Now let me guess, you read the description and thought that this would be a simple story that had the main character go off and make friends with Taylor and have everybody make peace with everybody. Well you're wrong. This is a story about me, the guy who got thrown into a world he didn't know much about and given strange powers, about the guy who tries to live a normal life in a world where 'normal' is a four-oh-four error; about the guy who gets thrown into Worm.
Yeah, you read that correctly, Worm, with a capital W. Now, some of you may think that this will start off with me meeting Taylor, or helping her fight Lung. No, it's not going to start that way. It started when I was born.
Nothing seemed off when I was younger, I had the same life as before, born in the same family, same place, same time. ish. It was only when I was around three or four when I noticed something was off about this world. It was when I noticed the Capes. People running to fight danger head on with fake names and weird costumes.
I was seven when I found out my parents were capes. I was strangely okay with it. I was strangely okay with my parents going off to fight some random evildoer in a strange costume. Plus, I had seen their costumes, they were pretty cool.
I was twelve when we went to Brockton Bay to visit my mom's sister's family. I never knew that my mom had a sister, she never told us about her, strangely enough. And my aunt's name? Annette Hebert née Moye. Yeah, that's right, the Hebert's are my relatives. I honestly think that this is some sort of a cosmic joke played on me. Anyway, the reason for the visit? Annette's funeral. She had died earlier that year.
We stayed there for a few weeks, helping the remaining Heberts recover. Then tragedy struck.
My parents had gone out on a patrol. They hadn't returned the next morning. We received the news from Danny, or Uncle Danny, as he told us to call him. I had stared out the window for a long time. Finally, I said, "I'm going to go for a walk." And walked outside, Danny yelled something before I shut the door, probably a warning.
I walked across the town, ignoring everybody, and only focused on the place where I knew they would be. The Docks. I had finally found the bodies when I entered the old place, I was up on a rooftop staring down at where the police were investigating the burn marks around the place, the claw marks, the, heh, hilarity of fish piled up on a wall.
I carefully climbed down the wall, and walked a sneakily as I could to where my parents were at, dead. I carefully took off my dad's helmet, it was similar to a storm trooper's helmet. Yeah, my family were total geeks. I looked around to see if anybody had noticed me, nobody had. I carefully gotten near the tape, when one of the officers yelled out, "Hey! What're you doing here!"
I ran. I ran towards the beach, past the market, and down to where the abandoned ships were. I hid in one of the ships, breathing heavily. I then I finally did something I hadn't done in a long time: I cried. I started crying as the reality of the world crashed onto me, the reality of where I was. I had seen the world as sort of a dream. But now? Now, I was alone. Well, that wasn't strictly true, I still had my brothers, but, we weren't really that close.
Something clicked as I sat there crying, I saw something big, something dangerous, something that could kill us all, then nothing. Then the world faded to darkness.
I blinked blearily at my surroundings as I opened my eyes, it was unfamiliar, it was- The Shipyard! Or better known as the Boat Graveyard. I looked at my watch, it seemed only an hour had passed since I left the Hebert's house. I sighed in relief, I was still safe. I usually took long walks, they knew this by now, so it wasn't unusual for me to leave for several hours at a time. During those hours, I was usually exploring the city. It was HUGE!
After several minutes of sitting there, I got up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get tear stains and grit in my eyes that crowded up there. I probably didn't get all of it. I got out of the little hidey hole I was in and looked around.
There was someone in blue armor, wait. ARMSMASTER! Crud, getting out of here would be harder than I thought. I took a step outside and-
"YOU!" I heard a voice call out. I froze. Armsmaster started walking towards me. It was a tense few seconds, when he got near he asked, "Are you a cape." He asked bluntly.
"Err, no?" I said as far as I knew, I wasn't one.
"Hmm." He was probably checking with his lie detector- wait did he have one this early in the timeline? I dunno, but I didn't want to find out. "It seems that you are not lying." Okey, so he did have it, "But what are you doing out here alone?"
"I ran out here." It was somewhat true, better tell half-truths. He looked at me for a long time.
"Follow me. It would be bad if a child like you got hurt out here." He said then started walking away.
I stared at him. Shrugged, then followed after grabbing my dad's helmet.
We made it back to the Hebert's house, after telling Armsmaster where it was. Uncle Danny was confused as to why Armsmaster was with me. He told them that he found me in the Boat Graveyard, alone. Uncle Danny was then worried, and asked me if I was okay. I was.
After their numerous fussing and scolding, I was free to go back and explore, but I was now limited to the boardwalk.
The next week, we had decided to go down back home and gather our stuff. My older and little brother decided to stay there with our other cousins while I decided to go back to Brockton Bay with the Heberts.
During that week before going back home, I had found out that I had Parahuman Powers. I was just sitting down in the guest room, writing things down and I was idly spinning my pencil around, thinking. Yes, I was still writing, it was just with paper and pencil/pen, sadly enough. While I was spinning the pencil, it flew from my fingers across the room. I sighed and idly summoned it, knowing that it wouldn't work, as I got up but it flew back into my hand. I froze and stared at the pencil in my hand. I threw it back to the opposite wall, and summoned it again. And again. And again. What? It was fun.
When we had gotten back from old home, new home was now the Hebert's, I took up residence in the Guest room, now technically my room. Emma Barnes, Taylor's friend, came over often. I could see the strain in their friendship. I also had to stay my hand a few times when Emma was annoying me, the future tormentor of my cousin was annoying at times, but I didn't say anything. Other than the rare times she was annoying me; Emma was a pretty nice person. Up until the year before we entered high school.
Me and Taylor had both been given invitations to Arcadia, I tried to persuade Taylor to go there, but to no avail. She had chosen to go to Winslow. Back to Emma. Back to the Traitor that was Emma.
It was a sad first day when Taylor found out. I tried to warn her, but she didn't listen, sadly enough. After school that day Taylor ran up the stairs and locked herself in her room, refusing to come out, though I could hear her crying.
I came back down the stairs, shaking my head. I slumped down on the couch, Uncle Danny was in his chair watching the news. He raised an eyebrow, "What happened?" he asked.
I gave a snort/sigh through my nose, "Emma happened."
His frown deepened, "What does Emma have to do with anything?"
"Me and Taylor went to school today and found out that Emma was hanging out with another person, Sophia, I believe, and was calling Sophia her best friend."
Danny looked at the stairs, "Taylor didn't take it well, did she?"
I shook my head, there was nothing to be said about that.
The years rolled by and before I knew it, it was 2011. Me and Taylor were both fifteen by then, and when I noticed this I sighed, "Let the fun begin."
It wasn't fun.
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