Ch 1

August 10, 2010 a.t.b, the Britannian Empire invades the island of japan.

September 31 , 2010 A.T.B. After it's swift victory, one that alarmed the other 2 global superpowers, the EU and China offer an ultimatum to the Empire, to withdraw from Japan or face a war against them.

October 1- war is declared between the Empire and the remaining 2 superpowers.

4th of July 2015 A.T.B- the war ends with the death if Charles di Britannia, the abolishing of the royal family and the exile of all of it's current members. And the dismantling of the empire with the former Areas getting back their independence.

The reviving members of the royal family are forbidden from ever returning to the Pendragon Republic, the successor state to of the 'Homeland' territory.

19th of October 2016- Japan declares that 2 members of the royal family that where previously thought to be dead are very much alive, this historical announcements is followed by a press conference where a young prince is seen glaring with such hate at Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi that the Japanese secret service actually moves closer to the young prince and an agent keeps a constant hand of the boys shoulder.

December 5th 2017 a.t.b- Lelouch Lamperouge, formerly vi Britannia, one of only two royals that are allowed to return to the homeland turns legal age and returns to Pendragon.

And the story begins.


There was a general feeling of defeat, despair, and hopelessness that permeated the capitol of the country that once ruled a third of the planet.

It was the most beautiful feeling in the world for one Lelouch Lamperouge, seeing the country that had brought about so much pain brought to it's knees, his hated father and indifferent siblings dead and exiled, Lelouch felt an inner peace and happiness inside him that made his day bright.

Even if his attempt at job hunting was unsuccessful.

Ever since Genbu Kururugi had revealed his true identity to the world, it was now hard for the young man to find proper employment.

There was this unofficial mission by the Japanese secret service to ensure that he find no good paying job, a sort of payback for the crime of not being meek and obedient hostages that Genbu wanted them to be.

Not that he was struggling for cash, far from it!

He was making a killing in underground high stakes chess games, his current monthly income was what some CEO would earn.

"Why are you so hung up on finding a job then?" Rivalz asked.

He was one of the few people in the world that did nor recognize him on the spot as the formal royal, as such it was rather amusing to see his reaction that the guy he had been going to gamble for the past few months was in fact a former prince.

"It's about respectability. I don't want Nunnally to live with the fact that she is the sister of a gambler." Lelouch replied as they ordered some food from the bar that they were currently taking a break in.

They were about to take a bite from their respective burgers when a commotion was heard further down the hall.

"That's why I avoid beer halls. You always find some half drunk idiot spouting out his political nonsense." Rivalz said in annoyance.

"Be glad for them. They provide free entertainment, clownmanship like this you couldn't find even at Kaleido Star Circus." Lelouch said with a chuckle as they tried to tune out the madman on the table.

"Better to die on our feet that live on our knees! What the people need is for their honor and dignity to be returned! You there, don't you agree!" The loudmouth said and pointed at Lelouch' back.

This was one of the moments where history hinges upon.

Many books would be written by historians and alternate history fanatics, as what would have happened if the blonde gentleman, one former Viscount Kewell Soresi would have pointed in another direction.

For unfortunately for him, the pointed at the last man in the hall, the country and indeed the entire planet that should be provoked.

Lelouch turned and eyed the man in question, making him and the rest of the hall fall silent.

All recognized that glare, both from his father and from the news.

"Could you be so kind as to please repeat that?" Lelouch said with venom in his voice.

"I-Yes my lord! I said that :What the people nee-" "What the people need are jobs."

Lelouch said cutting him off.

"We have 12 million veterans who are still unemployed, an industry that has been ripped apart by the loss, no prestige on the global market, almost zero exports and this is your answer? Is this what you want?" Lelouch quickly added as he asked the bar patrons around, not giving his opponent the opportunity to form a response.

"Of course you don't! What you want is food on your table, a roof over your head, money in your pocket. Not more blood, more death, more widows and orphans? Do you not want to eat?"


The patrons replied as Lelouch got in the mood and stood up on his stool and went into a speech about a better economy, better jobs, cheaper homes, safer streets.

"Bread not bullets! Enough iron, enough blood.

Peace, bread, brotherhood that is what you need!" Lelouch finished as the whole hall erupted into applause.

Lelouch left the bar feeling good, it was nice to make a few hundred people, even if they were former imperials, see reason, even if for a few hours.

The next morning when he was getting ready to head out to enroll for college classes, he received the shock of his life when on the front-page of almost every news paper was a picture of him in the beer hall.

'Return of the king!' was what the Britannian papers said .

'The last royal demon speaks!' the EU and Chinese, not so secretly backed, papers announced.

But both agreed in the speculative narrative that this was the first step for Lelouch entering the political scene.

The former prince though long and hard about that. The fact was that the EU and China would never in a million years allow him to rise to a position of power, on the other hand given the current shattered way the former empire was it was possible to obtain a mp seat if he applied himself.

Which mean benefits, board and meals paid by the state, a fat pension once his term was up, and most important of all a chance to get a proper high paying job for him and Nunnally.

All in all, perhaps there was something to this.


The next day the patrons of the beer hall were shocked and surprised into silence as the doors opened and the former Prince from yesterday entered, wearing a purple suit, with a cape and a strange helmet in his hand.

The young man stood up on a stool, look to the patrons and said:

"Friends, citizens of Pendragon, countrymen, lend me your ears!" Lelouch said and they listened.


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