Hello! SO! This is the last chapter. It was kind of outside my comfortzone, but I hope you like it (which is also why it took some time, even though it's pretty short, compared to the other installments). Already got a few other stories blooming, so stay tuned for any new pieces. Enjoy.
The next morning, Magnum woke up with the sun and a soundly sleeping Higgins nestled at his side. Her features had softened and she was completely relaxed, as if she had melted against his side. She wasn't too cold anymore, but not warm either. Her fingers were splayed on his abdomen, twitching every now and then. He stayed absolutely still; she needed the sleep.
A lock of blonde hair was brushing against his shoulder and had briefly distracted him from the thumping pain in his bad leg, which was the reason for his current predicament. He hadn't moved much through the night and felt stiff and achy all over his body as he unwound his arm from underneath the sleeping beauty of Juliet Higgins and padded out of the room with silent hisses of pain every other step.
Luckily, Higgins didn't stir, he thought as he fetched a t-shirt and made his way to locate the painkillers he'd been given. He hadn't made it more than five steps, before Zeus and Apollo bounded around the corner and stopped dead in their tracks. Their appearance only made his heart beat faster and consequently hurried the pain in his leg.
"You two are going to be the death of me, one day," he muttered under his breath after he sighed. The dogs just sat down and watched him with tilted heads as he hobbled along. They followed him to the kitchen where he downed two pills, put on the coffee and levered himself into a chair.
"Why don't you two go out and chase some innocent squirrel?" he asked with a sigh when Zeus sat down next to the chair and gently rested his head on the faded old board shorts. Luckily, the dog chose the good leg. It took a couple of minutes for the medicine to kick in, so Magnum sat quietly and scratched the dog behind the ears. When he moved to stand the two dogs jumped around playfully.
"Alright, you mutts need to get outside and run off all that energy," the private investigator said and soon after all three of them were moving towards the beach. Magnum hobbled along, while the dogs ran in circles around him, chasing birds and each other. His thoughts wandered back to the night before, and how much it had felt like home to sleep right next to Higgins. Hawaii had always been great, but last night was a whole new, and very welcome feeling.
He was sure, however, it was just a one-time thing that would never be spoken about ever again. As he reached the sand he stepped into the calm water and let the water lap around his ankles for minutes. The sun was already warming him up, despite the early hour. The dogs were standing in the sand, waiting for him to move. Apparently, he two dogs despised swimming as much as their owner. Magnum walked back on dry land and headed for the lawn chairs looking out over the ocean.
"How are you feeling, Tommy-boy? Got some new friends?" T.C. asked sometime later as he sat down in the other chair. Magnum shrugged and sighed.
"Been better," he said. "Also been worse." He looked to the two dogs, still running around and digging holes in the sand. "I don't know what I did, but they followed me down here and I'm still alive, so I guess I'm not their dinner anymore," the injured man said.
"Yeah, Higgy was surprised, too. She looks a lot better than the last few days. I take it the two of you talked yesterday?" T.C. asked, probably having been updated by Rick. Magnum nodded with a small smile. The majordomo was already up and roaming the main house. On top of that, she had observed him and the dogs as they walked to the beach. And yet, she still hadn't hurried down to reprimand him about proper wound care and behavior after bad injuries.
"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be alright," he said, although a bit hesitant now. "Help me up, T.C.?" he asked and was gently hoisted to his feet. The two dogs came bounding back to them, Zeus sneaking under Magnum's hand as the two men started walking slowly back to the house.
"I spoke with Katsumoto this morning. He's coming by this afternoon to update the two of you on the case," T.C. said as they reached the main house. Magnum had only gotten small bits of information about the case in his time at the hospital, so he welcomed any updates with open arms.
"Good. On that note, don't you think it's about time we got together for a good old movie night?" Magnum asked, feeling the sudden need to have all his friends close to him again.
"Are you sure, T.M.?" the pilot asked, a bit skeptic and Magnum nodded. "Alright, I'll set it up. Rick and I will take care of everything. I'll see you tonight," T.C. said and left him alone back in the kitchen. Magnum retrieved two mugs and filled them with the fresh coffee.
"Come on, lads, find Higgins," he said and followed the two Dobermans. Surely, they led him to the study. "Good morning, Higgy," he said as he carefully limped another step, trying not to spill the coffee.
"Do you need a hand with that?" she asked when she saw the concentration on his face. Without waiting for an answer, she placed the two mugs on the desk and guided Magnum to the chair across from the desk.
"Just so you know, I had it covered," he said with a grimace and rubbed his injured leg.
