A/N: I cannot believe it's been a year since I last posted a story on here. Oh well here goes. I hope you all enjoy it.

Thank you to Phoebe Miller for her great editing skills.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any of the characters.

Drive It Like You Stole It

Chapter One

The sleek, metallic silver sports car sped along a tree-lined road, fishtailing wildly as it hit a set of tight corners on its journey to the valley below. Thick, billowing clouds of dust filled the air, kicked up by the rear tires as the driver wrestled back control. The smooth blacktop had changed just a few minutes earlier to a dry, sun-baked surface, something more characteristic of a rallycross circuit.

A short distance behind the vehicle, sirens wailed from a half dozen police cruisers, none of which were a match for the Camaro with its 6-liter V8 engine.

Steve chanced a quick glance across to the empty passenger seat, his partner's words repeating in his head.

Drive it like you stole it.

Three weeks earlier

A skinny, blonde guy in his twenties stood on the rim of a large basket hanging below a bright orange hot air balloon. Dressed in nothing more than a thin white T-shirt and jeans, he calmly stepped off the side. Four other men, all wearing parachutes, followed him into the clouds below.

"I take it all back." Danny slapped Steve on the back and gestured with his free hand to the large screen he and the rest of the Five-0 task force were watching. "You almost appear sane next to this guy."

"Oh, I don't know if I'd go that far." Tani's focus remained fixed on the exploits unfolding in front of her, eyes wide in astonishment. "I've seen our boss do some crazy stunts in the short time I've been on this team."

Junior cleared his throat and paused the video. "For the record. I disagree. I think you're always in control, sir."

"He paying you to suck up to him all the damn time?" Lou shot Junior a quizzical look.

"Hey, enough. If everyone is finished can we move on, please?" Steve crossed his arms and glared across the smart table at Lou.

"Don't look at me. Your man started it. He's worried you're gonna throw him out of a plane again."

"Not a chance. He whined the whole way down."

"I whined?" Danny looked at Steve incredulously. "What about when we were on the ground. Can we call the restaurant Steve's, Danno? Please, Danno?"

"Oh my God. Do you two ever stop bickering?" Tani laughed.

"Okay enough. Lou, what have you got?" Steve's serious tone doused the humor like a bucket of cold water.

"Drayton Carlisle. Real life scumbag. Head of a car-jacking crew. They steal high-end vehicles and ship them all over the world – the mainland, Canada, Europe, Asia. Carlisle's main base is in California, but he recently expanded his operation to our island."

Junior tapped the display in front of him, resuming the video. "As you can see from this clip, he and his crew live life on the edge."

They watched as Carlisle is caught by another guy, who deploys his parachute. The two then glide safely to the ground.

Lou continued. "He owns a number of legit businesses. Sky Blue Balloon Rides in the Napa Valley and Island Hopping Helicopters on the Big Island. We believe these are used to launder the cash from the car thefts."

Danny shoved his hands in his pants pockets and turned to Steve. "You spent most of this morning with the Governor. What'd he do? Steal her limo?"

"Nothing that simple. Her niece, Kakalina, is romantically involved with one of Carlisle's crew. She didn't come home night before last. No one's seen or heard from her."

"What do we know about the boyfriend?" Tani asked.

"Not much, but we do know Carlisle runs a tight ship, and word on the street is he has an opening for another driver."

"I doubt that's a coincidence." Lou sighed deeply.

"The Governor doesn't believe in coincidences. We need to find Kakalina, and soon. One of us is going to fill the vacancy."

"I'll do it, Sir." Junior jumped in the second Steve finished speaking.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Junior, but Carlisle is very specific in who hires and that's single white guys."

"Prejudice on all fronts. Sounds like a real charmer." Tani shock her head.

"You'll fit right in, babe." Danny grinned at Steve.

"Governor said no. She wants me to oversee the op."

"No way." Danny raised both hands. "You gotta be kidding me."

"You're always complaining you never get to drive." Lou smirked.

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "And you are always griping about how you are the trained pursuit driver."

"What if he wants me to join in with his extra-curricular activities, huh?"

"Swapping one insane boss for another." Tani gave Danny a wry smile.

With an exaggerated sigh and an eye roll worthy of his teenage daughter, Danny begrudgingly accepted his fate. "So, let's hear it. I take it you have a plan that involves me getting shot at."

"A rock solid plan, and no one's gonna get shot. We'll all have your back."

"Rock solid? Like your head? Do I need to remind you of the last time we went undercover?" Danny waved his hands around as his voice grew louder.

"No, but let's hear it."

"Landing a plane 'cause you got shot. Liver transplant… you want me to go on?"

"This is different." Jaw tense, Steve didn't take the bait.

"You're in a car, not a plane?" Lou answered dryly.

Steve nodded at Lou in agreement. "Exactly."

"Neanderthals. All of you." Danny huffed out.

"What's your strategy, sir."

Danny scowled at Junior.

"We're gonna steal a car -"

"I'm gonna jack a car." Danny cut in.

"Yeah, and deliver it to Carlisle."

"How's Danny gonna do that?" Tani frowned.

"Meet Vincent Raines." Jerry inserted himself between Steve and Danny, and placed a passport and I.D. card on the table. "Mr Raines, originally from Connecticut. Moved to Oahu two years ago following a messy divorce. Currently works as a valet at the Halekulani Hotel."

Danny picked up the passport and studied it. "Messy divorce, huh? Very original."

"Sorry." Jerry mumbled. "I wasn't given a lot of time."

"You did good." Steve gave Danny a disapproving hard stare. "Carry on, Jerry."

"You'll be stealing a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500, tomorrow night from the Halekulani, and delivering it to a warehouse on Kaihikapa street."

"That's gotta be a thirty minute drive." Junior pointed out.

Jerry brought a map up on the big screen. "Seventeen to be exact."

Danny crossed his arms, slowly shaking his head. "Piece of cake."

"Not quite. Carlisle likes to test his candidates. He always tips off local law enforcement. You'll have to lose HPD."

"And we can't risk your cover by giving HPD the heads up." Steve added.

"It gets better." Danny grouched.

Steve smiled at Danny's caustic tone. "We have plenty of time to prepare, buddy."

"There's that we again."

"I could contact my SEAL team, sir. One of the guys –"

"Hey, still here, Junior. I can handle it. My Newark driving instructor passed away last year, I'm sure he'll being turning in his grave tomorrow night. I doubt he ever expected me to follow his advice literally."

After a few silent beats Tani spoke up. "So are you gonna share those pearls of wisdom or leave us hanging?"

"Yeah, please do, the suspense is killing me." Lou rolled his eyes.

"Drive it like you stole it."

~ to be continued ~