Nick's words had proved prophetic, as the sky continued to darken throughout the day. By the time they were heading to Zootopia Biolabs, foreboding clouds covered the sky.
"It looks really bad up there," commended Judy. "It better not rain."
"If it does, I'm sure you'll just hop to cover Carrots," quipped Nick, which earned him a firm punch to the arm.
"Ow, I see you've finally learned to pull those punches," he groaned.
"Only for you," she smirked, gently rubbing the impact site, causing the fox's heart to flutter.
Pulling up to the security booth, they were waved through the gate with a flash of their badges soon pulling into a parking space. The lab was surrounded by a myriad of vehicles belonging to news crews, scientists and businesses, all invited to the activation of the particle accelerator.
"You think Clawdon took Barry's advice?" asked Judy as they exited their cruiser. "About tightening every bolt and screw?"
"I'm sure the good doctor has it well in paw Fluff," replied Nick. "Like I said, he will have checked and re-checked everything so we don't get more superpowered mammals running around, although-"
He struck a heroic pose and flexed his arms like a bodybuilder.
"I think I'd make a great superhero, what do you think about 'Flying Fox'?"
"I think 'Fat Ego' suits you better," giggled Judy, causing Nick to stick out his tongue.
Together, they approached the gleaming glass and metal building, flashing their badges to the guard at the main door. Entering, they observed the lobby was now decorated for the presentation, a stage was set up at the back of the room with a podium in front of a billboard of the lab's logo, along with several TV screens showing data and camera feeds from the inside of the accelerator. The room buzzed with anticipation from the throngs of mammals that filled the space, all dressed to their nines for such a momentous occasion.
"Nick, Judy!"
The pair waved at the white tiger in a lab coat that called to them from the mass of mammals. Extracting himself from the crowd, the predator strode over to shake their paws.
"Nice to see you again Nathaniel," greeted Judy. "Sorry we missed your press conference."
"That's quite alright Officer Hopps," replied Nathaniel Clawdon. "I'm just glad Bogo let the both of you help out with security tonight."
"Are you expecting trouble?" enquired Nick.
"Absolutely, the particle accelerator was a big investment for the labs. If anyone wanted to damage the company, or me, this would be a perfect opportunity."
"In that case, where do you need us?" asked Judy.
The tiger waved over a large, muscular white stallion in a security uniform and cap.
"This is Maximus, he's my head of security."
"Nice to meet you both," replied the horse, tipping his cap. "I'll be leading a team up here with a second in the deeper parts of the building. You two are going to be in control room with Clawdon, anything goes wrong he can detect it from there."
"Then we respond along with your team, good plan," complimented Judy. "Plus, we can protect him if anyone targets him directly."
"Exactly," confirmed Maximus. "Until then, stay with the doctor. We have a few unsavory guests here tonight."
He passed them a piece of paper.
"These are our radio frequencies. I'm going for one last perimeter sweep now. I'll see you after this is over."
With another tip of his cap, the stallion strode off.
"What did he mean by 'unsavory'?" asked Judy, turning to Clawdon.
The tiger pointed to one of the guests, a black panther in a slick business suit and tie. He had a short beard and grey streaks in his fur by his ears. However his most distinguishing feature was the eyepatch over his right eye, and the scar that ran under it.
"That's Malcom Calico, CEO of Calico Industries, our chief rival. If anyone was considered unsavory, it's him."
"I'd say the eyepatch alone makes him suspect," observed Nick.
"Isn't Calico something of a philanthropist?" questioned Judy.
"Publically, yes," replied Clawdon. "But I've dealt with him privately in and out of the boardroom. He's sly, cunning, ruthless and completely amoral."
"So, the perfect business mammal?" quipped Nick.
"And more," continued Clawdon, watching as the panther spotted them. "Oh great, he's seen us, act casual."
"Well I must say Nathaniel, this is quite the event," stated Calico, a refined accent tinting his words as he approached the group. "One would say that your experiment has been a success already."
"Always a pleasure Malcolm," dryly stated Clawdon as he shook the panthers paw, although Judy observed both predators squeezing just a bit harder than necessary. "But this is no experiment."
"Oh? I wasn't aware you had already succeeded," condescendingly replied the panther.
"I haven't, yet. I can assure you that my team has dotted all the 'i's and crossed every t. This will be a success."
"I should hope so, my stock isn't going to raise itself."
"Finally finished inflating your ego have you?"
Calico flashed a dangerous smile.
"Touche', I take it these two are the members of Zootopia's finest that were requested for tonight's festivities."
"Judy Hopps," stated Judy.
"Nick Wilde," greeted Nick, curtly.
"Malcom Calico," purred the panther.
Judy took Malcolms paw and shook it, his grip was firm, and the way he gripped her smaller appendage was clearly meant to be an expression of dominance, of course her own grip was stronger than the average bunny thanks to her training regimen and a childhood spent on the farm. At this distance she got a close look at his scar, the angry red line passing under the eyepatch emphasising the predatory look in his remaining pupil, but Judy held her ground. She had seen off bigger bullies than him.
"Strong grip there Officer Hopps," he remarked, releasing her paw.
"I take down mammals many times my size, a strong set of paws is useful."
