Zuri held out their hand and Zuko grasped it. Using their other on his upper arm, Zuri lifted him up with ease.

"What happened?" Zuko asked, looking around. The Fire Nation guards had some of Yue's people on their knees near the pond. Yue herself was gone.

"Well, Plan A fell apart so we did Plan B. And hey," Zuri slapped Zuko hard on the back. He staggered forward and glowered at them as they continued. "You dodged a bullet."

"So what now?" Zuko questioned.

"We go see the Fire Lord." Zuri answered.

Walking out of the oasis, Zuko immediately noticed the difference in the palace. Fire Nation guards went trotting down the halls in formation while Water Tribals were herded into various rooms along the way.

There were more people in red than Zuko could remember seeing before. If they had arrived with Lu Ten, they had hidden themselves very well in the meantime.

And of his cousin, Zuko was surprised when Zuri led him into a reception room where Lu Ten stood with more guards. He had ditched the Water Tribe garb and was in a modified royal tunic. It was padded just enough to acknowledge the colder clime, but not nearly as warm as what the people in either pole usually wore.

What pained Zuko, in a way he didn't have time to understand, was seeing the crown Lu Ten wore. The one that denoted him as the crown prince, heir to the Fire Nation throne.

"My lord." Zuri greeted and bowed in the traditional way. Lu Ten turned and his eyes had that razor sharpness Zuko had caught glimpses of. Lu Ten was assessing and when he looked at Zuko, he flinched.

"Are you injured, Prince Zuko?" Lu Ten asked.

Shaking his head, Zuko gave a hurried salute. "No your highness."

"Good. If you were, we would make the Tribals pay double." Lu Ten turned back to the guards and examined them. Putting his fingers to his chin, Lu Ten seemed to contemplate the people as if they were pieces of art.

"Take him to my father. I believe he's in the throne room with my aunt." Lu Ten said, speaking to Zuri.

"Right away my prince." Zuri bowed again before turning quickly on their heel. Without a word, Zuko followed, glancing over his shoulder back at his cousin.

This was so obviously not his cousin. It was feeling more and more like this Lu Ten and Azula had swapped personalities. Zuko didn't know what that would mean, to have Azula's cold cunning and murderous streak instilled in a full grown man with military experience and no need to vie for his inheritance.

Facing forward, Zuko kept his eyes trained on the space in front of him. He saw the masked Fire Nation faces and the angry looks of the Water Tribals. The tension rippled with every cluster they passed and Zuko felt his shoulders tighten.

"It's a pity about Zhao." Zuri said suddenly. Their voice was so unexpected that Zuko jumped.

"He's dead?" Zuko asked.

"Drowned and washed away we presume. I doubt we'll be seeing him again unless he's face down on some beach somewhere." Zuri tilted their head and looked contemplative. "But I hear that a lot of sea animals eat human flesh."

"What about Sokka and Katara?" Zuko pressed.

"Oh your tribal friends are fine. The Fire Lord is considering how best to use them now." Zuri said.

Zuko bit down on his cheek and stayed quiet. He remembered Katara's transformation and the prophecy she spoke with Yue. They very clearly meant him when they spoke of the familiar blood, but would Iroh figure it out? Besides his one time excursion into the Spirit Realm, there wasn't a logical leap that would make him out to be a stranger. It was one thing to assume Zuko was cavorting with spirits, it was something else entirely to think he came from a different timeline.

The only reason he believed it was because he was living it.

When they made it to the throne room, Zuko could feel the shift in air pressure. It was easier to breathe as he stepped into the open room with no one glaring daggers at him as he walked.

Iroh was indeed with Ursa and they stood close together as they spoke. Still, with the open space and the ice walls, there was enough of an echo that Zuko could overhear them as they approached.

"My brother wanted a throne so badly, let him freeze his backside on one." Iroh grumbled and held his hands together behind his back.

