And now, after WAY too long, it's time for the demonic duo to continue their anything-but-heroic quest!
It was around noon the next day when the demonic duo finally got back to work. While a large chunk of the time was spent doing enough fornication to fuel hundreds of fanfics, they also enjoyed catching up on Panay's government doing its damnedest to keep all their chaos quiet. It turns out now there were constant updates on the news about the various "incidents" around the island, but that the respectable government was peacefully dealing with all the situations discretely. Cherri especially liked the claim that their assault on the mountain base to save Jade was just a side effect of them testing nuclear warheads and that was nothing to be alarmed about.
"Man, whoever they get to write their propaganda needs to be fired," said Demencia as she stepped outside, "I've seen tabloids do a better job at selling bullshit stories. That and first-year students in Black Hat University's Propaganda courses."
"What don't they teach at that school?" asked a genuinely curious Cherri.
"Well… Pretty sure we don't have any culinary arts. I just get by on cannibalism and sugary cereal instead!"
Cherri just shook her head, even now still surprised by some of the insanity her lover spouted and started loading a shotgun with her mind and shot at the two military goons on bikes across the street. As one of them fell thanks to his brain being turned to salsa, the other barely got a chance to retaliate as Demencia set him ablaze with a fireball.
Neither of them batted an eye as they hopped on their new motorcycles and started riding off down the highway. With no major plans for the day, the two were content to do whatever came to them. They did so for about an hour which involved telekinetically throwing cars into the ocean and then using the ones who swam out as for target practice, grappling soldiers into explosive barrels and then chucking them off cliffs and learning that blood does indeed conduct electricity! They made sure to have a celebratory drink in honor of the thirty-two wonderful volunteers who helped them in their noble experiment.
About an hour in, though, they found a messenger for the Ular Boys running into them in the middle of their games with an assignment for them. Figuring they could go for more of the tribe's special herbal "medicine", they complied and followed their PDA to a gas station where Sri was waiting for them.
"Ah, my saudaras, I have grave news for you."
"Electronic Arts bought Nintendo?!" shrieked Demencia, "I'd rather eat my tail than have microtransactions in Metroid Prime 4!"
"Really?" asked Cherri, "That's what came to your mind?"
"Nah, the author's just a total nerd," shrugged the dragon-girl, "What's really going on?"
"There is a sacred burial ground of the Ulars that has existed for over a millennium," spoke Sri, "One that holds the remains of my beloved ancestors just like all of my brothers and sisters. IT is our tribe's tradition to make a pilgrimage to this site in order to pay respects to the dead."
"And let me guess," said Cherri, "Panay wants to turn your precious landmark into a tank depot?"
"Exactly… That thoughtless cur has already blocked off the site and arrested half a dozen Ulars who were merely fulfilling their rite of passage! Saudaras, I need you two to fly there and wipe out all the Panauan military so that my men can move in and reclaim it for our descendants! I should also point out that burial site is one of the key habitats of several of the mushrooms from our homebrewed medicine…"
"Say no more!" declared Demencia, "We will rid your precious historical site of those vile villains! Those rapscallions shall pay for defiling such a cultural landmark!"
"Do you have any idea where it is?" asked Cherri, playing along with her girlfriend's act.
"Not in the slightest!"
"And aren't you going to murder people by the dozen for this?"
"Naturally, but sometimes sacrifices must be made!"
"Sacrifices for your drug fix, right?"
"Absolutely! Although, I was planning on giving you the first hit…"
"Oh, my hero!" swooned the one-eyed girl as over-the-top as she wrapped the other demoness in her arms and kissed her. Sri, clearly amused by the whole scene, decided to speak up now that they were done.
"Well then, there is no time to waste! I'll have my men escort you there, so you get started straight away."
The ladies walked onto the chopper, deciding to take the free ride even if they could both fly themselves, and soon were brought to the northwest coast of the main island. The duo did choose to depart early as they jumped out of the chopper when they were still eight thousand feet in the air. Whether it was faith in their abilities or seeing them as disposable, Sri barely reacted to the pair leaping from his aircraft without a parachute.
