Part III: From Spark to Flame
As time moved on and it became a month after the back-to-back nights that started their affair, Starfire felt like they were stuck in a loop. It was a term she first heard shortly after coming to Earth, and in her current state of mind, she actually understood what it meant.
She still thoroughly enjoyed the experiences themselves. When it came to being part of a group, Raven managed to be a little more interactive, while still managing to be herself so no one really questioned anything about it. Especially not paying too much attention to the fact that out of everyone in the group, Raven clearly spent the most time with the Tamaranean. There have been several nights where the two managed to get together to fully engage with one another.
But that is at the heart of why Starfire felt like nothing was truly changing. Their sexual encounters were always of the oral nature. Raven would sometimes pleasure Starfire by sucking on her glornob, or cock as Raven told her it was sometimes called, but it was mainly Starfire using her mouth to pleasure Raven's pussy. She doesn't mind that she has to do it at all, she loved how her new sexual partner tasted, and she could tell that while it surprised her, Raven did enjoy the taste of Starfire's shaft.
What was bothering her was the fact that that seemed to be all the did. They kissed and made out, brushing up against each other as much as they could without being detected. But no groping, no penetration that wasn't with the tongue-Hell, despite Raven seeing her naked body, Starfire has never gotten to see what Raven's body looked like under her clothing. Even when Starfire was eating her out, Raven would only move the part of her clothing that covered her pussy.
Starfire debated day after day how to approach this issue with Raven. While they went from new teammates to sexual partners very quickly, Raven seemed to be purposefully stopping things from going any further. She didn't know if Raven was consciously doing this or if she just needed a little push. Starfire felt like a broken record, telling herself over and over to not push Raven. But why shouldn't she? They were at a point where the only things could progress is if she did exactly that.
While it seemed obvious, this was a decision that Starfire pushed off again and again, not wanting to accidently end things. She did nothing for so long, that it was another month until she couldn't keep it inside of her anymore. That day occurred in the afternoon while she and Raven were flying over the city, doing patrol. A part of her took over and Starfire changed course, descending downwards until she landed on top of a building. Taking notice, Raven descended after her and landed several feet away. As she did, her cloak wrapped herself around Raven, concealing her body as it usually did. Ironic that even the cloak seemed to be stopping anything from going further.
"Star, what are you doing?" Raven asked, initially thinking that it had something to do with what they were doing. In hindsight, Raven would realize that she should have known that something more personal was going to come up on top of that building.
"Raven, how would you describe our relationship?" Starfire crossed her arms, her back turned towards the sorceress.
"Well, we are teammates. If you mean outside of that…one could say we are each other's girlfriends."
"Then why have we not cemented said relationship?"
"Uh…I feel like we have Star." This is when the redhead turned around and Raven saw the true look of frustration on her face. It was not something she saw with Starfire, making it that much more jarring.
"Raven, we could be doing so much more. True, we could decide to go public, but I am much more concerned with the fact that you have been stopping us from taking the next step in our sexual experiences."
"Wait…are you mad that you can't fuck me?"
"ARRRRRRGH!" With that burst of anger, Raven actually took a step back in shock. This was a part of Starfire that she has never seen before, not even when they were taking on the strongest enemies in combat. Her eyes were glowing green with an intensity rarely seen.
"Is this just an experiment that I have heard Earth women do?! Do you really not value anything that has happened between us? And just so you know, it is not just FUCKING where I come from!" Starfire took many quick and furious steps towards Raven, whose eyes could not get any wider. Soon, she couldn't take any more steps back as she ran into a structure that poked out of the top of the building.
"An full expression of love on my planet is not just wanting a momentary release! It is about showing the other how much they value everything the partner has to offer, cherishing every single moment that they spend together doing nothing but absorb the love that they share! The fact that you would deny us from being able to truly experience-! "
It wasn't until well after Starfire started on her rant that she could actually see what was happening right in front of her. Raven…was crying. There were tears rolling down her cheeks. She could even hear the half-demon fight back the urge to actually vocally cry out. She slid down a little until finally just falling down onto the ground beneath her, hugging her knees to her chest and burying her face. All of a sudden, every ounce of anger and frustration that Starfire was letting out just evaporated as she quickly got onto her knees, gently placing her hands around Raven's ankles. She wanted to say something, anything to try and fix what was happening, but the guilt of what she did to Raven caused Starfire to be unable to speak. So, for a solid ten minutes, Raven was softly crying with Starfire slowly trying to find the words for the situation.
"Raven…I am so sorry…I didn't…please talk to me!"
"Your right…e-everything you said was right!" Raven finally brought her head up to try and face Starfire, tears still rolling down her face.
