I do not own Inuyasha.

Dragondiva88 here, yet again! Currently, I am sitting in a hotel suite in Busch Gardens. Doesn't it sound fun? Anyway, I've already completed another installment of my other fic, The Island, so I figured, to kill some time, I'd add another chapter to this one instead. Hell, I like reading my reviews, and when they stop, I have nothing to read! It gets boring, really.

Also, the part about Kagome's past was NOT in the movie. I'm making that up as I go along. So, to end my boring hotel time, or at least delay it, here's the next chapter to Pitch Black.

(This fic is rated R for violent detail content.)


Pitch Black

Chapter 7: The Find


A smile crept to Kagome's lips as she sat in the darkness of her confinement. 'Here again . . .' she thought. Crossing her arms and sitting back, she licked her lips. At that very moment, the captain Inuyasha was probably racing off to question Kikyo about her intentions.

It was working out better than she could have hoped.


And that was exactly how it was going too.

After Inuyasha's meeting with Kagome, a slight twinge of doubt was planted in the back of his mind. He had always suspected that there was more to Kikyo than what everyone saw, and now, with Kagome's slight antagonizing, he wanted to find out if that was the case.

Direct questioning would not have been the right approach- that he knew. And sneaking around behind her wouldn't work out so well either, considering the fact that he knew she was cautious all the time. He would have to wait until she let her guard down, and then tail her when she was unsuspecting. He nodded his head thoughtfully where he sat. He would eventually get his opportunity.

When Kagome was put back into bondage, the entire camp had calmed down. Miroku had taken his apprentices to a small corner and discussed the importance of alcohol. That was due to the fact that Kagome drank all of his 'secret stash'.

Shippo and Sango had decided to try and salvage the parts of the ship that were worth keeping, which wasn't much. A few spare fuel tanks, a few engine filters, and the five rotary engines; that was about it. The sun and the sand continued to get worse by the hour, not helping the condition of the ship as a housing unit.

Great, just great.

Kikyo, on the other hand, was glancing around nervously as she wrote down a few notes in the progress reports. Inuyasha's gaze never left her.

Getting up, she cleared her throat and placed the clipboard under her arm. "I'm going to go and check the food supplies." she said, wiping her brow. Everyone nodded, and she made a hasty exit.

Inuyasha wasn't too far behind.

When she stepped behind the sheltered shadow of the ship's hull, she pulled a vile from her pocket, as well as a syringe. Inuyasha's eyes widened with realization.

Kikyo was a drug addict.

As she pulled the syringe from her arm, she sank down, the buzz of the drug racing through her veins and taking hold. Inuyasha came from the shadows, picking up the vile from the ground. He sniffed it, and shook his head in disgust. "Morphine, Kikyo?" he said, slamming the vile on the ground. She looked up at him, a dreamy smile on her face. She said nothing.

Inuyasha picked her up, standing her on her feet. "Is this how you got to where you are?" he asked her, sickened by her state. She laughed.

"Well we can't all be gifted like you." she spat at his face. Inuyasha dropped her, revolted. Walking away, he entered the galley to get some coffee. God, he hated Kikyo.

A few minutes later, Kikyo entered, sitting down in one of the chairs by the small, ash gray refrigerator. She looked at Inuyasha with a mixture of hatred and embarrassment. Inuyasha said nothing, but sipped his coffee lightly. She broke the silence.


"I have nothing to say to you." Inuyasha said bluntly, cutting her off. He had seen enough to know whom his trust was with, and it was not with Kikyo at the moment. She sighed angrily, her brows furrowing in frustration.

"You know, that bitch Kagome isn't as trustworthy and loyal as she 's making herself out to be. She is a convicted killer." she snarled. "Do you even know how she escaped the last penitentiary she was in?"

Inuyasha looked at her, showing that he was interested. His ears flicked over in her direction as she wiped her brow again.

She told him Kagome's story . . .well, the story of how she got into prison in the first place anyway. It started with an unclear past, and a bad neighborhood.

The city she was originally from was New York, and she grew up in one of the worst slums. Kagome had always had brushes with the law, and she was on the number one hit list for other criminals in the area. For starters, she was the leader of the most prominent gang in the city, making her a wanted woman.

And for awhile, that was all she was- just another black spot on the city's blank sheet of paper. She was just an empty threat. That is, until, the murders started.

When Kagome was in her prime, and when the gang was at the peak of its strength, she pulled a stunt. This stunt, was something that no one expected her to do, and it cost her everything.

Being sick of mediocrity, and of the rival gangs, Kikyo explained that Kagome lashed out at the only thing she hadn't lashed out at yet . . . her own family. In Kikyo's words, Kagome thought that slaughtering them made her a bad ass, so she did it . . .violently and bloodily. Kagome was found, standing above her parents and her little brother, out of breath and with blood on her claws.

