Hi everybody! This is a rewritten version of my first fanfic "Flames of the Hell Spawn." I had originally posted it wattpad, but I liked the formatting here better so I thought I would give it a try. If any of you have seen the original I'd love to know what you think of this version.

If you're a new reader, be thankful you didn't live through my first train wreck of a fanfiction.

Anyway on with the the chapter and thanks for reading

/Line Break/

"You cannot defeat darkness by running from it, nor can you conquer your inner demons by hiding them from the world. In order to defeat the darkness, you must bring it into the light."

-Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

Assiah: forest outside True Cross City

Year xx10

Yukio and Shura had taken the exwires on a training mission. All they had to do was exorcise some low level demons. It was simple really. That is until Rin and Bon started fighting. Yukio, in hindsight should have expected this. The two were no strangers when it came to fighting. If either one of them could find a way to get under the others skin, then they would do it.

"-and what's that supposed to mean?!" Rin shouted, interrupting Yukio from his thoughts.

"It means you're stupid if you can't even figure out that much!" Bon hastily yelled back.

"Well at least I don't look like a dumb ass rooster!"

"A rooster?!" Bon looked ready to throw a punch. The sparks between the two were almost visible and the others could feel the air crack. Shura was no help either. She had a can of beer in her hand and was laughing like the argument between the two was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Yukio sighed the day was already off to a bad start.

When they finally reached the forest, it was eerie quiet. Yukio fixed his glasses while examining his surroundings. The briefing he received said that this place was crawling with lower level demons. But that is not what he saw. He couldn't even hear the animals in the forest. Demon or not, where was all the life? He had a really bad feeling.

"I thought we were gonna go after some demons." Rin whined bored as they walked deeper into the forest.

"Stop complaining. It's not like you could handle low level demons anyway." Bon said obviously trying to anger Rin. It worked.

"Please I could defeat Satan if I wanted too!" Rin said smugly. This only spurred them on further.

"You can't even exorcise a coaltar, like hell you can defeat Satan!" The fighting only escalated from there. It wasn't long before Shura broke them up.

"Okay that's enough you two." She said sternly with a hand on each of their shoulders. She too had realized that something was very wrong with this forest. "let's focus on the mission."

"What mission? There's nothing here!" Rin said defiantly. Shura flicked his ear.

"Um." Shiemi started. "I don't want to be rude, but he's right there's nothing." She finished meekly. The rest nodded. They all noticed the oddity of the forest. The silence was heavy as they looked around the forests. That is until they heard a scream from behind them. They all whipped their heads around to see Shima flailing frantically.

"There's still bugs in this forest!" He shouted while he pulled out a can of bug spray and coated himself in it. A few of the others just rolled their eyes before continuing to search the forest.

They searched for the rest of the day and never once found a sign of demon activity. It was strange, to say the least, that the report had been so wrong. Yukio for one didn't believe that it was necessarily wrong, but that someone or something had gotten there first.

A swift dark movement at his side caught Yukio's attention. His brothers tail anxiously flipped back and forth. It didn't seem that his brother was aware of the action. The younger twin payed close attention to the extra appendage. His brothers instincts were often more aware than their user. Rin was primarily a instinctual being, only reminding Yukio more that he had to keep an eye on him. He could not let the demon side take over his older twin.

The tailed move quickly once more and the tuft of fur was sticking up. Rin himself seemed virtually normal, but it was clear that the demon instincts were on edge. Which in turn put Yukio on edge, for the only thing that frightened a demon, was another much more powerful demon. And his brother was by no means a weak demon. His control of his power was spotty at best but still he was strong.

Yukio pushed his glasses up and became much more alert. Shura noticed Yukio's action and did the same. He was about to suggest they turn back and report their findings, or lack thereof, so more experienced exorcists could handle the obvious dangerous enigma that was the forest, when he saw Rin freeze and his head whip around to look behind him. His eyes were wide and hairs on his tail stood up more if that were possible. All Yukio could do was think that something very bad was about to happen.

Rin didn't understand what he had just felt, or what he had just done. His body moved on its own. The feeling was nauseating and it made him want to run. He didn't like that. He would not be intimidated by something that wasn't even there. As soon as he thought that he knew it was wrong. There was something there, something strong and deadly.

The others looked at him funny. He realized that they obviously didn't feel the same pressure he did. Rin's heightened sense caught the presence of something and it was only the
instincts of his inner demon that allowed him to jump out of the way of whatever it was that just tried to kill him.

When Rin regained his bearings he cringed at what was before him. A giant grotesque demon spider faced him. The others had already begun to fight the thing off. But it was obvious that this battle was a whole other level that they weren't ready for.

The demon began shooting them with its web. Shima was the first to fall. He could barely move when he saw the thing. And when it came towards him he panicked. Konekomaru froze when he saw his friend being encased, giving the demon time to capture him next.

Shiemi was terrified but managed to think fast. She summoned Nee and had him make a barrier out of branches and thorny vines. She was hoping her and the little green mans effort would at least hold off the demon long enough for the others to get their fallen friends and retreat. It was wishful thinking on her part. The demon easily tore through the barricade like it wasn't even there. Nee held out as long as he could but the demon was too much. He was injured and forced to return to Gehenna. Shiemi was left defenseless and the spider went after her next.

