This is an Adrien-centric chapter... as far as I can tell. XD I just need more of my blonde boi and everyone loving him. Hope ye guys enjoy it! :D

9:00 PM

After a very, very intense set of Uno games (and an unusual amount of profanity from Rose), Adrien finally decided he needed to go back to his room. After thanking Kim, Rose, and Juleka for having him, he walked quietly back over to his room. The room was pitch black, save for the tiny glow of moonlight and the light from his phone screen.

He crawled into bed, yawned, and tried his best to fall asleep...

But after thirty minutes of tossing and turning, it became clear to him that he wasn't falling asleep any time soon.

"Dammit," he sighed quietly, facing the ceiling.

Adrien quietly shifted his weight to the corner of his bed, uncovered himself, slipped his shoes back on, and grabbed his coat and a key card to the room, before stepping out to the hallway. Max was outside, checking his phone, and he gave a wave to Adrien.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

"To get some fresh air," Adrien said.

Max nodded. "Did you and Marinette have a quarrel?"

Adrien nearly choked on air. "Wh-Wha?! No! No no no, she's asleep right now. I just couldn't fall asleep myself."

"Ah, I see," Max said. "Well, do enjoy the air. It is quite nice this evening."

Adrien nodded, and walked downstairs, and out the lobby. The moment he got outside, a deep chill hit him from all sides... but at least he wasn't warm anymore.

For a while, he just stood there... thinking. It was nice to get away from everyone for a moment and just think.

"You're certainly pushing the curfew."

Adrien turned around in shock, only to find Mme. Bustier behind him, with a nurturing smile on her face. She was smart - she had brought her robe.

"I-I'm sorry," Adrien said, "I-I just-"

"Its okay, sweetheart," she said, stepping next to him. "It isn't until 10:30, anyway... what are you doing out here?"

"Just couldn't sleep," Adrien answered.

The teacher nodded. "Those nights happen to us all..."

Adrien sighed audibly, and she looked over, her feelings telling her that wasn't the only thing keeping him up.

"Have you enjoyed rooming with Marinette?" she started. She had a feeling she knew where she needed to go, she just had to carefully get there.

"Absolutely! She's literally the perfect roomie," Adrien smiled. "I don't mean I wouldn't have roomed with someone else, I'm just saying-"

"I know what you're saying," Mme. Bustier smiled. "I had a feeling you two would go well together. You seem to like each other..."

Adrien blushed visibly - she knew it for sure now. A light giggle escaped her throat by accident, putting her in jeopardy.

"Wh-What?" Adrien asked, chuckling nervously.

"Oh, nothing," Caline smiled gently. "Its just, well... you seem to have taken quite a fancy to her lately."

Now he was really nervous - he tried explaining, but to no avail. "I-I swear its not like t-that-we're just friends!"

"Indeed you are," she said, smiling gently. "...Right now, at least. Adrien, Marinette is a very sweet girl - there's nothing wrong with having a crush on her."

He sighed into the night air, defeated... and yet, happy she knew, and was okay with it. At least now there wouldn't be any need of hiding it from her.

"I guess I don't know how to handle it," he said. "I've been so... out of the general public for so long, I guess its new to me to just like an ordinary girl. B-But Marinette isn't normal! She's amazingly talented, she's wonderful, and so sweet... I just feel like she'd be out of my league."

"Oh, sweetie, out of your league?" she asked, almost exasperated at this comment. "Trust me when I say that you are 100% in league for her. You two would make a sweet couple. And besides, you two seem like such a good combo already. I don't see why she wouldn't want to be with you."

Adrien smiled, and looked up at his teacher. "Thank you, Mme. Bustier... I really needed to hear that."

"You're welcome, Adrien," she smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "Now let's get back inside. I am freezing."

Adrien chuckled, and followed his teacher back inside the hotel. When he got back to his room, he was more than ready to fall back asleep...

When suddenly...

"Hey. Kid."

"Jeez! Plagg, what are you doing?!" Adrien scream-whispered to his kwami, who was right in front of him. "Marinette's right there!"

"She's a heavy sleeper, listen to those snores, you're fine!" Plagg said. "Anyway, why did you spend twenty minutes outside?"

"Just needed to clear my head, that's all," he replied, turning over. "Now can you please go to sleep?"

"Don't count on it," Plagg chuckled. "I've slept all day. I'm gonna probably be up late thinking about cheese-and he's out. Of course."

7:30 PM, Friday

"Alright, children - and accompanying adults," Caline said, standing up on the bus, "we are nearing the Colosseum, the star attraction of our trip here!"

"At long last!" Alix exclaimed. "Do you think there's still blood on the sand?"

"...I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," the teacher said. "Anyway, we'll be getting off in about five minutes! We shall be walking to the Colosseum, mainly because the bus wouldn't fit into the lot."

"This is gonna be epic!" Nino laughed, looking out the window. "Can you believe it dude?"

"I really can't," Adrien chuckled, smiling as he looked out the window and tried to spot the historic landmark.

Kim then started giggling uncontrollably in his seat, for no apparent reason. "Why are you laughing, dude?" asked Alix.

