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Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Symphonia or any parts of the Inheritance Series by Christopher Paolini. I'm just dropping these lovely OCs into a borrowed universe with borrowed lore elements.
You're very quiet this morning, Kane, Lunash observed. Is everything okay?
I'm fine, Kane replied. I just need some air to clear my head. He hadn't slept well that night. His argument with Eri had dredged up painful memories that he had long since tried to bury. When he finally gave up on trying to go back to sleep, Lunash had woken up, having sensed his Rider's distress, and offered to go flying.
The cool, pre-dawn air had eased the worst of Kane's anger and frustration, giving him some peace to think. His body rose and shifted automatically in the saddle in time with Lunash's wingbeats, the motions so ingrained into his muscles that he no longer had to think about them. He basked in the warmth and reassurance of his bond with Lunash; no words were needed between them thanks to the understanding they had developed over the past two years.
Lunash, I need your input.
About what, soul-brother? Lunash asked, using the common endearment from a male dragon to a male Rider.
Do we really have a chance of standing up to Mithos? What if Eri and Cecil are right and we're the only ones in any real position to do something? Kane asked. He hadn't felt this confused and lost since losing Aedan. Sure, he would love nothing better than to exact his revenge on the one who had destroyed his family and nearly shattered his soul, but he couldn't imagine life without Lunash. He never wanted to feel such grief again.
As we are now, we could never hope to win using brute force. We need allies, plain and simple, Lunash replied. But it won't be easy. Fear is a powerful ruling tool, and Mithos employs it effectively to keep the Clans under his control.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Kane and Lunash once again lapsed into silence which was broken only by the rhythmic rise and fall of the dragon's wings and the wind that whipped through Kane's jet-black hair. After a while, the dark sky started to give way to shades of pink, red, and orange as the sun peeked over the mountains. It's beautiful…
Indeed, it is. Just then, their peaceful reverie was broken by the sound of dragons roaring in the distance. Three tiny silhouettes stood out in the distance against the backdrop of the sunrise. It looks like a battle.
Let me see. Kane reached for his magic and muttered in the ancient language, "Skulblaka sven." His irises turned amber, and his pupils narrowed to catlike slits as his spell allowed him to see through Lunash's eyes. Three Efreet Dragons, by the looks of it. He focused his sight to get a better picture and noticed that two of the dragons were ganging up on the third. But why would dragons of the same Clan attack each other?
Perhaps a traitor is in their midst?
Maybe, but I don't want to stick around to find out. Let's get out of here, Kane advised.
Too late. We've been spotted. One of the red dragons broke away from the group and made a beeline for Lunash, bellowing a challenge as he approached. He asks if we are friend or foe.
Noting the red leathers worn by the other Rider, Kane drew his sword, the black steel drawing in the sunlight like a vacuum. Tell him that any friend of Mithos is a foe of mine. Let's dance. With a savage roar, Lunash banked on his left wing and pounded his wings to gain speed as he came at the other dragon from the side. Immediately Kane felt the other Rider assaulting the steel-clad barriers around his mind, trying to gain access so he could mutter a killing spell. Kane grunted under the onslaught and returned the favor with an attack of his own. His opponent launched a volley of fire balls from his hand, trying to break Kane's concentration, but Lunash tucked his wings and spun out of the way.
Time to fight back, Kane stated. Lunash climbed above the Efreet Dragon so Kane could launch a black lightning bolt at the Rider from above. The dragon banked to the right to dodge and circled around to unleash a jet of red fire. Fire from red dragons, who were found to the fire spirit Efreet, was the most dangerous of all, able to burn through most anything, including magic shields and other dragon fire. Lunash tucked his wings again and free-fell for several seconds to dodge the fire, but then he spread his wings and soared upward, his form a shining silhouette against the rising sun.
Lunash charged straight-on, swerving at the last second, and Kane scored a hit on the red dragon's side. The Rider's concern for his partner broke his concentration just long enough for Kane to break through his mental barriers and shatter the wards protecting the dragon. Do it, Lunash! The white dragon gathered light energy in his mouth and released it in a concentrated beam that struck his opponent full-force and sent him plummeting from the sky, badly wounded. Kane's survival instincts told him to finish the job, but he had already seen too much death to wish it on a complete stranger. We did it…
Not quite. There is still one left. Kane had been so focused on the battle at hand that he had failed to notice a second red dragon charging from a distance. He briefly wondered what had happened to the third dragon. Vanquished, most likely, Lunash said, answering the unspoken question.