Izumo summoned her twin foxes, but they too could not stop the demon nor offer any information about it, for it was nothing they had ever encountered before. It did not stop them from trying though. They attacked, but like the green man were eventually forced back to Gehenna.

Bon was really starting to panic now. One after another he watched as his friends were rendered helpless to the demon. The thing didn't seem to have a fatal verse, or at least one he could find. In the split second he stopped moving to watch horrified as Izumo fell, he too was caught. The demon was fast and within seconds every exwire was incapacitated.

All while the exwires had their struggles Yukio and Shura were attacking the beast. Yukio was emptying clip after clip but the demon didn't seem to notice. Shura's sword was just as ineffectual as everything else.

Rin would never say it out loud but he was scared, terrified even. He had to do something but every instinct he had was telling him to run. He couldn't leave his brother and friends behind though. With everything he had he forced his instincts away and grabbed his sword. His hands were shaking as he took off the red cloth.

"Rin don't do it!" He heard Yukio yell. He looked over and saw his younger twins eyes. They were screaming for Rin to run away. Rin almost complied as his inner being started to resurface again.

Then Shura fell.

Yukio's attention was once again on the demon. Rin made up his mind. With more steady hands he unsheathed his sword. The flames instantly took hold of him. The instincts
that he could feel before were now overwhelming. Unlike before, however, his inner demon was telling him to fight. With his power no longer in its seal it was ready to take charge.

The demon noticed the sudden change in pressure and quickly did away with Yukio. The two demons were instantly at each others throats.

Rin's flames were growing hotter and brighter as he continued to be pushed back. The demon in him no longer wanted to fight, but to destroy everything in its path. It didn't like being overpowered by this... whatever it was. The inner demon wasn't quite sure what to make of this being before it. But it didn't matter, it would destroy this beast even if it had to destroy everything else in the process.

The inner being felt like it had only just been unleashed when something stopped. Not just something, but it's life source. It started to fade then went out completely without realizing what had just happened.

Rin fell to the ground, unconscious.

/ Line Break/

Assiah: Forest outside True Cross City

Mephisto had always admired those brilliant blue flames, the ones only his little brother had inherited. They were the true mark of the devil, even if the boy chose to deny it. Those flames were wild and uncontrollable, just like their wielder. From the moment he first saw the twins in the cave with their deceased mother, he had taken an interest in them. If Shiro Fujimoto had not spared them and agreed to raise the boys, he would have. They were such excellent new toys after all.

But like any new toy, they always seemed to break too soon and too easily. He thought they would have lasted a bit longer, considering their demon heritage, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Mephisto stared at the mess in front of him. Two exorcists and five students all wrapped in a demon spider's silk, and his half demon, half brother violently raging out of control. He hadn't planned for something like this. Sure he through in an occasional obstacle or demon king, but he didn't set this one up. No tricks or traps planned, just a normal mission. So, why were things this bad?

He figured he should intervene as he watched the young half demon run wild. With a "tsk" and a poof of pink smoke he leapt from the floating chair he was using for observation. He landed in front of his mindless growling little brother, and with those infamous words of his, eins, zwei drei, he nullified the boy into submission. Those blue flames started to diminish as their masters consciousness faded.

What a mess this had turned into. The Vatican would most likely want Rin's head after this little display. Mephisto wasn't willing to loose his possessions that easily. His ever scheming mind was already plotting ways to turn the events in his favor. He still had a lot of cards left to play after all.

/ Line Break /

Location: ?

It was strange, this feeling. It was like floating and being frozen all at once. He didn't like it and neither did the demon inside him. It was angry he could feel that. It didn't like being caged and bound yet again. It also was more than a little upset at not being able to finish its fight. If there was one thing a demon hated more than anything, it was being interrupted in the middle of a fight. He didn't like this, this urge that kept taking him over. It used to be just barley there, unnoticeable, now it was a constant and it always wanted to have control. And what scared him the most was sometimes he agreed with its reasoning and let it. Both he himself and the inner demon's consciousness started to fade and it wasn't long before they were both in the dark.

When next he was aware, it was dark, so dark that he realized his eyes weren't open. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't force himself to open them. That strange urge was still there but it was dwindling down. It wasn't calm that's for sure, but there wasn't anything he or it could do, so at the very least there was no need to be so agitated. There was a vague awareness of voices, but neither were in the right state of mind to comprehend them. Once more the two were fading back into the dark.

The third time he awoke was with much more clairvoyance than before. He was in a room, a brightly decorated room. It reminded him of someone, but he could think of who at the moment. The inner demon growled in annoyance before it quieted down again. It obviously had more recognition than he did. He thought he heard someone hushing him and telling him to rest but couldn't quite understand the words. Maybe he wasn't as aware as he thought. Perhaps sleep would do him good and the world went dark again.