Ursa sighed and rested her chin on a first, regarding the large ice throne in front of them.

"I think I'd rather be exiled with him where he is than be enthroned here." She said with an airy tone.

"It wounds me to hear you say that my dear. Obviously, with your affliction as a non-Bender, I would never require you to live here. You'd have to stay in the palace for your health." Iroh replied.

Ursa tilted her head to look at Iroh and she smiled blithely. It was a smile Zuko had seen at many dinners, when his mother had to say nothing while a noxious minister blew hot air along the table.

"For my health, of course. How sweet of you for thinking of me so tenderly." She said.

"Your majesty." Zuri called out.

Both Iroh and Ursa turned; she lifted her head a fraction off her hand to look blissfully apathetic. Zuri and Zuko both bowed in turn and Ursa lowered her hand to watch them.

"Ah nephew, are you well?" Iroh asked. Zuko nodded as he stopped in front of them.

"Yes, uncle." He answered.

"Excellent. I have a job for you and the sooner we can set you off, the better." Iroh put an arm around Zuko and turned him to have them both look up at the ice throne.

"Because the North Pole has turned out to be a den of traitorous barbarians, I've had no recourse but to place it under my control. It is time the strict order of the Fire Nation brings these savages in line." Iroh said. Zuko felt his throat dry and his stomach churned violently.

"You've conquered the North Pole, uncle?" He asked.

"Conquered? No, no prince Zuko, this place is now a vassal. Once we can ensure peace and order, I will reinstate Chief Arnook and we go on our merry way back to where the world is actually hospitable." Iroh explained.

"How are the citizens taking it?"

"Oh well, there was a lot of misunderstanding at first. None of them would believe what Yue did, so they think we made the whole thing up. But that's fine, it's resolved now." Iroh squeezed Zuko's shoulder as he spoke. "We'll be sending most of the Waterbenders off to some military installments. They'll be very useful in the labor force."

"Work camps?"

"Who is saying such things?" Iroh turned, putting a hand on either of Zuko's shoulders and looked at him intently. "We'll be teaching them the orderly way of working. Have you seen their navy? For people who live on the water itself, it's laughable."

Iroh shook his head and let Zuko go with a sigh.

"We will make them better." Iroh added.

"What do you need me to do, uncle?" Zuko asked. He could barely keep the tremor out of his voice and his body fought the shudder that welled from deep inside of him.

"You are going to retrieve your father and sister. I have some questions for them." Iroh said.

Zuko swallowed hard and nodded.

"Of course. But uncle," Zuko paused as Iroh's gaze shifted to something more invasive. "What about Sokka and Katara?"

"Your tribal friends? Hmm, yes." Iroh leaned back on his feet and stroked his short beard. "They've proved to be an interesting puzzle."

"Why don't you send them with Zuko?" Ursa interjected. Iroh stared at her, his hand frozen on his beard as she walked up.

"You can't keep them here. Arnook is already a liability, having compatriots from the South Pole might make the people restless." She continued.

"But alone? I couldn't risk my own blood like that." Iroh said.

"Let me go with them. I can handle unruly children, and you know I will be better at getting Ozai out of his shack." Ursa said.

"I don't believe my brother has quite forgiven you yet my dear. No, I can't risk both of you to the wolves." Iroh replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ursa stepped forward, putting her hands on his arms and looking mournful.

"Please, my lord. I have not seen my daughter in many months, and I'm sure the governor would give me anything I asked if I need more protection." Ursa pleaded.

"What if you took Zuri with you?" Iroh asked. For a fraction of a second, Ursa's face tightened and Zuko immediately stood upright.

"The North Pole needs a governor." Zuko blurted. Three pairs of eyes turned to him and Ursa stepped back, slipping her pale hands back into her sleeves.

"It will take some time to retrieve my father. In the meantime, a governor should oversee the North Pole." Zuko clarified.

"Are you trying to strand me here you little brat?" Zuri snarled.

