Elite is inspired by Uprising and Misfits by A Wordsmith. Go check them out, their stories are very interesting with long chapters. I generally don't like Anime Ash, so this is OOC Ash. Pre-Aloha/Kalos Ash is...stupid, with most gym badges (at least in the first series) being given out of pity. Also, no Pikachu, and not only is Gary a rival of Ashes, he has two others, the twins Fire and Leaf. This Ash has spent years in trainer school, and now is ready to get his starter. Not only is this Ash smarter, he prefers actual strategies. So after than introduction, let's get started. (Pokemon can also have unlimited moves, and this is a more realistic view on the Pokemon Games/Manga/Anime)

Ash's first clear memory was of a pokemon battle. Barely three years old, sitting in fleece pajamas watching a fight go down on screen. Ash had watched a tall, red haired man with a cape's dragonite defeated the Golem in front of him with a powerful ice punch. That man was Lance, the recent champion of the Kanto region, master of dragon types. At that moment, watching the two pokemon battle, Ash felt something welling up inside him. He wanted to be great like that, no not great...elite. Ash focused on pokemon as soon as he could read, reading over moves and status conditions and most of all, the wide variety of pokemon. He vowed one day to become as elite as Lance...failure was not an option.

Ash could barely sleep the night before he was to get his stater. So, naturally, he didnt wake up untill his mother rapped on his door, ten minutes before he was expected at Professor Oak's lab. So Ash had hurriedly got dressed and ran out the door, forgetting breakfast and waving goodbye to his mom.

Now he was here, in front of the large stone building. As Ash panted, hands on knees, the door opened. Ash's head shot up, only to groan in disappointment.

"Well, Ashy-boy, good to see you!" Gary Oak taunted, his spiky hair messy. He was holding a pokeball that he casually tossed up and down.

"Gary!" Ash panted. "Are Fire and Leaf here? Did they choo-"

Ash was caught off by Leaf and Fires appearance, the twins both having new pokeballs clipped onto their belts. "Sorry Ash, we took the last two." Said Fire sympathetically.

"Thats your own fault." Leaf chirped up, thought her brother elbowed the brown-haired girl.

"Oh, shut up Leaf. I'm sure the professor will have something for you, Ash." Fire attempted to reassure. "After all, there are four of us, so someone would've missed a starter either way!"

"Yah, probably something real cool...like a level 1 rattata!" Gary crowed, and Ash sighed. He knew Gary wasn't actually serious as they had a friendly rivalry going on, but it still sucked since he could be right.

"You better head on in… we'll be out here waiting for you!"

"We will?" Leaf asked, but at a glare from Fire she went "Yes then, we will."

Ash smiled slightly at them before taking a deep breath and walking into the lab. As he pushed the doors open, the cool air compared to the heat outside cause sweat droplets to form on his forehead. Ash wiped them off and called out "Professor?"

"Ash, my boy, is that you? Come back here!" Called a voice from the back of the lab. Ash followed the voice until he came upon the Professor looking at a plastic case by his side. Ash's gaze went to where the starting pokemons pokeballs usually sat. The table had three pokeballs, open and empty. Ash sighed, even though he already knew what to expect. Now while all his friends were out training pokemon and having a good time he would be stuck here for another year, this time with no kids his age to play with and-

"-Ash? Ash? Did you hear me, my boy?" Ash blinked sheepishly up at the Professor as he snapped out of his vision. The professor sighed, sounding tired but also slightly amused.

"I said that I was already prepared for one person to not have a starter this year, but only one of each Kanto starter was available for this year. So, I'm taking some unused pokemon from my stores around level 5 that you can use as a starter. I have permission form all the trainers, as they never take care of these pokemon anyway."

Ash thought that that was slightly messed up, catching a pokemon away from where they were born and abandoning them at the professor's lab (even if it was a nice place from what he's seen). He vowed to never have more pokemon that he could handle ever. At the same time, he was relieved he would still get a choice and hopefully end up with something that he could work with in the future, and slightly embarrassed he had panicked and jumped to conclusions about his starter. "Okay Professor, what do you have for me?"