"I-I don't know!" he giggled. In reality, he was thinking about a VERY stupid meme he was too embarrassed to admit was the cause of his laughter.

"Oh, hey, would you look at that-a bus parking spot! At long last, one of these has appeared," Armand sighed. "I don't know why you can't get decent parking in this city-"

"You okay, Armand?" asked Jalil.

The fencing teacher took a deep breath. "Yes... just... mildly peeved."

"Alright class, let's get walking!" Caline said, leading the drove of students and adults stepping off of the bus. The sun was starting to dwindle ever so slightly in the background of the ancient city, but the spirits of everyone were still as high as the peak of daylight.

"Hey, Nath!" Sabrina said. "Look at that pink section of the sky! It almost looks like your hair!"

"W-Wow, that's... that's really sweet, Sabrina, thank you," Nathanael said gently, brushing his hair out with his hand.

"Hey, look, I can almost see the thing!" Kim said happily, pointing upwards.

"You wanna give me a boost?" Alix asked her best frenemy.

"Sure," Kim said, hoisting Alix up onto his shoulders - she liked this point of view. Who was the tall one now, suckers?

"Hah, oh yeah, this is more like it!" she chuckled to herself.

"Hey, guys! You know what would be absolutely amazing?" Alya said to her boyfriend and two besties. "If Ladybug and Chat Noir got to fight an akuma in the Colosseum itself!"

"Woah... that's a big wish!" Marinette said.

"It seems impossible... I'd hope so at least!" Adrien added on.

"Dudes, that would be like, totally badass!" Nino laughed. "I'd so pay five bucks to see that."

Marinette and Adrien silently chuckled nervously... they both, individually, really didn't want to encounter an akuma again during their vacation.

Unfortunately, however, Lady Luck wouldn't be on their side this time when it came to that.

"Oh my-would you look at that!" Caline said. "We're here, class!"

Everyone almost simultaneously let out expressions of awe and amazement - almost immediately, pictures and selfies were being taken. Alya, Adrien, Marinette, and Nino took one (which Alix sneaked into - not that they minded), and then Adrien took one with Marinette individually. The redhead squad had once again regrouped (Nathanael, Sabrina, Mme. Bustier, and Alix) for a group photo, and everyone else continued to do their thing individually or with their friends.

"Jesus, this thing is massive," Kim muttered, looking up at the magnificent structure.

"Almost as big as Chloe's ego," Juleka whispered to him.

He had to hold back howls of laughter from that one - Juleka could end someone's whole career if she wanted. Rose evidently heard it too, as the young girl was snickering next to her close friend.

"What do you think, Nathalie? Isn't it gorgeous?" Adrien smiled.

"It is quite lovely," Nathalie smiled. "G?"

The Gorilla nodded in approval - he always loved architecture. The Colosseum was a prime example of the craft at its prime.

"Alright class, let's go on inside and get set up with a guide!" Mme. Bustier said. "Everyone follow Mr. Damocles, please."

The students began to file into the tour line doors, all of them still thoroughly impressed with the Colosseum... it was so magical.

It felt like nothing could ruin the night at all.

Valerie Cassidy was a girl who just wanted to get through the week as of right now.

She was currently on her last hour of her shift for the week at the cosmetics shop - after this, she could go home and rest. She was looking forward to the weekend like never before... and shit. Her boss was coming towards her.

"Hey Valerie," he said. "Sorry to break this to you - but I'm gonna need you to stay a little late tonight."

"Why?!" Valerie asked.

"Tamera has called in sick," said her boss. "And we need someone to cover for her, and you're the only employee left... sorry, but the responsibility falls on you tonight."

Tamera... the chick was probably just looking for an excuse to party.

"Fine," Valerie groaned.

"Thanks Val," said her boss. "I'll see if I can add a little extra to your pay this week."

"Probably won't be more than ten bucks," Valerie thought, sulking as she walked away from behind the counter. She huffed angrily as she stepped (or, lightly stomped) over to the counter where the scented candles were sold, and she eagerly took a hold of the one that looked the most appealing.

At least the scent was pleasing... but she still felt angry. Why the hell did this have to fall on her?

She looked up to the ceiling and bit her lip to try and stop the angry tears from falling... this was the last thing she needed...

And Valerie didn't even notice the purple butterfly that had flown into the scented candle.

"Hello Vox, I am Hawk Moth. I am here to give you the power to show this Tamera character the true meaning of a graveyard shift - I will give you the power to freeze your opponents in a permanent ring of darkness, making their vision trick them into thinking the night has suddenly sprung upon them. However, on your way, pick up the Miraculouses of Ladybug and Chat Noir for me, will you?"

"Heck yes, Hawk Moth," Valerie smirked.

Valerie was then encased in an oily black and purple mist, before being transformed into a near exact replica of the Roman goddess of darkness - Vox.

Another Roman-themed akuma! Hope ye like Vox when we see her in action! :D

And Alya... your wish just might come true... ;) Please let me know what ye thought! Thanks for reading guys! See you next chapter - love you all! :D