Digimon Adventure 03: Magic, Mutation, and Beyond

Opening notes: This idea was based on Digimon Adventure 03: Kiseki O Shinjiru. First gen will be referred to by their Japanese first names.

(Arc 1 Theme Song: Clear: English Cover by Lizz Robinett)

From the birds to the wind

Demiyah is shown standing on a hill full of flowers.

Is there any way for me to begin

Demiyah pulls her D-3 out and sees the image of her Digimon Partner Veemon in front of her.

Soaring into the sky

Demiyah's hair is blowing in a gentle breeze as she sees a familiar blonde boy.

With no wings to fly

Demiyah drops her D-3 onto the grass and starts to move to pick it up.

I guess I'll walk my way into the sunrise

Four more hands move to pick it up for her.

I can do it right

Demiyah looks up to see Ventus, Vanitas, Aqua, and Terra. She tears up only for James Rogers, Francis Barton, Azari Munroe, Henry Pym jr, Torunn Thordottir, Ken, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Xion, Namine, and Kairi to appear behind them.


Demiyah holds her D-3 in front of her heart. A smile on her face.


The group moves to run down the hill.


Everyone runs down the hill as there is a shimmer of sparkles.

Going on

The logo is shown in a burst of rainbow light.

Reality is always different than I thought it'd be

Demiyah is shown walking away from the Virtue Digidestined with Ken and their Digimon by their sides.

It's silly for me to ever think that it would end up perfectly

Demiyah rolls in her blankets only to fall out of bed. She pops up yawning.

There is a crystal clear spring

Her crystal glows brightly while feathers float around her.

Hiding within my heart

Orbs of white light float around Demiyah as images of the Arc are shown around her.

And I wouldn't dare to fill it with despair

Darkness seems to be covering the sky.

No matter how I feel

Demiyah holds her pink and silver Wayfinder to her heart as light glows.

I'll make sure just to fill it with happy things

Demiyah drops from the sky smiling as her friends free fall with her.

This feeling

Demiyah is shown in her school uniform walking to class.

This feeling

Demiyah sees Lance standing accross from her and blushes.

This new feeling is so far into me

Demiyah runs forward and shares a kiss with Lance.

I don't know how to feel

Lance returns her kiss and the two smile at each other after seperating.

It almost isn't even real

Demiyah looks down embarrassed. But Lance kisses her on the cheek.

And now my tears are falling

Demiyah cries tears of joy when she sees her friends and her surrogate siblings. All in their street clothes smiling happily.

From the birds

A white falcon and a pink crane fly above her head.

To the wind

The falcon and crane are joined in the air by a golden dragon.

Is there any way for me to begin

Demiyah is shown in front of a store looking in the window. Veemon standing next to her.

Soaring into the sky

Demiyah and her friends are seen riding on the backs of their digimon.

With no wings to fly

Demiyah jumps off of ExVeemon before landing in front of the shocked Virtue Digidestined.

I guess I'll walk my way into the sunrise

The sun rises as Demiyah turns away from the Digidestined and walks off.

I can do it right

Demiyah, Ken, Aqua, Terra, Ventus, and Vanitas are shown with their Digimon.


Sora, Riku, and Kairi are show with their Digimon.


Roxas, Namine, and Xion are shown with their Digimon.


The Next Avengers are shown with their Digimon.

Going on

All of them are shown together in a group shot in front of the Castle of the Land of Departure.

Opening Narration(Demiyah): They say an ending is a brand new begining. Don't I know it! Hi there, my name is Demiyah Serena Oliver. I'm fourteen years old and going into the eighth grade. Now this is one complicated story. And not because of me and the craziness surrounding my life. This is the story of how I started to become who I was always meant to be. Neo Queen Serenity of the Earth and Kingdom Hearts. I know what your thinking, "Demiyah, Kingdom Hearts isn't real! It's a myth." Well, let me tell you. It IS real. As are all the different Gods and Goddesses in various pantheons. The Silver Millennium was called "The Age of Magic" for a very good reason. Magic did and still does exist. Now days it's very well hidden. Much like Mutations were seen as a divine gift in the old days. I get it. I get it. What does Mutation have to do with anything? Well read my story and find out.