The Professor smiled and opened his case. The case was black velvet on the inside, and there were seven pokeball-sized depressions. The middle three each had one pokeball. The first was a normal pokeball with a lightning bolt shape on the top. The next was a great ball, and the third was a beautiful green ball with veins of black. Ash caught his breath in amazement. A dusk ball. These balls were almost more powerful than an ultra ball at night, and rather rare. He was jolted out of his shock by the professor speaking again.

"Now none of these pokemon are the typical typings, but I belive at least one will work for you! Try one." he urged.

Ash looked at the pokeballs and decided to start from the left. He picked the pokeball with the lightning bolt first. "Go, pokeball!" He threw the ball into the air. The ball opened in mid-air and a white burst of energy shot out. The ball returned to Professor Oak and he caught it(something Ash took note off for later). The pokemon that came out of the ball was a small, yellow with a lightning bolt tail and brown stripes. The pokemon immediately got into an aggressive position, cheek pouches sparking upon spotting the humans. Professor Oak quickly returned the pokemon as he was about to attack. "So what do you think about this guy, Ash? He's a wild caught Pikachu from my backyard, found him eating my cables. I've had him for a few weeks"

Ash looked at the pokeball. A pikachu was rare and all, but they would not do well against Brocks gym, the one he planned on beating first. Also, pikachu knew very few good moves and had to evolve with a thunderstone. Not to mention this one was very aggressive towards him and probably would not listen to his commands. Ash made up his mind and shook his head. "No, this one isn't right. I can't take him"

Professor Oak seemed to accept this, but he sighed as he put the pokeball back. "A shame, but if he's not right for you then I can't give him to you. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to release him sometime. He's not happy in captivity." Professor Oak pulled out the second pokeball.

"Professor, why did the ball return to you when I threw it?" Ash asked, confused.

"Simple, my boy. This pokeball is registered to my pokedex, and after thrown immediately goes in the general direction of my pokedex to make catching the pokeball easier, and to prevent theft since only the trainer and Professor can open the pokeball. Now, meet Trapinch!" The Great Ball flew through the air, and bursted apart in midair. A small orange pokemon landed on the ground, with big bug eyes and a huge head. "Trap!" The creature cried out, clacking its jaws together.

"This is a male trapinch, I do believe, and they evolve into Flygon, a dragon type. They are native to Hoenn and rare around here. Go introduce yourself." The Professor smiled, guesteing to the small, lost looking pokemon.

Ash knelt before the Trapinch. "Hello Trapinch." Ash spoke softly. "Im Ash, and I want to do the Gym Challenge and beat the Elite Four and Lance! And I'm going to need a companion. So what do you say-AAGGGGHGHH!"

The last part was because Trapinch had suddenly lunged forward and bitten Ash's hand with it's pincher-like jaws. "Get it off! Get it off!" Ash called, shaking his hand frantically.

"Oh-! Yes!" The professor cried as he called the trapinch back into the Great Ball. Ash collapsed to the floor, looking at his hand. Thankfully, only a faint mark was visible and the pain was already going away. "Sorry about that, Ash." The professor looked sheepish.

"I'm fine, so what's the final pokemon?" Ash said, getting up again. Professor Oak smiled widely at the last ball as he picked it up. "You'll see." He said as he handed the pokemon over to Ash. "This pokemon is a female and her species is native to Unova. Her mother was left at a breeding center and was bred to the wrong pokemon, so the breeder didn't want her, so I got her and raised her from an egg. All right! Come out!" Professor Oak threw the dusk ball.

Ash watched with wide eyes as white energy shot out and formed into a small, black creature. The creature stood on four short legs tipped in red. She looked rather like a fox with a pointed muzzle and ear, but had a swirl of hair on her head with some more bright red. As she opened her eyes, Ash realized they were a bright, electric blue. Ask almost immediately knew what pokemon this was.

Zorua. A powerful, rare dark type pokemon. They could learn a variety of moves, and their ability, illusion, would be very helpful in gyms, especially Sabrina's.