While Demencia pulled out her wings at the last minute and managed to land safely, Cherri was not so lucky. She had the brilliant idea to use her grappling hooks to latch on to the ground and pull herself in. The girl was talented at many things, but physics were not one of them. All she did was speed up her descent and thus increase the force she crashed into the earth with, breaking her neck and causing immense damage to her internal organs. Thankfully, her regeneration let her give the double middle finger to physics once again as she picked herself up a few minutes later without a scratch on her.
"That was totally awesome!" gushed Demencia, "But what made you think that would work?"
"Do I really need a reason at this point?"
"Oh, you…" Demencia just smirked as she pulled out an assault rifle from her hair and walking towards their destination. Unlike any of the previous strongholds, this one was actually a simple village with many houses still standing and a large temple in the back for religious purposes. The military, however, had clearly moved in given the heavily armed troops walking around and multiple barricades set up throughout the village.
With so many toys and powers at their disposal, the demons wasted no time getting things started. Cherri levitated one of the many jeeps lined up out front and threw it straight at a manned Gatling gun, blowing the weapon, its operator and several nearby mooks to kingdom come. Demencia began by flying into the air and dive-bombing several unlucky soldiers with a submachinegun in each hand, twirling through the sky with uncanny accuracy and quickly taking all of their blood for herself as she flew by that she could use later.
Despite the relatively small size of the area, the place was crawling with soldiers and now all of them were aiming for the heroin-loving heroines. Even still, they were barely fazed and soon their assailants were dealt with by electrified grappling hooks, flaming shuriken, shotgun blasts that were telekinetically guided to hit their testicles without fail and falling anvils made of blood that only got progressively larger as they soaked up more hemoglobin. Had the ladies been keeping count, they had already racked up almost eighty casualties in this one setting and their total was starting to approach two thousand.
Instead of worrying about paltry things like statistics, though, they were two busy running past the front barricades and into the temple where an entire platoon laid in ambush. The problems with trying to ambush a pair of all-but-invulnerable she-demons were apparent. They barely even looked at their opponents as they started a conversation.
"So, are they any drugs you haven't taken?" asked a curious Demencia as she sent a blood-axe through a man's stomach.
"I always stayed away from ecstasy," admitted Cherri while she stabbed several grunts in rapid succession, "Never seemed that appealing."
"Really? I thought that kind of stuff would be handed out like candy in nightclubs in your home…" Demencia then rolled her eyes as someone threw a grenade at her. She kicked it back like a soccer ball before pulling out her own grenade launcher.
"Some places do that, but I never went to them. Too busy either building my turf or just stealing stuff."
"Ooooh, can I visit Hell sometime?!" asked Demencia excitedly while also strangling a man to death with her tail, "I would make an awesome mob enforcer! I even taught a class on it once!"
"Well, duh! Once we're done here, we can use that portal to go there and then we'll really have fun!" She then electrocuted three more incoming troops and then made a hammer to happily smash the next lucky customer's skull. Even by their standards, the mission so far had been a cakewalk as the temple floor was dyed red and corpses were strewn about all over the place. The two then made their way on top of a massive arch at the back of the temple to find the same last stand as the last three strongholds; a horde of goons behind a Gatling gun with nothing more than a three-foot high wall of sandbags for cover.
"You'd think they'd finally step up their game…" sighed Cherri.
Just as she said that, half a dozen jeeps rolled into the village and parked at the back end of the gate. Soon they were boxed in between the twenty goons from the vehicle blockade and the grunts manning the edge of the village.
"That's more like it!" she remarked, genuinely pleased that this one was going to end differently. She then looked at Demencia and the grunts standing by the cars. "I've got the perfect idea for these guys…"
"Does it involve explosions?!" asked her lover.
"Many, but I need those cars to do it."
"Say no more!" Demencia leapt off the archway as the goons opened fire on her. While she did get shot multiple times and her legs shattered on impact, good old regeneration fixed that in an instant and let her go to town on the unfortunate mooks.
Since the goal was to leave the cars intact, she kept to her claws, teeth and tail to rip the soldiers to shreds. For them it was something straight out of a horror movie as the dragon-girl tore off their limbs, chomped down their throats and even ate a few of them completely while their guns did nothing to help them. For Demencia it was a delicious lunch that she had been seriously lacking since becoming a demon. She made a mental note to eat more regularly despite no longer needing sustenance. Her taste for the different blood types had dulled to the point where she almost confused a B-positive for an A-negative. If her buddies from her cannibalism club heard that, they would have never let her hear the end of it!