She pleaded innocent in a court of law, but was found guilty by the Supreme Court, and was sentenced to life in jail on a prison ship located near Venus. There, she spent six years, during which time, she had an operation performed by an unlicensed doctor upon her eyes. Kikyo also added one other piece of information to the story.

"She's a pilot?!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

Kikyo nodded. "It seems that her father was ex-military. She jacked a second-rate ship, and made her way back to Earth." She stopped, looking Inuyasha in the face. "She doesn't need us, Inuyasha. She'll kill us the first chance she gets."

Inuyasha hadn't even imagined that her story could have been so brutal. Kagome was almost predestined to be a killer. He sat back, thinking as Kikyo watched him warily. Just then, Shippo came rushing through the door of the galley.

"You guys, we found something! You need to come look at this!" he yelled.

Inuyasha didn't even pass Kikyo a passing glance as he ran in the direction Shippo had scampered off to. In the distance, Inuyasha could see . . .trees?

No, not trees. What were they? Rushing towards them, Inuyasha could make out the glimmer of the sunlight that reflected. Metal? Inuyasha wasn't sure.

He ran closer, stumbling a bit on a sand dune. Yes, they were man-made. In fact, there was a campsite to go along with it. He stood above the camp, on a cliff that overlooked it, and shielded his eyes from the metal glare of the sun. "What is it?" he yelled down to Sango, who was below him. She looked up from where she was crouched.

"Looks like a campsite. Archaeologist expedition." Jabbing a thumb towards a large metal structure in the middle, she nodded to Inuyasha. "Water source." she said, smiling. It seemed that the people who were there before had planned on staying there for awhile.

Inuyasha smiled down to her, sliding down the steep embankment. "At least we don't have to worry about water anymore.," he said, optimistically. Sango smiled, wiping her brow. She turned her attention to the rest of the camp, trying to find some means for getting off the rock they were stuck on. Inuyasha was happy with the find. "Hey, Kikyo, what . . .do you . . ." he stopped, turning around to find that Kikyo hadn't followed him. What was she doing?


"I'm sick of chasing you, Kagome." Kikyo said to her, her hands on her hips. "I'm sick of cat and mouse. I want this to end."

Kagome looked at the woman, her dark eyes sweeping her ever before shutting. She inhaled. "What do you propose to do?" she asked in her smooth voice.

Kikyo shrugged. "If you help us get off this rock, I let you go and let someone else try and catch you." She looked away. "I'm done." she added. Kagome smiled, her fangs glittering in the darkness. She moved her shoulders so that Kikyo could unhook her chains. Finally, she was getting a break in life.

Suddenly, Kikyo grabbed the front of Kagome's shirt. "You get in my way before your job is done, I kill you." she snarled quietly. When she let go, Kagome looked at her, smiling at her anger. She got up and put on her goggles.

"Don't worry, princess." Kagome whispered, "If anyone is going to die on this planet, it's you." She grabbed her knife and gun and shoved them into their proper places on her belt, striding away and raking a clawed hand through her raven hair.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Kagome blinked and shielded her eyes, despite her goggles. Fifteen hours of solitary confinement in the dark left her eyes weak and vulnerable to sunlight. She kept walking forward, following Inuyasha and the other's trail towards the other camp. She began humming a tune, smiling as she reached the others.

'Show time . . .' she thought, licking her lips.

Kikyo was trailing her, making it look like she had something to do, which wasn't true. In reality, she had no idea what to do, and the rich-girl lifestyle had in no way prepared her for what she was going through now.

Kagome glanced back at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking . . . poor little rich girl.

Inuyasha noticed Kikyo from a distance, walking towards her, but then hesitating when Kagome made her presence known. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well if it isn't the captain . . .long time, no see." she remarked sarcastically. Inuyasha was not impressed.

"What is she doing here?" he asked Kikyo through gritted teeth. "I thought that we just talked about this."

Before Kikyo could respond, a scream echoed through the camp. Immediately after the scream was heard, Kagome was immediately looked at with a blaming look. She smirked and shrugged innocently, resting one of her guns on her shoulder, looking out to the direction of the horrid shriek.

Inuyasha growled in frustration as he took off over the sand dune to the scream's origin, Kikyo close behind. Kagome just stared that annoying yet seductive smirk still plastered on her pale face.

"I don't understand why everyone automatically assumes its me . . ." she whispered to no one in particular. This was meant to be a joke, but she was probably the only one who would think it was funny.


It was the smell that hit him first. Inuyasha covered his nose with his sleeve; his amber eyes flicking about the dark silo as the smell of death covered the cloth of his clothes. Kikyo gagged when the smell hit her, and she held her throat in disgust.

"I have to open a window or something." she snarled, throwing herself at the lever that opened the hatch above her. As the light poured in, thousands of bat-like creatures burst out of a door to their right, causing Kikyo to duck and flop on the floor screaming. Inuyasha just stared at them, watching as they flew down a porthole that led into the sewer, screeching and squawking. He narrowed his eyes and covered his nose with his sleeve again, not even passing a glance to Kikyo as she lay on the ground whimpering and clutching her hair.

Miroku and the others burst in through the door that Kikyo and Inuyasha had come in, stumbling over each other until they surrounded the dark doorway that the creatures had come from.

There, consumed in shadow, the disemboweled body of Miroku's young apprentice lay huddled in a heap by the back wall.

Miroku fell to his knees, the other two of his apprentices following his actions. He began to pray, several small tears falling down his cheeks. Inuyasha couldn't blame him.

"What could have done this?" he asked to no one in particular, looking over the mangled body and witnessing the torment that the boy had been in:

His skin was almost completely gone, save for a few scraps that had been left by the carnivorous creatures. The blood- stained white of bone stuck out in patches amongst his corpse, and his clothes had been torn to pieces. It was now clear what could have done that. It was the same creatures that had almost ended his life . . .just smaller.

Kikyo began to wretch as her eyes beheld the body, and Sango merely turned away, hiding her face from view with her hands. This was how Kagome found them. She leaned on the doorframe, her goggle-hidden eyes finally settling on the boy's corpse. She simply smirked disinterestedly.

"I guess they got to him before I could . . ." she joked. Inuyasha and the others didn't find it particularly funny.

Inuyasha ran up to her, grabbing her by the front of her shirt and bringing her face inches from his. He snarled at her, his eyes blazing.

"Who are 'They'?" he growled, his claws digging into the cloth of her black shirt. She snapped her teeth at him, smirking toothily as he winced. She pushed his hands off of her, once again propping her gun on her shoulder.

"The ones whose property we're sitting on." she said simply. Inuyasha snorted, looking away. He had had enough of her backward answers. Maybe it was time to explore the camp more thoroughly.


They had decided to bury the boy where he lay, for none of them wanted to handle the corpse for more than a second at a time. Miroku was a wreck, but it was just the same with him too. What he wouldn't give for his best liquor again.

Inuyasha asked Sango, Shippo, and Kikyo to come with him when he went about the campsite, leaving Kagome alone with the rest of them. Kikyo made sure that she stayed out of trouble, warning her with a nasty look as she passed by her. Kagome chuckled lightly, crossing her legs in her seat by the shaded area next to the ship. Shippo was given explicit orders to keep an eye on her. Big mistake.

"So how did you kill them? Did you drink their blood? Was it fun? What was jail like? Was THAT fun?"

The questions buzzed about her head as Shippo rambled on, but she kept her complaints to herself, answering each one with a yes or no answer only. Now she remembered why she had never been fond of children.

Getting up, she looked around, making sure that the monk and his disciples were indisposed, and began stepping through the camp at her own leisure.

"You aren't supposed to be leaving . . ." Shippo commented, tagging along behind her.

"I do a lot of things that I'm not supposed to do." Kagome replied, sticking her hands in her pockets.

Shippo shrugged, bounding off after her, interested in what she was doing. After all, she was his idol. Kagome just smirked, happy to have some company with her on her little 'expedition', even if it was a little kid. Soon, however, Kagome lost Shippo somewhere in the camp. Not that she cared, mind you.


As for the rest of the illustrious crew, they had decided to search the rooms and files that the camp still had remaining. Obviously, people had been there, but what happened to them? Where were their remains? These questions baffled them all, but most of all, Inuyasha.

By now, dust and wind began to grate on his form, and his entire disposition was full of annoyance and frustration. This Inuyasha was not someone that anyone would want to hang around too long. That was certain. What was not certain was the random and puzzling thoughts that accompanied the general ones inside of Inuyasha's usually clear and precise mind. Kagome- now there was a challenge all in itself. She confused him to no end, and yet . . .he was strangely drawn to her, like moth to flame. He could not put his finger on it. Was it love?

Hardly. There was just something about her eyes . . . her style . . . her attitude. Plus the fact that she hated Kikyo. He couldn't leave THAT out. Either way, she was a convicted killer, and she could not be trusted, no matter what. He just had to keep telling himself that . . .

In a cabin on the right side of the camp, the others had made themselves busy by trying to find clues about the disappearance of the people there. Sango was currently bent over a sample of the archaeological findings that the people had when Inuyasha found her.

"What have we got?" he asked her, furrowing his brows. Sango shook her head, picking up and reading each of the labels while answering.

"Looks like an archaeological dig. These people were trying to mine for resources. But..."

"But what?" Inuyasha asked, leaning in for a closer look.

"Everything ended on September 2. The digging, the research- it all disappeared. " She looked at him, holding up a label with a date on it. "That's tomorrow."

Inuyasha took the label between two clawed fingertips, looking at it and flipping his pointed ears in its direction. "What does it mean?"

"I'm not sure." Sango said, turning away. Looking back at him, she took out her gun and cocked it. "We have to get our supplies ready."


Wow, that was a long one, wasn't it? Anyway, I am working on a new fic to put out soon, and its pretty much like all my other ones. Oh well, I suppose they can't all be winners, can they? SEE YOU SOON!