*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything related, unfortunately.

He can feel it before he can see it. The bright chakra sparkling and filling the corridor outside the door separating them.

It's been five years since he last step in this office, and it still felt like yesterday. The new Hokage changed the decoration, but the room still looked the same, excluding the random dog that was occasionally around or below the desk.

The person outside didn't knock and didn't hesitate to barge in like he owned the place. He was as loud as ever, and the scene flooded the room with nostalgic memories.

The difference was, when his blonde friend — brother and teammate — crossed the threshold, he was not alone. On top of his shoulders, a small dark-haired boy grinned while holding onto blond locks, purchasing his safety.

Naruto leaned forward and brought both of them inside, turning around to close the door he muttered under his breath. "What's the emergency sensei? You know I was babysitting today and— "

The words died as Naruto noticed the presence by the window, silence filled the room instantly.

He could feel the discomfort seeping from his teammates. Kakashi had stilled and Naruto stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Sasuke.." Naruto whispered.

Well, that was unexpected. He had mentally prepared himself for a loud reunion or at least a few shouts and a Teme here and there, maybe a couple jumps. But Naruto was — the disbelief on his face morphed into disdain in a mere second, and Sasuke frowned, trying to understand what the problem was.

"What did I tell you about little children in the Hokage Office, Naruto?"

"I'm a big boy now Kashi-ojichan!" The little boy said while pointing towards the Hokage, the gesture so familiar that Sasuke wondered if he should recommend a different babysitter to the poor kid's parents. Better cut the evil by the root, were the wise words of his Okasan.

Naruto glared at his old sensei and moved the little kid down to his feet with a natural maneuver like he did that every day. He didn't look Sasuke in the eyes yet and that just unsettled him. His eyes narrowed.

"Uncle Naruto was teaching me how to throw shuriken!" The boy run to Kakashi, climbing to sit on his lap.

"Is that so, Akira-kun?"

"Sakura-chan is going to kill me this time." Naruto sighed, scratching his head and finally looking at the other person in the room.

The chatter was dulled in the back of Sasuke's mind. He wasn't paying attention on their social interaction — too preoccupied with the Dobe's unusual behavior — but it seemed that his team was certainly fond of the little boy.

"So, you're back."



"..You don't want me here?"

"We thought you didn't want anything to do with us." Naruto crossed his arms and walked closer to the window, staring at the buzz outside coming from the busy streets of Konoha. "Or at least with some of us."

When Naruto locked eyes with him again, Sasuke was taken back by the hard look he was receiving. Some of them..? Was this because of the letters? "Don't be so dramatic.."

"I'm not." Naruto cut in with finality and added: "I just didn't expect this from you. We are the same, you know? We grew up without a family, and you willingly threw your second chance away."

Sasuke raised a brow while contemplating his friend's words. Was Naruto saying he didn't have a place in their mismatched family? Team Seven family?

For many years, Sasuke tried to sever his bonds with all members of his team. He knew it was nearly impossible and he had his half limb as proof. He didn't remember or maybe he never noticed how that felt though. The words were few but enough to heave his heart and drop it to his stomach. Maybe he was too late, maybe he didn't have a place in Konoha — maybe he didn't have a family or home to return to all along.

He never stopped to consider what he did. He left in a rush, before the feelings tied him down in this place and he missed the chance to redeem himself. He had to become the man that deserved a home, that deserved this family and that deserved their feelings — all of their feelings. Was that the reason?

Naruto sighed — dramatically this time — and turned to talk to Kakashi, who was standing closer now, beside them.

The little boy was still there, an energy ball talking almost non-stop. Sasuke was pondering his short conversation with Naruto when he noticed how the boy would glance his way every second or two. He was looking at him with curiosity — his big green eyes shining, and his cheeks were dusted pink due to the chilly autumn weather.

Bouncing on his heels, the boy unraveled his red scarf in a haste and deposited on Naruto's arm, throwing also his mittens. He stepped in front of Sasuke, looking up expectantly, he slid his hoodie and bowed deeply.

"Hi Sir, I'm Haruno Akira. Nice to meet you!"

The gesture was formal and respectful, something that wasn't seen these days. But it wasn't the traditional greeting that left Sasuke stunned.

Akira had leaned forward so quickly and sharply that his unruly dark locks moved along with him, the locks bounced and sticked to all directions.

When Akira straightened up, placing his hands tightly to his sides, Sasuke could only see the bright green eyes — maybe a shade or two darker — but so like the ones he missed so much, looking back at him.


Realization came quicker to Naruto than any other time in his life. Sasuke was pale, more than usual, and he had probably stopped breathing. His eyes were empty but still slightly wider than the stoic Uchiha would like to keep.

The feeble movement backwards confirmed his suspicions. Sasuke had just figured everything out — or Naruto hoped he did — and was about to faint at any moment.

"The coin just dropped, Kaka-sensei." Extending a hand forward he continued: "You can pay me now, I won."

Sasuke was sure he had stepped in the wrong place from the very beginning. He checked the room for genjutsu twice — and was about to check with his Rinnegan too — when he noticed there was a transaction happening in the background and the little boy was still frozen in place, politely waiting for him.

Pitying his friend's lack of social skills and the newness of the storm that was sure happening behind those infamous eyes, Naruto intervened while still counting the bills he just received. "This is Uchiha Sasuke, you can call him Mr. Uchiha or Uchiha-san for now."

Kakashi snickered not so quietly behind his mask, for the surprise of all adults present in the room.

"I'll drop Akira off at Ino's and try to grab Sakura-chan." Naruto nodded to them and turned to leave. "Come on, Kiddo."

When he left, before the door was closed, anyone could hear the impartial — but still cold — voice of the Hokage "You should take a sit, Sasuke. There's a lot to talk."

A/N: Hey!

This is my first attempt of writing a multi-chapter fic.

I'm posting the first chapter to see how it's welcomed and if I should continue writing it.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feel free to share your thoughts :)