"All done!" she flourished at the six untouched cars surrounded by half-eaten Panauan militiamen. One poor sap tried to headshot her with his pistol, but all he got was her tail crushing his neck for the trouble.
"Excellent work," complimented Cherri, "Now sit back and watch the fireworks…"
She then used her telekinesis to lift all of the jeeps off the ground until they were above the arch. She then turned to the encampment and let the cars fly at them. "Hey cock-munchers, catch this!"
The soldiers looked on in terror as six of their own cars came barreling down on them from the sky like a tidal wave of metal. The man behind the mounted gun tried shooting at them, but the cars landed just as he pulled the trigger. Thanks to their cheaply made components, the vehicles immediately exploded on impact and blew the militants to burnt smithereens.
As Cherri floated down from the arch, Demencia was applauding and firing off revolvers into the air like Yosemite Sam. "Woohoo! Encore! Encore! But with ten times more guys next time!"
"Oh, you liked that? Trust me, that's nothing compared to how I'll make you explode…"
"Oh, reeeeeally? Care to prove that?"
"Give me a bottle of scotch and some ice and I'll have you singing opera…"
Before they could get started on that, however, Sri and his Ulars arrived on their chopper to start cleaning up the settlement. "Magnificent job, saudaras!" greeted the leader as he approached them, "Now our descendants will be able to fulfill their pilgrimages to manhood for years to come!"
Unfortunately for him, the two were too busy sucking face to properly reply. They walked away still locking lips while one of the Ulars, clearly trying not to stare at them, handed them a duffel bag filled with their tribe's exclusive medicine. The duo finally acknowledged him as they waved goodbye before flying off to progress from first base to a homerun.
"Haha, young love," laughed Sri, not offended in the slightest, "It's such a shame they weren't born here or the Ulars could become a global power with their bloodline…"
Once they had flown off to a different part of the island, the demonesses wasted no time hijacking a car, breaking into their new stash and stripping in record time. Many of the passing drivers were wise enough to drive past the blue taxicab shaking on the side of the road, but many soldiers on patrol tried to arrest them. By the end of their roadside drug-fueled two-woman orgy, there were thirty more grunts killed via guns, axes, broken necks and blood loss resulting from getting their privates bitten off.
"Well, now that I'm sexually satisfied for the next few hours," said Cherri as she got into the driver's seat, "What to do next?"
"Ooh, let's blow up some more pipelines!" said Demencia as she rode in the backseat, taking another snort of cocaine, "We might as well fuck with their economy like we've been fucking each other!"
"I love the way you think…"
The two then haphazardly drove off, completely unsure on where to find any pipelines, but they did find many a way to cause horrendous traffic accidents. Just as they were causing double-decker busses to wreck by popping their tires via shotgun, they were approached by a messenger for the Roaches.
"Thanks kid!" said Demencia as she threw several blood shuriken at a car full of soldiers trying to stop them, "Tell your boss to get his finest meth ready for us!"
"Actually, throw some real strong pills in too," added Cherri as she blasted another oncoming car with lightning, "I'm in the mood for something more varied." He left just as she pulled out two new daggers and rappelled herself towards their reinforcements.
"Very true," nodded her lover sagely while roasting a man alive, "It's important to keep your drug-diet balanced."
Once their latest firefight of the day was done, they ran off to find a gas station where Razak was waiting for them in a blue jeep along with a handful of bodyguards.
"Ah, ladies, I have very grave news. Our profits have begun to slip thanks to crackdowns by the government. At this rate, we may have to stop supplying some of our pharmaceuticals."
"Fuck no!" shouted both of them, each of them pulling out a shotgun in anger.
"Tell us where to go, what to do, and who to give an ass-reaming!" demanded Cherri.
"Yeah! I only just got started on my drug addictions! How can those monsters stop you before I get a chance to poison my body some more?!" cried Demencia, shooting several nearby cars in a blind fury.
"Oh, trust me, I have that exactly in mind," assured the mob leader, "And I already have a plan to inject some new life into our operation! There just so happens to be an oil refinery in Panau that, if the Roaches had it, could rake in millions of dollars a day! I would be eternally grateful of you two would work your magic and clear out the facility."
"Done and done!" saluted Demencia, "We'll get you enough black gold to bathe in it!"