It starts on the day that I was packing to leave for Camp Everdream. It was something Ken talked our team into doing. Even if we were slowly drifting apart. Taichi was focusing more on his new girlfriend Meiko Mochizuki and his soccer skills. Sora and Yamato ended up engaged. Tk and Kari hooked up before beaking up. Yolei surprisingly started dating Koushiro. Joe surpised everyone with his girlfriend Maria Kurabe from China who's dad transfered to the hospital Joe's father works. Mimi's family moved back to Japan and adopted a boy named Tyler. Cody is focusing more on his studies, kendo, and jujitsu. Ken is trying to in his words, 'Decode the mystery that is Demiyah Oliver.' Me? Well I just go with the flow. Especially since I get the feeling my life is about to change all over again. In more ways than one.

Arc 1 Chapter 1: The Journey Begins Again. New Friends Meet, Old Friends Reunite:

The sun rose over Odaibah as a fourteen year old girl was sitting in her room with her adoptive parents.* The three going over her checklist.



"Collapsable fighing poles?"


"Fishing kit?"




"Toothbrush and toiletries?"


"Non perishable food items?"


"Demon hunter backpack?"


"Refilling waterbottles?"


"Communcation devices?"


"All weather gear in varied sizes?"


"Full field Emercency Med Kit?"


"Expanded draw string bags?"


"Spare blakets, pillows, and sleeping bags?"






"Emergeny stash of Digiworld currency?"


"Emercency stash of Real world currency?"


"Bag of Keychains for your Keyblade?"




"Dino Bracelet?"


"Crystal compact with the cyrstal inside?"


"Data Computer?"


"Luna Pen?"


"Magi Staff in it's disguised form?"


"Enchanted weapons?"


"Something to read on the bus ride?"


"Bus snacks?"


"Spare changes of clothes for various ages and both genders?"


"Flint and steel?"


"And lastly, Pocket Knife and Mess kits?"


The man who was reading off the list said, "All right kiddo that's everything on the list. Are you sure your going to need all of this?" Demiyah said, "Dad, I have this crazy feeling that I will. It's been far too quiet for my taste. Since Veemon and the others went back to the Digital World I keep getting this really strange feeling like everything I know and love is going to be shaken to the very core." A woman with brown hair and warm honey brown eyes said, "Tommy, don't you think after everything Demiyah's been through, she would know best about major possible inter world shake ups by now?" The man, named Tommy said, "Your right Kim. Come on let's get this show on the road. Don't want you to miss the bus."

The digidestineds had changed a lot in three years since their adventures. Kari had blossomed into a straight males wet dream. Sora and Mimi both looked like they belonged on a runway. Koushiro had gone from Geek to gorgeous. Joe had gotten more good looking too. Tk had filled out a bit from his basketball team training. Taichi had cut his hair and looked more muscular than he did when he was fourteen. Yamato now was leading a rock band that was getting more and more popular every day. Cody was just now hitting puberty and looked less adorable more hot. Ken still had his 'sweet and innocent' look about him. Of course the real shock was Yolei. Gone were her big round glasses. Now she had thin silver wire frames that made her brown eyes seem more sophisticated. Of course, the real looker was Demiyah although Yolei still put her down. Demiyah was wearing a pale pink t-shirt, a light blue vest, pale gray capri jeans, a white belt with pink beads and vine embroidery, pink socks, golden yellow sneakers with blue hearts and orange laces. For jewelry she wore a silver bracelet with a pink gem on it and pink designs on her right wrist. On her left wrist was what looked like a silver watch with a pink band. Around her neck was a medallion of a simple dragon made of mahogany wood with topaz gems for the eyes on a leather cord. As well as a single white feather. On her pants connected to her belt was a simple baby blue pouch. Of course being as most of her 'friends' never bothered to get to know her better. They had absolutely no idea she was armed to the teeth for whatever was coming.