Let's make sure we don't end up like them, Kane stated grimly, tightening the grip on his sword. As the Efreet Dragon drew closer, Kane was surprised to see that the Rider was a woman, her identity betrayed by her long red hair that blew back from her face from the force of the wind surrounding her dragon. She looked about Eri's age and shot Kane a challenging glare. This new dragon wasted no time in going on the offensive, releasing a punishing jet of deadly fire. Lunash dived to avoid it, but the red dragon lowered his head to re-direct his flame so that it pursued them. This one's good.
But so are we, right, soul-brother?
Of course, and these two will learn that the hard way, Kane replied. Lunash roared, drawing upon his Rider's determination, and pounded his wings harder to get out of range of the fire. He used his increased speed to climb skyward and flip around so that he ended up behind the red dragon. Before the other Rider could react, Lunash unleashed a beam of light energy that caught the opposing dragon in the flank. He bellowed in rage and swerved around to charge head-on, claws and teeth bared. Lunash flipped upside down mid-air, and Kane lashed out with his sword, meeting the other Rider's curved red blade in a clash of sparks.
Twisting his body so that he was above and parallel to the other dragon, Lunash gripped the red dragon's wings in his front talons and held on for dear life as their foe struggled violently to free himself. The action only caused Lunash's claws to rip larger holes in the delicate membranes. Meanwhile, Kane and the girl were locked in a swordfight from their saddles, the girl trying to gut Lunash and Kane trying to stop her. With the red unable to fly properly, the two dragons started falling back toward earth at an incredible rate. Kane and the girl leaped out of their saddles and hit the ground rolling mere seconds before their dragons crashed and landed in two enraged heaps.
Dazed and bruised from the fall, Kane staggered to his feet and lifted his sword, which felt like lead weight in his hands. He snapped to attention as the girl belted out a defiant war cry and charged him head-on, sword in hand. Kane raised his blade to block hers, and their duel continued while the dragons grappled on foot with fang, wing, and claw, their roars drowning out all other sounds.
At last, Kane spotted an opening in the girl's defenses and rammed her gut with the hilt of his sword. The force of the impact drove the wind out of her lungs, leaving her gasping for breath and unable to move. Kane followed up with a side kick, driving the sole of his boot into the same spot. His opponent flew back and landed roughly on her back, her sword flying out of her hand. Kane held the tip of his sword at her throat as she struggled to draw air into her lungs. "Call off your dragon," he commanded brusquely.
Storm-gray eyes glared back defiantly as her vocal cords still refused to cooperate. Kane touched the tip of his sword to her skin in warning. "I'm not going to ask again. Call off your dragon." This time, his order was met by the red dragon's frustrated roar as he got off Lunash and backed away, growling and hissing despite the numerous bleeding gashes covering his body. Lunash hadn't fared much better. It pained Kane to see his dragon's blood staining the grass that carpeted the clearing where they had been fighting. Satisfied that he was out of immediate danger, Kane removed his blade and let the girl get to her feet, though he picked up her sword to make sure she didn't try to stab him in the back.
"Why didn't you finish me off?" she asked. Now that they weren't trying to kill each other, Kane could get a better at the woman. She was clearly human and stood a few inches shorter than Eri, but with a curvier, more athletic build. Her curly red hair hung unbound past her shoulders, and her skin was lightly tanned from prolonged exposure to the sun.
After a brief silence, Kane replied, "Because I don't want to be the cause of anymore death in this world if I can help it."
"And that's why you would let not one but two opponents live even though they tried to kill you?" she prodded coldly. "If you're not going to kill me, then what, pray tell, do you intend to do with me?"
"I would like to ask you some questions, and, depending on your answers, I might let you go or keep you around as my prisoner," Kane replied evenly. Lunash limped to his Rider and stood behind him protectively, keeping one eye on the Efreet Dragon and the other on the girl.
