our shit, but our baby is off fucking limits." As he spoke his voice became more of a growl.

"I'm sorry," Levi whimpered. "I need a fucking hospital man," he stammered. "I'm fucked up."

"I hear the California DOC provides excellent healthcare," Taza laughed.

"What?" Levi gasped, looking up at Taza from his spot in the sand. "What are you gonna do?"

"You're going to take the fall," Bishop explained. "You set us up, the shelter shit was rejected white pride version of revenge."

"Stockton is gonna love you," Angel taunted.

"He's gonna get picked up the first day," Gilly laughed.

"Don't think trying to bite anyone is gonna help, they'll rip those pricey veneers out of your mouth if they want a blow job bad enough."

While the younger ones were having fun with Levi, Bishop was filled with nothing but rage.

"They'll never buy it," Levi muttered. "There's no way to prove it."

"I don't need proof," Bishop grumbled. "The mayor, the cops, they're in our pockets. They need you to say it, that's it, and that's what you're gonna do."

It was risky, the Mayans knew it, but with enough persistence and someone to take the fall, Bishop and Natasha would be free and clear.

"I'm not going to prison for you," Levi tried to sound forceful but instead he dry heaved again.

"You call Rogan?" Bishop asked Angel.

"He's on his way," Angel said smugly. "I can't wait to see this shit."

"Natasha would have loved it," Bishop said.

"Didn't take much to get her going," Levi grumbled. "Slut loved it."

"Jefe," Hank said in a warning tone seeing Bishop about to haul off. "He's not gonna be able to take much more."

Bishop grit his teeth but turned his back and walked away from the group. He could see the patrol car kicking up dust and for a second he had the urge to turn and simply kill Levi. It was all he wanted from the moment he heard Natasha was dating again but the feeling only grew stronger since then.

Franky was spotted almost a mile out, kicking up massive amounts of dust and sand, and when he arrived they noticed he wasn't alone.

"This can't be good," Bishop grumbled.

"It's better for you than him," Pena muttered with a dirty look towards Levi.

"Better be," he huffed. "Hitler, tell the Mayor what we talked about."

"I didn't do shit," he said hurriedly. "This asshole is setting me up."

"You take full responsibility for the medication we found on sight at the kennel?"


Pena nodded. "I heard a yes."

"Me too," Riz chuckled.

"We'll get a full confession," Franky said confidently. "Get up. You're under arrest."

Levi clambered to his feet and made one last effort to keep himself out of prison although it wasn't thought out. Snatching Bishop's knife from his back, Levi plunged the blade into Bishop's lower back twice before slashing at Franky.

"Come on," Hank snapped, grabbing Franky's gun and shooting Levi in the chest. "Bad fucking reflexes deputy," he spat angrily.

"Bishop," Pena was the first one to help, due to her close proximity. She helped him to the ground and pressed her hands against his wounds. "What do we do? We're too far out!"

"Get him in the car," Hank ordered the Mayans. "Take him into the city, leave this prick to bleed out," he told Franky.

"Okay," Franky nodded.

"I'll stay, give my statement to the next officer," Pena lowered her voice, "You shot him. Self-defense. Case closed."

Frank nodded, climbing into the car, and looked at Hank. "You knew he was gonna, didn't you?"

"He's a coward. He wanted the easy way out. That's why I used your gun, no questions."

The club watched Franky fishtail away, racing back to civilization, with tears in their eyes. It took a sharp turn and now they were all terrified for their president.

"Shit," EZ hissed. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Keep me updated."

"What?" Natasha asked eagerly. "What happened?"

"Levi's dead," EZ explained. "He made a move when Franky went to cuff him."

Natasha shook her head. "No. You're upset. Why are you upset? It's not Levi."

"It's Bishop," he quickly admitted. "He's in surgery, Levi stabbed him."

Natasha gasped, clamping her hand over her face to keep from alerting Lili of the horrible news.

"I have to go," she stammered.

"They want you here with me," EZ explained. "It's just safer for now."

"Fuck that," she hissed. "You wanna keep me here you'll have to physically stop me from leaving."

Putting his hands on Natasha would get him in significantly more trouble than simply telling the others that she was on her way.

"I know better than that," EZ groaned.

"Smart boy," she said, kissing his cheek. "Watch Lili, don't be as easy with her as you were with me."

Smiling, EZ nodded. "Won't be a problem, I'm not scared of her."

Snatching her keys off the hook, Natasha slammed their door behind her and booked it to her car. She made it to the hospital even quicker than she imagined, finding Taza in the waiting room covered in blood.

"Oh my god," Natasha stopped when she made eye contact with him. "Is he okay?"

"They just took him back," Taza said, immediately hugging Natasha. Out of everyone, Taza knew Bishop, and by default, Natasha, the longest.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked him, refusing to let go of him. "He has to be."

"They didn't say," Taza sighed.

Natasha whimpered. "He has to be. He will be. Tiny but mighty, he'll be fine."

"I hope so," Taza uttered sadly.

"No," she said forcefully, finally ending the embrace. "He has to be. Full stop. Bishop is going to be okay. I just know it."