Zuko turned to her, focusing on looking nonchalant. "The Fire Lord needs someone he can trust and who is here. Do you have another suggestion?"

Zuri made a strangled sound and faced Iroh. "Call up that nobody with the gaggle of daughters. He's been begging for scraps ever since his wife gave birth to all those mouths."

"No, I do believe prince Zuko has a point. It would be a short term anyway." Iroh brushed them off and looked again at Zuko. "But I still cannot send you and your poor mother off so poorly attended."

Zuko's mind churned erratically as he tried to think of any suitable name. Of course, any friendly face he once knew might now be a foe, but he had to find a name that would get Iroh off his back.

"Jee." Zuko stated.

"The naval captain?" Iroh questioned.

Good for him. Zuko thought briefly and then nodded.

"Captain Jee has a neutral temperament and would understand the importance of the mission despite being taken away from his post. He's a very capable Firebender and more than enough to protect my mother." Zuko said.

"But not you?" Ursa chided gently and elbowed him with a smile. Zuko smiled in return, relaxing a moment.

"I can handle myself." He said.

"Of course you can." Iroh said. "Every member of my family is an exceptional Bender."

Zuko glanced at Ursa and saw her dip her head for a moment.

"I wasn't aware you were familiar with the captain." Zuri added.

"I take great care to educate both of my children, Zuri. So as not to embarrass themselves or their esteemed uncle." Ursa replied dryly.

Hurried footsteps interrupted them and they all moved to see a trio of guards enter the throne room.

"Your majesty, they're ready for your announcement." One of the guards said. Iroh huffed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Zuri, go and fetch my son. Ursa and Zuko will go and pack." Iroh looked at each of them in turn. "You leave as soon as you're ready. Do not wait for my goodbyes."

"Then we'll say farewell now." Ursa dipped in and kissed Iroh's cheek quickly. "Stay safe and warm, my lord."

"Your fondness is all I need. Make sure to keep your guard around my brother." Iroh said.

His brother, never her husband. Zuko thought as he bowed.

"Goodbye uncle." He said. He felt a brief weight as Iroh placed his hand on Zuko's head. It was such a familiar gesture it almost shocked a gasp out of him.

"Stay warm, prince Zuko." Iroh said and walked away with the guards as Zuko rose.

Zuri followed after and Ursa grabbed Zuko's arm as they neared the door.

"Let's go." Ursa whispered sharply, tugging him in the opposite direction.

There were too many questions that all clambered into Zuko's throat. He didn't even open his mouth in fear that something terrible would fall out. Instead, he followed his mother, staying close on her heels. She led him to one of the special rooms; ornamental furs hung on the ice walls to keep back the chill while a large brazier heated a wide, flat stone. The bed itself was covered with blankets and furs, all neatly laid out in colorful layers.

Ursa packed a few things and Zuko could only sit on her bed and watch. He hadn't even unpacked his supplies. Being in the shared dormitory, there was no space and they had only just arrived. But his mother had clearly had servants who unpacked everything, and so now she hastily shoved thick robes and fur lined capes into trunks.

"We won't be able to take them with us." Zuko said. He sounded tired and Ursa suddenly stood, a robe wrapped up in her arms. He stared at her and she stared down at the overfilled trunk. Red cloth spilled over the edges and onto the blue floor like rose petals falling onto the surface of a pond.

"We almost lost everything." Ursa said, her voice just as flat as his.

"How did you want this to go mother?" Zuko asked. He accused her of many things, both of her own sins and the sins of his real mother. Her plan had always eluded him, her goals were gossamer strings in the wind.

Ursa let her arms fall and the robe fell onto the trunk, draping it haphazardly.

"I wanted a door that even he couldn't burn down." She murmured.

Turning his face away, Zuko looked down at his hands.

"Katara could have died." He said. "Lots of people could have died tonight."

