I was reading the old version of this chapter to semi stay on track and boy was that trash. You all that lived through that deserve a prize lol But seriously thanks for sticking through it.

But for real, here's the plan. I was thinking long and hard about which direction I wanted this fic to take and I think I'm pretty set on where it's headed. So just be warned some odd things are gonna pop up and you're probably thinking "Hey that's weird, no mention of that in earlier chapters." Or "Wow that seems kinda forced and poorly planned" And that's because it was! I don't necessarily (at least at this point) want rewrite the beginning chapters. I'm going to try and incorporate some new ideas into this story to take in in a similar but different direction. But if it starts making less sense or gets to confusing I'll probably rewrite the earlier chapters to fit it better.

Anyway without drawing this out any further.

/Line Break/

Assiah: True Cross Academy, Mephisto's keep

Year: August, xx10 (before the spider demon attack)

Rin thrashed about in an unfamiliar bed. His brows creased and his eyes were closed tight. He hated this. This stupid feeling, an instinct, that settled in his core and kept gnawing its way through him. It made him feel inhuman. Did that even matter anymore? Considering what had just happened a few nights ago, he guessed not. He should give in, he should let it take him over, his problem would go away if it did. That threat was still walking around his territory, unharmed and unpunished. He needed to remedy that.

He clenched his teeth and brought is arms up clutching the bandages on his chest. A slight growl forming in his throat. That definitely wasn't human of him. It only served to fuel that instinct, bringing it closer to the surface. He curled into himself. This time releasing the growl.

It hurt, everything hurt. His wound was no where close to being as healed as it should have been. It was so close to his heart too. If he moved to much or turned over Rin was afraid that it might spread and rip through that important organ. That had been the intended purpose of his attacker, the heart. If he hadn't stumbled back a step in, what he was ashamed to admit, fear, it would have pierced his heart. A few tears escaped his closed eyes.

Just how week are you? A voice in his head taunted.

Look at you, pathetic. Beaten and bloody, your core drained and your humanity disposed. You can't protect anyone, not yourself, not even-

Rin's eyes flew open. No, he did protect him, he was sure of it. He risked everything to make sure he made it out alive and he knew he hadn't done so in vain. And no matter what it took, he would ensure that he would always remain safe. Even if it meant giving in to the demon lingering in the core of his being.


He would gladly do so

He felt warm all of a sudden, deep in his chest. It was a nice feeling, comforting and coaxing. He assumed it was the inner demon emerging. Rin didn't think he would stop it this time. It wanted to destroy his enemies. Their enemies. They had been betrayed for the last time. Rin clenched his bandages tighter, drawing some blood. And now nothing was going to stop them from destroying everything. He and his demon, as one.

"There, there little prince."

Startled, Rin released the grip on himself. Someone was there? That wonderfully warm feeling nearly vanished, bringing his mind closer to reality. He wasn't sure he wanted that. It made things less clear, his enemy less clear. All those human emotions were always in the way.

Rin blinked a couple of times to refocus. Without moving he turned his gaze outward. He was met by a familiar, but less then welcome sight at the moment. He hadn't fully comprehended the words little prince so he forced them out his mind. He had enough to dwell on without adding anything unnecessary.

"Mephisto?" Rin's voice was hoarse, and... dark. The Demon King made a note of that.

"Easy there dear boy. I'm only here to help." His little brother was in quite a bad mental state and he didn't want to set him lower. Rin huffed but slightly relaxed. He didn't trust the older demon, but he really didn't have any other option. In fact, he wasn't even sure why he was there, alive. He needed answers. He was sure his last moments would be in the woods or if he did manage to make it out he would be swarmed by exorcists. Neither of those futures seemed to have come true. Rin's curiosity and self-preservation peeked, he uncurled himself and sat up. He hissed in pain and his tail instantly balled up close.

"Now look what you've done, reopened those pesky wounds." Mephisto sighed. Rin shot him a nasty look. The King of Time had never seen such an expression in the younger's eyes. It was filled with sadness, rage, confusion and... hate. How very demonic. This was a very dangerous combination. Rin was a new demon, and still didn't accept that other half of him. Though at moment he could tell he was frighteningly close. Mephisto had to stop this. The boy needed to make peace with himself, not give in.

"How much exactly do you remember?" He asked tentatively, almost afraid of the young demons answer.

"Everything!" Rin snapped, opening his wound slightly more with a jerky movement.

"Now there, calm down."

