Mum-Ra has been defeated once and for all new Thundera is looking forward to a time of peace. The mutants are staying in Plun-darr while the Lunataks are being sentenced. Lion-o use a sentence of bringing them before the oracle and have them be reborn as Thunderian cubs. Chilla was the last to agree. Years later Lion-o's wife Liosia gives birth to a baby girl with pale white hair like Chilla's.

chapter 1 A choice

It now a time of peace on New Thundera. Mum-Ra has finally been defeated once and for all. The sword of omens had destroyed the horrible Mum-Ra and reduced him to dust and his Pyramid crumbled to the ground. New Thundera was finally free from Mum-Ra's evil. Lion-o allowed the mutants to return to their home on the planet Plun-darr. But how to handle the Lunataks they were far too dangerous.

"I know the other's agreed to it, but I doubt she will agree to it," Liosia said. "After all Chilla is very stubborn and willful," she said.

"I know she is, but maybe she will be willing to cooperate for once," Lion-o said. "But you know we have one of the Lunataks who already agreed to it standing by if this isn't enough," he said.

"I know," Liosia said. "I just hope it turns out well," she said.

"I hope so too," Lion-o said.

The warden saw them come in. "Hello Lord Lion-o and lady Liosia," he said.

"You must Talar," Liosia said.

"Yes," Talar said. "I know Lion-o has been here to get the other Lunataks to agree but I know Chilla will be a tough one to handle." he said.

"True, but we are willing to give it a shot." Liosia said.

"Which one of the Lunataks will help with the convincing?" Lion-o asked.

"Alluro, he apparently has know Chilla the longest." Talar said.

"Okay then," Lion-o said.

Alluro was brought in chains a guard pushed him. "Hey don't push me, I'm cooperating," Alluro said.

"So you are willing to help us convince Chilla that this sentence is in her best interest?" Liosia asked.

"Yes, many of us Lunataks agreed because we never came from loving families." Alluro said. "I think Chilla will be the hardest one to convince to because she is willful and independent." he said.

"We know, and we appreciate the help," Liosia said.

They headed towards the cell. "Remember all of you and that includes you Alluro must maintain a four pace distance from her, and not try to give her anything or try to touch her." Talar said.

"I am aware of the drill thank you," Lion-o said.

"I understand," Liosia said.

"Okay," Alluro said.

They made it to the cell which was kept warm to prevent Chilla from using her ice powers. "What do you want Lord of the Thundercats?" Chilla asked. "And lady of the Thundercats too, congrats by the way," she sneered.

"Chilla we are here to offer you sentence that was thought of by Liosia my wife," Lion-o said.

"What kind of sentence?" Chilla asked.

"You will be brought before the Thunderian oracle and you will be reborn sometime in the future as a Thunderian cub." Lion-o said. "That way you will be free of you past sins and you can live a new life," he said.

"No way," Chilla said. "Me give up being the mistress of cold as if," she said.

"Chilla the other Lunataks have agreed," Lion-o said.

"Figures they were always easy to persuade." Chilla said.

"Well one of them has offered to talk to you about this," Lion-o said.

Alluro came up. "Hello Chilla," Alluro said.

"Hey Alluro," Chilla said.

"I thought it might be hard for you to accept this," Alluro said.

"You got that right how can I be sure my life won't end up the same as did?" Chilla said.

"I don't know but this our chance to start anew and have second chance," Alluro said.

"But how can we know we won't still care about each other, I know we fight but I still love you," Chilla said.

Lion-o and Liosia were plenty shocked they never knew that Chilla and Alluro were in a romantic relationship. Maybe it was a secret that they kept from the other Lunataks because they didn't want it to be exploited or torn apart.

"Who knows if we are reborn maybe we will meet again and love each other just like we did," Alluro said.

"Okay," Chilla said. "Alright lord of the Thundercats accept," she said. "Now I just want to talk to Alluro for a while," she said.

"I can't argue with you there," Lion-o said. After that Lion-o and Liosia left two lovebirds alone.

"I am glad we got Chilla to agree like the other Lunataks but I can't help feel bad for her and Alluro. It must be terrible at the thought never seeing your love again," Liosia said.

"I think so too, Liosia," Lion-o said. "Who knows what the future holds for those too, but I know everything will be alright," he said.

"I sure hope so," Liosia said.

Lion-o and Liosia thought they probably would never see those Lunataks again. Now they had to head home and tend to their other duties.