"Hmph, I doubt you would be able to back up that little claim," she stated with a cocky smirk. For someone who had just been defeated, she certainly wasn't acting like a scared prisoner. In fact, she seemed rather overconfident, which put Kane on edge. "But no matter. What do you want to know?"
"Your name, for starters. And then you can tell me why you were fighting members of your own Clan."
"Fine by me. My name is Raina, and this is Dregore," she answered, indicating herself and her dragon. She wore the red leather uniform of an Efreet Clan Rider, but what caught Kane's eye was the Wing Captain badge on her right shoulder. To have command of a fleet of Riders at such a young age, Kane had no doubt she was a skilled Rider. Dregore, like all Efreet Dragons, was a large, muscular creature bred for battle, with heavily armored scales the color of polished rubies, deadly sharp talons on each limb, and a row of long, white spikes that ran down the length of his neck, body, and tail. A dozen horns grew haphazardly at the back of his head and above his eye ridges, and his lower jaw jutted out slightly, making several of his teeth visible and giving him a foreboding appearance. "And believe me when I say that it was only out of self-defense that I fought my own Clan members."
"What happened? Did you betray your Clan and become a rogue?"
"No, nothing of the sort. I was framed for a crime I didn't commit," Raina explained tersely. "Six months ago, I was on my way to my Wing Commander's office to submit a report of my unit's latest patrol, but the door was locked. Apparently Magnius of the Forsworn was delivering some secret documents from Mithos about the human ranches. I didn't want to hear any part of it, so I left. The next day, the documents went missing, sending the Clan into an uproar. I was the last one seen anywhere near the Commander's office, so everyone accused me of stealing them. I had no choice but to flee with Dregore. We were pursued relentlessly, but somehow I stumbled across the leader of the Renegades, who gave us shelter until our scent went cold."
"The Renegades?" Kane asked, raising one eyebrow quizzically.
"An underground rebellion movement that opposes Mithos," Raina replied. "They specialize in infiltration and intelligence. Their leader, Yuan, convinced me that Mithos is up to no good, so I started working as an agent for him, spying on the other Clans and gathering information. Dregore and I assumed that the Efreet Clan had given up searching for us, but I guess they must have picked up our trail. That's where you and your dragon come into the picture. I must admit, you two work well together. Though by having an Aska Dragon, you might as well send up a signal flare to Mithos."
"I am fully aware of mine and Lunash's situation," Kane interjected. "And surely you must be aware of the situation you have put yourself in by revealing the identity of not only a rebel organization but the name of their leader. Don't you think that's a little risky?"
"Not in particular," Raina admitted with a shrug. "Because I get the feeling that you and I aren't so different after all." She shoved her hands in her pockets and casually walked around the clearing. Kane held his ground, his guard still up, while Lunash kept a close watch on Dregore. "You know, Yuan's expressed interest in recruiting other rogue dragon Riders to the rebellion. Interested?"
"I'm not going to become anyone's puppet, and I won't let Lunash become a lamb to the slaughter," Kane replied fiercely.
"Protective of your dragon, I see, perhaps to a fault," Raina observed. "Dregore sensed dark mana during the battle. Quite unusual for an Aska Rider…"
"That's none of your business," Kane snapped.
"Fine, I get it. No need to get touchy," Raina said, holding up her hands in surrender, returning his glare with an even stare. "And you misunderstand the Renegades. Unlike Mithos, Yuan doesn't send his troops into battle with the intent of sacrificing them, and I'm certainly not his puppet. I could take you to the base, you could get some information, and then you could decide whether or not to join."
Kane sheathed his sword and crossed his arms across his chest. "No strings attached?"
"None at all. Should you decline his offer, you could go right back to your old life of hiding from the Empire and never hear of the Renegades again. They can always move to a different base to keep from being followed."
Kane pondered her offer for a moment. "Fine, my companions and I will accompany you to the Renegades."
Raina's eyebrows disappeared into her bangs. "There's more of you?" Kane nodded. "Heh, this just gets more interesting by the minute, and I still don't even know your name."
"Kane Vellanis," he stated, holding out his right hand. Raina returned the handshake with a smirk. "You've already met Lunash." He picked her sword up off the ground and handed it to her hilt-first. "I still don't trust you."