"Calm do-" His words trailed off before he regained his energy "how do you expect me to calm down! Look what he did!" Rin gestured to the bleeding wound just centimeters from his heart. "and he's still out there!"

"This was indeed not the outcome expected, but I can't just let you go and kill as you see fit." Mephisto held a steady and firm tone. He needed Rin at ease.

Kill as he saw fit. The words sounded in Rin's head. Was that what he was about to do before Mephisto woke him? Somehow even though he knew that would be the outcome if he gave in, he had not really thought of it as killing. It was simply getting rid of a threat. Was he okay with that? With killing him? He looked down and balled his fists with the sheets. His throat hurt. Funny, he didn't remember screaming. But he heard screaming, a young and terrified voice. He quickly looked back up to meet the only other being in the rooms gaze.

"Wait! What about- Is he okay?"

"Yes, he's fine. He sustained a few injuries as well, but he's safe and hidden."

Rin let out a sigh of relief. If he had failed and been betrayed, he probably would have lost it. Then he realized that there had been no hesitation, he had aimed for them both without a second thought. He had been ready to end them from the start. Rin growled. Fine then, he was ready to kill too.

Mephisto could see he was losing the younger demon and had to act fast. He doubted there was anything he could really say to dissuade the boy, but he could at least delay him and get him to see things a bit more rationally before setting him lose. If he made the decision to kill later then so be it, he wouldn't get in the way, but only after he was ready. There would be no going back if he followed through. And right now, Rin couldn't see that.

"Rin, I know what's going through your mind, trust me I do." Rin looked up at him suspiciously. "You want to go after him and believe me in another circumstance I'd let you, but," And there it was, the but, Rin bit his lip (were his canines always this sharp) holding back a growl. He was not used to that. Was that why his throat was so sore?

"But right now, I need you to let it go. Just until the damage is fixed, and everything is back under control."

Rin didn't stop the growl that time.

"Come now, stop that. Do you want the Vatican after you?" Mephisto's voice raised in urgency.

"What about him? He shot me!" Rin jumped up on the bed, temporarily forgetting just how heavily he was beginning to bleed.

"The Vatican will have no sympathy for the half blood son of Satan. Your shooter will be hailed a hero and if you proceed after him now your execution will be inevitable. I won't be able to stop them. Now for the love of the ancients, Rin, sit down!" Mephisto's finished in slight anger, his normally crooked grin was replaced with a scowl. Rin could honestly say he had never seen such a look on him. He immediately complied and sat back down on the bed.

"Good. Lets get that wound rebandaged." He sighed. Mephisto pulled some medical supplies from a drawer next to the bed. Rin said nothing and didn't want to make eye contact, so he looked around the room, his prison, he supposed. He doubted Mephisto would let him leave anytime soon. It was exactly what he expected a room designed by the demon to look, extremely bright. Never had Rin wished so much to be swallowed by the dark, metaphorically and maybe physically.

Mephisto sat on the bed next to Rin and started to undo the dirty bandages. Rin flinched. That hurt. With a little less adrenaline pumping through him he remembered just how bad his injury was. As the demon cleaned and redressed the wound, and Rin could say that was an odd sight, a thought came across his mind.

"How come it still isn't healed?"

"Oh, come now use that head of yours. You know why." He said much softer than before. Mephisto heard him mumble curses to silver under his breath. Good the boy could still think.

"There. Now do try not to reopen it. I don't think I have to remind you just how close it is to your only heart."

Rin nodded slowly. He didn't need to be reminded, he could so vividly feel it.

"So, what am I supposed to do now? Rin whispered. He sounded almost broken. If Mephisto had only one heart, he was sure that tone would have crushed it.

"Right now to stay and rest. Once you're healed I want you just go about, like everything is normal."

Rin almost found some renewed energy to fight at those words, but a sharp look from the other made him stop.

"But he won't do that. We both know that." He settled on being mildly annoyed.

"The best I can do is alter some memories. They won't remember this," He motioned to the wound, "or the last couple of days."

Rin couldn't help but be disappointed. If he was going to go after him he wanted him to remember why. Mephisto saw this. It wasn't his plan to have him go around acting like this event hadn't happened. Just the opposite. He wanted this experience to teach the boy just how different from humans he was. But not yet. Not until the mess was cleaned and Rin had calmed. It would do no one any good to have a rampaging demon.

"Don't worry it won't be permanent. It's just until I can clean up the mess you three have made."

Rin nodded again.

