Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY Or ROTSH

Hey so sorry about being gone for so long but honestly this is more of a side project for me, so don't expect updates to be stable. Currently, I'm working on another project for me. However, I haven't started posting it yet. I reached a stopping point and figure I finish this chapter up as I had it halfway done when I stopped.

Also, as you may or may not have noticed, I changed the title so I will only be doing TROTSH for this fanfic. If I ever feel like doing something else, I will be making it a separate work. And I'm rather glad I am only doing a focused story instead of lots of different one like others do cause jeez you guys have a lot of suggestions almost makes me feel bad that I'm not doing them lol.

Also a big thank you to all of you that have decided to follow this work, I thank you all so much. But enough of that! Onto the book!

Chapter 3- Summoned to hell - part 2

After the viewing Botis lead everyone to their designated rooms to which everyone was more than satisfied with, everyone decided that the best course of action was to rest for today and figured things out tomorrow with a fresh mind.

-In team rwby's room-

"Ya know I would have figured all that happened yesterday to be one crazy dream if it wasn't for the fact I woke up in this room," said Yang.

"I'm still having a hard time believing all that's happened," said Weiss

"Ya, it's so cool, though! We get to see Jaune in another world be a hero!" said Ruby, excited to watch the next viewing.

"Easy there sis based on what that god guy said we're going to be here a while. So I'm sure we're going to be seeing plenty of Vomit Boy be a hero."

"Oh, boy!" Weiss said sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Come on Weiss don't be so mean. I thought you and Jaune made up after the dance and he finally stopped asking you out?" said Ruby.

"While that's true it's not like sour feeling to having to deal with that disappears in a day. I mean he pestered me for almost an entire semester. I was getting near my breaking point." Weiss explains.

"Well, he said he was sorry and that he thought you were just playing hard to get. I mean if you need anyone to blame, you should talk to his dad for giving him all that bad advice." Says Yang

"I suppose… Fine. I'll try to be nicer to him, but I swear if he tries to ask me out one more time I am going to lose it."

"Weiss, didn't you get together with Neptune anyway? Just tell him to ask Jaune to back off if he tries. But I'm pretty sure Jaune over you already anyway." says Yang

"Ugh, that's my next problem I mean Is Neptune really such a womanizer?" Both Ruby and Yang nodded.

"How did I not notice it before?"

"Well, maybe you were staring at his face too long and forgot to look at his personality," said Yang.

"Weiss I'm sure it will be fine OUR Neptune doesn't seem like the kind of guy to cheat. Based on what I've seen, he might hit on other women, but he doesn't seem like one to do anything more than that."

"I know! If that weren't the case, I would have dumped him the minute I found out. That's why this is so hard. I don't want to see him flirt with other girls when we're supposed to be together!" Weiss says dejectedly.

"Well, the only way to get through to him is to talk to him about it. I mean he won't stop unless you say something, right?" says Ruby

Weiss nods just agreeing with ruby but also secretly depressed she better at this when she's probably never had a boyfriend before.

Yang stop listening to them talk a minute ago as she noticed Blake in the corner being extra brody, and she was pretty sure she knew why.

"Hey, Blake, are you alright? You don't seem like yourself."

"I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure some things out."

"Does it have to do with your parents being here?" asked Yang, knowing she was hitting the nail on the head.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Well, you're going to have to talk to them later today whether you like it or not. I don't see any better time to talk than now," says Yang

Blake felt like this was a losing battle as she knows Yang was right. She sighs and gets ready to explain, "I-Its just that, I didn't exactly leave my parents on the best of terms. I'm worried about what they will say when I face them. I haven't seen them in years, and I don't know what to say when I talk to them."

"Hmm, well your not giving me a lot to work with does it have anything to do with the white fang?"

"Yes, In fact when I told you I was born into it I wasn't lying My father was the one who started the White fang back when it was still peaceful of course however he was forced to step down when he refused to use the more aggressive methods."

"I think I get what happened. You didn't like that he wasn't willing to use more aggressive means, so you ran off to fight, right?" Blake, just nodded.

"In my opinion, sometimes the worst thing you can do is overthink a small problem when it can be easily solved by talking it out." says Yang

"Well, I guess that's the only way, but it doesn't make it any less scary."

"No, It doesn't, but if it makes you feel any better your not alone in the fact of having to face long lost parents."

"Huh, but I thought you said your mother left- Wait is that that woman who showed up last was? I couldn't tell because she wore a mask."

"Ya It was my mother, I'm sure of it, and I'm finally going to get my answers."

-In the teacher's lounge-

"Ozpin! I thought you said there were only two gods now where here with another god as his toys of amusement!" yelled Ironwood completely stressed out.

"Calm down, While it's true I once said the two brothers are the only gods, but that's because they were the only gods I have even known."

Ironwood didn't care much for that answer as he paced back and forth.

"James sit down, You know just as much as the rest of us! I suggest you use this little vacation wisely, and I very much doubt you will get a second one like this." Said Glynda just about fed up with the general's little fit.

"Yes! Indeed general! I suggest we use this chance to learn as much as we can! As Knowledge is the most powerful tool there, I doubt we will get a second lesson on how things work in another universe!" says Oobleck who was the polar opposite of the general and was excited to learn more.

"I just-" He takes a breath attempting to calm his nerves "I don't understand how you all can remain so calm about this when we've been put inside this cage. I don't believe that- 'God' put us here for merely just for the fun of it."

Unknown to the general, a red dog had walked inside during his line of questioning.

"Believe it, human. My master is not like those two cry baby who left remnant when their toys didn't work like they wanted them to. He knows how to take care of his belongings, which can be considered a blessing for you all."

The general quickly pulled himself together, "Sir. Botis I didn't realize you were here, I apologize If I offended you in any way."

"Think nothing of it human I am merely following my master's orders, and I can sense your anxiety. You may have been toys that those two babies created to settle a fight, but you are currently under the rule of my master, and while you're here it can be considered that you currently belong to him. Unlike those two babies that abandoned their toybox, my master knows how to care for his belonging."

"I apologize for my rudeness but by 'babies' are you referring to the god of light and darkness?" asked Ironwood.

"Who else would I be talking about human?"

Ozpin found the reference quite amusing and disturbingly not inaccurate.

"So you speak of them as they are quite young would that imply that Sir. Lycan is much older, perhaps?"

"Ages for the god stop mattering after a while but compared to those two babies. You can say my master is much older."

"If I may be so bold as to ask. Do you know why your master chose us to watch another this other universe," asked Glynda taking this chance to ask what they really wanted to know.

"Well, as I am merely a servant, I can not claim to know my master's intentions fully, but I can say that he seems to have a soft spot for your world. However, I believe my master chose your world at random as there are others he could have chosen but picked yours as he most likely thought it would be the most interesting one to observe."