Ash and the Zorua simply stared at one another for a bit. Finally Ash spoke up. "Hello, Zorua. My name is Ash, and I need a partner to set me on the path to complete the Gym Challenge and beat the Elite Four. I'm going to need a strong pokemon to help me accomplish my goal. So what do you say, Zorua? Do you want to travel across Kanto with me?" Ash spoke intensely, his eyes focused on the Zorua as she tilted her head. After a moment she let out a happy "Zor!".

Ash grinned. "All-right! Welcome to the team, Zorua!" The black fox pokemon lept into Ash's arms, and and placed a lick on his face before giggling.

Professor Oak approached Ash. "Very good! Now, here is your PokeDex, six pokeballs, and some potions. The pokedex is already registered to you. Just click this button to pull up your trainer card." He handed over a red, square device, several small orbs, and some small purple spray bottles after demonstrating and pulling up Ash's trainer license on the screen. "Now, you must catch Zorua in one of the pokeballs. They are already linked to your PokeDex, so she will be officially your pokemon!"

Ash grinned and tapped one of the orbs, enlarging it to its proper size. "Zorua, you ready?" The pokemon responded with a yelp, hitting the pokeball with her paw. The fox pokemon was sucked inside, and the ball dinged a few times before stopping and pinging. Ash grinned as he picked the pokeball up. (He felt slightly miffed about not having the dusk ball, but no big deal.) "Alright! Come on out, Zorua!" The ball opened and the energy solidified into Zorua, who sat on the floor and cried out "Zor!"

"Very good, Ash." The professor looked pleased. "Now scan her with her pokedex, and if you wish, give her a nickname." Ash held his PokeDex over Zorua and clicked his button. Suddenly, information popped up and a voice started speaking 'Zorua, the Tricky Fox Pokemon It changes so it looks just like its foe, tricks it, and then uses that opportunity to flee.'

Below, it showed Zorua's moves, nature, ability, and other information. Zorua appeared to have three moves, Scratch, Leer, and Sucker Punch. Her nature was Impish, so she liked sour and hated dry berries, and her nature was Illusion. Like all other Zorua, this meant she could come out looking like another pokemon in the party.

Ash grinned at Zorua, who looked very proud of herself. "Would you like a nickname?" The little fox pokemon nodded eagerly. Ash tried a few names like Eclipse, Bloodstone, Garnet, but the little fox didn't like any of them. "What about Trixie?" Ash suggested. "Trix for short." The little Zorua appeared to think for a moment before bounding and barking happily. "Trixie it is then." Trix bounced up on Ash's shoulder, licking his cheek happily. "Will you go back into your ball, girl? I want you to be a surprise." A mischievous look glinted in Trix's eyes and she giggled, before allowing herself to be returned.

Ash turned to Professor Oak. "Anything else, professor?" her asked, ready to set out Trix.

"Just remember Ash, you are only allowed to have six pokemon at a time until you get your fourth badge, then you can have seven. Once you beat all the gyms, you can have eight at a time. Now, go out to your friends!" Ash smiled before turning around and taking off at a full sprint, before letting out a whoop as he pushed open the lab doors and landed next to his friends, who looked startled.

"So did you get your pokemon yet?" Gary asked, looking interested. "We already battled between ourselves. I won." The boys chest puffed up like a peacock.

"I'll let you know that's only because your starter was faster than mine and we only know normal moves!" Leaf countered.

Gary considered for a moment. "Well, yah, but still. Lets see your pokemon, Ashy-boy!"

Ash grinned. "Your first!" He already had made a guess on who got what, but he wanted to make sure.

Fire shrugged. "Go, Charmander!" he called, throwing his pokeball, and watching the happy fire lizard appear. "Charrrrmander!"

Leaf threw her ball as well. "Sage! Time to shine!" Out of her ball burst a large bulbasaur that looked around slowly. "Bulba!"

Gary just laughed and whipped out his pokeball. "Come on out, Squirtle!" The blue turtle burst out and stretched proudly, before calling "Squir-tle!" Gary then turned to Ash. "Call out yours now, Ashy!"