"Good. If you need me, I'll be right down the hall, but for now go back to sleep."

Rin laid down hesitantly and curled into quite the tiny ball Mephisto observed. Sleep came over him quite easily given his earlier outburst. When he was sure the half demon was asleep and not a danger to himself, he left the room. This was going to be a very big mess for so few involved and most of them missing memories.

Rin wasn't aware of time, at least cohesively. If he hadn't been told how long he had stayed in that room, he would have guessed an eternity. But it had only taken a few days and Rin was completely healed, physically at least. Though, there was a nasty scar right where the bullet had been. Serving as a permanent reminder of the untold events. His trauma he was sure would last a lifetime as well. His wounds had taken far longer to heal than they should have, but considering how close the bullet was to his heart, he supposed that it was a miracle at all that he was even alive. Did demons even have miracles to give? Well whatever it was, it was looking after him. He guessed he should thank Mephisto for that. He never knew the older demon could be so gentle. He was grateful. If the demon hadn't been so careful Rin would have either bled out or had his heart pierced. That didn't mean he was okay with this covering up plan. After truly thinking about it, he knew that it was the better choice. Not necessarily the right one, but he couldn't go off like a wild uncontrolled predator on a hunt. He would be gunned down before he could even get close, not to mention what the aftermath would ensue.

Rin could still feel that instinct deep down, suppressed, but growing. He tried not to focus on it. The harder he seemed to ignore it, the greater it felt like it was becoming. It was there, always. And he knew, even without being well versed in the way of demons, that it would never leave so long as his enemy still drew breath.

"You can't hide here forever." Mephisto said as he walked up behind the brooding half demon. Rin startled; he hadn't noticed the company. They stood in an archway that lead to a courtyard. From his place in the shadows Rin could see Yukio and Shura waiting for him to arrive. Like it was just another summers day training session. He was honestly relived this had happened now instead of during the school year. He needed time to find a new rhythm and considering just how desperately he wanted to maim something, he knew it would take awhile. His classmates would have only distracted him and made it harder to keep control of his emotions and ever emerging instincts.

"Your sure no one remembers." Rin didn't even bother looking away from the two.

"Positive. Now get going before they come looking." Mephisto tried to quickly shoo him off.

Rin hated this; it wasn't fair.

He walked out of his hiding place and headed towards the two without another word or even a look to the demon behind him. He had never tried so hard to keep his fists unclenched and a growl from escaping. Though, before those really weren't things he experienced. He had to be normal. He wasn't sure he could anymore. Never had that seemed so challenging.

It wasn't fair.

"Bout time, we've been waiting." Shura said a little frustratedly, but no real anger in her voice when she noticed him approaching.

"He's always late, I don't know why you insisted on coming so early." Yukio got off the bench he had been sitting on, arms crossed.

"Shut it you four eyed chicken." She tapped his head. "Come one Rin we got to get you training."

The moment of truth. He could do this. Trample those instincts like he always had. All he had to do was pretend everything was fine, like there hadn't been a near deadly confrontation between three in the woods. He hadn't spent the last week in Mephisto's house nursing wounds that could have, that should have killed him. No, none of that had happened. He's just the same simple-minded slacker he's always been.

Who are you soulless one

The voice was muffled and Rin couldn't make out the words. Was someone speaking?

"Rin?" Yukio asked, clear annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah my bad," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I overslept." He smiled and laughed.

"It's three in the afternoon you bum." Shura mocked. Rin gave her a playfully guilty smile.

"Alright let's go." Yukio shook his head ignoring, for now, his brothers sleeping habits.

"Coming." he followed behind them so they wouldn't see his fists clenched or the frown that haunted his face. He couldn't do this.

It wasn't fair

/ Line Break /

Assiah: Before the attack

Year: x361

Gateways. What a strange concept. A door, a portal, an opening, or a line in the sand whatever you wanted to call it, it connected and divided. An open door brings people together. It lets demons cross from their world to Assiah. It's an open invitation for any who see it and are willing to take that step.

A closed door marks the opposite. It's a warning to any that dare try to cross that path. It keeps them apart. Whether it be keeping people safe inside or leaving demons clawing at the other side, it doesn't matter. The results of separation are achieved.

It was a gateway that kept Rin from accessing his demonic power hundreds of years ago. It was a line that kept him from being accepted by his human classmates. It currently divided him from Egyn and it was the same barrier in front of Rin that kept him from returning to his two other brothers. Because in the end all gates are same. It doesn't matter if one is meant to keep demons out or the other is nothing more than a simple door to a building still under construction, it blocked his path.