"I should be taking the blame for this! I should not have said the way I said it. I could have handled this with more maturity and I should have!"
Raven sniffed her nose, trying to regain some composure. "Y-you remember our first encounter…Trigon…"
"Your father!" Starfire moved her hands up and tried to take hold of her friend's hands.
"He-he was controlling me. My mind and body…I had no control, n-no choice or say in anything…" Starfire remained silent, sensing that Raven wasn't done trying to get out what she wanted to say. "I guess, deep down…allowing you to be inside me like THAT…I would become something less than what I all ready am."
Starfire looked down at the ground, letting Raven's words sink in. Silence seemed to be the only response that she could give. But eventually, Starfire managed to firmly grasp her friend's hands, making Raven make eye contact. When she did, she felt like she was in a trance under Starfire's gaze.
"Raven, you are one of the most amazing people I have ever encountered, on Earth and on Tamaran. There is no way I or anyone else can make you anything less than what you clearly are. Because there is no way you will ever let that happen. If you don't want to go to the next step, we don't have to."
"Are you sure?" Raven wiped her nose, her face looking up to Starfire with a look of what could only be described as guilty relief.
"I want both of us to be happy. And that can only happen if we are both honest with each other. You speaking to me like this is a far more important step."
Starfire was surprised as Raven pushed herself forward and wrapped her redhead friend in a tight hug.
"I don't deserve this patience."
"Don't ever say that!" Starfire hugged back just as tightly, rubbing her hand across Raven's back.
"Star…earlier…did you say you love- "
"Shhh! Don't worry about. Just do what you need to do before we head back." Raven closed her eyes and buried her face into Starfire's neck which was covered in her red hair. While their time on the building started with a scowl, Starfire ended with a smile instead.
A green gorilla had his back slammed against a wall, forcing him to turn back to his natural green human form.
"Was I being too rough for a practice session?" Starfire floated over to Beast Boy as he slid down to the floor.
"No…I just wasn't fully prepared. Sometimes I forget how tough you are."
"Hopefully, our enemies won't be so easy to forget that fact after we beat them in battle." Starfire held her hand out for Beast Boy to grab. She helped him stand back up and watched as he walked around for a little bit, stretching his body.
It had been roughly a week since the last time she had a one-on-one interaction with Raven. The words that were spoken on top of that building seemed to have somehow changed things in their dynamic. Raven had made herself vulnerable, something that she had never done before. Seeing that side of her made Starfire realize just how secretively sensitive and scarred her girlfriend really is.
At least…she hoped that was what they still were to each other. Starfire decided to let Raven have as much space as she needed for as long as she needed it. They of course still interacted while part of the larger group, both in the field and just out with everyone else. But neither one of them took the opportunity to try and get alone with the other. Raven had withdrawn back into herself, an observation that made Starfire worried that their relationship might not be moving forward.
As concerned as she was, Starfire still managed to find a way to move on with her day-to-day activities and duties. But she finds her thoughts going back to Raven. Having these practice sessions helps distract her mind. But something caught her eye that will bring this session to an end.
She saw moving shadows. But these shadows were very familiar. There was a certain glow to them that indicated that something-or someone-was controlling them. She stared as they moved for a few moments before seeming disappearing into the door back into the hallway.
"Excuse me, but do you think we can end early today?" She turned her attention back to Beast Boy.
"Sure thing. I promised Cyborg that I would connect with him online for a rematch…" His words faded to the background as soon as he agreed to end things and Starfire walked out of the room and into the main section of their tower. She went down a few floors before walking down the hallway and towards the door that lead into Raven's room.
Before she even had a chance to knock on the door, it opened up for her. She moved her way inside the room, turning her head towards Raven, who stood at the edge of her bed, her cloak tightly covering her body.
"Star…did you say you love me? Back on that building?"
At first, Starfire was confused. But then the exact words came back in her memory. "Yes, and I sincerely meant it."
"That's what I thought." Raven took a few steps closer, careful to make sure her cloak didn't reveal anything underneath. "As you could probably tell, I'm not really someone who is really…in touch with my feelings." Starfire nodded.
"Well, there was a time where my emotions could accidently cause me to do a lot of unintentional damage. While that's partially true, the truth is that I was afraid."
"Afraid of what?"
She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to find the right words. "Showing other people your emotions can lead to relationships, of any kind. That creates a connection, you gain trust in them. And when that all comes crumbling down because the other person took advantage of your trust, it can change you. It might not be the exact same story with my father, but he ended up using me, exploiting me through my emotions. I just didn't think I could ever take the risk of letting anyone else see me in any kind of emotional state."