Ash just grinned. "Let's do this, Trix!" The ball flew in the air, releasing the black fox pokemon in a flood of energy. She yelped "Zor!" before staring up at the amazed faces around her smugly.

Of course Fire recognized the pokemon first. "A zorua!" He marveled. "They come from the Unova region and evolve into Zoroark, the master of illusions!"

The little Zorua giggled impishly at his clear amazement and pranced around.

"She looks like a little prankster, Ash! You better look out!" Leaf teased, elbowing Ash's side. Ash just grinned back.

"Whatever!" Gary sniffed, but Ash could still tell that this was just good-natured teasing. "I bet it's not that amazing." His Squirtle copied his actions, folding his arms and huffing.

Trix just looked up and giggled, before jumping into the air. When she came back down, she looked just like Gary. Gary stared in amazement. "What the hell!?" He cried, stumbling back. His squirtle looked confused, looking between Gary and Trix-Gary, who just giggled with strangely sharp teeth. "Okay, that is pretty cool." Gary admitted in defeat, and Trix-Gary giggled again and changed back into normal Trix.

"So Ash, wanna battle?" Gary asked, as he calmed down. Squirtle still looked a bit confused, however Charmander looks excited and Sage (the Bulbasaur) was silently laughing.

Ash thought for a moment. "As much as I want to kick your ass, I'll have to pass. We need to set out a twelve, and it's already eleven. I'm going to go to say goodbye to my mom, eat breakfast, and grab supplies. I'll see you soon, however!"

"That's probably a good idea…" Fire said, returning his Charmander, followed by Leaf and Gary. "We'll meet you in front of Route 1 at 12:00, be ready!" Leaf took off, leaving Fire to run after her, screeching hor her to slow down. Gary went in the direction of his house, tossing the ball up and down again.

"Come on, Trix!" Ash called, running towards his house with the little fox pokemon following. When he arrived, he opened the door and was greeted by his mom. "Ash! Your back. Did you pick out a starter? What one?" She knew that Ash had no idea what starter he wanted, and she was curious what he got.

Ashe grinned. "Professor Oak ran out of starters so he gave me another pokemon he had! Meet Trix!" With that, Trix leaped onto Ash's shoulder, giggling.

Ash's mom gasped. "A zorua! What a cute pokemon!" She stroked Trix's head, who made a purring sound. Ash had almost forgot his mom used to be a pokemon photographer before he was born, and had traveled around the regions looking for rare pokemon.

"I got your breakfast all ready." Ash's mom's voice broke through his daze. "Once you finish, I have a few surprises for you." Hearing that, Ash hurriedly started to eat his breakfast, some kind of nutty cereal, finishing quickly while Trix explored the kitchen.

"Finished!" Ash cried, pushing the bowl away and calling Trix to him. He looked around for his mom, only to see her coming down the stairs with a beautiful backpack. The backpack was white with a green pokeball outline and straps, and was big enough to fit all of his supplies.

"Ash, in here is your tent, sleeping bag, and some clothing. I also packed 2000 Pokemon Dollars for you to use for necessitees. Don't you dare use this on something you don't need or TM's. Okay?" Ash sighed by agreed.

"I also have a few more things." Ash's mother passed over a black, shiny new badge case. "I bought this for you, as I know you want to get all the gym badges!"

"Thanks, Mom!" Ash grinned, picking up the badge case and putting it in his backpack.

"I also have a trainer belt for you." The belt was black with eight red pokeball clips, so Ash clipped the five empty pokeballs and Trix's pokeball onto some empty spaces.

"I have one more thing for you…" Ash's mom smiled. She went upstairs and Ash sat down as Trix jumped on his lap, so he scratched her ears.

After a few minutes, Ash's mom came down with a cardboard box. She smiled sadly at the box before putting it on the table in front of Ash. "Open it…"

Ash stood and opened the box, and opened the tabs. Inside the box was a new dark red and white trainer jacket, all new and fresh. Ash grinned as he lifted it into the air, however there was something else in the box. Ash looked down and gasped. He knew what this was. With trembling fingers he pulled out a red hat with a white and blue pokeball symbol. The hat was worn but well cared for, and he had seen this hat on his father's head in the few photos they had of him.