"I see..." Ozpin said, finding it fascinating. There was more they would like to know but figured it was best not to push their luck right now and would hold off until later.

After everyone had woken up, and breakfast was over, Botis spoke up, gaining all the attention in the room.

"Attention humans...and faunus, My master has readied the next viewing and has asked you all head towards the theater to start viewing. You will all have time to enjoy yourselves in the afternoon. That is all. Do not be late."

They decided it was best not to anger the god as they quickly made way to the viewing room and pushed their important tasks to a later time.

Botis glanced around taking note that everyone had arrived, except for one…

"Where is that drunk human" Botis asks.

"Tai Yang had a hand over his face as he answered "I saw him passed out on the bed when I got up, but I figured he would have woken up by now. I should have kicked him to the floor."

"Hmm, very well I shall get him this time to speed things along but do make sure he is not late next time we wouldn't want to upset the master," Botis says as he turns into a blur and reappears next to Qrows seat with Qrow still passed out sitting in the chair snoring away. Tai Punches him in the arm knocking him off his seat.

Clutching his arm as he sits up, "Tai what was that for, that hurts like hell."

"Perhaps it would be best to take your seat brother before you anger the god," says Raven speaking up for the first time.

Qrow completely sobered up at Raven voice and realized where he was. So he quickly took his seat and apologized," Sorry about that I thought everything that happened was another drunk dream."

Tai shocking his head at Qrow, "Only you, Qrow."

"Well then since that's out of the way, let's begin," says Botis as the screen lights up.

Finally, dawn arrived. We finished eating breakfast and were waiting in anticipation for the king's summons. It was only natural to give us a little spare time in the morning. No one wants to feel rushed out of bed. Finally, when the sky, probably around ten o'clock, the king called for us. We could hardly contain ourselves and hurried to the audience chamber, our hearts dancing in our chests.

"Enter hero's."

The doors to the audience chamber swung open to reveal a group of twelve strangers, all dressed as though they were about to embark on an adventure of their own. There were knights among them. The king certainly knew how to show his support. We all bowed to the king and settled in to listen to his proposal.

"As we discussed yesterday, I have called for others to assist you in your journey. Apparently, my call did not go unheeded."

"I wonder what kind of companions Jaune will get," Ruby asks.

"Well, It too looks there are about 11 people there so he will likely get to pick two or three," said Blake.

If there were three assistants provided to each of us, we might just survive.

"Now then, Gathered adventurers, please choose the legendary hero with whom you will travel with."

"Huh? They got to choose? But wouldn't that be unfair if one of them doesn't get a partner." Says Jaune.

"Unfortunately kid, I believe that was the point, as you may or may have noticed they don't particularly like the Shield Hero for some reason," said Roman

"Fine! Forget those guys Jaune. I'm sure you're going to get the best companions Ever!" Says Nora with blind confidence.

Wait, so they got to choose? That came as a shock to all of us, though when I thought about it only made sense. We all came from another world, so what did we know about our journey? Better to let the experienced citizens make the decision. The four of us lined up. The gathered adventures shuffled over in our direction and formed little clumps before their intended partners, Five for Yatsuhashi, Four for Neptune, three for Sun, and before me, - yeah zero.

"Yep, just as expected" Said Roman but no one else decided to comment not willing to indulge him.

"But, sir!" I called to the king. How could this be? It was so unfair!

The king was unnerved by my protest. He spoke. "I did not anticipate anything like this."

"He's not very popular, is he?" the minister sighed as if there was nothing he could do about it.

The king, for his part, seemed disinterested. The men in robes were whispering something to the king, and they all seemed to laugh, But why?

"So there are rumors?" says the king.

"What is it?" Neptune asked. He wore a strange expression.

The situation was so unfair. I couldn't make sense of it. It was like being in elementary school when we'd split into teams. I guess I was the last one picked? How could they do this to me here, in a completely new world?

"It seems that people are whispering around the castle. They are saying that among the four, heroes, the shield hero doesn't know very much about our world."


"The legends say that the four summoned heroes will have an understanding of our land. People are wondering if you will truly be able to fulfill the conditions set out in the legends."

Neptune poked me in the side with his elbow.

"I guess someone was eavesdropping on us last night."

He meant our conversation about games. They were leaving me on my own because I haven't heard of a game?! Besides, what kind of legend was this anyway? I might not know much about the kingdom, but I was still the shield hero! For whatever reason… According to the other guys, I was stuck with the most useless class…. But this wasn't a game, to begin with!

"Poor kid," says, Kali

Ghira speaks to comfort his wife, "I'm sure things will get better."

"Yatshhashi! You can't even use five people! Let's share!"

The adventures standing around Yatsuhashi all suddenly huddled behind him, quaking in their boots. They were behaving like terrified little sheep. Yatsuhashi looked annoyed and scratched his head, perplexed. Then he said,

"I'm more of a loner, myself. So if you can't cut it, I'm leaving you behind," he said relatively forcefully, but none of the people behind him showed signs of moving.

"What is wrong with the people in this world?" asks Phyrha frowning at how they were all behaving.

"They act like Jaune is some scary monster," says Ren also confused by the odd behavior.

"But why would they be scared of me, aren't I supposed to be a hero like the other three?" Jaune asks confused

"I'm not sure Jaune, but perhaps it would be best to watch and find out."

"Neptune! What do you think of this? Isn't it horrible?!"


By the way, I'd like to point out that there was not a single man among the adventurers with Neptune. It looked like he was setting up a brothel or something.

"Well, I don't want to be biased here… but uh..."

Sun looked a little confused but seemed to be saying that he couldn't exactly refuse the help he'd been offered.

"I suppose It would be fair to split them evenly with each of us getting three, but then again, It's not gentlemanly to deny them once they've made their decision." what Sun said sounded fair enough, and everyone in the room nodded along.

"You mean I need to go at it alone."

"I was stuck with a shield! They were the ones who said it was the worst class! If I didn't have a party to travel with, how was I supposed to get stronger?"

"Sir, If It pleases you, I could serve with the shield hero." One of the women with Neptune said.

"Hm? Are you sure?"

"Yes." She was cute and had long yellow hair, she was a pretty face as well just a bit shorter than me.

"Ohh so Yangs going be teaming with Jaune that's so cool," says Ruby happy to see them teaming up.

Yang was frowning at her counterpart, feeling something was off about it.

"At least he's got some help now even I agree it kinda unfair to force him to fight with only the shield," says Sun kinda sad the show hasn't been painting him in the best of lights so far.

"Are there any other among you that would throw your lot in with ?"

...No one moved a muscle. The king sighed heavily.

"I suppose there is no way around it. Mr. Arc, you'll have to recruit others to accompany you while you are traveling. Each month, I will supply all of you with necessary funds for your journey, though in compensation for today's events, first payment will be higher than the others."