The others were sitting at the place where the busses were loading. Ken staying near the first bus. When he saw his 'sister' Demiyah walk up, he ran over and hugged her. "Will you sit next to me on the bus Demi? I really don't want to get stuck with one of the fangirls I have who are here." Demiyah chuckled. She knew how bad Ken hated his fangirls. It had only gotten worse after the Digidestineds were brought on live tv. Demiyah was the only one who didn't have any fans. At least in Odaibah. Mostly because Yolei took credit for most of her victories. And because most of the Digidestined focused more on the failures she had or her embarassing moments. Since then Demiyah found it hard to talk with her fellow Digidestineds. Since they save for Cody, Ken, Meiko, Mimi, and Joe made fun of her constantly. She went to a special private school both of her parents were working at. Demiyah and Ken sat down. Ken by the window and Demiyah near the aisle. Yolei saw this and rudely walked up to the pair and said, "Get out of my spot you poser. It's obvious Taichi-senpai made a mistake in choosing a stupid brat like you as leader Demiyah." Ken angered said, "Shut up Inoue. I asked Demiyah to sit with me. If you don't like it go find somewhere else to sit. We're not stopping you. I enjoy Demiyah's company. And I for one think Taichi-san made the best choice in our leader. Since Demiyah was the one who awakened the Power of Miracles to save me from Myotismon's control. Demiyah was the one who discovered how to unlock DNA digivolving. Demiyah figured out how to use the Wish Dimmension to beat MaloMyotismon. Demiyah was the one who lead the charge against Armageddemon. So you taking credit for her achievements is sick. It makes you someone I refuse to associate with." Yolei stomped away in anger. Demiyah looked up from her book a Twizzlers redvine in her mouth smiling, "Thanks for sticking up for me Ken. Not many outside of my parents and Veemon ever did that for me before. Also why have the window open?" Ken laughed, "Because of how many people were sitting outside the bus. This way they could hear the real truth and not what Inoue has been spreading around. And your welcome. Your practically my sister so I've got your back anytime." Demiyah giggled, "Same here bro!"

Upon arrival to Camp Everdream, Demiyah got her cabin assignment and decided to walk around for a bit with her backpack since she refused to leave it in her cabin. Ken stuck with her if only so he wouldn't have to hear Yamato tell him off for stopping Inoue's attempt to make Demiyah upset again. Tk hadn't lived up to his crest in a long time. Neither had, Sora, Kari, Koushiro, or any of the others who talked bad about her. Mimi refused to take a side and remained neutral. But Demiyah saw amusement in Mimi's eyes as if she had an idea of where this Digidestined Civil War would end.

Demiyah breathed a sigh of relief as she twirled around a meadow in bare feet singing in a content manner.

Demiyah: So you have magic

And it's not that great

But when it found you, you know it was fate

And it might seem scary now

But it can be wonderful too

So how about we embrace the magic

And make the magic part of you

You take a little dash of magic

And you let it ignite

Mix things up a little bit

And it might start to go right

In just five seconds flat

How the story has changed

All cause now you've embraced the magic

And it just got better in every way

I say embrace the magic

No more holding back just let it out

If you can take the magic

And learn a little more what it can do

Once the magic is part of you

What's standing your way

That you can't move today

You've got the strength in you

To make your dreams come true

No need to shield yourself

From the magic that can help

Protect from any harm that might come

So you have magic

And it's not that great

But when it found you

You know it was fate

So if you listen close

You might make a new friend

And together we can make it!

I say embrace the magic

No more holding back just let it out

If you can take the magic

And learn a little more what it can do

Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

While Demiyah sang two groups of teenagers were finding their way to her meadow.