"Mom...I..I…" Ash stammered as he lifted up the hat. At a smile from his mom he gently put the hat on his head. The hat fit perfectly over his head, and it just felt right, having a bit of his father with him. "It's perfect, Mom." Ash smiled, giving his mother a hug.

She smiled back softly. "He would of wanted you to have this…" She trailed off before straightening. "Ash, make sure to call me first thing once you arrive in a new Pokecenter, and check the news every day, and look out for Team Rocket...they have been active lately…"

Ash smiled at his mother. "Don't worry Mom, I can handle dumb grunts… and Ill be safe, I promise. Trix is better than any dumb zubat!"

His mom smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I know you can...Trix, please look after my son." She said to the Zorua, who cried out an affirmative. "Now get out there, Ash, and take the world by storm!" His mother called as Ash and Trix started to the door, wearing his trainer clothing, belt, and backpack.

"I will, Mom." Ash said as he pulled open the door, and he and Trix took the first step on their journey.

Ash arrived at Route 1 with Trix on his shoulder. Gary was already there, with Squirtle out of his pokeball. "Hey, Ashy-boy! You ready to battle?"

Ash grinned. "Sure! Lets battle!" Trix jumped down from his shoulder with a bark, and Squirtle came forward with a "Squirtle-Squirt!"

"Lets go Squirtle! Use Tackle!" The squirtle nodded and charged forward, glowing with a slight white energy.

"Dodge, Tri! Then Leer and Pursuit!" Trix obeyed, leaping over Squirtle and as he whirled around, leered at him sincerely. When Squirtle stiffened from fright, Trix charged forward, faint black energy forming around her. With a cry, she hit Squirtle, knocking him back onto his shell.

"Squirtle!" Gary called out. Squirtle got up after a moment, and glared determinedly. "Use Water Gun!" Squirtle let out a rush of water from his mouth, and managed to hit Trix, knocking her back.

"Trix!" Ash called, but the Zorua got up again, eyes narrowed. She let out a yip, crouching down.

"Squirtle, use Water Gun again!" Gary commanded, and another rush of water started charging up.

"Sucker Punch!" Ash called out his last chance of winning the battle. It was a powerful move for such a tiny thing, but he hoped she could pull that off. Trix became wreathed and dark energy, and shot at Squirtle, even faster than Squirtle could fire off Water Gun. However, as Trix popped in front of Squirtle, the energy disappeared. Trix looked around, shocked, and Ash cried out in horror as a close-range Water Gun hit Trix and sent her flying back to Ash.

"Trix!" He cried, running over to Zorua. She was laying on the ground, not unconscious, but too drained to continue.

They were both distracted by applause, and turned to see that Leaf and Fire had arrived at some point and had watched the battle. "Congrats, Gary." Fire called out, Charmander at his side looking slightly bitter at Squirtle.

Leaf had been sitting on a rock called out "You did better than Fire, Ash! But then again, that's not hard!" She ignored Fire's indignant sound and called out Sage, who shook his bulb out and called out "Suar!"

"Hah! Good match, Ash!" Gary called as looked over Squirtle, who looked puffed up with pride even with a bruise on his chest. "If that Sucker Punch had hit...Squirtle would of been a goner!"

Ash smiled back as he pulled out a potion and gently sprayed it on the bruises on Trix's body. After a moment, she managed to get up, and Ash pulled his backpack over. After looking through, he found a berry pouch with a few berries, so he gave her an oran berry to chew. Trix barked a soft thanks, before leaping up and stretching. "So are we going now? Viridian City is about half a week's journey from here. Are well all going to challenge Brock first?"

Gary and Leaf nodded, but Fire shook his head. "No, there aren't many grass types in the Viridian Forest except , so I'm going to travel to Cerulean City first, where I'll catch a grass type and maybe a flying type. Then I'll go to Celadon City, and see where I go from there."

Leaf spoke up "Then we can travel together for the first few days, then when we get to Viridian City we can split. Don't want you guys to know all my secrets!" She winked.