"Y ...Yes, Sir!" It seemed like a fair resolution. If no one wanted to work with me voluntarily, I would have to find people to help me.

"Despite his earlier attitude the king handle that rather well," says Ozpin

"Well at least he acting somewhat fair, unlike the earlier plot he used to bring the shield Hero down," says Ironwood

"Now then, Heroes, I have set aside these funds for you. Please accept them."

Attendants brought a bag of money to each of us. I could hear something heavy and metallic rattling inside the bags. The one I received was slightly larger than the others.

"I have set aside 800 pieces of silver for Mr. Arc and 600 for the rest of you. Please take these funds and begin your journey."

"Yes, Sir!" we all answered in unison.

Each of us made our obligatory bows of gratitude before backing out of the audience chamber. Once we were all out of the room, we made our introductions.

"Um, so it's nice to meet you, hero. My name is Yang Rose."

"Pleasure." She didn't seem to be very shy, and she spoke without reservation.

I believe in taking care of your friends. Especially considering that according to everyone one I met so far, I had been dealt a losing hand. On top of it all, Yang was a girl, and I was the shield hero. It would be up to me to protect her.

"At least the kids got the right idea," says Qrow

"Oh? Speaking from experience, Brother?" Says Raven as she grins at him, Botis had taken her mask deciding it was better for her not to have it.

"Ya, I am, I wouldn't expect someone as lucky as you to understand."

"I may be lucky, but I can at least understand an ants trouble, but it doesn't seem to work the other way."

Qrow just scoffed at her answer turning back to the screen.

"Very well then. Let's get going. Shall we, ?"

She smiled and nodded following me out of the room. There was a drawbridge strung between the castle and the town. Crossing it, I got my first real view of the town. Granted, I'd gotten a little glimpse of it from the window last night, but standing there now in the middle of it all. I really started to feel like I'd come to a different world.

The cobblestone streets were lined with stone buildings, many of which were furnished with wooden signs. Delicious smells were wafting from many directions at once.

"What should we do?"

"I think It would be wise to try to get some better equipment and armor."

"Good idea. With all the money the king gave us, we should be able to get some real quality stuff."

"Ohh! I wonder what kind of equipment they got in this world!" says Ruby

"Nothing I'm sure would excite you, Ruby, this place looks like it doesn't use's transforming weapons," said Weiss

"It will still be interesting to figure out how they fight in this world," says Blake

Yang didn't incline to comment just glancing at her mother that now didn't have her mask on.

"I hope they're at least tactful," says Coco.

"Well based out what we have seen so far, it's probably going to be medieval type stuff," says Velvet.

"So we're going to be seeing medieval stuff huh?" Fox says exited while pushing his glasses up. Typically he's mostly blind only capable of making out vague shapes, and standard glasses don't help him. However, Botis had given him a pair of that was able to temporarily allow him to see clearly. So he was quite happy seeing all these new things that are so normal to everyone else. He was quite shocked to see his friends face for the first time.

The only equipment I had was a shield, so procuring a weapon was of paramount importance. Without one, I wouldn't stand a chance against any Grimm. I wouldn't even be much use to my teammates without one. Regardless, the other heroes all had weapons that would level up with them. If I didn't hit the ground running, they'd overtake me in time.

Considering all they'd gone through to summon me here, It didn't seem right to slack off. And besides, even If I was stuck with a weak class, Yang had still teamed up with me. I needed to do what I could for her sake.

"Well, I know a good store if you're ready to go."

"I am."


Weapons are essential, but all you really need are friends. Yang led me down to the weapon store she knew. She walked as if she was skipping. After a bit of time, Yang finally slowed her pace and stopped before a shop. There was a large sign in the shape of a sword hanging over the wooden door.

"This is the shop I was talking about."


I stole a glimpse of the interior through the open door. There were weapons of all sorts hanging on the stone walls. It was exactly what you imagine when you think of a "weapon shop." It looked like they also stock up on armor and other goods necessary for adventuring.

"Welcome," the owner of the shop called out to us amiably. The owner, too, was precisely what you think of when you think "Weapon shop." He was leaning on the counter, and the whole scene felt like a painting. I was relieved, as I was fearing a fat, pudge type of owner. I really was in a whole new world…

"Do you think they sell grenade in this world? Nothing quite right without proper explosives," says Nora

"I'm not sure Nora, but I'm sure we will find out," says Ren

"So this is a weapon shop..."

"I see this is your first time in one. Well, you sure know to pick 'em."

"Actually, my companion here told me about your store." I pointed over at Yang, in response to which she raised a hand and waved it in greeting.

"Why thank you very much… miss...hey, haven't we met somewhere?"

"I've been here before, sir. Also, your shop is very well known around here."

"Well, isn't that kind of you. By the way, If I may ask, who is this strangely dressed friend of yours?"

I guess that that made sense, they would think my clothes looked strange. I probably looked like a country bumpkin touring the kingdom or just a crazy person.

"I think you already know the answer to that, sir."

"You mean...you're one of the the...heroes? Wow!" The man began to look over me carefully.

"He doesn't really look that strong." I couldn't believe my ears!

"Tell me how you really feel! Geez!" But the old guy was right. I really didn't look like I would do anyone much good. That's why I needed to get stronger.

"Ouch, I don't really look that weak do I?" asked Jaune

"Well, ya! But that's only because you still need to build that muscle!" She says flexing to prove her point.

"I'll tell you what! When we get out of here, I'm sending you on the Nora Workout Special!" Nora says as she holds Jaune and waves her hand in the distance.

*Gulp* Jaune suddenly feared for his life he remembered the last time he tried one of Nora's workouts… long story short it didn't end well and Glynda has us cleaning the school for a month... so much syrup. Jaune shudders at the memory.

"Listen up, hero boy. If you don't get yourself some decent equipment, the other adventures will wipe the floor with you."

"I suppose..." I kind of liked the guy. He seemed honest.

"Looks like you got the short stick?" I felt my face twitch in recognition. How did gossip spread this quickly? Whatever. I shouldn't admit loss before I even got going.

"I am the shield hero, Jaune Arc. Things might get rough from here on out, so I've come for your assistance." It was an aggressive way to introduce myself, but I had to convince myself. Too.

"Mr. Arc, was it? Well then, here's to hoping you become a regular of sorts around here. Let's see what we can do!" He was an amicable guy, to be sure.

Yang walked over and spoke up. "Hey, sir, don't you have any good equipment for my friend here?"

"I'm sure that I do, but how's your budget looking?"


Yang was looking me over in some sort of appraisal.

"We could probably spend up to 250 silver pieces." We only had 800 to start with would that leave with us enough for when we recruit other party members?

"That much, huh? Well then, you should start looking over here," said the owner as he walked around the shop and pulled various weapons from their spaces on the wall.

"Tell me, kid. You have a favorite kind of weapon?"