"I'm flattered," Raina replied dryly. "And now if you don't mind, I'm going to tend to Dregore. I suggest you do the same for Lunash before he bleeds out in front of your eyes."
Kane flashed her a dark look. "I know how to look after my dragon, thank you very much." He went to Lunash's side and placed a hand on his side apologetically, taking note of the numerous scratches and deep wounds. I'm sorry, I should have healed you right away.
Don't worry, Kane, none of these are serious. I will be fine. You should not blame yourself, Lunash replied, thrumming soothingly.
I won't be negligent next time, Kane insisted. A spell glyph appeared beneath his feet as he called upon his magic. Light-affinity healing spells wouldn't consume as much mana as spells in the ancient language. "First Aid." The wounds immediately around Kane's hand disappeared. He moved around Lunash's body, using several more First Aid spells to close his wounds and steal away his pain.
Thank you. Lunash gently nuzzled Kane's cheek. The young man smiled and patted his dragon's neck fondly.
Meanwhile, Raina examined the tears in Dregore's wings and the gashes on his body with a critical eye. Sheesh, that dragon really worked you over…
Hmph, I've had worse. Besides, I was going easy on the fledgling, Dregore remarked with a snort. Puffs of smoke billowed out of his nostrils.
Fledgling? Dregore, you're six years old, not even old enough to be considered a veteran fighter, Raina teased.
True, but we still achieved the rank of Wing Captain while in the Clan, Dregore pointed out. With Raina only twenty-five years old, they were among the youngest in the Clan to have earned the rank of Wing Captain, but their fighting skills and ferocity in battle had quickly earned them the respect necessary to achieve the rank.
You know, I'd love to continue this argument, but you'd keep bleeding all over the place, and I would hate to stain my uniform. As odd as it may have seemed, their regular banter had always been one of the key aspects of Raina and Dregore's relationship. While the dragon initially came off as tough and competitive, his bond with Raina was as strong as any dragon and Rider. Her gedwey ignasia glowed red as she called up the necessary magic and placed it over one of Dregore's deeper wounds. "Waise heill." With those whispered words in the ancient language, the gash closed over as the scales knit back together. Raina repeated the spell for each of his wounds and for the rents in his wings until she sagged against his side in exhaustion.
Thank you, little one.
Raina managed a weak smile, but she quickly blanked her face as Lunash approached the two, Kane already in the saddle. "You coming?"
"Keep your shirt on, I'm coming," she answered while rolling her eyes. Dregore crouched so she could get into the saddle and then sprang into the air after Lunash. The sun had risen fully by now, bathing the land in light and warmth as the rest of the world began to awaken.
Eri awoke to a sea of green as the beams of the rising sun filtered through the translucent membranes of Zephyrus' wing. Still too comfortable to move from her spot nestled against his side, she reached up with one hand and gently ran her fingertips along the soft, velvety skin, marveling at how something so thin and seemingly fragile could keep a great beast like Zephyrus aloft. He had already gained back much of the weight he had lost during their panicked flight from Tethe'alla, much to her relief.
My dear, that tickles something awful, Zephyrus remarked with a hint of mirth in his voice. The wing that was still draped over his Rider twitched slightly from her touch. I trust you slept well?
Better than I have in days, Eri admitted. Are the others awake yet?
See for yourself. Zephyrus lifted his wing, and Eri threw off her cloak and got to her feet, stretching her arms over her head and raising her face to bask in the warmth of the sun. Zephyrus imitated his Rider by standing and flexing his wings to get the blood flowing in them again.
"Oh, Eri, you're finally awake!" The brunette looked over to see Cecil sitting by a campfire with Varun. He grinned and waved her over. "Come get some breakfast! Varun's a really good cook!"
"Sounds great. I'm starved," Eri replied cheerfully, sitting down beside her two companions. Kinir lay curled up a few yards away, one watchful eye on her Rider, while Ephyra splashed happily in the lake. "Um…where are Kane and Lunash?"
"They left before dawn, probably to go flying," Varun replied. He waved off her concern with a reassuring smile. "It's nothing to worry about. They'll come back once Kane blows off some steam."
"I hope he's not still mad about yesterday," Eri muttered quietly, looking down at her hands, which were folded on her lap. Just then, the pounding of dragon wings overhead drew their attention, and the three looked up to see Lunash coming in for a landing, followed by a strange red dragon.