"Yeah, I saw that. I just didn't want to take the chance, that you might spill those precious drops. And God forbid, if you spilled on the priceless Persian carpet," she retorted and sat back down to nurse one of the mugs. They were both quiet for a moment, not sure where to start after last night.
"How are you doing?" Magnum finally asked. Higgins paused and leaned back in her chair as he looked at him.
"Better," she said and briefly averted her gaze from Magnum. "You?" she asked and took a sip.
"Just fine," the private investigator replied with a shrug. "T.C. says Katsumoto has an update," he continued and Higgins nodded.
"Yes, apparently Five-0 has almost closed the case," the majordomo agreed with a light smile.
"Aw, come on, I would have solved it, too," Magnum said, grinning.
"Of course, you would," Higgins said. "It was kind of unfair, that your investigation was interrupted by the bad guy kidnapping you. How rude of him," she continued and returned to work on her laptop with an amused twitch on her lips.
"Very rude," Magnum repeated and they fell back into silence for a few minutes. The silence was some kind of tense, without it being uncomfortable. He could almost feel how she wanted to talk, so he sat quietly and waited.
"I see the lads have changed their minds about you," Higgins said and Magnum huffed when the two dogs lifted their heads.
"Oh, please. As soon as I can move without falling flat on my face, they'll be back to chasing me," he replied and the quiet filled the room again. He was aware of her eyes finding him every few seconds.
"Listen, Magnum, about last night," she started and halted. She hesitated before starting again. "I appreciate your understanding and it really helped me to sleep better that you stayed, but…" she paused again and this time Magnum jumped in.
"I get it, you don't want to become dependent on me to get a good night's sleep. This was just a… reboot of your sleeping pattern," he said, carefully suggesting the explanation, though it stung a little in his stomach.
"Exactly, anything more than that and people would begin to assume things about us. Together, I mean," Higgins said, obvious relief plastered on her face.
"And we definitely wouldn't want that," Magnum agreed and downed the rest of his coffee.
"So, they got everybody overseas connected to Henderson round up in local police custody and all the victims are being treated," Magnum clarified after Katsumoto's lengthy description of the case.
"Yes, and the remaining henchmen are going to jail. They claim that Tobias's body was dissolved in chemicals and there's nothing left of him. They're also saying that any killing was done by none other than Luke Reeves and Curtis Henderson, himself," Katsumoto confirmed and closed the manila folder with a firm hand. Never to be opened again. Magnum wasn't one to celebrate death, but those two men had definitely deserved it. Glancing at Higgins and Katsumoto, he wasn't the only one to feel that way.
"Robin's on the mend, also. His agent says he's awake and already talking about a new book," Higgins chimed in with a warmer smile as they heard the front door open.
"Nothing slows him down," Magnum confirmed with a smile.
"Who's ready for a rom-com-marathon with the best pizza on the island and a fridge full of ice-cold beer?" Rick called out, before he rounded the corner, arms full of provisions for the night. Katsumoto grabbed half of it before Rick continued towards the fridge.
"Yes, please, hand me a cold one," Magnum said and was instantly scolded with a handful of death stares. "Come on, just a sip," he tried to no avail.
"Sorry, buddy, but you and Higgy-baby are still on the strong stuff. No beers for you," T.C. said, when he came around the corner with a stack of pizza-boxes. "Kumu's got you covered, though," the pilot said, as he placed the boxes on the table. Kumu came in last with beverages for the two injured people and the entertainment for the night.
"Fine, but then we get to choose the first movie," Magnum sighed with a sulking expression that gained a chuckle from all the people around him as Kumu handed him a nonalcoholic drink.
Magnum and Higgins were the first to drift off, only halfway into the second movie. The two of them had occupied a corner of the couch since bathroom break between the movies and looked very comfortable. Magnum's bad leg were propped on a pillow on the table, with Higgins snuggled up in the corner, feet dangling over the armrest and head resting on Magnum's shoulder. His arm was draped over her waist and even their breathing seemed to be synchronized. The dogs were sprawled on the floor beneath them. T.C. was the first to spot that both of them had dozed of and elbowed Rick, who in turn tapped Kumu on the arm. It even caught the attention of Katsumoto and the four of them looked around, all smiles and silent giggles.
No words needed to be exchanged, they all knew their two friends would turn out fairly alright as long as they had each other to lean on.
The End.
I'm almost sad that this is over... Can I trouble you for your final thoughts about it? Anything, that needs more closure? I think I missed a couple of details, but I toyed with the possibility of leaving it a bit open for your own interpretation. Anyway, thanks for reading - you've all been amazing!