(A.N.): Solangelo is my favourite Percy Jackson Ship. This is my first fanfic so if it sucks then that's probably why. Feel free to leave comments and constuctive criticism;). Hope you have a great day!

Nico's POV

My name is Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace is my best friend. He's funny and kind. He cares more about my health then I do. There is just one minor detail that I may have forgotten to mention. I'm in love with him.

At the end of the giant war, while taking out Octavian's weapons, I found him insufferable. He wouldn't let me shadow travel or raise the dead. Once the war was over and the romans left camp, he put me on three days of bed rest. I wanted to be annoyed but deep down I wanted to spend time with him.

The first day, I succeeded at pushing the feelings I had down, but after the second, I couldn't deny it. I had a crush on Will Solace. We got to know each other and I soon realized that Will was pretty cool. By the end of the third day, we were friends.

After that we only got closer. But not in the way I really wanted. We became what one could only describe as best friends.

(A.N.) Hope you guys liked it! I'll probably upload again soon. Feel free to comment! Bye;)