A sixteen year old girl was leading a sixteen year old boy, a pair of fourteen year old twin boys, a pair of thirteen year old twin boys, a fourteen year old boy, and a trio of thirteen year old triplet girls. The sixteen year old girl had blue hair and eyes wearing a white t-shirt, blue shorts, and blue sneakers with white socks. The sixteen year old boy had brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing an orange t-shirt, brown shorts, and orange sneakers with brown socks. The older of the fourteen year old twin boys had blonde har and blue eyes. He was wearing a white shirt, green shorts, and green sneakers with white socks. The younger of the fourteen year old twins had black hair and playful amber eyes. He was wearing a red t-shirt, black shorts, red and black sneakers and white socks. The third fourteen year old boy had silver hair and green eyes. He was wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt, jean shorts, and green sneakers with blue socks. The older of the thirteen year old twins had wild brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue tank top, a dark blue short sleeved jacket, red shorts, and yellow sneakers with white socks along with a silver crown necklace. The younger of the thirteen year old twin boys was a blonde with blue eyes. He wore a black sleevless shirt, an X shaped charm on his shirt, cream colored shorts, a white short sleeve jacket, Black shoes, and white socks. The oldest of the triplet girls was a red head with blue eyes. She wore a pink t-shirt, purple shorts, and pink sneakers with white socks. The middle child of the triplet girls had blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a white t-shirt, light grey shorts, and blue sneakers with white socks. The youngest of the triplet girls had black hair and blue eyes. She wore a light grey tank top, black shorts, and grey sneakers with white socks. The group consisted of Aqua Kitagawa, Terra Shioda, Ventus and Vanitas Nightwind, Riku Reimei, Roxas and Sora Nightwind who were Ventus and Vanitas' younger brothers, finally Kairi, Namine, and Xion Himeno. The eight heard Demiyah singing. And it was Ventus who commented, "Call me crazy, but I swear that singing is familiar."

A little ways away a group of five were walking though the woods. The leader of the group a red haired boy with light blue eyes said, "Why did Fury choose us for this assignment? Couldn't our parents have joined up with the staff instead of us having to go to a japanese summer camp?" A black haired boy with blue eyes a couple years younger than the redhead said, "It makes more sense for us. Since if we're campers, we can wander around and not be seen as suspicious but reclusive and non social." An african boy said, "Why is it you had to be spot on Pym?" The raven haired boy known as Pym replied, "I'm just speaking logically." A white haired boy said, "Well hopefully we can find out who is singing. Cause it's getting a bit nippy." A blonde girl said, "Indeed. Even though it is supposed to be summer."

The two groups and Ken were walking towards Demiyah's meadow. Terra being the first to walk into Demiyah's view, after she put her shoes and socks back on. Followed by Aqua, Ventus, and Vanitas. Demiyah teared up as she locked eyes with Ventus. Who asked her, "Miya is that really you?" Demiyah said nothing but nodded with a smile on her face and happy tears running down her cheeks. Aqua, Terra, Ventus, and Vanitas tackled her in a group hug. All five laughing and trading playful punches on their shoulders. Sora, Riku, Roxas, Namine, Xion, and Kairi smiled at the reunion. While Ken chuckled. "I take it these four are the surrogate older siblings you told me about Demiyah?" Demiyah chuckled, "Yep. I'm glad their back safe and sound." Demiyah made a ball of golden yellow light and suggested that they have some fun. The group started a game of volleyball with the ball of light as their ball. When Riku hit it too hard and no one could get to it to spike it back, they thought the game was over when Pym hit it from behind a tree.

Demiyah called out, "If whoever did that wants to join in I have no problem with it." James, Azari, Torunn, Pym, and Francis walked out from behind the trees. Demiyah greeted them warmly and offered to let them join in the game. James said, "You'd let people you just met join in?" Demiyah shrugged, "Well why not? Just because your different doesn't mean I should hate you for something you have no control over. I have powers too so I see no issue. It's how we even have the ball we've been playing with."

Pym smiled and said, "Thanks for the invitation. I'm Henry Pym jr. Just call me Pym. These are my friends James Rogers, Azari Munroe, Francis Barton, and Torunn Thordottir." Demiyah gave them a warm smile, "It's nice to meet all of you. I'm Demiyah Oliver. You can call me either Demi or Miya."

The group was playing around having fun, when Demiyah and Ken's D3's started whining and beeping. As fifteen new D3's in different colors fell from colored lights in the sky. Ken asked, "Demi, did you know about this?" Demiyah replied, "I had a hunch but that's about it." The Originals and Second generations showed up as a portal lifted Demiyah, Ken, and the others they were hanging out with into the air. Yamato asked, "What's going on?" Koushiro gasped, "Those people have Digivices!" Before the portal closed when the group was inside it.