The panther smirked, sharp canines glinting as he moved to Nick, who likewise held his ground as he shook the panthers paw. The vulpines trademark smirk did not waver as the predator's intimidation tactics washed over him, the fox's paw holding steady against the panther's squeezing paw.
"Good grip as well I see," stated Calico. "You can tell alot about a mammal from his grip."
"Indeed, I often judge a mammal's character on the quality of their pawshake," replied Nick. "Your's is quite strong, but you might be overcompensating."
Calico's smile held, but Nick observed it had become just a little forced as his paw was released.
"Well Nathaniel, glad to see you have the most famous officers in Zootopia helping with your image," stated the feline, standing eye to eye with Clawdon. "Now, I must be getting to my seat, I wouldn't want to miss the fireworks."
As the panter walked away from the three mammals, Judy shared a look with Clawdon.
"I see why you don't like him, I felt like he was sizing me up."
"I've dealt with guys like him before fluff," quipped Nick. "His type is always working an angle of some kind, he was looking for the best way to exploit us, make no mistake."
"I'd have to agree with Officer Wilde, Calico takes the terms 'aggressive business mammal'' quite literally ," finished Clawdon. "However, let's move on to happier things, if you would follow me to the laboratory elevator, we can get things rolling."
Clawdon gestured for the pair to follow and they wandered towards the elevator, passing a hare by a cleaning cart. The hare in question pulled his cap low as they did, watching as they rounded a corner before he put away his mop and wheeled the cart into the custodian's closet.
He stripped out of his overalls, revealing a black, skin tight bodysuit with a hood that he pulled over his ears. Opening a toolbox, he withdrew a pair of military goggles and strapped them to his head before clipping on a belt of tools he had hidden inside the cleaning cart.
Quickly hiding the cleaners uniform, he expertly clambered up the stacked supplies and pushed aside a ceiling tile before slipping into the roof cavity. Replacing the tile, he pulled down the goggles and checked his wrist, drawing his fingers down his arm, which resulted in a series of screens lighting up to show blueprints of the laboratory.
"Status report."
He grit his teeth at the sound of Calico's voice on his earpiece.
"I literally just got into the roof cavity." he snapped.
"I don't care for your humour mister Screws," criticised Calico. "Just give me your status,"
"Like I said, I'm in the roof cavity, making my way to the elevator shaft."
"Be quick about it, Clawdon and his little entourage are heading there now, I don't have to remind you what's at stake here."
"I am aware," he hissed. "Rest assured, by tomorrow this lab will be nothing but ash."
"Then hop to it already!"
The comm went dead, and Edward Screws rolled his eyes at the panthers jab. Mammals like him always looked down on smaller creatures. Hares and bunnies in particular always had it tough, which is one of the reasons why Judy Hopps was such a celebrity, even with everything she accomplished in such a short time as an officer.
Of course, he had accomplished a lot as well, his job at a tech company had been good until his boss, a large buffalo, overlooked him one time too many. That was when he discovered he was just as good at breaking things as he was building them.
Stealthily making his way to the elevator, the hare mused a little about Judy. He respected the bunny for overcoming stacked odds to become a cop, but hanging around with that fox wasn't good for her status, perhaps he might arrange an accident if the opportunity presented itself.
He paused by a metal plate to examine the blueprints. They indicated this was the top of the lab's elevator shaft. Producing an aerosol can from his belt, Screws painted a square on the metal before using a pocket lighter to set it alight. The flames raced over the pattern and a perfectly shaped piece of metal fell into his paws.
Poking his head into the shaft, the hare looked up and down. A cold breeze blew upwards and the line of cables before him rattled as the lift ascended from below. As he waited, the saboteur pulled back his hood and pressed an ear to the tiles below him.
"We checked everything on Mr Allen's recommendation," stated Clawdon.
"See Carrots, no need to worry," replied Nick.
Edward smirked, what Calico wanted him to do would certainly prove both Clawdon and that fox very wrong. Replacing his hood as the lift arrived, the hare carefully climbed onto it as the mammals below filed inside, their voices managing to filter through the metal.
"Control Room," stated Clawdon, and the lift started moving.
"Very Star Trek," said Nick.
"A logical deduction, Piberius," joked Judy.
"Why would you tell the nice doctor that?" groaned Nick.
"Mum a big fan of the show?" chuckled Clawdon.
"Such a fan," moaned Nick. "Even had a technical manual for the Enterpaws."
The lift slowed to a stop, Edward waiting until he heard them leave before clambering a little way back up the cable to a letterbox shaped ventilation shaft. Swinging his legs out the hare flew into the metal tunnel, disappearing deeper into the laboratory.
Unaware of their passenger, Clawdon led Nick and Judy into the control room. The doors sliding open at their approach to reveal a room packed with technology. When Nick and Judy had been there last it was all under construction, but now, they felt a sense of awe at the completed product.
Sleek consoles sized for small, medium and large mammals filled the floor, each attended by a scientist or technician. Screens of data surrounded the window that looked into the accelerator, where they could see engineers busing themselves as they checked every wire, bolt and connection. A low energy seemed to fill the air as they all chattered excitedly about data and information that both officers struggled to make sense of.
"Ladies and gentle mammals," suddenly announced Clawdon, and all activity ceased as he took centre stage.
"It's time to make history!"