Gary just snorted at that, but Ash interrupted before they could get into an argument. "Let's get walking, guys. It should take about five or six days if we train our pokemon at night." And before he could hear them start to argue again, Ash took off, with Trix running beside him. He could hear the others following him, and he grinned. They were finally off on their pokemon adventure.

It was late afternoon when Ash had his first battle with a trainer. He had not battled since Gary, giving Trix time to rest as she rode on his shoulder. No one had caught a second pokemon yet as well. They had been taking turns with trainer battles, the order chosen by blades of grass. Leaf had got the shortest, so she went first, Gary after her, and Ash was third. Poor Fire was last, however he didn't mind much as was examining the wild pokemon around him.

Leaf had already beaten a Bug Trainers Caterpie with a well placed Poison Powder, and Gary had managed to knock out a trainers Pidgey. This time, when a kid who looked about 9 ran up to the and challenged one of them to a battle, Ash got to go.

"Alright, Trix!" He called, and the Zorua jumped off his should with a bark and landed in front of the trainer. The boy narrowed his eyes and threw his pokeball.

"Go, Rattata!" A large purple mouse with huge fangs appeared on the path, whiskers quivering. "Rat-at-a!" Rattata were fairly common pokemon, so Ash felt confident he could handle this one.

The other trainer took the first move. "Use Quick Attack, Rattata!" The little pokemon dashed off, leaving a trail of white energy.

"Dodge, then Leer!" Ash called out. Trix leapt into the air as the rattata cruised beneath her, and turned around upon landing. She shot a leer at the rattata when it turned to face her, shuddering under the dark gaze.

"Rattata! Tackle!" the kid commanded, and Rattata shook itself off before charging at Zorua, covering in white energy, seemingly experienced with the move.

"Counter with Scratch!" Ash commanded, and Trix charged as well, her claws glowing white. She and the Rattata charged each other, and she managed to scratch its chest and knock it back before she could be hit. "Finish with Pursuit!" Ash commanded, and Trix covered herself in dark energy before charging Rattata and knocking it unconscious.

"Yes! Good job, Trix!" Ash praised, bending down to stroke Trix's ears. Trix barked happily and swished her tail.

The Youngster scowled before handing over 120 PokeDollars. Ash accepted with a smile, but the Youngster just huffed and returned his pokemon before storming off. "What a bratt." Ash huffed, as he went over to his friends, who had watched the battle.

Gary grinned "Well, it could of been worse. He could of ran without paying!" Ash grounded at the thought of that.

"When do you think we should stop, guys?" Fire asked as he pulled out his pokedex to check the time. "Its 5:45."

"We'll keep going until you get a battle, then we'll find a clearing to camp." Leaf spoke up from looking at her pokedex. "We are probably gonna need to go over our pokemon's moves later anyway." She had already managed to teach her Bulbasaur the basics if Poison Powder, and Ash was still amazed how fast she did that.

All four of them agreed to that plan, so they kept moving until Fire was challenged by a Bug Trainer, whose ass he whooped easily. Charmander had just used ember on the weedle a few times before winning victory, and they started looking for a place to camp. It was 7:00 PM when Fire alerted them to a large clearing surrounded by trees and close to the main path. Ash chose the spot closest to the right and set his tent up. The tent was red and white, a nice tent that would protect him from weather but not most pokemon attacks.

After setting up his tent, Ash came outside. Gary and Leaf were sorting through their bags. and Fire was busy building a campfire with Charmanders help. Ash joined them as the fire sparked into existence, digging out a few oran berries for Trix to eat and a few protein bars for himself while looking at his PokeDex. Ash made a mental note to buy a Carnivorous Pokemon food, before standing up.

"I'm going to train over there, call me if you need me." Ash said, jerking his thumb right. The others barely looked up from their food, just nodding or humming a reply. Ash just rolled his eyes and left the clearing, Trix following excitedly.

Eventually, Ash found a strong, thick tree. He could see the marks of bug type pokemon on the tree, as well as rattata scratches. "Okay, Trix, I want you to use Scratch on this tree." Trix giggled and her little claws glowed. With a "Zooour!" She charged at the tree and swiped, leaving marks in the wood.