Demiyah snapped awake as she slipped into a fighting stance on instinct. The other sixteen with her slowly woke up. Veemon and Wormmon tackling Ken and Demiyah as the others meet their digimon. Sora having an Agumon with blue eyes instead of green wearing a blue bandana on his neck. Riku having a Gabumon with purple stripes on his fur and a purple collar around his neck. Roxas a Patamon with violet eyes and the top half was light grey instead of yellow. Kairi a Biyomon with green tips to her feathers and green eyes as opposed to blue. Ventus had a Terriermon with silver eyes instead of blackish brown. Namine had a Renamon with blue gloves as opposed to purple. Vanitas had a Lopmon with indigo eyes instead of pink. Xion had Gaomon with black boxing gloves and headband. Terra had a BlackAgumon with amber eyes. He smiled seeing Demiyah and Ken saying, "Hello again. I must admit it's a much better meeting than the last time." Ken and Demiyah were both shocked, "BlackWarGreymon?!" BlackAgumon replied, "Indeed I am." Aqua had a Palmon with a blue flower instead of pink. James had a Strabimon. Francis a Falcomon. Pym a Kunemon. Azari a Leormon. Torunn had a Tentomon that was blue and yellow. Terra asked, "You guys know my Digimon?" Demiyah was embarrassed, "A little. He in his previous incarnation was a villain who became a hero. He was more of an anti-hero for the longest time. He sacrificed himself to seal the barrier between the Real World and the Digital World." BlackAgumon said, "I did, but Fanglongmon allowed me to be reborn. I have found my partner in Terra. That is all that matters now." Demiyah nodded as they saw the others getting to know their partners.

Ken heard Sora say, "Digimon can have indivual names like humans?" Demiyah asked Veemon, "Is this true?" Veemon replied, "Yep. There really wasn't a chance to talk about it what with the battles happening day in and day out. When the chance to talk came, we found out we had to go back to the Digital World. So truth be told we didn't have a chance to bring it up. A Digimon's individual name is seen as a show of trust between Human and Digimon." Demiyah thought about it for a moment and said, "Would it offend you if I chose a name for you?" Veemon shook his head, "No, if anything it's a nice gesture. So what will it be?" Demiyah said, "Wild Blaze. Or Blaze for short. SInce your best with flame related abilities." Veemon now named Wild Blaze grinned, "I like it." Demiyah smiled, "Thanks Blaze." Wormmon looked at his partner and Ken replied, "Hoshi since you love star gazing. Hoshi means Star." Wormmon now named Hoshi nuzzled Ken, "Thanks." Ken hugged his Digimon in return. Sora looked at his Digimon and said, "I think Ryu is a good name for ya buddy." Ryu nodded. James looked at his Strabimon in open confusion as to what he could name him. Before he chose, "Castiel since he's seen as a guardian Angel in the Supernatural series." The newly named Castiel simply nodded. Torunn was enthralled in a staring contest with her Tentomon, "I believe I will name you Uila. It's a Samoan name. It translates to Lightning in Midgardian English." Uila buzzed happily and said, "Thank you My Lady." Torunn smiled and petted her partner. Azari held his Digimon and said, "I believe Simba is a good name for you." Simba rubbed against his partner purring. Pym pet Kunemon and said, "I think Static works best." The newly named Static chuckled and said, "We'll put a shock to our enemies systems." Pym laughed and replied, "Got that right!" Riku looked at his Gabumon and decided, "I'm going to call you Tenku. You remind me of a person I met who said his name was Tenku. Smart and devious at the same time." Tenku rubbed against Riku in appreciation. Namine looked at her partner and said, "I believe Shinpi is perfect. It means Mystery. Your a mysterious Digimon with your silent nature so I believe it fits." Shinpi nods and replies, "It does indeed." Xion looked at her partner and said, "I'm calling you Akamaru. Your a loyal and true friend." Akamaru replied, "Thank you misstress." Ventus looked at his Terriermon and said, "I think calling you Breeze fits because you seem to enjoy the light breeze blowing." Breeze giggled and hugged Ven with his ears. Kairi petted the feathers of her partner as she said, "I think I'm calling you Harmony. Your singing is lovely." Harmony chirped and said, "I'm glad you like it." Terra and BlackAgumon were sitting by each other when Terra asked, "What did you think would happen when you sacrificed yourself?" BlackAgumon replied, "I don't know. All I saw was the light of the Digital World being eclipsed by darkness. And I felt your warm aura from the void." Terra said, "Well then I think I'm calling you Eclipse from now on." The newly named Eclipse curled into his partners side. Vanitas walked along the edge of the valley they were in. Lopmon on his shoulder. Lopmon asked, "Vanitas are you okay?" Vanitas replied, "I still feel like there's a void in my life. I for the life of me can't figure out what it is!" Lopmon said, "Well, maybe you'll learn what's going on while your here." Vanitas said, "Your a real Dr. Watson aren't ya? That's your name now Watson. Just like John Watson from the Sherlock Holmes novels." Watson smiled and cuddled his partner. Roxas was leaning against a tree with Patamon on his stomach. Roxas said, "Some how I see you as a Hikaru than anything else." Hikaru flew and landed on his head. Roxas laughed as he got up. Francis looked at his Falcomon and said, "I think Sky is the best name I could give you." Sky nodded. Aqua looked at her Palmon. She said, "I think I'll call you Zahira it means blossoming flower from the world I come from." The Digimon seemed pleased with their names. When James noticed they weren't wearing their clothes from camp.