"Let them burn, or drown, I don't care which. As long as I have you, I can get back everything we lost." Ursa replied.

As Zuko heard her walk over, he clenched his hands into fists. As he saw the tips of her shoes come into view, he relaxed them again. His palms were hot.

"Zuko, your loyalty is to your family." Ursa stated. "Zuko, look at me."

Looking up, Zuko felt the tears in his eyes shift and slip out the corner. This was his mother's face. This was the face that met him in the middle of the night, a cloak on as she got ready to run. This was the face he had been searching for longer than his search for Aang.

And this time, she was taking him with her.

"Yes mother." He whispered.

Ursa leaned down and smoothed his hair back before cupping his face. She searched his face but he could only take in every line and curve he could see.

This was his mother.

"We will protect them for as long as we can. I promise." She murmured and stood up. As her fingers left Zuko's face, he could still feel a phantom touch. "You made a good choice with Jee. He wasn't someone I would have thought of, but he's discreet."

"Is he loyal?" Zuko asked. He remembered the lieutenant who fought with him, but never usurped him. Jee had been a true officer who respected the royal family, even the burned banished prince.

"We will have to see. He's an officer of the royal navy and Iroh appointed him personally. But," Ursa shook her head and bit on the tip of her thumb. "He's never questioned his orders before."

"And father?"

Ursa turned so that Zuko could see her profile. She looked nervous.

"I can handle your father." She said with finality. "We will definitely need your sister."

"You know that she's ill." Zuko retorted.

Taking her thumb away from her mouth, Ursa waved her hand in the air, moving again till her back was to him.

"Her letters are nonsense. Nightmares of a soft child." She said.

"What about the Avatar?" Zuko asked. Ursa whirled on him quickly and Zuko fell backward onto the bed.

"Never speak about that." She hissed. "The tribal girl's prophecy is what got us into this mess."

With an anxious scoff, Ursa straightened herself. "As if my husband was in any sort of shape to get a bastard with someone out in the Earth Kingdom wastes. If his pride didn't stop him…"

Ursa stopped herself and glanced back at Zuko. Looking suddenly ashamed, she turned her eyes to the floor.

"You must think I don't love him." She said quietly.

Confused, Zuko sat back up with his hands on his knees.

"Do you?" He asked. Ursa wrapped her arms around herself tightly and shuffled back to the trunk.

"We need to hurry." She said, her voice low.

Zuko stood and went to the trunk, slowly picking things out. He picked the few items that would be good for travel, or that could be modified into some usefulness. Ursa sighed as he ripped silk lining out of various capes but said nothing as he tossed them away.

It didn't take long for the tunk to be neatly packed. Ursa went to the door and found a guard. She gave him his orders and then gestured for Zuko to follow her. A guard would get the trunk. Someone else would take care of things.

This was familiar; it was similar to how he had left the palace in the first place. His small crew could be ordered about and Zuko could focus on his filial duty to find and capture the Avatar. After being on the run in the Earth Kingdom, however, Zuko now felt itchy with his supplies so far out of reach. Earth Kingdom soldiers or his sister could fall on him at any given time and he would have to flee. What he couldn't grab would be left behind.

But now, he was still the royal prince, unbanished and unblemished. His royal mother had not dissipated into the shadows with traitorous rumors trailing after her. No one would attack him that wouldn't have to go through trained soldiers first.

Getting to the airship, Zuko paused on the ramp and looked around. Sensing that he wasn't following, Ursa turned.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"Zuko?" Katara's soft voice came from in front of him and Zuko looked up the ramp. Supported by Sokka, Katara stood in the open space.

Running, Zuko slid past his mother and collided with them. Wrapping his arms around them both, Zuko buried his face between where their two shoulders met.

"Hey! Watch it!" Sokka crowed while Katara laughed weakly.

"Are you alright?" Zuko asked, leaning back and moving his head quickly from side to side. Sokka looked annoyed but Katara smiled.