"Good, girl, you seem to have that move down." Ash smiled as he reached down and stroked her head softly. "And I know you can do Leer well… but your Pursuit needs a bit of work and your Sucker Punch…" Ash trailed off "...is probably to advanced for you right now. So let's work on Pursuit, then I'm going to try and teach you Fury Swipes. Then, once we get to Viridian, I'm going to buy you a TM to use for Brock's Gym." Trix sulked a bit at the mention of Sucker Punch, but by the end of the talk she was happy again, and let out a "Zor!" in agreement.

"Okay Trix, use Pursuit on the tree!" Trix grinned before letting black energy surround her. It was stronger than the first time, but still not strong enough yet. "Okay girl, try to make it stronger!" Ash called. The black energy almost vanished as Trix closed her eyes, but suddenly it flared up, stronger than before. "Go!" Ash called, and Trix crashed into the tree. When she backed away, there was a bruise on her chest and a mark on the tree. Ash smiled. "Good job, girl." He smiled down at her. "Where does the energy come from?" He wanted to know.

Trix tilted her head for a moment, before baring her teeth and growling, her eyes narrowed. "Anger?" Ash asked. Trix shook her head slightly, like she was saying he was close, and growled again, this time louder. "Emotions? Hate?" Trix grinned and yelped. "So hate and other dark emotions... so maybe focus on something you hate or loathe to charge your energy up better." The Zorua tilted her head before growling in agreement. Dark energy covered her body, even stronger than before.

Letting out a snarl, Trix sprang at the tree. There was a loud crash, and the tree had a indention. Trix yelped happily at Ash. "Good girl." He said, ruffling her fur. "Work on that a few more times, please."

Trix nodded and they worked for another half hour before deciding to go to back to the clearing, covered in bruises. When they arrived, his friends were seated around the fire with their starters, chatting. Ash took a seat and groaned as the fire washed over him. He grabbed a brush from his bag and gently brushed Trix. It had been a gift from his Mom along with everything else, but he would eventually have to buy more brushes for all his pokemon.

Ash was jolted out of his thoughts by Gary asking Leaf "What did you and Sage work on? Me and Squirtle practiced Withdrawal, and he's almost mastered the move."

Leaf merely replied "We worked on Poison Powder and Leech Seed. What about you, Fire?"

Fire shrugged as he tended the flames. "Just Scratch and Ember. Ash?" The amber haired boy said, looking to Ash.

"Just trying to increase Trix's power." Ash said, the Zorua giving a sleepy whimper at her name. "We managed to put some serious dents in a tree back there." They all continued to chat for another thirty or so minutes, until Gary rose from his spot and returned Squirtle.

Gary snorted. "We can stay up all we want, but I'm going to bed. We need to be rested for tomorrow, and if you can't keep up I'm leaving you behind." With that Gary went towards his tent.

"I'm going to bed as well, guys." Leaf stood, stretching. "I plan on catching my first pokemon tomorrow, and beating plenty of trainers." With that, Leaf stalked to her tent as well.

Fire and Ash sat for a few moments before getting up at the same time. "Lets go ahead and go in...we can draw sticks again tomorrow." Ash said, Trix shaking herself to stay awake.

"Well then….Goodnight, Ash." Fire called, as he kicked dirt over the flames before going to his tent and crawling in.

Ash sent an amused look at Trix, who was almost asleep on her paws, and picked her up. The Zorua snuggled against his chest as they entered Ash's tent. Ash set Trix down on the pokemon bed, but she whine so he put her down on his sleeping bag before laying it in himself. Together, they fell asleep, waiting for the day they would get their first badge.

And that's the first chapter! This was really more of an introduction to the story. I originally had three pokemon planned out for Ash, those being a male Litleo, a male Shinx, and Trix. I ended up going with Trix because of my love for Zorua/rk and the movepool they have. While they don't have the best movepool, they can learn plenty of different TM'S and has a very fun ability.

Please, Read, Follow, and Review so I can improve this story!