"Not yet."

"If so, then I'd recommend a sword that is light enough for beginners." he proceeded to set several swords out on the counter. "All of these have blood clean coating, so they're pretty easy to handle."

"Blood clean?"

"Gore and blood on a blade will erode the edge, making upkeep more difficult. These swords don't have that problem."

"Wow that's useful, it's not something we have to worry about too much as Grimm doesn't leave any traces," says Ruby contemplating the usefulness of such a coating.

"Oh boy, here we go," said Yang rolling her expecting this.

"Do that mean the Grimm in this world don't evaporate when they die?" asked Blake.

"That would be most fascinating! I wonder in what form the Grimm appears in this world," Said Oobleck.

"Wow..." I was surprised, but thinking on it for a minute, I realized that even in my own world, people spoke of knives losing their edge after cutting through meat. I suppose he meant that these swords would stay sharp for a long time. They were much higher quality than any other of the replica swords I'd seen before. They looked like serious weapons.

"Those are in order, Iron, Magic Iron, Magic steel, and Silver Iron. they get more expensive as they go, but the increase in quality is tremendous."

Were they hardened to different degrees based on the ore used in their production? It seemed they were all made from iron.

"There are also weapons of higher quality. But in the 250 range, this is really what you've got to pick from."

I'd heard of things like this before. In console games, the weapons shop in the first town would never have very good weapons available. This shop, however, seemed to have a wide variety. That made it more like an online game. But then again, this Wasn't a game. In the real world, In any real world, the weapons shops in the capital were sure to have suitable materials available, right?

"An iron sword...Hmmm..."

I took one of them in hand, and sure enough, it was cumbersome. The shield I carried was so light I took little notice of it, but these weapons had significant heft. I'd have to use them to fight any monsters we encountered…

"Whoa!" suddenly, as if receiving an electric shock, the iron sword I was holding flew out of my hand.


The shop owner and Yang were both looking at me and then at the sword where it lay. I reached for the sword again, assuming I'd dropped it. It sat in my hand as if nothing happened at all. Just what was that?

I was wondering what had happened when pain came shooting up my arm.


What was going on? I glared at the owner, thinking he must have been up to something, but he shook his head. I didn't believe that Yang would want to interfere with me, but to be safe, I looked over at her as well.

"It looked like it just flew out of your hand."

But it couldn't be… it just couldn't. I stared at my palm for a moment. As I did, words began to appear in my periphery.

{Legendary weapon specification: A weapon besides the assigned equipment was held, violating the rule.}

"It would look like is not allowed anything but his shield in a fight," says Ironwood

"But why would it do that? You can't fight with only a shield" says Glynda disapproving of such a thing.

"Perhaps the shield has abilities that we have yet seen, that might even the odds," said Ozpin.

"Well this kid better hope he gets some damn good ones," said Qrow feeling sympathy for the kid's bad luck.

What the hell? I rushed to bring up the help screen and read quickly through the articles there. I found it!

{The heroes may not hold a weapon aside from their assigned legendary weapon with the intent to fight with it.}

What?! Was that supposed to mean I couldn't use anything other then a shield in battle? What kind of crappy game only lets you fight with a shield?

"Well," I said, wincing and raising my face to the others. "It looks like I'm only allowed to use a shield..."

"But why? Can you let me see that?" I held my shield arm out to the shop owner, but that was all I could do, as I was still unable to put the shield down. The old guy whispered something to himself, and a small ball of light shot towards my shield, only to bounce off harmlessly. "Well," he said."It certainly looks like an ordinary small shield...but it behaves..."

"Oh, do you know it?" I asked.

The shield was also called a small shield on my status screen with "Legendary weapon" added in parentheses to the side.

"You see this jewel lodged in the center of the shield? I feel a great amount of energy emanating from it. I tried looking into it with my appraisal magic but was unable to glean any information as If it was somehow obscure, I should have known that instantly." he sighed and looked at me, stroking his trademark beard. "Well, you've certainly shown me something interesting. I guess you'll be wanting some defensive goods?"

"Yes, please."

"I'd like to give you what I can for 250, which probably mean a suit of armor."

Considering I already had a shield, I had to agree with him. The owner pointed to a variety of armor suits that he had around the shop.

"Full plate armor tends to inhibit your movement, so it's not well suited to adventuring. Regardless, chainmail is better for a beginner anyway."

I reached for a suit of chainmail. It rattled and clicked in my hands. It was a whole shirt made from chains! I guess that was it, though. Was that all he had to offer? An icon was flashing at me, and I quickly opened it.

Chainmail: defense up, slice resistance(small)

Ah hah! No information came up when I touched the swords because I was unable to equip them.

"That would be so helpful if you could see the stats of Items just like a game," said Neptune.

"Definitely would make it easier to know what you were picking when making your weapon," replied Sun.

"How much does this cost? Myne asked the owner."

"I'll give you a discount. You can have for 120."

"What could we get it for?"

"Hm… I suppose you could get it 100 or so."

"I was asking because if the shield hero outgrows it, we could probably sell it back."

I was starting to understand. I was still at level 1, so as I level up, I would be able to equip better things, meaning this chainmail wouldn't be useful for all that long. It looked like the shop had better armor available, but that was about the best I could do at my current level.

"All right then. We'll take it."

"Thank you very much! I'll throw in some inner-wear to show my gratitude."

We said our thanks and then asked me, "Will you change into that here?"


"Very well, right over here."

He led me to a changing room where I changed into the undershirt and chainmail. He then took my original clothing and packed it away into a sack for me.

"Hey now! You're starting to look the part, Lad!"

"Thank you." I guess he was trying to say something nice.

"All right then hero, shall we be off to battle?"

"Right on!"

I was starting to feel like a real adventurer when Yang and I left the shop. We made our way back to the castle and entered through the main gate. On our way through, a knight bowed his head to me. So I waved back in response. I was feeling good.

How exciting! My adventure was finally beginning.

"So we're going to be finally seeing some fighting," said Yang

"Well, it only his first day. It's highly likely he will likely start somewhere easy, so I wouldn't expect to see a big fight," said Weiss crushing Yangs hopes.

Outside the castle, fields of grass extended in every direction. There was, at least, a cobblestone road meandering over the scenery, but once we left the town, it seemed like the world was nothing but green and green and green.

It struck me as novel and fascinating. I could see both the expanse of the sky and the horizon itself. I figured that running around giddy excitement would not reflect well on me, considering I was a hero and all, and so I did my best to swallow my emotions.

"Now then, hero. This land is filled with rather weak monsters, and battling them should make for good practice."

"Good idea. I don't have any experience with battles and all, so this seems like a good chance."

"Do your best."

"Huh? You're not fighting with me, Yang?"

"Before I participate, I'd like to get a sense of your ability."

"Oh? All right then."

