Inko Midoriya was not one to sleep in. Most mornings she was up with the sun, first going through her normal self-care routines, shower, brushing her hair and teeth, etc. Then moving on to her morning house chores, starting with making her tea, on to cleaning any messes left from the night before, and finally making breakfast for herself and whoever was in her home, before Izuku moved into the dorms it was her and her boy, once he moved out it was just for her, and after a little while it was for her and her boyfriend, Toshinori. But the past few days she woke up later than usual, each day being later than before. She simply chalked it up to the fact that she was a bit sick as she hadn't been feeling too well lately, on top of the fact that Toshinori had been spending the night more and more keeping her up later than she was used to.

Usually, she was at least up before Toshinori, usually being the one to wake him to let him know it was time to get up and get ready for work, and then sending him off with a kiss(and if up extra early a little something extra). But this morning Toshi was the one to wake her, already up, dressed, and ready to leave. He kissed her and waited as her eyes fluttered open to look at him. "Good morning, " he smiled.

She gave him a sleepy smile, "Good morning." She looked around trying to see the clock, "what time is it?"

He cupped her the side of her face, then gently rubbing his thumb across her cheek he sighed, "time for me to go to work, I just wanted to check on you before I left, I know you weren't feeling well last night and you slept in kind of late at least for you."

Inko pressed her cheek into the large man's hand enjoying the loving warmth that came off it. Mentally she thanked whatever greater force it was that let this amazing man love and care for not only her but her son so much. "I'm feeling a little bit better just really tired, "she yawned, " I think I'm going to sleep in for a little bit more." Using her quirk she pulled him down to give him a peck on the lips, "Have a good day at work, alright?"

Toshinori looked over her face, even though she didn't feel well she had a beautiful glow to her. He never wanted to leave her side, especially now. He felt he needed to take care of her, she spent so much time caring for others and never herself. "You know, I could stay here and take care of you?"

Inko thought that would be nice but knew better, "You know I would love that, but you know how Izuku is. He would be so worried if you weren't there."

Toshi smiled a sad smile, "I hate to admit it but you're right. He would probably show up at my apartment with soup, again."

She laughed softly, "he would probably show up here asking me to help him make that soup for you, again. This time he would find you here and not at home."

He smiled, "you made the soup? No wonder it was so good."

Inko's cheeks flushed pink, "Toshi, that's not the point. I'm not ready for Izuku to find out about us yet."

Giving in Toshi sighed, "alright, but message me when you wake up and call me if you need me and I'll leave early."

She smiled and rolled her eye's, "of course dear, now I'm sleepy and you need to go to work."

He bends down placing a kiss to her lips and is pulled using her quirk deepening the kiss. "I love you, " he says pulling away both of their cheeks have a pink tinge to them.

"I love you too," she says, rolling over and closing her eyes, as he walks out of the room.

When Inko's eyes opened again she looked to the clock. It was just past noon, she groaned and closed her eyes again. "How could I have slept so late?" she thought to herself. She lay there trying to remember the last time she had slept this late. "Its been years," she thought. She was still happy with Hisashi at the time. She continued mulling it over when suddenly her eyes opened wide as the realization hit her, "I was pregnant with Izuku then." Inko sat up quickly, a little too quickly to her still queasy stomach forcing her to run to the bathroom. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she retched from her empty stomach. Once the sickness stopped she stayed there head hovering over the toilet, connecting symptoms in her mind. Tears now streaming down her face, "I can't be, I'm forty-three.. And Toshi he's.. Oh God.. Toshi, " her thoughts were interrupted by her growling stomach. She sighed, stood up, and began cleaning herself up before starting on her morning routine all the while trying to ignore the nagging thoughts. Once she got done cleaning herself up she went to the kitchen, continuing to use her morning routine as a way to ignore those thoughts. As she entered the kitchen she saw a note on the fridge.

Good morning beautiful,

I hope you're feeling better. I made you a small meal that I hope will help settle your stomach. It's in the fridge, just needs to be heated up.

