
'W-what the hell happened last night? Damn it, everything's fuzzy as hell, can't remember what happened.' A skeleton looking man shook his head before getting up groggily from his long slumber. The man went ahead and took a long, relaxing shower before he took a good look of himself in the mirror. He was still in his early 20s, skinny and tall with somewhat of a buff stature. Probably years of training made him that way. Anyway, he glanced at his chest and noticed a bruise that had a deep shade of purple. The man touched the bruise and winced in pain, he then noticed something. There is not one bruise, but there are many which scattered everywhere in his upper body. He stumbled a bit at the sight of it, but remembered something really scary. He looked at himself straight in the eye as he remembered a fist that was big as a subway tunnel that came closer to him and stopped inches from his face.

He was supposed to be dead.

Flashback: Location: Unknown (this flashback is gonna be long)

'Give it up' said the man in tuxedo. 'This is your final attempt of being the world's Symbol of Peace. Once I get rid of you, I will make Japan a living hell and I will become the symbol. The Symbol Chaos.' the man in tuxedo chuckled at the thought of Japan and all it's inhabitants in mass panic as he slowly absorbed people's quirks. One by one. 'NO! YOU'RE NEVER GONNA KILL ME! THE PEOPLE'S FUTURE REST ON MY SHOULDERS! I'M NOT GONNA DIE TO SOME PATHETIC FOOL LIKE YOU!' said the muscular 7'2 figure that is bloodied and battered from his fight with the silvered hair guy.

Yes, this Vietnam flashback belongs to the number one hero. All Might. They Symbol of Peace who can crush any evil with a smile on his face. Everyone looks up to him like he's miracle, a godsend that changed today's society. Right now, he is in the verge of dying to his lifelong rival, All for One. Who killed countless people for their quirks for generations and killed his teacher. He swore to kill All for One when the time comes to defeat his master's murderer. But, that isn't the case, because right now... He is running out of time until he reverts back to his muscle form.

'Hehehe. So typical. If I remember correctly, she said that exact line to me before I bashed her head with a concrete slab. Ahh, it was like painting a mural. Nice and calm.' All for One grinning at the gruesome memory. The number one hero flinched at the words he said. In fact, he almost choked at his own blood just thinking what All for One did to her. 'Nana.' He said with a dry voice. He was scared. Alone. It was out of character for him to act like this in front of people that admired him for so long. All Might began to tear up as he wiped them off to show any sign of weakness and turned back to All for One and said 'I may have failed my master, but I'm sure as hell I'm not losing to a scrawny ass shrimp like you' All for One laughed at his sassy remarks and replied 'You are an idiot, using jokes to make your final stand. What a coward. *sigh* Let's finish this.' All for one began to call out the quirks he thought that might splatter All Might's face to the ground. As for All Might, he began to surge up a bit off energy left before he deflates and die. Hell, if he's gonna lose. Might as well go all out. As the two men were about to go at it. There was one man, ONE of all the places he could be, was in a battlefield, with a grocery bag that he held in his left hand. Walked up to the people who where fighting until the brink of death. Walked up to the battle which decided the fate of humanity. Walked up to the most dangerous person to the planet. and said.

Flashback: All Might's POV

'Umm... if you guys aren't busy at all, then could one of you show me where the mall is? the man said with a nonchalant voice wearing a nonchalant face. All Might heard the voice, looked up and his face- actually no, his whole body comically drained all of it's colors and let a yelp escape from his mouth. 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!' All Might thought frantically as he began to freak out from the inside out. This man, whose wearing a grey Adidas hoodie, black Adidas pants, and wearing Adidas running shoes with groceries looked at me and All for One dead in the eyes even though I can't see his eyes because it seems that the hood hid his face very well. I looked back at All for One and this time I cough out blood not because of the aura of bloodlust. But his anger is off the charts and ready to kill the guy right on the spot. I blinked, and saw All for One facing the boy that called both of us in a fight he's not supposed to be in. 'My, my young boy. Do you know what's going on here?' All for one asked with a calm voice, trying not rip the guy's innards. This somehow struck a nerve from the guy, I don't know why but if I guessed it right, then he's pretty much pissed off at All for One indirectly calling him a boy. 'I'm not a fucking "boy" you old fart, bet you can't even bang a girl without your arthritis getting in the way.' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, KID?! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!' I said screaming at the top of my lungs as he turned his attention towards me. 'Dude, are you guys filming here? If you guys are, then I'm sorry for intruding the act. About that, where is the manager that-' 'ENOUGH! DO YOU THINK PEOPLE LIKE YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO GET OUT HERE AND TALK CASUALLY LIKE WE'RE JUST A SPECK OF DUST IN YOUR EYES?! YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE TO YOU?! WELL, I'M ABOUT TO SHOW YOU WHAT'S THE TRUE MEANING OF PAIN WHEN I'M DONE WITH THE SYMBOL OF PEACE!' I looked at All for One which at this point has an arm that is reasonably as big as a subway tunnel. 'This goodbye, All Might. I hope your sensei looks at you with disgust when you're in the afterlife.' 'HEH, LET'S SEE ABOUT THAT. TEXAS SMASH' I shouted with all my might (no pun intended) as I accept my fate until the pain never came to me and I opened my eyes of All for one being punched in the face by the same person who asked directions for the fucking mall... It was unbelievable.