I suppose it only made sense. She had more experience than I did, and of course she would want to see how strong I was. Having me start off fighting a Grim that Yang thought would be easy enough for me.

We poked around in the fields for a little while before spotting something among the grass. It looked like an orange balloon.

"Wait...That's a Grimm! It doesn't even look like one!" yelled Yang

Everyone else was just shocked. This small thing was a Grimm? It wasn't black and

"There's one now, hero. We call these 'Orange balloons,' and they're rather easy to defeat."

Well, that name was a stupid name. There was a severe lack of creativity here.


It let out an angry cry and flashed aggressive eyes at me, confirming its enemy status, And so a creature rushed to attack me.

"You can do it, hero!"

"Got it!"

I needed to look cool in the process, considering Yang was there and all. I held the shield in my right hand and hit the beast with the pointed tip.


I managed to connect with my hit, but… 'Boing!' My strike bounced back. The thing sure was resilient! And I thought it was just going to pop…

The orange balloon reared back, bared its fangs, and came at me again.


I heard a clanging sound from where the beast was biting me. Oddly enough, there was no pain or irritation at all. The orange balloon continued to bite my arm, but its attack seemed to have no effect.

I felt like the shield was emitting some a kind of soft defensive barrier around me. Could that be the true strength of the shield? I silently looked over at Yang.

On seeing this, Ironwood started to think how useful it would be if we could get our current weapons to release an aura of protection. He just noted it down and decided to continue watching as he suddenly realized this might be more helpful than he had initially thought.

"Do your best, hero!"

It seemed like I was unable to either deal or receive damage.

"AAARRRRGGGHHHH!" I pummeled the orange balloon with my fists like some legendary warrior. Five minutes later…. Pow!

With a soft puff of air, the orange balloon popped. Huff...huff...huff… I heard a persistent beep and saw that my experience meter now read 1. I guess that meant I'd earned one EXP point. But If it took that long to earn one measly point… I didn't want to dwell on that for too long.

Besides, this was HARD. There was only so much you could do with your bare hands.

"Nice job, hero."

Yang was applauding me, but something about it felt hopeless.


I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around to see Yatsuhashi jogging with his entourage. I thought about calling out to them, but they looked so serious and focused that I decided not to intrude. Three orange balloons appeared in front of Yatsuhashi. But…

Yatsuhashi swung his sword in a large arc, and all three enemies burst instantly. One Hit!? Come on now. That didn't seem fair at all!


Everyone in the theater "..."

Only Sun spoke up," Well, that sucks."

I was concerned, but Yang threw her hands up and waved them in front of my face.

"It's fine! All heroes have their own way of fighting."


What I gained from the process of fighting the orange balloons was that after being attacked for five minutes and taking no damage, I must have had a significant amount of defense. The orange balloons had left behind some battle loot, which I picked up. Upon touching it, My shield began to beep.

When the loot got near the shield, It was enveloped in a soft light and absorbed into the shields gem.

Orange balloon acquired.

The words flashed before me, and the weapon book icon began to glow. I looked inside and saw a small orange shield Icon. Apparently, I hadn't collected enough, but the orange balloon was a necessary item for upgrading the shield.

"So this is how the legendary weapon works?"

"Yes, It seems that to power them up, they need to absorb certain items."

"I see."

"By the way, how much could we get for the loot we just scored?"

"Hm… maybe a piece of bronze?"

"How many pieces of bronze are worth a piece of silver?"


I suppose that was to be expected, considering how easy they were for Yatsuhashi to defeat.

"All right, Yang, Your turn."

"I suppose you are right."

As she said it, Two orange balloons appeared a short distance away and started coming in our direction. Yang drew a sword that she'd had at her waist and swung it twice in quick succession. Pow! Pow! The orange balloons both burst.

Whoa… Was I really THAT weak? Regardless, it was clear that

I - or at least my shield- was not going to win me any battles. At this rate, it made more sense to have Yang fight, and I would handle the defense of our party.

"Man I feel really bad for this version of me," Jaune says

"Yes it seems like he doesn't have the best of starts, but I'm sure there's something that can turn this around" Said Phyrha trying to look on the bright side.

"I pity the kid, His lucks almost as bad as mine." Says Qrow

"Okay then, Yang you be the fighter, and I'll cover the defense. Let's see how that gets us."

"Okay." She nodded.

We stayed in the fields until the sun started to slant downward in the sky. We fought any orange balloons we came across and also discovered some yellow balloons.

"If we pressed on a little farther, We'd encounter some stronger monsters, but we'd better head back if we want to be in the castle by dark."

"Well, I kind of wanted to fight a little more..."

Considering I wasn't taking damage and defending against the balloons was so easy, I wanted to keep going.

"Let's head back early today and use the extra time to revisit the weapons shop. If I get some new equipment now, we could go that much farther tomorrow."

"I guess you're right."

It would take a little while longer to level up, so I guess there was no reason not to wrap it up for the day. Also, my shield had absorbed all that it needed, so I carry around the leftover balloon loot. Apparently, when I leveled up, my shield would also grow stronger.

The evening drew near as we reentered the town. We decided to have another look at the weapon shop.

"Well, if it isn't my little shield buddy. The other heroes stopped by too, you know."

I guess this shop really was famous. The owner approached us, beaming from ear to ear.

"Yup. Hey, do you know of a place that would buy this off us?"

I showed him the loot from the orange balloons, and he responded by thrusting his finger towards the door.

"There's a shop set up for buying loot just down the road. I'm sure they'd buy it off you."


"Sure. So why else did you decided to stop by?"

"Oh well, I thought I'd get some equipment for Yang, my travel companion."

I looked over to her as I spoke. She was carefully inspecting various weapons around the store.

"How your budget looking?"

I still had 680 pieces of silver. I wasn't sure how much of it I should use.

"What do you think, Myne?"


She was in deep thought, comparing pieces of equipment. It was like she couldn't even hear me speaking to her. I had no idea what hotels went for around here, but it seemed like I'd better set aside at least a month's worth of lodging.

"Well, as for your friend there… Of course, It's true that you'll be stronger with better equipment..."


It looked like there wasn't much I could do to increase my own power, so I had better focus my resources on buying Yang's equipment.

"It would seem the Shield Hero is more of a team player type of hero, compared to the other three," says Glynda

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that. This version of me might be a dick, but at least my girl still knows how to treat her friends." Said Tai.

"Ya know It just occurred to me, but Is this Yang still your daughter? She doesn't seem like a princess in this world," asked Qrow

Tai suddenly got a shock at the realization his immediate instinct was to reprimand Qrow for saying something stupid, but the more he thought about it.

"I hope she still is, but I'm not so sure this Yang is my daughter.

"If I recall she bears a different last name. In that world she was a Rose Instead of Xiao long," said Oobleck.