"Made it out with just a few white hairs." She said and gestured vaguely from under his arm to her hair.

"It gave me a few of my own." Sokka grumbled as Zuko looked Katara over. Sure enough, thin streaks of white shimmered in her brown hair.

"Now, now my son. This is unbecoming of a prince." Ursa said lightly and patted his shoulder as she walked past.

Zuko stepped back and lowered his head.

"Of course." He said quickly, but Ursa did not respond.

"Your royal highnesses, welcome aboard." A very familiar voice greeted them. Zuko moved in between Sokka and Katara to bow with his mother.

"Captain Jee, I sincerely apologize for pulling you away from your post to act as our ferryman." Ursa said while she rose. She held herself regally, looking down from her height without being offensive.

Jee bowed with military precision.

"Nothing would be a greater honor for me than to ensure the royal family reaches their destination safely." He said.

"Such devotion in an officer should be rewarded. I will speak to the Fire Lord when we return to the palace." Ursa said.

Captain Jee bowed again.

"I would be happy for having served one such as you, your highness." He said.

Ursa smiled benignly and Jee opened his arm, opening the ship up to them.

"Please, let me show you to your room." He said. Ursa nodded gracefully and they walked off, leaving Zuko behind without a second thought. Of course, being the crown prince's presumed heir didn't get as much attention as the de facto Fire Lady. Not that Zuko minded, he was not enjoying this role.

"Come on, we need to talk." Sokka said gruffly.

"Where are we going?" Katara asked, speaking more generally.

"Omashu. It's where my sister is being held." Zuko answered. Sokka turned and gaped at him.

"The nutso crazy one?" He questioned.

Zuko shook his head. "This one isn't like that. But, it's complicated."

"Well let's go, we need to make a plan." Sokka said, pulling on both Zuko and Katara.

"A plan? For what?" Zuko asked.

"To ditch this murderous cult you call a family and find. The. Avatar." Sokka said sharply, cutting his words with his teeth.

"And dad." Katara added as they were yanked along by Sokka's frantic tugging.

"Of course and dad. Also those warriors you were telling me about if we find them. They sound useful." Sokka added with clear frustration.

"Even though they're women?" Zuko asked.

"Why would I care about that? A warrior is a warrior. And it's not like I didn't grow up surrounded by women who could easily kick my butt." Sokka replied.

"I hardly think Hama and I surrounded you." Katara muttered.

"Hama is a dearly respected elder who I wish is swiftly reincarnated into a sweet little baby but she terrified me." Sokka said. "Anyone who can do what she did is to be feared."

Katara looked away and Zuko frowned.

"Fine, but I still need to rescue my sister." Zuko said.

"Is she a Firebender?" Sokka asked.


"Great! The more the merrier!" Sokka chirped sarcastically. "I'm not exactly equipped to deal with you freaks headon."

Sokka managed to pull them into a corridor that was cramped and smelled faintly like burning coal. That certainly couldn't be healthy in the long run.

"Here we are." Sokka announced and spun the wheel on a control panel. It opened and Zuko realized it was a tiny hatch that led into a cramped room. Two hammocks swung one on top of the other. There was nothing else.

"This is where you're sleeping?" Zuko asked while Katara and Sokka clambered in.

"You were expecting something else, your highness?" Sokka shot back with derision.

"Uh, yeah, clearly." Zuko said before ducking through the open hatch. Sokka closed the door behind him, turning another wheel to latch it.

"Look Zuko, we're in a bad place here. What have you got?" Sokka asked.

"I know what happened in the North Pole." Zuko said and looked from Sokka to Katara. "And I know what the Fire Lord is planning."

It wasn't a long trip to Omashu, but it was just enough to make a plan. Trailing in reverse, Zuko would save his sister, face his father, collect his friends, find the Avatar, and stand up to the Fire Lord in the palace.

And if he could do it before Sozin's Comet, he might just be able to go home.