"Raven…I understand. But I am not a literal demon like your father. You can trust me. You've shown me some emotion back on that building. The only reason why I haven't tried anything was because I wanted you to decide what you want." Starfire softly smiled and moved closer. "I didn't want you to feel like you had no choice."
"I know…it took a while, probably too long, but I know what I want." Without giving it a second thought, Raven grabbed Starfire's face and brought her lips against hers. The alien instantly returned the kiss, her hands going under Raven's cloak to grab onto her body. While her eyes were closed, she knew by instinct that Raven was completely naked underneath the purple cloth.
Without separating their lips, Raven brought her hands back and let her cloak fall to the ground. Stepping over it, she walked backwards-pulling Starfire with her-towards the bed. She laid down on her back, letting the redhead alien be on top of her. Their tongues intertwined with each other, Starfire's cock emerging from her body, being rubbed against Raven's pussy with only the thinnest of clothing material separating them. Starfire pulled away, breathing deeply as she quickly started to tear her uniform off of her skin. Once both of the female titans were naked, it seemed that all they could do was stare at each other in their fully glory. Using one hand, Starfire rubbed her cock against Raven's pussy, never actually entering her, but she could feel it getting wet in nervous anticipation. Raven looked up and nodded, her eyes showing how much she wanted to feel her finally inside her body.
Starfire pulled back, aimed the head of her cock right in the middle of Raven's pussy, and watched as she slowly saw the lips of Raven's pussy swallow the full length of the alien's shaft. Raven gasped, and then moaned. Once it was completely inside, and she had a moment to adjust to all the new sensations, Starfire began to move back and forth. It was slow at first, not wanting to be too aggressive during the beginning. But it didn't take long until Raven opened her eyes and showed what could only be described as aggressive desire. The look of desire in Raven's eyes took ahold of Starfire and she wasted no time in going in full force.
If it wasn't for the fact that every room was soundproofed, their moans and gasps and grunts would echo throughout the entire tower. Raven grabbed and squeezed her own tits as she felt Starfire continuously ram herself in and out of her body. The alien's eyes began glowing green as she began turned off all of her thoughts. There was only her fucking her lover, who was demanding more with every passing second in her movement.
"FUCK! Ooooohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Raven screamed, even laughing out of pure physical pleasure and joy. Starfire only seemed to be able to grunt, but she still found herself leaning forward to suck on Raven's tit. She felt her lover run her hands through her red hair, her pale legs finally wrapping around Starfire's waist, limiting her range of movement.
Starfire started using her teeth, pressing them against Raven's tit, lightly biting into her breasts. This only seemed to tighten Raven's grip around Starfire's waist, her unspoken desire for pleasure and domination. All though, it seemed like Raven was gaining more control the longer it went on. This belief was quickly confirmed as Raven-through a combination of unspoken magic and sheer will-turned Starfire over onto her back so that the sorceress could now be on top.
Instead of moving up and down, Raven leaned forward and started to rub her pussy forward and backward with Starfire's cock fully inside of her. Raven lowered her head so she could hear Starfire moan right into her ear as she squirmed and twitched. Raven smiled-she smiled like she never had before, raising her body upward a little bit, holding out one of her tits so that Starfire could pull herself up a little bit so her mouth could latch on. She grabbed Raven's hips as started to finally move up and down. She brought her legs up far enough so that her feet pressed against the mattress, allowing Starfire to furiously fuck Raven's pussy faster than any human.
"That's it! Fuck me FUCK ME!" Starfire's hands wrapped around Raven, her fingers scratching and digging into her skin, her mouth tightly sucking and biting Raven's neck. But it wouldn't be there for much longer, as Starfire found herself trying to speak.
"I'm-I'm-gonna…" Raven pressed her lips against Starfire's and sloppily made out with her, showing she knew what she was going to do and that she didn't care. Starfire dropped back down onto her back, using the last of her strength to keep going at the same speed until she finally climaxed.
It happened as Starfire managed to shove her entire shaft as deep as she could inside Raven's pussy. Either through magic or just instinctual, Raven's body tightened around Starfire's cock, forcing her to release every last drop of cum. The two titans moaned with pleasure into the other's mouth. Whatever couldn't be contained inside of her dripped out of Raven and onto the bed underneath them. Neither one of them knew how long the climax lasted, but once it was done, they collapsed onto the bed. Raven used what she had left to roll onto her side, grabbing Starfire's hand and pulling her. The alien understood and moved so that her arm wrapped around the sorceress, her body pressed against hers. The two of them listened to each other breathe, silently overjoyed to finally experience the full pleasures of what a relationship can give them.