"Perhaps Raven isn't her birth mother in this world," Qrow say but not so sure of that as she still looks like Raven 2.0.

Raven was slightly offended at the thought but didn't speak up and just noted to make Qrow pay for the comment later.

"I'm sure the truth will reveal itself as we continue to watch," says Ozpin.

"You might fix the prices on me, so let's talk them out right now."

"Ahaha. This is a tenacious little hero!"

"Eighty percent off!"

"That's crazy. Twenty percent up!"

"You're raising it!? Seventy-nine percent."

"You haven't even seen the products yet you fool!"

"Whatever, Ninety percent off!"

"Give me a break. Twenty-one percent up!"

"You're not supposed to raise it! One hundred percent off!"

"Like I'd give it to you for free!" he snorted. "Fine, Five percent off."

"That's it? Ninety-two percent..."

We argued like that for a little while before Yang can over with a cute piece of armor and an expensive gold-inlaid sword.

"Hero, I think these will be sufficient."

"What do you think, old man? Sixty percent off."

"I'll give you a deal: 480 pieces of silver. And that's at fifty- nine percent."

Before Yang decided on what she wanted, we were able to haggle a good arrangement for ourselves. But all we would have left was 200 pieces of silver. Would it be enough?

"Yang, Think you could downgrade a bit? I don't know how much things cost around here, but I need money to survive on."

"It will be fine hero. With my new equipment, I can make back the money with relative ease. Battle loot will cover it."

She batted her eyelashes and leaned her breasts against my arm. I'd never been popular with the girls before, and now look at this girl pressing up against me! She might be right. We did need higher ability.

"I guess..."

200 pieces of silver. Yatshuhasi, Neptune, and Sun all had at least three people with them, so their expenses were sure to be that much higher. Besides, 200 pieces of silver was probably plenty to live on for a month. Regardless, to recruit other people I'd need to level up and make more money.

"A risky investment," said Weiss

"What do you mean?" asks Ruby

Weiss rolls her eyes like it was obvious but explains anyway, "There's no guarantee that buying such high tier equipment will get them more money and it might, in the long run, end up costing more to repair the equipment."

"Oh! I see..." Is all Ruby says in understanding.

"But that's only if they continue to fight those Ballon Grimm since they seem to be the easiest things you can fight, I guarantee there has to be stronger Grimm worth more money," said Blake.

"Fine then, old man. You've got yourself a deal."

"Thanks, boy. You seem like quite the hero already."

"Ahaha. What can I say? I enjoy the business." I'd always try to buy things as cheaply as possible at auctions and then resell them for a profit. Haggling was easy for me. It came naturally. There was a number you could see, so it always made sense.

"Thank you, hero."

Yang looked thrilled. She kissed my hand. Things just kept getting better and better.

Yang continued to frown at her counterpart as her bad feeling continued to grow, "Something not right here." she whispers to herself, but unfortunately for her, she was sitting next to a fanus with sensitive ears.

"What do you mean?" asked Blake, curious at what Yang was referring to.

"Huh?" Yang asked, confused, not realizing she had been heard.

"You said somethings not right, what did you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing much, I just have this feeling that my counterpart isn't being honest and she's planning something more then whats going on. The way she's acting is like shes trying to use Jaune for something, but I don't know for what."

"Don't you think you're overthinking it? Sure, your counterpart seems to be using her charm to her advantage, but I don't feel like she planning anything more than trying to get the best for herself," said Weiss listening in on their conversation.

'Maybe...but I just have this feeling that something bad is about to happen…' Yang thinks to herself.

Tomorrow was sure to be a great adventure. Yang changed into her new equipment, and the both of us made for an inn. 30 bronze pieces for one person night…

"We'll need two rooms," said Yang

"Isn't one room enough?"


It didn't seem like yang was going to budge. Uh...fine.

"Two rooms, please."

"Very well then. If you will."

The innkeeper showed us to our rooms, wringing her hands the whole time, and we ate dinner in an attached restaurant. Meals were not included, and dinner for one cost us 5 bronze.

"Just to confirm, the fields we hunted in today were… right here?"

I'd unrolled a map on the table that I'd bought on our way back to town. The map had a lot of information about the geography of the area. Sure, I could have just asked Yatsuhashi or Neptune, but considering how they'd acted earlier, they probably would not have told me much. If it meant getting ahead, it seemed like there was nothing they wouldn't do. Since I knew so little about the place, I had to do what I could to avoid being led into a powerful Grimm's lair. To that end, I unfurled the map.

"Yes, that's where we were."

"Based on what the other heroes said, once we leave the fields, we enter the forest, right? Is that the next training ground?"

The map was really helping me get an idea for the geography of the place. Basically, the castle stood in the center and was surrounded by fields. Some roads led to the woods and the mountains, another road that led to a river, and another that led to a remote village.

The map was pretty small, though, so I wasn't able to make out much about the neighboring villages. I wasn't able to see what lay on the other side of the forest, but if I didn't try to pick an appropriate path to stronger monsters, we'd never level up.

"Well, you can't see it on this map, but I was thinking of heading to a village on the other side of the forest. It's called Lafan." Yang says

"You don't say..."

"On the outskirts of the village, there's a dungeon suited to beginners."

"A dungeon..."

"We might not make much money there, but it would be a great place to level up."

"I see."

"I have new equipment. While we will depend on your defense, It should not be too difficult for us."

"Awesome. I'll consider it."

"Oh, no problem at all. Oh, hey, don't you drink wine?"

The restaurant had given us wine with our meals, but I had yet to touch mine.

"Nah, I don't really like alcohol."

It's not that I can't drink. It's sort of the opposite. I just never really end up drunk, so I guess I have a high tolerance. Whenever I went to social events in college, I'd drink with other people. I'd drink with other people. I'd see them all end up drunk- which never happened to me. I ended up developing a distaste for the stuff.

"Hey, Jaune are you like that too?" Yang asks, trying to divert her attention.

"Umm, I don't know I've never had anything to drink before."

"Heh, well kid if you as good as you say you are we definitely need to go to a bar sometime." Says Qrow

"Please as If the kid would want to go to the bar with some bum like you," says Tai.

"I'll think about it, I guess?" Jaune says

"Is that so? You could just have one glass?"

"No thanks, I really don't like it."


"No thanks."

"Oh… All right then." She looked upset as she retracted the glass of wine.

"At least we were able to get a plan for tomorrow. Let's get to bed early tonight."

"Sure. See you tomorrow."

We finished eating, and I turned my back on the loud restaurant to go to my room. I remembered my chainmail. I'd have to take it off if I wanted to get any sleep. I slipped out of it and flung it over the chair. I then put my money pouch on the bedside table. And just like a typical person going traveling, I took 30 silver pieces and hid them on the backside of my shield. That settled my anxiety if only just a little.