He tentatively pushed the door open, being as quiet as he could, silently praying to his father that Iblis was still unconscious. It went unanswered. He should know better, demons don't pray. He crept through the door and was immediately face to face with a very angry and very awake Iblis. If Rin had the energy, he might have screamed.

"So, where have you been?" Iblis grinded his teeth with his hands on his hips. Rin rolled his eyes and pushed passed him. His limp tail did not go unnoticed by Amaimon, but he chose to stay silent for the moment and let Iblis handle things.

"Don't ignore me." Iblis yelled as he whipped his head around to keep eyes on Rin. The young half demon was far too tired to deal with this, but he would never show that, at least he was trying not to.

"Reconnaissance, your welcome." Rin turned back around, smugly. It was Iblis's turn to roll his eyes.

"We can't just split up like that." His tone was calmer with more worry. After all, dividing themselves is what caused this whole ordeal. Rin sighed. He knew his brother was meant well, but that did nothing to change their current situation. Their options were limited and every second they spent indecisive, Egyn was getting further away.

"Look, we don't have time for this. I don't know when, but they're moving Egyn to the Vatican." Rin quickly changed the subject to the topic at hand.

"The Vatican!" Iblis immediately forgot about Rin's defiance. "We don't have means to fight a war with them." A painful truth. The three of them could by no means win a war and retrieve their brother. Not without the help of their father. And right now he was at the top of their list of people to avoid, right next to the Vatican.

"Which is exactly why we need to move now." Rin voice held an urgency, as he tried to hide his fatigue. Iblis, in his panic, might not have noticed, but he couldn't fool Amaimon. The Earth King had a knack for reading Rin like no other. Some might call it obsessive paranoia, but he called it watchful brother. No matter what it was called, he could see Rin was in no condition to start a fight. From the looks of things, he barely escaped what ever trouble he had managed to get himself into. And Iblis might have regained his energy vocally, but he too was still wounded. No demon would ever admit so out loud, but the exorcists had gotten stronger and better. They were starting to pose a real threat.

"No." Amaimon quickly interjected. He wasn't one to normally spoil the fun, but neither of his brothers were thinking clearly. He was always down for a good game, so long as it was winnable. And with the way these past few hours had played out, he wasn't sure it was.

"No?" Rin wasn't sure he heard that right. His heated gaze immediately turned to Amaimon. The demon in question held firm. It was only one word, but its meaning was great.

"Neither of you would last a minute in an exorcists stronghold." He started to explain, before Rin promptly cut him off.

"Hey! I spent a good hour in that base-"

"And look at you, barely standing."

Rin would never tell them, but he was extremely lightheaded. Though, it looked like he didn't have to say anything, he was basically and open book. Even after all the years his emotion could still be considered wildly out of control. He had most of his powers under control, but he was still lacking in other demonic ways. Iblis would say it's because by demon standards, he was still a toddler. Sometimes that only fueled him more.

"And we have no plan. We can't just go in there, like we usually do-" Amaimon was cut off again.

"Like you usually do? What have I been missing?" Iblis spoke up, unhelpfully. "But, he's right." Iblis hated to admit it but Amaimon was right. They needed a plan. "We can't just break in and hope everything turns in our favor. They'll be waiting for us and they've had plenty of time to prepare."

Rin sighed a little bit in relief. He wanted to rescue Egyn, but escaping the barriers grip had drained him. Fighting now would probably also end with his own imprisonment.

"And the Paladin is there." Rin supplied.

"Yeah no shit. Who do you think jumped us?" Iblis was a little annoyed Rin thought him so unobservant. If things weren't so dire Rin would have had fun teasing both Iblis and Xzavier, maybe next time.

"So, a plan?" Amaimon sat down on the dirt floor, bringing them to the real issue before they could start another pointless argument. The other two joined him, willing to temporarily forget their pent up aggression. There would be plenty of time to release it later.

They sat in a circle, Rin quickly drew a crude representation of the base in the dirt. At least what he had seen of it, which admittedly wasn't much.

"Hmm." Iblis rocked back and forth on his heals where he was crouched. "Rin, you know where he is, I think it'll be easier for you to break Egyn out while Amaimon and I be the distraction." Iblis looked up from where he had been pointing at the lines that were supposed to be walls, to meet the avoided gaze of his brother.