While Cherri considered adding that to their next all-day love session, Razak merely laughed. "Excellent enthusiasm! Now then, step onto our copter and let those quacks have it for interfering in our trade!"
They once again took the free ride and used the free time on the way to their destination to get a proper buzz going with opioids and hard scotch. Before long the pair was brought over a gigantic refinery in the northeastern part of Panau where the bed of trees was broken up by massive towers, brick smokestacks and dozens of officers wandering around while the few civilian workers did their best to not pee themselves.
That all changed, however, when the demonesses literally dropped out of the sky. Rather than crash this time, they both took flight just above the refinery and started dropping dozens of frag grenades all over the place. The workers immediately ran for cover, but the soldiers quickly noticed that all the explosives still had their pins. Cherri's telekinesis quickly changed that, though, and soon dozens of explosions rang out simultaneously as many goons were blasted to bits.
"How did we wait this long before doing that?!" wondered Demencia, flying in with a revolver and her old mace, "This is like my personal fantasy!"
"Well, subtlety has never been my strong suit," answered Cherri as she alternated between using a sniper rifle and throwing knives, "But I figured why not really go all out this time? Plus, I knew you'd like it…"
"You are the best demented she-devil a blood-hungry psychopath like me could ask for!"
Before they could get more sweet words, they were brought back to their job by the refinery's anti-aircraft missiles trying to shoot them down. Rather than question the sheer insane logic of why a place filled with crude and refined oil would have that kind of weaponry around, they merely dodged the explosives and blew them up with fire and lightning. Once they were clear for landing, and their legs regenerated from red paste, they were surrounded by dozens of goons.
"Drop your weapons!" shouted one of the elites, only to get cut off by the ladies not looking the least bit afraid.
"Yeah, I just had a rocket literally blow off my tail," snarked Demencia, "One little machine gun doesn't scare me. Shit, it didn't scare me before I was indestructible."
"Yeah, and I've had moments where someone pointed bigger guns then me just because I wouldn't suck his dick," added Cherri, "Although… that did usually mean a new gun for me and one more rapist without a penis."
All of the goons began shooting like crazy, but that just gave them further proof to show how invincible they were. The duo literally stood perfectly still and took it even as their brains, bones and every artery in their body was pulverized several times over by the onslaught of bullets.
"There," said Cherri, "Now that you've even bigger idiots out of yourselves-"
"And wasted so much perfectly good ammo!" cried Demencia, "I could've robbed like nine banks and four drug-dens with all these!"
"-Are you gonna stop acting like macho men who stick their dicks in blenders full of pickled herring because masculinity or are you going to start being reasonable and surrender?"
The sounds of dozens of them trying to reload their weapons was answer enough. Cherri's face lit up in a smile.
"Good choice."
And from there, an all-out bloodbath that would make Roman emperors queasy commenced. Both of the demonesses decided to repay them for all the gunfire they inflicted on them by making their attack as grisly as possible. Demencia went to town on them with her own guns, blowing holes in everyone she saw. On the rare chance someone tried to shoot her point blank, she bit the unlucky sap's arm off and ate the gun along with it. Some may call this a waste of ammo, but to her it was keeping her nutrition balanced. She made a note to eat plenty of sugar afterwards to balance out all the recent healthy eating.
Cherri, meanwhile, was taking the phrase "going medieval" literally as she was summoning every weapon in existence from her body and testing all of them out. Whether it was splitting skulls in half with axes, shoving multiple knives into chests, smashing limbs into pulp with hammers, or just slicing enemies to pieces with a five-foot long katana she still loved seeing fuckers in her way suffer. Did this make Cherri a sadist? Yes, but at least she was honest about it.
When the carnage finally settled, there was enough blood on the ground and the silos around them to choke an entire family of sparkly vampires. They also gathered up every firearm they had in order to restock their supply and also broke out the tequila to toast to their latest act of foreign terrorism.
"To making drug cartels look like pansies!" cheered Cherri as she downed her bottle in a few gulps.
"To proving that the M-rating on this story is well-fucking-deserved!" returned Demencia as she smashed the already-finished bottle of whiskey over her head.