"Now who in the world could that be?" Varun asked as he stood up, hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. Eri and Cecil got up as well to flank him as the two dragons landed, allowing their Riders to dismount. "Kane, what were you thinking bringing a total stranger here?" he asked, casting a critical eye on the red-haired girl that stood beside his friend, a challenging expression on her face.
"Relax, she's on our side," Kane assured them. "Everyone, this is Raina and Dregore." Within minutes, he had made the necessary introductions and filled in the others on the events that had transpired that morning. "She can lead us to the Renegades. Apparently, they're working on organizing an underground rebellion against Mithos." He pinned Cecil and Eri with a hard look. "This is what you wanted, yes?"
"Well, yeah, but…you're actually okay with that?" Cecil asked.
A pregnant pause fell over the clearing. "Yeah… I am," Kane finally replied. He turned his back on the group and added, "We'll stay here for a couple of days to give the dragons a chance to rest and then move out." That said, he left to head for the lake, ignoring the bewildered stares of his companions.
"Heh, who appointed Mr. Sunshine the leader of this band of merry men?" Raina joked wryly. To her surprise, Eri brushed past her and headed in the direction Kane had gone. Raina crossed her arms over her chest and remarked with a smirk, "This just gets more entertaining by the minute." She looked over and noticed Varun and Cecil still staring at her. Cocking one eyebrow, she asked, "And what are you guys looking at?"
Instead of bristling, Varun flashed a charming smile and waved a hand at the campfire. "Care for some breakfast? There's plenty to share."
Raina's eyes widened in surprise, and her hardened expression softened somewhat at the simple kindness. How long had it been since someone had offered her something so simple, and yet so meaningful as a kind smile? "Sure… That would be great."
Meanwhile, Kane knelt by the lake and dipped his hands into the clear blue water. He splashed some of the cold, refreshing liquid on his face and then stared at his reflection. Lunash gently prodded his thoughts. If you want to be respected as a leader, you'll have to at least try to let go of the lone wolf act.
Yeah… I know… Kane replied softly. It seems like Cecil and I have been on our own for ages. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to leading a group.
"…Kane?" a feminine voice behind him called softly. He stood up and turned around to face Eri, who was looking at him with a concerned expression.
Like any leader, you have to start with the first small steps, Lunash advised before fading to the back of Kane's mind.
"What is it, Eri?" Kane asked a bit stiffly.
"I… wanted to say that I'm sorry about yesterday," Eri said. "It's just… I guess I've gotten so used to surviving on my own that this…" She waved her hand to encompass the other dragons and Riders. "Well, it's going to take a while for me to get used to working with others again."
"Somehow, I think you and I share the same sentiments in that regard," Kane replied with a half-smile, allowing his gentler side to surface. "I was too harsh yesterday, and that's just something I need to work on, especially if all of us are going to be traveling together."
"So…what do you say we just forget yesterday and get a fresh start?" Eri offered, sticking out her hand.
"Hmph, sounds good to me," Kane stated, shaking her hand.
Later that afternoon…
Kane walked the shoreline beside Lake Umacy with Varun, finally taking some time to catch up with his long-time friend. "I must admit, I feel rather guilty for crashing your little lakeside retreat in the span of a single day," Kane admitted.
Varun laughed at that statement. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's been ages since I've had someone to talk to besides Ephyra, and I'll be more than happy to get out of here. Besides, Ephyra is thrilled to finally meet other dragons."
On the opposite side of the clearing, the five dragons were getting acquainted with each other. Ephyra spent the first few minutes trying to coax Dregore into playing with her. The other dragon lay curled up motionless a few yards away from the others while Ephyra chirped pleadingly and nudged his side with her snout. Finally, Dregore got fed up with her antics, growled low in his chest, and snapped his jaws at her warningly. This sent Ephyra skittering behind Kinir, who crooned soothingly at the younger dragon and narrowed one onyx eye at Dregore for upsetting her. Lunash wasn't willing as a playmate either and preferred to remain aloof. Instead of biting, however, he just ignored Ephyra until she gave up and lay down dejectedly, keening sadly and wearing the dragon equivalent of a pout on her face. Zephyrus finally decided to humor her by dangling the tip of his tail in front of her face. Ephyra cheered up immediately and spent almost an hour chasing and nipping at Zephyrus' tail like a kitten with a piece of string, though he did growl once when she bit down too hard. By the end of the day, Ephyra was affectionately calling Zephyrus "Big Brother" while Kinir established herself as the resident mother hen. Lunash lay beside Kinir but mostly kept to himself, speaking only when spoken to, while Dregore tried to wrap his mind around the fact that no, he could not challenge one of these other dragons to a fight because he would have to travel with them.