It had been a busy day. Now I knew how it felt to battle, and defeat a Grimm. I'd felt it yesterday as well, but I really was in another world. I was so excited it was hard to calm down. The curtain was rising on a new, shining adventure. I might be a little behind the others, but there was a path just for me. I had no specific goal in mind. I could do whatever I wanted.

I was suddenly very sleepy. I could hear the sounds of the revelry coming from the restaurant. Some people, they looked almost like Neptune and sun, were talking down the hall. I thought I saw them walk by my doorway. I wonder if they were staying here, too?

I reached out and extinguished my lamp. It was still a little early, but I wanted to get some rest… Rattle, rattle. Hmmm? What was that? People yelling at the bar? Snore. Whisper, Whisper... Something was pulling at my clothes.

"Heh, heh, men are fools. So easily tricked… Can't wait until tomorrow." Who was that?

Was it… a dream?

"Hm?" It was so cold…

The sun was on my face, telling me it was morning already. Still very groggy, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I rose from the bed and went to the window. I guess I'd slept later than I'd intended. The sun was already high in the sky. It must have been around nine.


I suddenly realized I was only wearing my underclothes. Had I slipped out of my clothes in the night? Whatever.

I Iooked out on the town. People were running around in the streets, bustling about just like any other day. There were merchants selling their wares, shops cooking up breakfasts, and carriages clattering down the road. It really felt like a dream. This new world was so beautiful.

I noticed different kinds of carriages on the streets. Some were pulled by big birds like ostriches. They looked just like chocobos, you know, from 'That' game. It seemed like horses denoted a higher class than the birds. And I even saw some carriages being pulled by cows.

"I'd better put some food in my belly and be off." I looked around for my clothes. I looked through the bedding.

...That's odd. I couldn't find them. The chainmail I'd placed on the chair… it was gone! And my money pouch was gone, too! Even my original clothing that I'd set aside was gone!

"Looks like your feeling was right Yang. You did have some other intention." Said Weiss

"Can't say I'm too happy about being right this time."

"But why did she do that? Shes just a member of the guard and would be caught soon enough, once he reported her," Ruby questions.

"Maybe she has a plan set in place to cover her tracks," Blake says.

"I am a bit curious about what kind of plan that will be. I hope it's not something too obvious" Says Roman and Neo nodded in agreement interested in what her fall back plan could be as they might be able to learn something.

"What the..."

Could it be true?! Had I been robbed? Didn't this inn have basic security measures?! Anyway, I'd better find Yang. And quick. Slam! I flung open the door and ran to Yangs room, which was next to mine. I banged heavily on her door.

"Yang! It's terrible! Our money and equipment have been..."

Bang, bang, bang!

No matter how hard I knocked, no sounds came from within. I heard footsteps approaching quickly. I turned to look and saw the castle knights running up to me. They were a veritable light in the darkness. I would tell them about the robbery and enlist aid in finding the thief!

Besides, what kind of idiot would steal from a hero?

"You're knights from the castle, aren't you? Please. Listen to me for a second!"

I turned to them and begged for their attention. Yang come on out already! The situation was getting worse by the second!

"You are the shield hero, yes?"

'Looks like troubles aren't over yet...' Ozpin thinks to himself

"Well, yes, but..." What the hell? They sounded oddly aggressive.

"The king has summoned you. You will come with us."

"He's summoned me? Okay, whatever. But before that, I've been robbed! We need to catch the-"

"You WILL come with us. NOW."

One of them grabbed my collar and pulled me forcefully.

"That hurts! Listen to me!"

But they held my arms tightly and pulled me along with them. I was basically in underwear. There was no dignity in this! Why was I being treated this way?

"Yang! Please hurry!" But the knights would not listen.

We left Yang in her room, and they dragged me back to the castle. The carriages I'd seen before were apparently prepared to bring me back to the castle. And so, without even understanding why, I came to be seen as a criminal by the town.

They dragged me down the street, and soon enough, we arrived at the gate to the castle. I was still in my underwear. The knights kept their spears trained on me to the audience chamber. The king and his retainer were there, both looking very grave. And then…

'Well let's see what kind of lie my other self has made up.' Yang thought

Everyone one, in the theater, was dead silent as they could tell this was a critical moment for Jaune.


Yatsuhashi, Neptune, Sun and the rest of their parties were also there. When I called out to her, Yang ran behind Neptune and made dagger eyes at me from behind his back.

"What the hell, Yang?"

Everyone was glaring at me like I was some sort of Criminal.

"You mean you really don't remember?"

Neptune stepped forward and interrogated me. What were they talking about?

"What do you mean? Remember what… Hey?"

Neptune was wearing my chainmail.

"So it was you...you thief!"

"Who's a thief? I didn't know you were such a scoundrel!"

With my outburst, I realized the audience chambers was beginning to feel rather like a courtroom.

"We will now hear the charges against the Shield Hero."

"Charges? But...but I!"

Yang was sobbing.

"The Shield Hero drank too much, and he came bursting into my room. Then he… He held me down and..."


"He held me down and said, 'The night is still young, baby.' Then he started to rip my clothes off..."

Yang was sniveling behind Neptune, and she pointed a shaky finger in my direction as she spoke.

"I screamed as loud as I could and ran from the room. That's when I found , and he saved me."


"Ok... Yang gotta say I'm really hating this version of you, false rape accusations is a low blow" Coco says trying to hold in the building anger.

"It's ok. I'm of the same mind. I really want to beat the shit out of my other self." Says Yang with red eyes as she clenches her hand.

"A fowl move but unfortunately not as uncommon as one would like," Ozpin states as he closes his eyes in memory.

"Just because it's been done before doesn't mean it is any less sickening," Glynda says seething at this alternate version of her student.

What was she talking about? Last night, right after Yang and I split paths, I'd gone straight to sleep. That was why I didn't remember anything. I felt terrible, watching her cry. But I was too confused to make sense of what was going on.

"What are you talking about? I went to bed right after we finished eating!"

"Liar! If that was true, why would Yang be crying like this?"

"Why are you speaking for her? And just where did you get that shiny new chainmail of yours?"

They'd all just met yesterday, right?

"Last night I went to the bar for a drink. I was sitting there alone when Yang came running over. We had a couple of drinks together, and she gave me this chainmail. She said it was a present."

"Say what?"

I could tell it was my chainmail.

Granted, Yang could have had her own chainmail and given it to Neptune. But It seemed suspicious, at the very least, considering that my own chainmail had gone missing at the same time. Talking to Neptune would get me nowhere. I decided to speak to the king directly.

"That's it! Your Highness! I've been robbed! My money, clothes, equipment- everything but my shield has been stolen! Please bring the person who did this to justice!"

"Silence, scoundrel!"

The king ignored my pleas.

"Any act of sexual aggression committed against the people of my kingdom, whether by barbarian or hero, will be punished-immediately-by death!"