"Um guys I wasn't aware our clothes would change." Demiyah saw her outfit wasn't her regular one either. "Wow My Digital World attire got an upgrade. Nice!" She was wearing a pink short sleeve t-shirt, dark blue combat pants, Black combat boots, her armor on her shoulder, a white jacket with a sapphire blue circle that had five symbols on it. One was a pink dinosaur footprint. The second was a silver stylized heart symbol. The third was a yellow crescent moon. The fourth was the Crest of Courage done in Orange. Fifth was the Crest of Friendship in electric blue. In the middle of the circle in Gold was the Crest of Miracles.(Mystic Force Spell Circle). Her bracelet, necklace, Backpack, belt pouch, and 'watch' were there as well. Ken said, "This look suits you." He was wearing a black biker vest over a dark green long sleeve shirt, Dark gray jeans, black combat boots, and he had a pair of sais with an inscect motiff. Aqua was wearing an ice blue top, an ocean blue jacket, faded gray jeans, blue sneakers, and her armor on her shoulder. Namine was wearing a wire mesh shirt, a yellow and purple jacket, blue jeans, yellow boots, a pouch with shuriken, senbon, and kunai knives, purple fingerless gloves, and a beaded belt. Xion was wearing a black short sleeve jacket over a grey tank top, dark blue sweatpants, black boots, and blue fingerless fighting gloves. Kairi had on a pink short sleeve t-shirt, an emerald green jacket, grey pants, pink and green sneakers, pink gloves, and her necklace. Sora was wearing a red tank top, a blue and purple long sleeve hoody, black jeans, his crown pendant, and yellow sneakers. Roxas was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, a sleeveless white hoody, tan pants, and black sneakers. Terra was wearing an orange short sleeve t-shirt, a red jacket, brown jeans, his armor on his shoulder, and black boots. Ventus was wearing a green short sleeve t-shirt, a cream colored jacket, blue jeans, green sneakers, and his armor on his shoulder. Riku was wearing a violet short sleeve t-shirt, black jeans, a grey jacket, blue sneakers, and a black bandana tied as a headband. Vanitas was wearing a dark red sleeveless turtleneck, a grey jacket, black jeans, his armor on his shoulder, and black boots. James had on a red short sleeve t-shirt, a dark blue jacket with a white star over his heart, blue jeans, blue sneakers with red stars, red gloves, his shield generator on his right wrist, and a laser pistol in a leather holster on his left side. Pym was wearing a black wire mesh shirt, a long sleeve yellow bomber jacket, black jeans, yellow sneakers, yellow and black visor like glasses(Visualizers from Megaman Starforce) that let him read data from a gauntlet like scanner on his left wrist that had a holoscreen, and a pair of yellow wasp themed daggers sheathed at the small of his back. Francis was wearing a dark purple short sleeve t-shirt, a black jacket, grey jeans, black sneakers, black fingerless gloves like his dad's, and a bow with a quiver of arrows like his dad's on his back. Azari was wearing a sleeveless pale grey shirt, a black jacket, blue jeans, black boots, and a bow staff on his back. Torunn was wearing a blue tank top, a silver armored vest, a red form fitting fighting jacket, blue jeans, black boots, and her sword on her back. Pym said, "We look like we're prepared to fight a war. But then again that may be what we're here for."