With such an act of carnage dealt with, they decided to play the rest of the mission more low-key. Naturally, their definition of low-key still meant that they found ways to have plenty of fun. Demencia used all the blood they spilt from their latest massacre to make into a meteor storm that pulverized the reinforcements coming in from the front gate. Then Cherri pulled out a pair of grenade launchers in her hands plus half a dozen chainsaws powered up by her lightning with her telekinesis and utterly demolished the various smokestacks around the refinery. Once they had more bodies and bricks than they knew what to do with, they saw their last stand this time was actually a trio of armored cars that barreled into the place.
"Well, look at that," admired Cherri, "They decided to finally step up their game. What, you don't want to make a line of sandbags first?"
They were answered by not one, but three colonels each wearing one of their magic bulletproof vests coming out of the makeshift tanks to meet them.
"Ooh, rematch time!" grinned Demencia as she readied her claws and her wings, "This time I'm gonna get the high score and pee on your corpses for bonus points!"
While the draconic girl charged straight at the three colonels, Cherri occupied herself with the armored cars. It seems that Panau's military was finally throwing the big guns at them as all three of the vehicles fired their massive autocannons at her. While she managed to dodge or deflect most of the blasts with her minds, she did lose a few limbs thanks to their explosive power. And true to their name, these cars could take a great deal of punishment as neither her guns or lightning did much to penetrate them.
As she kept flying to avoid the shots, however, that is when she looked at her wrists and got an idea. She flew directly above the lead vehicle and sent both of her grappling hooks straight into the cannon and with some extra oomph from her telekinesis she managed to yank the weapon clean off. Figuring that the cannon's armor would be as strong as the rest of the vehicle's, she used it like a giant knife to slice a hole into the side of the mammoth machine and then rip it open with her mind. The rather terrified driver did the smart thing, for one, and tried to run only for Cherri to blast all four of his limbs off with a shotgun.
With one taken care of, the other two were a breeze. She picked up the entire armored car with her mind, coated every inch of it in lightning, and used it like a giant electrified hammer to utter demolish the other two cars.
Demencia, meanwhile, had a much easier time against the colonels this time around. While all three of them had machine guns and their near-invincible armor, the demoness had more than enough tools to counter them. After biting the first one's head off, she emptied all the blood from his body and used it to slice their weapons clean in half. With no means to defend themselves, the two colonels did the absolute dumbest thing possible and charged in with the intention to fight hand-to-hand. Demencia had to hold herself back from laughing at their suicidal overconfidence as she made a blood drill that tore clean through the first moron and then finished the second one off by roasting him alive.
With the final wave dealt with the Roaches soon moved in. Chief among them was Razak arriving in a pickup truck with the bed loaded with suitcases.
"What exceptional work, ladies!" he complimented them, "A mix of surgical precision and destructive power that makes my old heart feel young again. I've got quite the selection of products here for your reward."
"First one to get high enough to see Jupiter strips!" yelled Demencia as she just yanked off the driver-side door of the truck and drove off without Cherri. The cyclops did not mind, though.
"Quite eager, isn't she?" asked Razak while Cherri pulled out a cigarette.
"Yeah, she's come so far," she said while lighting the smoke with her lightning, "Can you believe when we first met, she tried to rip my head off?"
"Actually, yes. You both have such strong wills and bloodlust. Reminds me of my second wife…"
"What happened to the first?"
"Long story, but let's just say she was giving discounts to the wrong people. Go off with your friend, young one. Better to enjoy life while you can."
Cherri grappled herself away while the grizzled old boss looked on, secretly wondering just how far he could expand his business with those two under his command.
The rest of the day passed quickly for the demonic duo. After all, trying nearly every flavor of pharmaceutical known to mankind takes a lot out of you. By the time dawn came around the next day, they had smoked, shot, snorted, swallowed, and sampled enough drugs that they should have overdosed dozens of times over. Thanks to demonic regeneration, though, they were no worse for wear although the same could not be said for the gas station they partied in all night. Cherri blew up the last of it with rockets not to hide any evidence, but because they did not stock her favorite candy.
Their morning, while much more sober, was just as chaotic. Several gunfights, a high-speed boat chase, a brief stop for mimosas at a bar after blowing away another squad of soldiers, and then clearing out a handful of villages. While some saw this as a deed done out of a desire to free the oppressed people, their real intentions were different.
"Surrender!" yelled an elite soldier, "You are under a-"
"Sorry!" said Demencia, "Couldn't hear you over my grenade launcher blowing up your face."