"About that..." Rin trailed off. Iblis's gaze turned harder. "I don't know exactly where he is." He nervously laughed. Iblis was inches from strangling his youngest brother. This was going as well as Amaimon had expected. The three of them were not exactly the planning sort, that was Egyn's function. They were more of the run in head first, destroy something and hope no one noticed and if they did, make a bigger mess and get the heck out of dodge type.

"Hey! That base is huge. I stayed as long as I could before Xzavier found me and the barrier kicked me out!" Rin deafened, as he pushed his older brother off of him. He rubbed his neck and sat back down cross legged, tail outstretched behind him. Iblis slightly relaxed, but only to think.

"That barrier is a big problem. We need to destroy it before we get in there." He placed a hand on his chin.

"That's the easy part." Amaimon said it like it was obvious, and perhaps it should have been. "My kin and I can break it from below." He used both his hands to prop up his chin as he laid on his stomach, sucking on a lollipop. Why did he always seem to have an endless supply of the stuff? They were planning to destroy an exorcists main stronghold, could he have a little more decency? Well as much decency as three Demon Kings on the run from their father and sitting in the dirt of a slightly constructed building, doing their very best to play war council could have.

"I still want you to be the one searching for Egyn." Iblis directed Rin, trying to keep focus. "You've been in the base once so you have a slightly better knowledge of its layout."

Rin nodded. Though slightly better knowledge was an overstatement. He hadn't really seen that much of the base and towards the end, as he made, or at least attempted to make, his silent departure, was a blur. He vaguely remembered taking a handful of turns before confronting Xzavier. How he had managed to run so far without meeting a single other exorcist while in his dazed state he didn't know. But it wouldn't matter anyway, the Paladin had already seen him and that was more than enough to wake the entire base. He was honestly surprised he made it out before an angry, trigger happy hoard of exorcists had shown up. Had Xzavier not sounded an alarm, or called for backup? It was a big base and there had been a group training right in front of him. Surely, they would have been hot on his tail, he hadn't been running that fast.

He realized he had been staring blankly at the bad drawing for a few seconds. He could ponder the Paladin's weird actions, and come to think of it, his tone too, later. Or perhaps he could get some answers later when they ransacked the place.

"I know he's in what they call the confine. I just don't know where exactly that is." Rin's eyes gained a bit of a spark. If it had been anyone other than the two with him they would have fled, tails tucked between their legs. For when Rin usually got that look in his eyes, it almost always followed with something being set on fire. He had better self control than most gave him credit, so nothing was set a blaze in this instance. "I do know where it's not though." He took his finger and X'd off a few places on the map. Namely, where he had entered, the field, the first building and the cafeteria. It wasn't much and it still left them a small town to search, but it was a direction, albeit, small.

"It's a start at least. We'll do this in the afternoon. They'll be more prepared for a demon attack once the sun sets." Iblis got nods of approval. Their power would be slightly lessened in the middle of the day, but so too would the exorcists. And hopefully that was enough of an edge to give them an advantage.

"Once we find Egyn, Kuro can give the two of us an easy out." Rin looked around for his feline companion. "Hey where is he?"

Amaimon, without even looking pointed behind Rin to the sprawled out form of a cat. Kuro was lying as spread out as his little body could on a pile of wood, unconscious.

"What happened to him?" Rin asked curiously, and little worriedly. Kuro had been perfectly coherent when Rin had left earlier.

"I got bored waiting for Iblis to wake up and you to return. So I might have given him some catnip I had stashed in my pocket." Amaimon said while making unhelpful designs in the dirt in front of him.

"Great. How is he supposed to be battle ready when he's high? I wasn't Even gone that long!" Rin made extroverted hand gesture in Amaimon's direction.

"A hour and thirty-seven minutes, which was an hour and thirty-six minutes too long. And besides, it wasn't a lot, he'll come down before we do anything. It's not like the time I put ten nightshade berries in your tea." Amaimon shrugged off the concern, and pretending not to see Rin flinch at the memory.

"Yes, I don't think anyone wants to relive that. Now can we please get back to this."

"Gladly." Rin was never so happy for a distraction. He could only remember bits and pieces of that day, but he knew it was basically some of his brothers chasing him around, and not in the fun normal way they usually did. It was more of a stop Rin from jumping off the top of the castle because he thinks he can fly kind of day. After he had calmed down he had the worst headache of his life and was sure to never drink anything Amaimon gave him without at least sniffing it first.

