A/N: Okie. So I believe that this is ANOTHER attempt at writing ANOTHER story. Sorry for everyone who is just, like, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND", but oh well. This is to cater for my most current obssession, How To Train Your Dragon. And no, Alex-Fierro17, I am not going to spoil anything from The Hidden World, because everything is too special to spoil. Anything that Gobber is saying is going to have and apostrophe to show his 't' that he pronounces. Since his accent is Scottish, I am trying to make it sound Scottish in. Your. MINDS. *dramatic music*

Anyway, Hiccup and Astrid DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT have that amazing, stunning, gorgeous, adorable, adorkable, fuzzy...wait, I'm getting ahead of myself *calms myself down and cries for doing this*, flight. My aim is to try and have each chapter with a minimum of 1000 words - and I am proud to say I am off to a good start coz I have 1276 words in this chapter. Yay me! And any grammar errors, pls tell me, coz I have an issue with keeping it in check as it ANNOYS me till NO END.


*Toothless bounds onto screen, his tongue sticking out of his mouth*

*Hiccup runs after him, covered in slobber*

Hiccup: Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out

*Toothless licks him again*

*Hiccup groans and flicks spit at your screen*

Me: Well, *wipes off spit*, I do not own Dreamworks, or HTTYD, or anything to do with this absolutely amazing story.

*me gets covered in slobber and flattened by Toothless*

*Hiccup laughs at me and scrolls the page down so you can start reading*



The horn had just sounded, it's dreaded low, rumbling, hollow moan filling the peaceful air of Berk with eeriness. Mothers ran into their houses, bundling up their children and hugging them tightly to their chests. Men and young girls and boys ran onto the battlefield, screaming their battle cry proudly, once again facing off the monsters which dared enter their territory. With their hideous faces and terrifying roars, they swarmed into the unsuspecting Viking village, diving for the sheep who were running for their lives on the fields. Skimming over the tops of the village itself, brushing and breaking off the odd plank from the roof.

In the midst of the battle, as the raging beasts charge proudly to fight for their kind, a mother was fighting her way to her house, which was atop a steep hill. This was the Chieftess of Berk. The strong, loyal and stunning wife of Chief Stoick the Vast of the Hooligan Tribe. Her name was Valka. She had just seen a huge, four-winged dragon burst into the house, and heard her baby boy cry out. She couldn't tell whether it was a happy cry or whether it was one of terror. She suspected the second option. She charged into the house, her body shaking as she ascended the steps to her son's bedroom. She slowly edged the door open and was astounded at the sight before her. It wasn't a vicious beast. Its head was bent ad staring intently at the tiny human being, wiggling his chubby fingers inquisitively. As Valka slowly walked towards the cradle and the creature, her heart was in her throat. Her foot creaked on a loose floorboard, and the dragon's head snapped towards her. It bared its teeth, and draped a wing around the cradle. He was protecting her son, from. Her?That was when she decided that they were not, in fact, mindless beasts, but were caring and gentle.

For some strange reason, Valka had the urge to drop her weapon. She let it slide from her grasp and slowly inched her way to the cradle. She held a hand out on instinct, showing her fear, when suddenly, the door burst open and Stoick's worried voice echoed across the hall.

"VALKA!", he screamed as he rushed up the narrow stairway, and into Hiccup's room.

It all happened so fast, that nobody could explain it. All they could say, was that the wife of the Chief and mother of the Heir to Berk was carried off, that horrible night, by a vicious dragon.

Fifteen years later, the one thing that Hiccup never expected, and dreaded after his most unique, recent turn of events occurred.

"Congratulations, Hiccup! You have been chosen to kill the Monstrous Nightmare!", Gobber announced, and beamed at him from the arena.

"I'm so proud, son. Finally, after all those years being the worst viking the village has ever seen, you have lived up to the name!", Stoick exclaimed and clapped Hiccup on the back, sending him stumbling into the wall of the arena.

Hiccup, on the contrary, stood as still as a thief caught in action, his eyes wide and face slightly paler. That hurt, kind of. He wasn't sure whether that was a compliment, or some sort of twisted and sugar-coated insult. His expression, one would consider was part of the shock of winning the one thing that he never thought he could win, alongside his father's approval, but it was in fact, a WHOLE new problem.

The noise of the cheering crowd faded away as Hiccup's heart began to race at such a speed he was sure it would burst. He needed to get a away. There was no way he was going to be able to kill the Monstrous Nightmare, especially after all the amazing flights and knowledge he had learnt from Toothless. No. He was going to go. Far, far away. He was going to start anew.

And before he knew it, he was bolting from the ring, and running as fast as his legs could carry him, all the way up to his bedroom. He imagined the confusion the crowd was going through, watching, the new pride of Berk sprinting with a shocked expression plastered on his face.

"Books, pens...um...FOOD, oh wait...oh Thor, my bedroll...", He muttered under his breath, gathering everything he could, and needed, as quickly as possible. He couldn't believe it. He was actually running away from the place he would call home, if he was ignoring the loneliness he endured for 14 years.

Hiccup swung the bag over his back, and skittered across the forest. Villagers who were going on with their daily activities didn't notice, but Stoick did. He did not want his son running into who knows where, just two days before his big performance. Stoick strode into the forest, trying to keep up with Hiccup, who had an advantage as he was much smaller.

The footfalls of the burly man helped to increase Hiccup's speed, until he reached the cove, where the shield was wedged between the two boulders.

"Toothless! Hurry. We're going a vacation, forever", Toothless' ear-flaps perked up and he bounded over to Hiccup, giving him a questioning look, as if he was saying are you sure you want to do this?

"Toothless, don't give me that look. I don't want to kill the Nightmare, and I definitely do not belong here. I only just got my father's approval and pride, but what's the point if I can't kill it? I'm not a killer. Now come on, Toothless, hurry, because Dad is coming!", Hiccup whispered quickly, more to himself than anyone else.

The footsteps of his father started to come closer, and Hiccup hurriedly shoved his pack onto Toothless's back, cutting himself deeply with a saddle buckle.

"Argh. Thor, now I'm bleeding. Great. Okay, Toothless. NO, do not look at me like that, again. I'm okay, and we'll fix it later, now, UP, TOOTHLESS", Hiccup whispered, and they shot off into the sky, just as Stoick somehow managed to slide into the cove.

He gasped at the sight. There were drops of blood in a dark little patch of the cove. His heart started pounding harder. No. Not his son too. Stoick looked deeper, trying to find evidence that he was dreaming.

"Hiccup?", He called, his deep voice echoing around the empty expanse in the forest. "Come out, son."

Still no reply. He shuffled around the clearing, getting more and more desperate, until he noticed something. A small trail of black scales. Jet black scales. Dragons have scales. That was it. There was a Night Fury here.

Then it all connected. The blood, the scales. His son, Hiccup, had just been taken by a dragon. A Night Fury, for a matter of fact. Stoick dropped to his knees, the same words echoing through his mind. Hiccup. No son. Not now. First Valka, now you...OH what is happening to my life?

Sobs wracked his body, and the chief of the Hooligan Tribe sat there, asking the same question over and over again. One he had thought of, so many times.

"Oh Valka...what would you do now?"

Later that night, Stoick slowly walked out of the bush, muttering something. He looked distraught and horrified.

"Stoick, what's got yer so upse'?", Gobber hobbled over to his friend.

"It's Hiccup.", Gobber, and the entire town square when silent, listening for the upcoming news. "He was killed, earlier tonight, by the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. The Night Fury. And on my life, I swear that before I die, I will bring down that beast that took my son, right in front of me".