"I fucking knew it," said Cherri while electrocuting several unlucky mooks, "These guys really don't get it. I thought there were some dumb schmucks in Hell, but this is getting dumber than me on heroin!"
"Look on the bright side. It means more chances to do THIS!"
She was referring to an oncoming troop of soldiers which she proceeded to slaughter with her tail, claws, and a conveniently placed pile of explosive barrels. She may have lost a few limbs and her brain twice, but they grew back soon.
"Yeah, gotta admit that doesn't get old. But does it beat this?"
She pulled out two katanas from her back and went to town on a pair of cars that were driving up to them carrying even more fodder. She ran straight at the oncoming vehicles and beheaded all of the people inside on each side of her. While one car swerved into a building thanks to the driver being decapitated, the other tried to turn out to run her over. It only got halfway there since the one-eyed psychopath proceeded to lift the car up with her mind and chucked it into the ocean.
Their intellectual debate was interrupted by a call on their PDA by Bolo Santosi herself.
"Greetings, comrades. Your recent attacks are getting some of the people to shake of Panay's chains, but we need something bigger."
"Bigger than the giant outpost we smashed up rescuing our friend?" said Cherri curiously, "What did you have in mind?"
"In the deserts near the southwest corner of Panau there is a gigantic military supply depot that houses dozens of vehicles and hundreds of troops. They are responsible for oppressing dozens of towns in the region and keeping the fear of Panay's regime alive."
"And by demolishing the place," Dementia interrupted, "We shatter his tyrannical image that keeps the populace in line and thus more people will be willing to publicly rebel against him and/or join your faction to fight back."
"Exactly, darling! Taking that depot could be the lynchpin that turns the Reapers from a struggling force into the revolutionary power the people need! So, what so you ladies?"
"Sign us up, La Capitan!" Demencia saluted her with the scout's honor sign while her partner was clearly trying not to laugh.
"Excellent to hear! My men will arrive to escort you shortly. Enjoy your liberation, my little insurgents."
Cherri then spontaneously broke into laughter. Apparently, Bolo's voice was too much for her and soon she started pounding her head into the pavement. Or it could have been the five joints she smoked during that conversation. Either way the demonic duo was soon brought over by chopper to the sand-covered lower corner of the island where they saw a sprawling complex filled with even more soldiers than usual. Rather than an air approach, they literally blew down the front gates with telekinesis. The guards all pointed their weapons at the two ladies strolling through the gates both smoking Cuban cigars.
"You know, I think these things are overrated," said a slightly disappointed Demencia, "The taste is a bit too bitter and it doesn't create a very satisfying drag."
"Aw, baby, I'm sorry," pouted Cherri, "Can I get you something to make you feel better?"
"Weeeeeell… There is one thing I've wanted to see you do."
"Name it."
Demencia whispered her request into her girlfriend's ear just as the soldiers all got into a line to act as one giant firing squad. Thankfully for the cyclops, it made her job even easier. Once all the bullets started firing, Cherri stopped them all in mid-air with her mind until thousands of still pieces of ammo filled the air between the two sides. While the soldiers all looked speechless, they were even more so when she turned the bullets around to face the firing squad and then sent them back with the same velocity as an actual gun.
One bullet-ridden line of thirty grunts later, Demencia was peppering Cherri's faces with kisses. "That. Was. AMAZING! Eat your heart out, Matrix! I've got the real chosen one by my side!"
After another brief make-out session, the terrors got to work bringing everyone in the massive complex to their knees. Demencia took all the blood from their wannabe executioners and put it to excellent use as she made three clones of herself who proceeded to run amok on the base. While they did not have the guns or pyrokinesis of the original, they still had claws, a tail and were just as ravenous for human flesh as the original. To make matters worse for the soldiers who attacked them, the clone could then take the blood of her victim and use that to make herself bigger and stronger.
While her clones worked their magic, the original decided she had gotten too far from her inner pyromaniac. She decided to really test her flamethrowing and got as creative she could. Whether it was simple fireballs, flaming sucker punches to spleens, breathing flames to set vehicles on fire or summoning a massive blast of fire akin to certain anime characters that was big enough to reduce a whole hangar and the fighter jets inside into molten goop.