Rin awoke for a fourth time in a bed that wasn't his in a room that wasn't familiar. His head felt like it was being crushed and his entire body ached, from his head right down to his tail. He felt strange, that intense gut feeling had subsided and in a way he was more wary than relived that it was gone. He started to sit up. A motion his screaming muscles rejected, so he stayed where he was, trying to figure out what had happened in the meantime. He remembered going on a mission with Yukio and the other exwires, only to have it go horribly wrong. A demon he had never seen before had ambushed them. He remembered it started trapping the others and he pulled out his sword then... and then...

A sharp pain hit his head. He couldn't remember. Everything was blank. His memories just stopped after he grabbed his sword. The only thing he could kind of remember was the feeling of the inner demon telling him to run and then telling him to fight, but he couldn't remember if he did either of those things.

He stayed there for awhile, just staring up at the ceiling. Rin didn't know how long he laid there, his head was pounding and for once he wanted those instincts to return and give him a direction. A door opening grabbed his attention.

"I see you're awake, good. There are some mixed feelings about what to do with you my boy. Some of the exorcists want you contained, but most want you dead. I've managed to convince the Grigori, for now, to let you stay with me." Said a familiar voice and suddenly he realized where he was.

"Me-phist-o." Rin hoarse voice choked out. He hadn't realized how dry his throat was until he spoke.

Mephisto cleared his throat. Perhaps he should have started off the conversation with asking how Rin was doing. The boy was rather injured. Mephisto gave him a quick once over. He couldn't feel the demonic aura as strongly now and that worried him. Even if the boy denied his other half, it was still part of him, even if he didn't notice it. But if it wasn't there then the boy would be left disoriented. And a disoriented demon was helpless demon and helpless demon was a soon to be dead one. But now more then ever Rin needed to be able to think clearly.

"How are you feeling?" Mephisto asked.

"Wh... What happened?"

"I suppose an explanation is needed." He sighed. Mephisto explained to Rin about what the spider demon had done to his brother and fellow exwires.

"Then what happened? How did I end up here?" Rin asked. Mephisto gave him a sad look.

"You're lucky I was able to get there first. If the exorcists had found you in that sate you would be dead."

"You stopped me?" Rin wasn't sure if he was grateful or scared that the older demon was able to stop his rampaging demon.

Rin was adamant that his flames could break the casing that trapped his brother and friends. After all nothing burned hotter than Satan's flames, but Mephisto remindedhim that his flames had done nothing against the demon. It was nothing like the Michelle Neuhaus incident.Rin wouldn't be able to help this time.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit here and wait."

"There's nothing you can do. You're under strict house arrest until the matter is resolved." Mephisto excused himself, but not before giving the young half demon one last look. For once Mephisto wasn't warring his normal devious lazy smile. He shut the door with a silent sigh and headed off in another direction.

The King of Time and Space was a lot of things, cunning, deceitful, a trickster, an observer, but he was also an older brother. And as such he was concerned over his younger brothers situation. The best thing he could do for him at the moment was to let him rest. Worrying would do niether good. He also needed a clear head if they were going to get out of this mess with their lives.

Rin watched Mephisto leave. He had conflicting feelings. He didn't know if he wanted the older demon to stay or not. His presence was familiar but not necessarily comforting. Rin had never felt so alone. His twin brother was gone. How would he function without Yukio's constant nagging? He wasn't sure he could live without his brother. After their father was killed by Satan, they were all each other had. And his friends, or at least the people he called friends (he wasn't sure really what they thought of him) were gone. Even if their relationship was rocky at best and non existent at worst, they were still important people in his life.

But that's not what made him nervous, oh no, it was part of the reason that's for sure, having everyone you care about suddenly taken away and possibly dead tended to add to ones stress. But the other reason, the one that made him truly alone and unable to think was the fact that he couldn't feel his inner demon.

He had gone most of his life without even knowing it existed. He had always felt a strange presence when he was growing up, but never paid it much thought. When the seal containing his flames was broken the feeling intensified. It scared him. He never told anyone about the inner demon. He was too afraid that they would deem him a threat and kill him. And he didn't want to add more stress to Yukio's life than he already had. He would rather deal with it on his own so that neither of those things would happen. For the most part it worked. He never came off as a guy who would sometimes argue with himself and the voice in his head. But lately it had gotten worse.

The inner demon was growing impatient. It wanted more control, more freedom to do as it pleased. It made sense, in a way. Rin more than anyone understood what it felt like to be trapped. He would never wish that upon anyone, not even his inner demon. He supposed though, that if it felt that restricted then he most likely felt the same way... probably. He just didn't understand it the way his demon did. It was hard for Rin to accept the inner demon as part of himself and he figured he'd probably never accept it.

But now that it was gone, Rin had no idea what to do. As much as he hated the inner demon, it often, no more than often, had the right instincts. When Rin didn't know what to do it would always point him in the right direction, even if Rin didn't believe it at the time. More than anything he wanted that feeling back. Wanted someone to tell him how to fix this, or at the very least tell him to get out of bed and do something, anything. He was so lost, and he needed someone to guide him in the right direction. But everyone was gone, including the voice and Rin truly felt like he wanted to disappear with them too.

He closed his eyes and fell back into sleep for a fifth time.