They stayed that way for a little longer while they fine tuned their heist. The plan wasn't nearly as good as it could have been, if they had their full resources and more time. It was hastily thrown together and relied heavily on Amaimon and Iblis's distraction. But it would have to do, they were running out of time.

True to his word Kuro did eventually wake and regain enough composure to be told the plan. He, as the excitable spirit he was, wasted no time in jumping around the room calling battle cries, until he exhausted himself.

The four, when they were as pleased as they could be with the plan, fell into a light sleep for the rest of the night. They would have preferred a more sound and complete nights rest, but as it were, exorcists were still out there, and on the hunt. The had to be aware, just in case, they had been tracked down. Rin was sure he wasn't followed, but Egyn had been sure they were safe, in trouble maybe, but he never would have stayed if he though the exorcists here a true threat. An oversight on all of their parts. They should have know better.

Waking in the middle of the day was one of the three things demons hated the most. On that list were also people who lacked the clairvoyance to see them. Sure they could still be affected somewhat, but they usually ignored what they couldn't see or explain. That took the fun out everything they did. Next would be the ones that could see them but did not rightfully fear them. They lost power over people who were not afraid. Luckily, there were very few of those. Even the exorcists for all their faults, knew to fear them. They were dangerous, though only to the extent that they could control the situation. That's what made the fearless and oblivious such tricky things to deal with. It was always better to avoid those.

Getting up in the middle of the day however, they could not avoid this time. As much as they were creatures of the night, the exorcists would have fortified their defenses by then. Gehenna's throne, after Rin's stunt they probably already have.

Rin, in his groggy half awake state, considered just leaving Egyn and going back to bed. But with a stretch a pop of his back he revised that statement. He was ready to let loose on that base, if only to teach them a lesson. Capturing a Demon King was a very big and costly mistake. He and Xzaiver were a slight exception to this. Their odd past made it more fun to get in each others path. This, however, was different.

His two older brothers had already risen and were currently getting things ready. And by getting things ready, he meant calling and directing their kin. Amaimon sat atop his Behemoth, waiting for Rin. The youngest demon, as per their less than perfectly constructed plan (if you could even call it that) would remain hidden in the chaos, close to the Earth King until the barrier was broken. Only then would he break away to find Egyn. Rin stepped though the door, but not before calling some of his own kin.

"Penumbra." He said almost sinisterly. Out of the shadows came a snake like creature, twisting and winding itself to wrap around Rin's neck and shoulders. Many thought the beast resembled a Japanese dragon. When Rin had constructed her, he had been thinking of his home, his old human home and some of the traditions that went along with it. So it really wasn't surprising, to him at least, the shape she had taken.

"Jabberwocky." Rin said with an equal amount of eerie in his voice. A bird screeched from above him. Ah, his loyal watcher was never far. The widow bird on the branch above him flapped his wings. Most would only see a common crow but those who knew better would fear those long tail feathers. When Rin had created him, he had needed something fast, agile, light, but capable of sending terror into others. Much like his master, his power largely took signals from events around him. Usually he was a small bird, but in the right situation he could grow in size, and in power.

"I have a job for you two." The creatures growled and squawked in anticipation. He whispered to them, though he really needn't say anything, they were linked to their creator, they knew exactly what his will entailed. To stay close, but cause as much trouble as possible. They melted into his shadow in compliance. When they were needed, they would be right by his side. Kuro, also knowing his role in all this, jumped back into his favorite place, nestled in Rin's shirt.

With that, he was as ready as he'll ever be. Rin jumped onto Behemoth, crouching close to his older brother. He threw the hood of his jacket up and tucked his tail in, this was no time for games. The less that could go wrong that he could prevent, he would do so, even if it was uncomfortable.

With an animalistic growl from Amaimon, Behemoth took off towards the base, other earth demons following closely behind. Getting there undetected was the easiest part of their whole rescue mission. Rin's master over the shadows was great. He cloaked both his brothers and their kin in it, make them invisible to any that might look their way, including exorcists. Though doing so took up a great deal of his power.

It wouldn't be long now. In a matter of a few hours they would turn the tides of these events, and put the exorcists back in their place.

/ Line Break /

So what do you guys think? I'm trying to take things a little bit slower and make things slightly more complex, you know really trying to build the world, Rin's life and personality, not just speed into event after event. At least I'm trying not to. As much as I'm gonna try and keep Rin true to himself, he is a Demon King and has lived like one for centuries, so there's bond to be a slight change in character that you'll probably see in the next chapter.