I do hope the title says it all.

Takes place during 'Infinite Realms'

That Moment Danny Was A Ninja

When they came out through the portal, the instant smell of incense greeted them and Sam found herself in awe of the ancient Chinese architecture.

"Wow," She breathed. Only for Tucker to ruin the moment.

"Awesome," He broadcasted and rushed for a tiny structure off to the side of what she was certain was a bathhouse.

"Honestly. All this wonder and he focuses on the restroom," Sam grumped sourly.

"I don't blame him," Danny stated quietly and she looked over to catch him holding his torso for at the least the fifth or sixth time in as many minuets.

"Are you sure you're okay," She whispered. Touching his shoulder to get his attention away from his search for Vlad and he looked at her. Before realizing what he was doing and let his arm fall. "It still hurts. Doesn't it?" She spoke. Her friend's horrible screaming playing in her ears again. As those evil red flowers tortured him.

"Yeah. But it's getting better," He answered. Walking out into the courtyard in search of his opponent. "Where is he?"

Deciding to let that conversation slide for the moment. But made a mental note to check on him again once this was all over. Sam looked around at the area as well.

It seemed pretty peaceful for a place supposedly under segue by a crazed half-ghost. However, she didn't fail to notice that some of the newer architecture would put them right around the time period that Christianity invaded Chinese culture.

The sound of a clay pot breaking in the distance drew Danny's attention immediately and he was about the fly off, when Sam grabbed his arm. Considering the horrors they'd just seen in Salem Massachusetts. She did not want a repeat.

"What?" He demanded with urgency. But she kept her cool and pulled him back to the ground. Forcing him to take a breath. "Sorry," He offered quietly and she smiled.

"It's okay. But I think we may need to be a little more – tactical, in our approach. We don't wanna destroy the past. Do we?"

The phrase made him cringe. As she knew it would.

He knew better than most what damage could be done to the timeline with just a few wrong steps. Despite his good intentions, he didn't want a see that happen again. "Okay. I'm open to suggestions."

With this said, Sam smiled once more and moved to stand at his side. Turning him to look at a collection of clothing strung out nearby. Having been left there by the patrons of the bathhouse. But she made sure to motion toward a certain set in particular. Dyed in the midnight blacks of funeral attire and perfectly highlighted with white around the collar and waist.

Danny did not miss the implication and grinned from ear to ear as her idea hit home. "I like the way you think."

"How do I look?" His voice came to her several minutes later. As she studied a black rice hat with interest. Only to look around and have her legs suddenly turn to jelly.

'Oh my,' Her brain proclaimed and some little part of her soul screamed out its need to declare her love for the sudden appearance of this forgotten Chinese spirit of body cologne.

"What?" He declared. Looking down at himself in an attempt to figure out what he'd done wrong. Granted he'd felt a little overwhelmed by all the layers and folds. But he'd thought it looked pretty good. "Sam?" He stated when she still didn't answer and finally she shook herself from the stupor.

"Yeah, you look – cool," She admitted. A blush coloring her checks and he blinked. Before returning the little gesture and reached up to lift the black facemask over his mouth and nose. Which effectively hiked up his 'hotness factor' by at least a hundred and eleven.

"You think?"

'Oh, most definitely. YES!' Sam's brain screamed at him again, when her mouth refused to answer and watched his smile grow under the cloth. Prompting her do the only thing that might spare her from further embarrassment and shoved the rice hat into his face.

Startled by this, he was forced to take a few steps back, just so he could grab the thing and carefully secured it over his snow-white hair. Keeping just the tips of his fingers on the rim, as he looked up again. His eyes hooded and intense within the shadow.

'Why have I never suggested this before?' That little voice at the back of her mind complained loudly and she agreed – most vehemently.

"I feel like I'm missing something," He added after a moment. Then looked over her shoulder and she turned on auto-pilot. Despite that little voice screaming that I only wanted to look at him. But it was ignored, as her eyes fell on what he'd seen and she smiled too.

Walking over to the little shrine dedicated to some unknown warrior. Danny very carefully and very respectfully lifted the long steel sword from its pedestal. The blade all but radiating its own light, as he gripped the handle and his ghostly glow infused it with power.

"Mom did teach me some swordplay – once," He crowed. Giving it a test swing and looked back at her with confidence. She probably would have jumped him right then and there. Had those piercing green eyes of his not been pulled away by the sudden sound of shattering ceramic. Followed by a few other noises to suggest a battle in the nearby area.

"Guess that's my cue," He whispered. Before looking back at her and reached up to touch the rim of his hat once more. Making a slight bowing motion as he did so. "My lady," He said with a really corny Chinese accent. But she could not fathom a reason to complain. Hell, she could barely even breathe.

He chuckled softly at her reaction and crouched a little, before surging into the air, to locate his enemy. His dark silhouette vanishing into the complex shadows of the rooftops. Leaving no trace that he'd even existed.

I'm open to suggestions for new chapter ideas.

No AU's allowed