Demiyah said, "First thing to do is gather food. My backpack and the drawstring bags I have are bottomless. I bought them at a Demon Hunter supply shop. Along with all weather clothes and refilling water bottles." James smirked, "Someone with a refined danger sense then. You figured best to be over prepared than under prepared." Demiyah nodded. So the group split up Ventus, Torunn, Pym, Kairi, and Terra going one way to gather food. James, Ken, Demiyah, Roxas, Vanitas, and Riku going another way. Aqua, Namine, Azari, Francis, Sora, and Xion staying behind to fill enough water bottles for all of them. Demiyah's group found edible berries, some flowers that were edible, any flavor cabbage, and some brown peach like fruits that tasted like chocolate. Ventus' group found Meat Apples, bananas, some blue and purple strawberries, pink oranges like fruit that tasted like cotton candy, and yellow pears. By the time both groups got back they filled several expanded bags and still had plenty of room. The lake also had fish so while Sora, Azari, and Xion went to get fire wood the others started to get a decent camp site put together. Terra and James were fishing with Demiyah's collapsable poles. Terra commented, "I'm amazed at what Demiyah thought to bring to summer camp. Then again, she was always a mother hen and came up with several different scenarios when we trained together." James smiled, "She sounds like a wildcard." Demiyah walked with a basket woven from sticks for the fish. "You two talking about me?" James snickered, "Terra called you a mother hen when you guys trained together." Demiyah giggled as they gathered the fish. "I guess I was. My protective instincts showing young I suppose. Then again I'm protective of those I see as family." James shook his head amused, "You and I are a lot alike then. Torunn, Francis, Azari, and Pym are like family to me. We grew up together, live together, and train together. Mom and dad don't have any blood family left. So their friends became their family. Just a shame what happened to two of their friends." Demiyah asked, "What do you mean?"

James sighed, "My mom had two best friends in her life. Clint Barton, Francis' dad and Kasai Motomiya. He was half Japanese, and half Greek. His wife Natsumi Motomiya nee Shirogane was Japanese.* They had two daughters and a son." Demiyah asked interested, "What happened to them?" James said, "They were killed during the Countdown to Destruction." Demiyah said, "My mom and dad found me alone after Countdown and adopted me. I was a few months old so I don't know much about my birth parents. Aside from the fact I'm three quarters Japanese and a quarter Greek.* I have one picture of my birth parents but that's it. It was tucked into the blanket I was wrapped in along with a letter. A letter I still have back home to this day.*" James replied, "Wow. Do you have the picture here with you?" Demiyah shook her head. "No It's in a frame at home. I can scan it on my computer and e-mail it to you if I get your email address."

Ending Notes:

Demiyah being adopted: Kind of important. And needed for this story.

Demiyah's lineage: I originally planned for a different story line, but decided to have some fun. The Greek side to her heritage is from another well known series.

Natsumi and Kasai: Natsumi is Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane's sister. Kasai just flipped his first and Middle names around and used his mom's maiden name. His real identity will make everyone flip.

Inoue dating Koushiro: Since I reveal Inoue's role next chapter, her relationship with Koushiro is more or less a ploy.

Demiyah's sole picture of her parents: Is important as it opens a journey of self discovery and is important to the over all plot. Especially in Arc 4.

The letter: Again important. But the reason won't show until Arc 3.

Demiyah's brother: Will show up in Arc 2 Chapter 3.

Nect chapter preview(Sora Nightwind): "Hi everyone, it's Sora. Next time we find a hidden magical library hidden by the Queen of the Moon. We also discover an ancient prophecy about us! Is that cool or what? We also get to meet the Paladins of Voltron. And there is a special connection between the Green Paladin and Demiyah! What is it? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Digimon Adventure 03: Magic, Mutation, and Beyond:Discovering Crests, A Quest, and Legend of the Defender of the Universe. Catch ya later!"