The next thing I heard was All for One crying in pain as he rag dolled across the ground until he hit a sharp concrete slab and thus spilling blood all over the wrecked road. Funny. I never knew that my nemesis was killed by a shady... person who was in the wrong situation at the wrong time. Only to punch him with the only emotion that is plastered to his face: disinterest. Not only that, he ironically killed him with the one thing that killed my master, a concrete slab. At this point, I didn't care if All for One is killed or not. I cared about the guy who punch All for One straight in the face and killed him. I just want to know who he is. The shrouded man came up to me and ask me if I was okay. I replied 'Yeah, thanks to you I survived his attack.' He smiled as he looked down and said 'To be honest with you, you should be the one taking the credit before you tell the reporters that I'm the one who killed the man.' I looked at him dumbfounded at what he said to me, 'What?' that was the only word that came out. He laughed and said 'I knew that this was a fight all along, All Might. I just walked here curious about what's happening when I heard someone monologuing. So that brings back to what I said earlier, take the credit. You witted him down the most and I just punch him in the face and accidentally killed him.' He scratched the back of his head nervously. 'WHAT?! No way! All for One wasn't even close to getting beat up due to his regeneration quirks but when you punched him in the face he died instantly! What is this guy made off?!' I felt like my mind was melting at the uncanny amount of strength that this kid used to punch him. I immediately asked him how much effort did he used to punch All for One, he said 'I punched him without touching his face, that was all that took.' No way. I felt my life being sucked away as those words enter my ear. But I kept my cool and laughed it off. 'HAHAHA. GOOD ONE, BOY. YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD QUIRK TO FINISH HIM OFF OR YOU'RE A GOOD COMEDIC!' I said laughing halfheartedly.

He then looked at me and tilt his head a bit and asked. 'What's a quirk?' ... I froze, I was beyond words. It feels like my mind was messing with me due to the adrenaline that was long gone. Everything in my body aches, but it didn't help me out when he asked that question. That is when I visibly lost all colors. He looked at me confused, as I kneel to the ground and he asked if I was alright. I looked at him with concerned eyes and I said, 'Who are you?' Judging by his reaction, he wasn't expecting that king of question. He turned away from me, looked at me again as he smiled a smile that I can see through the darkness of his hoodie and replied, 'I am the one who guides you through your darkest days, All Might. I show up whenever the people need in search of a light they need to protect themselves from the darkness of evil. I am the Bright Star of Hope, a legend that burns through people's oppression and fear for the sake of doing it All Might. Can't you see? You and I are the same. But, the heroes are here. I don't like people butting in like that anyway. Anyways, farewell. Symbol of Peace.' He took a jumping position, and soared through the skies as All Might and the other pro heroes watched in awe of what he just did. Night Eye and Gran Torino ran to All Might with panic written all over their faces and asked All Might, 'Who the hell is that guy? Toshi explain!' 'All Might! Who is that person who soared through the sky just now? Was it another hero? Villain? Or perhaps a vigilante?'. All Might looked down, stoop up and turned around to face the pro heroes, police and reporters with curiosity. He smiled and said, 'That person wasn't a hero, villain or vigilante. That person is a legend, a legend who gave me hope for a better future. A legend that made me shine brighter than the stars in the sky. That person is the Star of Hope.' People were shocked to hear All Might's admiration to that person. They were staring at him with shock and awe. They didn't expect All Might to draw inspiration from a stranger. I continued saying, 'He was the beacon light that guide me to become the pillar that I stand today. He may fade away for now, but now his hope in me still burns through my heart. TODAY IS THE DAY THE SYMBOL OF PEACE IS BORN!' Everybody cheered, from Japan to all around the world, they celebrate the birth of a Symbol that they can put their trust to.

It was a good day.

Present Time

All Might was looking over the city with his usual toothy smile that takes half of the hero's face. He gazed a gaze less stare and sighed. That was ten years ago, now he rethinks at what the man said to him. "He was right about me, now I'm the most celebrated hero of all time and now that I think about it..." "Where is he? Who are you? Star of Hope." All Might finished with a question he asked to himself. Meanwhile, a certain someone was getting out of bed to do his daily routine.

Extras: Events after the first battle between All Might and All for One.

A hooded figure silently opened a door which leads to another room, this time the door is hidden. He looked around for a hidden door, only to encounter a keypad. The figure smiled and kicked the door wide open. He was getting really tired of typing key codes. The hooded man sat down to his abnormally sized bed and took off his hoodie. Which revealed a face with clear skin, only to have a dead eyes that resembled a tiny speck and black messy hair. The man slumped in his bed and sighed. He realized what he just said to the number one hero and cringed, "Fuck, I just ripped that off from a quote inspiration website. I wanted to say that be the Symbol of Peace for 10 years but my mouth moved on it's own. Now people see me as a legend and that's his basis of being the number one hero..."

You guessed it. This is Saitama. He is experiencing a crisis that changed history in every possible way as to inspiring the number one hero.

A/N: 2,337 words when ending this story. My hands are burning and it's almost 2 in the morning and I have finals. See ya!