Everyone slept late the next morning, including Kane, and it was nearly noon by the time everyone staggered from their bedrolls. After lunch, Cecil suggested that they scrub down the dragons in the lake, especially since they had no idea how long it would be before they came to another isolated body of water.
"Wahoo!" Cecil bellowed as he cannon-balled into the lake, splashing the others standing on the shore.
"Little punk…" Raina grumbled under her breath.
Cecil's head popped up from under the water, and he waved at his companions. "Come on in! The water feels so great!" Kinir lumbered to the edge and slipped in with hardly a splash. Ephyra gave a delighted squeak and started running for the lake.
"Wait, Ephyra!" Varun called, but it was too late.
"I…think we need…to teach you restraint…" Varun muttered between coughs.
"No…kidding…" Eri added.
Kane and Varun stripped down to their shorts and waded out into the shallows with Lunash. Eri and Raina wore tank tops and shorts, mindful to pick darker colors that wouldn't turn transparent in the water. Eri couldn't stop from letting her eyes wander to observe Kane's hardened six-pack and lean, well-muscled physique.
"Careful, Eri, or you'll get drool on your shirt," Raina teased.
Eri cocked one eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"
"You know what I mean," she replied knowingly.
"Please, I just met the guy." Then Eri added in an undertone, "And just who's the one staring at Varun?"
"W-what?!" Raina exclaimed incredulously, but Eri was already walking away with Zephyrus. "Hey! You can't just say that and walk away!"
Actually, I think she just did, Dregore mused.
I can see that quite clearly, thank you very much, Raina groused.
Meanwhile, Kane and Lunash found a quiet stretch of shoreline that was partially shaded by trees. Lunash lay in the shallows and rested his chin on a partially submerged boulder while Kane scrubbed his hide with a rag, careful to get the dirt out from underneath each of his scales and remove any stuck scales that he was trying to shed. Lunash closed his eyes and thrummed contentedly. Kane felt Lunash's battle-tightened muscles relax under his fingers and spared a soft smile, basking in the feelings of happiness and peace emanating from his dragon.
I suppose we should enjoy the peace and quiet while we can, Kane said.
Indeed, we should. Life gets tedious and wearying to the soul without such times, Lunash replied sagely. You seem troubled. Are you worried about meeting the Renegades?
Kane thought for a moment. I think…it's more of a fear of the unknown.
On the other side of the lake, things were getting a little rowdy. Ephyra was bound and determined to start a splash war with the other dragons and could not understand why they didn't seem to love water as much as she. Dregore had already had his fill of being scrubbed and was curled up on a sunny patch of shoreline with his wings outstretched on the ground to let them dry. Varun was trying to curb his dragon's playful tendencies while Cecil kept working on Kinir, who reveled in the attention like a pampered cat. Eri had long since finished scrubbing Zephyrus and was sitting in the shallow water while leaning against his side. The water barely came up to her belly button, so the sand was warm from the sun and felt heavenly. Eri tilted her head up to feel the sun's rays on her face and sighed contentedly as the heat radiating from the sand, the sun, and Zephyrus' body warmed her from head to toe.
Zephyrus hummed, sensing his Rider's good mood. You haven't been this cheerful and carefree in quite some time.
I know. But you have to admit, it's hard to take time to relax when we're constantly on the run.
I think it is good for you to be around these people, Zephyrus remarked, lifting his head to regard the other Riders with their dragons. Perhaps by relying on each other, you all can help bear each other's burdens and concerns.
Perhaps… Eri trailed off. She opened her eyes and saw Kane and Lunash still removed from the others. I think out of all of us, Kane needs that support the most.
End chapter 3
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