Cherri had less of a plan but was no less getting an enormous thrill. She found out a brilliant new way to murder bad guys with electric bullets. By sending a brief charge through whatever gun she was using, she found that she could make her rounds travel far faster, hit harder and make a corpse spasm for several minutes thanks to the residual charge. And that was in between her smashing heads with a baseball bat, ripping limbs off with her grappling hooks, flinging vehicles around with her mind and occasionally stopping to take a bite out of their bodies. The cyclops had a surprisingly extensive vocabulary for someone of her stature, but overkill was not in it.
Pretty soon the once-mighty fortress was a combination scrapyard/burial ground for the one hundred plus soldiers who made the unfathomably stupid mistake of not running from the demonesses. Once it seemed like there was no one to stop them, they found another pitiful last stand was ready to stop them. This time it was a fleet of five helicopters with their rocket launchers and machine guns all trained on them.
"Do these fuckers forget that we can fly?" asked Cherri idly, barely noticing a rocket exploding ten feet away and shrapnel stabbing her in four different places.
"It wouldn't surprise me," thought Demencia while her blood clones all collected into a fifty-foot liquid colossus to distract the guards, "I mean they clearly draft any able-bodied men they can find and more than likely put all their pilfered military funds into armaments so training is a lower priority."
"It's almost a shame. Imagine some tactician crapping himself because every strategy he tries just means more dead bodies for them and stolen liquor for us!"
As one of the helicopters finally got the brilliant idea to stop firing at the giant blood construct and aim for the fleshy targets instead, the duo decided to bring this little charade to an end. Demencia revealed her wings while Cherri floated with her mind and the two both flew straight at the first chopper. He sent a hail of gunfire their way, but Cherri sent the shots towards the ground while her draconic girlfriend smashed straight through the cockpit and began shredding the pilot to pieces with her claws and teeth.
While she enjoyed her snack, Cherri flew up to another copter with a grenade launcher in each hand. After effortlessly dodging every shot he fired at her, it only took a few well-placed shots to down her foe and move on to the next. Once she put the guns back in her cleavage, she brought out a six-foot long katana from her body and proceeded to electrify the blade. Excited to see what this weapon could do, she flew in top speed and saw that the lightning sword cut through the solid metal like butter and soon began wailing on the chopper until she finally hit the engine and had to stop to regenerate after taking an explosion to the face.
As both the lovers reformed, they faced the final copter together and decided to try using their powers in tandem. They held hands and began focusing on the last man standing within the whirlybird, Demencia channeling her blood powers and Cherri her telekinesis, and were delighted at the result: the pilot spontaneously exploded into a bloody mess so violently his liquid broke the cockpit glass.
As the final chopper fell out of sky and exploded, the duo looked at each other. For once they were both speechless. It was not until Bolo drove up with several vans full of Reapers that they were broken out of their stupor.
"Magnificent work, ladies!" she said to them, "Such a demonstration of power will surely let the people know they can fight back. And now, you're reward…"
A pair of grunts in red bandanas walked up with a chest full of contraband liquor stolen from Panauan forces. They said nothing as Cherri picked up the trunk with her telekinesis and the two flew off.
"How curious. They seem shaken, but they never struck me as anything less than hardened killers. I hope their fire is not dimming because this revolution is far from over…"
The two flew for miles away until they came across a small house in the middle of the desert. They landed on the ground with their new booty behind them after being completely silent the whole way.
"Cherri?" spoke Demencia, "That thing we did… with that last guy…"
"I know…" replied her lover, "It was the most brutal thing I've ever seen."
They both stared at each other they spontaneously ran towards each other and furiously started sucking face.
"It was also the hottest thing I've ever seen!" shouted the dragon girl, "I wanted to start plowing you right there, but I knew Bolo was coming…"
"Right?!" yelled her one-eyed lover, "I don't need that tramped-up bitch ruining our fun. And now we have enough liquor to make the whole thing even better!"
Demencia ripped the door to the house off its hinges and wasted no time pulling out a whipped cream canister from her hair and soon Cherri entered with all their new booze. They felt this was the only way to work off a hard day of work: a day-long sex fest.
I do want to genuinely apologize to all readers here for the five-month delay, but I'm now finished classes for the semester and will put more effort into this. Funny how a crack fic full of violent nonsense ends up being what I'm worried about... Anyhoo, until next time!