I love you, Toshi

Tears began to well up in her eyes again. The retired hero, she loved so much, he was so sweet, caring, patient, and all around amazing. When he came into her life just over two years ago, she was so happy knowing that her son had such an amazing hero looking after him. Yes, it upset her to see her son getting himself hurt so much, and it infuriated her to know that both her son and the hero kept the fact that the quirk, that got her son hurt so often, was gifted to him from the hero himself. But over time she became less upset and as her anger calmed she began noticing other feelings for the man blooming. They had been together for almost a year and now here she was crying on her kitchen floor because she might be pregnant with the man's child. Did he even want kids? He would be an amazing father, he was already more of a father to Izuku than Hisashi ever was. "Oh God Izuku!" She still hasn't even told Izuku about her relationship with his mentor.

She spiraling in an ocean of panic and it was taking a toll on Inko's upset stomach. Interrupting her thoughts quickly she jumped up and ran to the kitchen sink dry heaving as she still had nothing in her stomach to release. Once the dry heaving ended she began to wipe her tears away and grab a nearby glass to fill with water to calm the burning in her throat. Her head was pounding she was dehydrated from getting sick and crying so much. She leaned on the counter sipping the water knowing that if she drank too fast she would just get sick again. The water was soothing not just her throat but also her emotions, enough to clear her head to stop her from panicking, as well as help her think clearer.

After a moment Inko walks to her phone and proceeds to call Mitsuki her best and only friend besides Toshi. The phone rings for bit before Mitsuki yelling at someone is heard. "Hey Inko, " she finally says into the phone

. "Hey, what are.., " Inko begins to say, her voice hoarse from crying, but is interrupted by Mitsuki.

"Are you crying? Did he hurt you? Come on tell me his name, I'll kill him."

Inko smiled at her friend's protective nature, "No, no its nothing like that. No need to get you hands bloody, "she laughed. "I'm just not feeling well and I wanted to ask if you would run to the store for me. If you're not busy that is." Inko's stomach growled again and she opened the fridge to grab the meal Toshi made for her and look for something she could drink to keep her stomach settled.

"Of course I needed to go to the store anyways. What do you need," Mitsuki asked?

Inko hesitated, "um, just some ginger ale and maybe..," she paused blushing, "maybe a pregnancy test?"

Mitsuki laughed at first thinking Inko was joking but when Inko didn't laugh back she was surprised, "you're serious? You think you're pregnant?"

the greenette's blush spread further into her face, "I.. I don't know.. I just want to make sure ok?"

"Well, what has you thinking you are?" Inko proceeded to list off all the clues she had connected earlier.

"Well damn, maybe you are pregnant," Mitsuki exclaimed.

Inko sighed, "I don't know like I said I just want to be sure, and please don't say anything. Izuku doesn't even know I'm seeing someone."

Mitsuki laugh, "based on what you're sending me to get for you, I'd say you're doing a hell of a lot more than just seeing him."

Inko rolled her eyes," Mitsuki!"

"Alright, alright I'm sorry. I'm just glad you're actually getting some. I'm heading out now. I'll see you in about 15 minutes."

The greenette smiled softly, "thank you, Suki."

Inko spent the next 15 minutes sipping on the water and eating small spoonfuls of the soup Toshi had made for her while she waited on her friend trying to keep herself calm. When Mitsuki entered with the bag that held the item she had been waiting on she gave her a quick hello before taking the bag and briskly headed to the bathroom.

Mitsuki stood at the bathroom door, "what are you gonna do if you are pregnant?"

Inko sighed working on opening the test, "I.. I don't know Suki!"

"Alright, well when am I gonna meet this amazing man who knocked up my best friend, " the blond asked, leaning on the door frame. "I mean you've been dating the guy for a year and I still don't know his name."

Inko set the test on the box after using it, set the timer,and sighed, "You've already met him, you just didn't know it."

"So you've said before, but have yet to actually tell me the guys name, " Suki opens the bathroom door after hearing the toilet flush.

Tears welled up in Inko's eyes for the hundredth time today. She was too scared to look at the test and didn't feel like dealing with Suki's questions right now. So she simply buried her face into Suki's chest hugging her tight.

Mitsuki took Inko into the living room sitting next to her on the couch, letting her cry her stress out onto her shoulder while they waited. When the timer went off Inko couldn't move she wanted to see and yet she didn't, she wasn't ready.

Suki looked down at her friend, "do you want me to check for you?"

The greenette shook her head, "no I've got to see it myself." Slowly Inko got up and walked to the bathroom. As she stepped up to the test she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes…