I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters

Hey everyone, dragondiva88 here! In case any of you know me, I am in the process of writing "The Thorn" I am not done with it yet, but I just had to write this. This is a fic based upon the movie "Pitch Black" with Vin Diesel. It has the same storyline, but I changed the words around and some of the characters too. You may think that Inuyasha is going to be John Riddick, but he is not. Kagome is going to play the wanted murderer, not him. Scary, right? Well, anyway, I think you people will like this one. (^_^)

Pitch Black

Chapter 1: Precious Cargo


The flight had been smooth, except for the minor turbulence and space dust on the hull of the ship. The Shikon was well known for its stability and its sturdiness, but today the legendary ship had a new captain. Inuyasha was on his first special mission with the Earth Protection Forces, and he was scheduled to drop off some passengers at a resort planet, followed by a final departure to an asylum on planet Terre. Sure, he was used to the ordinary pilot flights that he got occasionally, but he was always under supervision from a superior. This time, he was entrusted with something very important, but was told not to look in the cargo bay until the final departure.

His co-pilot, Kikyo, was currently rambling off the ship's standings, which was standard protocol in the Force, but quite boring at the same time. Kikyo's monotone voice and bored tone was beginning to grate on Inuyasha's nerves, and he was gripping the controls a bit harder than usual. His nails were making scratch marks in the expensive metal and plastic frame, but this went unnoticed by Kikyo, who simply kept reciting the words by the book. She was used to his behavior.

Kikyo and Inuyasha had been together since they were freshman in college. It fascinated her that a hanyou such as Inuyasha could have gotten into a college at first, but as she got to know him, she began to understand why he was so qualified. Inuyasha, however, saw nothing that fascinated him about Kikyo. He had hoped, in vain, that he would be able to get away from her after he got out of that hell of a college. She had other plans, however. She climbed the ranks as fast as he did, constantly nipping at his heels at every turn. He could not stand her in the least bit, but it seemed it was the opposite in her case.

"Now it is your turn to recite, Inuyasha, remember?" Kikyo said at last. Inuyasha sighed exhaustedly, before doing as he was told.

"All ventilation systems and air flow chambers are operational. All system checks have been completed and all inspections have been made. You happy now? Kikyo pouted and crossed her arms.

"I don't know why you find it necessary to be so cross with me all the time, Inuyasha. I was simply following protocol. . ."

"I don't care, Kikyo. You know damn well why I am so cross with you so do not play dumb." he said bluntly, not making eye contact with her. She huffed and stared straight ahead. This trip was going to take three weeks to accomplish. Inuyasha's dog-like ears drooped in annoyance as he recalled this highly disturbing fact. He needed to walk and clear his head, so he asked Kikyo to take over for him while he checked on the passengers.

He knew all of the passengers simply by their information cards, in which he had taken the liberty of memorizing. They were all in sleep portals, which would make it easier to transport them. They sat in a circular pattern, all of their heads facing the middle of the passenger designated area, or the PDA.

The priest was the first one that Inuyasha came to. The man's name was Miroku, and he was dressed in his traditional robes, a look of peace on his face. Inuyasha wondered what he was thinking about, but moved on to the next.

A small boy was next, Shippo if Inuyasha remembered correctly. He had to be at least twelve years of age, and was a demon- a full one, unlike Inuyasha. His claws reflected this. His mouth was twitching in his sleep, and his eyes were blinking while closed.

The next passenger was a woman, about Kikyo's size and build, but much nicer looking. Kikyo had a sharp look to her, while this woman had the look of a warrior. Sango was her name, and she was one of the passengers assigned to guide the others while on the planet.

The final two passengers were small boys, apprentices of the priest, it seemed. They were wearing the same garb as Miroku, and they were human as well. They appeared to be brothers, and their names were Hiten and Manten. They were about the same age as Shippo.

Just then, Inuyasha smelled a strange presence onboard. The smell was of smoke and something spicy, but of something more delicate as well, and it was coming from the cargo bay. He was about to investigate what the scent was from, but the ship shuddered violently, causing him to lose his balance. He cursed and ran as quickly as he could towards the cockpit, where Kikyo was busy struggling to get the ship under control.

"What is going on, Kikyo, and why didn't you call me?" he shouted at her.

"Meteor shower, captain, and I thought I could handle It.," she shouted back. Inuyasha looked out of the window ahead of him, watching in horror as meteors the sizes of elephants were hurtling towards them. He pushed Kikyo out of the way, taking the controls once more in desperation. Kikyo ran back to check the passengers, and then ran back to the cockpit to speak with Inuyasha. The ship lurched again, this time throwing Kikyo against the wall.

Inuyasha knew there were only two options- one was to try to find a planet to land on in the area and two . . . well two was to deploy the PDA and kill everyone on board fast and quick, making the deaths as painless as possible. Inuyasha somehow knew that the first option was out, but his mind would not let him proceed. He searched frantically with the radar for somewhere to land, but unbeknownst to him, his hand was slowly making its way to the eject lever next to his seat. Kikyo came running through the door.

"Inuyasha, you can't do this!" Kikyo screamed.

"We have no other option, Kikyo! At least this way, they will die peaceful- "

Kikyo grabbed his hand away from the control before he had time to finish, and the ship lurched again, this time going into a spiral downwards and deescalate rapidly. The swift change in altitude plus the trauma to the head caused both Inuyasha and Kikyo to go unconscious. The Shikon lurched one final time, creating a hole in the hull. The hole slowed down the ship enough to steady its path and let it plummet to the ground below. A planet showed from the distance, and the ship was headed right towards it.

As the Shikon plummeted, the rocks and stones that littered the ground flew up and hit the windshield, breaking it beyond recognition. Inuyasha and Kikyo were scratched by broken glass and stray rocks, but remained unconscious. Then, the craft stopped, jolting the sleeping passengers and the two in the cockpit awake instantly.

Inuyasha shook his head, immediately regretting doing so, for his head was pounding furiously. Kikyo was shaken awake also, but her injuries were far less extensive. She gave Inuyasha a passing, disappointed look, and then hurried to check on the passengers.

Inuyasha followed close behind her, not knowing quite what to do. He had gotten them into this mess in the first place, and somehow, he was going to save them.

"Inuyasha, go check in the cargo bay . . . and bring a gun with you." Kikyo told him. He was confused, but he complied and got the largest gun he could find. Now he was going to find out what that smell was from before.

When he reached the entrance to the cargo bay, his head was swimming. He could smell no blood, but that did not lessen his fears. Whatever was back there was dangerous. He drew his gun, and pointed to where he saw something move in front of him. Then he gasped at what he saw.

"Have we landed yet, Captain Inuyasha?"