"But this is all a mistake! I didn't do it!"

"I had an inkling the first time I saw you. Of course you would sully yourself, you little demon!"

"Demon?! What did I do?"

"Of course things turned out this way. I felt it immediately-that you were a little different from the rest of us." Sun says.

"Me too. Even at that, though, I never thought you'd stoop so low. You must think you're somehow entitled to whatever you want!" Neptune agrees.

"This isn't all about you! Show some respect!" says Yatsuhashi.

All of them were already assuming that I was guilty. I felt my blood boiling. What the hell was going on? What the hell? What the hell? I didn't even know what they were saying! I never did these things! Why was I being punished? I looked over at Yang in desperation. Apparently, she thought that no one else could see her, because she stuck her out her tongue and mocked me.

"Oh, that Bitch!" Velvet accuses.

Coco was momentarily shocked at Velvet outburst, "Jeez Bun-bun. I never thought I would hear such language from you, but, I also feel it appropriate in this case."

"Yang, please tell me you've never done that," asks Ruby also getting upset by this.

"What! I would never go so low as to accuse someone of doing this!" She defended feeling a little hurt that Ruby even thought she could have done something like this.

"I meant the face, Yang. I know you would never falsely accuse someone."

Yang mind then flashes to quite a few times she had taunted people in such a way... when she was younger, of course. Now she regrets ever doing it at all when seeing it used in such a way. But she wouldn't tell Ruby that.

"Of course not Ruby..at least not in a mocking manner." she caves a bit seeing Ruby's raise an eyebrow.

Ruby frowned realizing she shouldn't have asked and turned back to the screen hoping Jaune can somehow sort this out.

Then I understood what was happening. I glared at Neptune. I could feel hate churning in my guts. I jabbed my finger in his direction and found my own voice booming out over the room, louder than I ever expected myself to sound.

"You! You had your eyes on my money and equipment, and so you made all this up to get your hands on my stuff!"

"Who would believe the words of a rapist?"

Neptune stepped forward, hiding Yang from my view, and stuck out his chest. He was playing the role of the brave hero, protecting a defenseless and victimized woman.

"Liar! You had your eyes on my money and equipment from the start! You and your little friends had a meeting about it, didn't you!"

Here's what happened. Neptune had whispered all of it to her when they first meet at the castle. He told her I was a weak class, sure to lose. She convinced me to buy her equipment. After she got what she wanted, she'd steal the remaining money and my gear, then run to the castle as a victim in an invented story. They'd have me killed off, and then they'd get away with everything.

..that was their plan.

Besides! Yang always called me "Hero," but she'd call Neptune by his name. If that wasn't proof enough, I didn't know what was. In this world, I guess one hero was enough.

"So that's what was bugging me earlier." Said Yang realizing that she never used his name. While she herself might do this. She does it as an inside joke not to be rude.

"Renny, I am going to find a way to that world, and I'm going to break her Legs!"

"Nora, Calm down as much as she deserves it. We can't go to another world."

"Life finds a way Renny, Life finds a way" Nora squeezes out through grinding teeth.

Jaune felt touched by his teammates care for his other self, and he was just as angry for his other self. He can only imagine how horrible it must feel to be the one in that situation.

"You come to another world and treat your companions this way? You're trash," said Yatsuhashi.

"I agree. It's very difficult to sympathize with him," said Sun

So Yatsuhashi and Sun had no Qualms with throwing their lots in with Motoyasu. Of course...They had all been in cahoots from the beginning. The Shield Hero was weak, so they wanted to get rid of me and increase their own standing in the process. They were disgusting. Could they be any worse? Thinking back on it, it seemed like no one, not even the people from this world, had shown any desire to trust me. But Why? Why should I have to fight to defend the rats? I hoped the whole place, the whole damn world, burned to the ground.

"...Fine. I don't care. Just send me back to my world and call yourself a new Shield Hero. That'll do it, right?"

Another world? Ha! What a joke. Why did I have to spend my time in such a crappy place?

"Things don't go your way, so you decide to turn tail and run away? How Pathetic," says Yatsuhashi

"I agree. You have no sense of responsibility or justice, and you ignore the task you've been entrusted with only to attack a poor girl… Just terrible..."

"Get out of here then! Go back home! We don't need people like you here!" yelled Neptune.

I was Glaring at Yatsuhashi, Sun, and Neptune as if I could kill them with my eyes. This was SUPPOSED to be FUN. But they had ruined it all.

"All right already! Send me home!"

The king crossed his arms and frowned.

"I would very much like to send you home, but the waves of destruction will not allow it. New hero's can only be summoned once the original four have all died. This is what the researchers say."

"Such a design could be said to be quite flawed but not unsimilir in desgin as the CCT," Says Oobleck frowning.



"That's… You're kidding, right?"

Finally, the three of them seemed surprised by something. There was no way home?

"You mean we can't go home?"

Give me a break.

"Let go of me already!"

I broke free from the knights and their spears.

"So you're going to resist, eh?!"

"I'm not going to get violent!"

One of the knights hit me. His fist made a good sound, but it didn't even hurt. It didn't even irritate me. The knight, instead, seemed to have hurt his fist. He was cradling it like a baby bird as he stepped away from me.

"Well? What's it going to be, Your Majesty? What's my punishment?"

"At the current moment, you are our only defense against the coming waves and therefore will not be punished. However, your crimes are already well known to the people. That will be your punishment. I doubt very much that you will find work or help in our country."

"The kings not wrong it nearly impossible to find honest work when you gain a reputation like that." Says Roman

Everyone ignored the criminal as Jaune finding work was the least of there concerns right now.

"Ah, thank you so much!" I laced with sarcasm.

So I was to level up and fight back the waves of destruction.

"We will summon you in another month when the waves approach. You may be a criminal, but you are still the Shield Hero. Do not shirk your responsibilities."

"Got it! I'm weak, is that it? Better hurry up!" I said as I turned to walk out.

Clink… Ah, yes. I remembered the stash I had hidden in the back of my shield.

"Check it out! This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

I removed it from its spot. It was the last 30 pieces of silver I had. I threw it forcefully at Neptune.

"What the?! What are you doing?!"

I didn't expect him to deride me for filling his pockets further. I left the castle through its gate, and made my way down the street, the crowds on either side of me pointed as they whispered among themselves. Gossip moved fast here. Better be careful what I say and to whom. The whole world looked awful to me then. Hideous. And so I lost respect, trust, and my money. Just as my adventure began, I lost it all.

"Aw, Come on! You can't end it like that!" Yells Sun.

"We will continue after you all take a break as it is currently afternoon for you humans. My master feels like it's best to give you all some time to recover after this viewing, so you all have a few hours to yourselves." Botis informs them."I'll Inform you when the master wishes to start the next viewing."