The Tragedy has come and nearly passed. Many lives have been lost to riots, experiments, and most importantly Killing Games. From copycats to legitimate games, hundreds of Ultimates have been forced to take part in these games. They're all the same. Motive, death, trial, execution, repeat. Whether on the moon, a train, or an amusement park, the pattern is always the same.
Well...what if we messed with that formula a little bit? A game where no one might die, but despair will be abundant. Secrets revealed, fears exploited, limbs lost, and maybe, just maybe, a death or two. Someone might even go insane. The Beast's Maze promises a game like no other. Even if everyone survives, some might wish that they didn't.
So, after much deliberation and getting permission from Crit, I have finally decided to make a spin-off for the Legacy of Despair series. And because I'm extra, I had to make things a bit different. Think of this game less as a Killing Game, and more as a Despair Game. Sort of like a Saw game. People might die, but there is chance of survival. Also, please keep in mind the changes on the application as they are a bit different from the typical application.
Rules for submissions:
Please send all submissions via PM. As with everyone else in this series, review submissions will be ignored.
Supernatural talents are acceptable, but please keep them reasonable.
I would prefer that your characters not be any older than 19. If they are, then you have to make them a Former Ultimate.
You are free to submit as many characters as you want. Get creative! I will try to keep this to two per creator.
I will be accepting twenty-two characters in total.
At the moment, submissions will be open until June 17th.
Update: I will allow for talents that have been used before in the series, and I will be open to accepting two characters per creator.
Submitted Characters: 37 (16 Girls/21 Boys)
1. Yui Yukimura [Ultimate Gunslinger] (Submitted by StoryProducer214)
2. Lucille DuCarde [Ultimate Formula-1 Racer] (Submitted by Dashunterman)
3. Alice Blackwell [Ultimate Caregiver] (Submitted by Bellatrixshine)
4. Gilbert Robbins (aka Sir Blaze) [Ultimate Knight] (Submitted by Gamergirl101)
5. Hideki Inoue [Ultimate ?] (Submitted by Bellatrixshine)
6. Yoshi Kruger [Ultimate Actress] (Submitted by NSPunny)
7. Fera Shoule [Ultimate Ghostwriter] (Submitted by 4242564 Knock on death's door)
8. Katherine "Kitty" Roberts [Ultimate Lion Tamer] (Submitted by The Celestial Sky Dragon)
9. Maurus "Tilki" Yılmaz [Former Ultimate Bandit] (Submitted by Runicwolf)
10. Christel Dreynamo [Former Ultimate Train Conductor] (Submitted by LckiKoin)
11. Shinya Dokusei [Ultimate Toxicologist] (Submitted by WoopaKoopaTroopa)
12. Mazin Brennar [Ultimate Maze Runner] (Submitted by 71526483)
13. Alejandro (Alex) Sanchez [Ultimate Roller Blader] (Submitted by ThatHydrokinetic)
14. Percy Alpina [Ultimate Fireworks Enthusiast] (Submitted by JCW18)
15. Kiiseu "Keith" Parker [Ultimate Badass] (Submitted by Bloodshottailsdoll)
16. Annaleise Lavar [Former Ultimate Queen] (Submitted by 71526483)
17. Gemma Hawkwood [Elite Archer] (Submitted by Crit Fail)
18. Chang-min [Former Ultimate Taekwondoin] (Submitted by ShinyOshawottKing1)
19. Heikki "Henry" Ruutikainen [Former Ultimate Rescuer] (Submitted by Runicwolf)
20. Ryosei Okazaki [Ultimate Insurance Broker] (Submitted by Prince PokePersona)
21. Tenshi Tsuchiya [Ultimate Iaidoka] (Submitted by Trust Me the Spider)
22. Jamie Smith [Ultimate Adapter] (Submitted by Fee5H)
23. Kazato Yoshihiro [Ultimate Historian] (Submitted by Tyleriscool12345)
24. Garnet Maddigan [Ultimate Acrobat] (Submitted by Alter Ego AV)
25. Aio Cosimo [Ultimate Kappa] (Submitted by Life among the dead)
26. Takeshi "Keshi" Abe [Ultimate Combat Medic] (Submitted by Abitat Eco)
27. Cadoc Drakeford [Former Ultimate Strongman] (Submitted by Superguy559)
28. Arachne Weaver [Ultimate Tapestry Weaver] (Submitted by ShinyOshawottKing1)
29. Yoshitora "Yoshi" Utagawa [Ultimate Kabuki Actor] (Submitted by RazTheGiant)
30. Mara Thompson [Ultimate Survivor] (Submitted by Sims Fan214)
31. Tuen Shopman [Former Ultimate Lawyer] (Submitted by ThePLOTHand)
32. Anthony Rufheiser [Ultimate Artificial Lifeform] (Submitted by 71526483)
33. Rafaela "Redslash" Frenzel [Ultimate Cyberpunk] (Submitted by 1Glimmershine)
34. Minemi Gojou [Ultimate Parapsychologist] (Submitted by Prince Pokepersona)
35. Eva Dufour [Ultimate Baker] (Submitted by Sims Fan214)
36. Itsuka Hiraku [Spectacular Vigilante] (Submitted by Pokemansuperallstar)
37. Iyasa Rivieras [Former Ultimate Mngwa] (Submitted by My death can't be cured)
Accepted Students
1. Lucille DuCarde
Gender: Female
Creator: Dashunterman
Age: 18
Birthday: June 7th
Nationality: French
Talent: Ultimate Formula-1 Racer
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style/Length: Short, boyish pixie-cut
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Tanned
Body Type: Thin, toned body, moderate bust, long arms, long legs,
Markings: A scar behind her left ear she received from a nasty crash during a race. Burn marks on both her palms from trying to open a door during a fire at her house.
Height/Weight:5 Feet 7 inches/115 Pounds
Normal Outfit: A red F-1 Racer suit. The top has white lines going along the sleeves to the shoulder and has numerous sponsor patches. The most prominent of which is for Bell Lake Construction, a stylized "B" and "L" done in the shape of a clock tower bell, on the back. The pants are cut for Lucille's body and, like the top, are red and have a white stripe going up the legs to the waist. The shoes are simple white, low-top sneakers without treads
Accessories: A gold locket, worn around her neck, that has a picture of her and her brother Lucas in it
2. Fera Shoule
Gender: Male
Creator: 4242564 Knock on Death's Door
Age: 16
Birthday: March 3rd
Nationality: Laotian
Talent: Ultimate Ghostwriter
Blood Type: A-
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style/Length: Short, curly hair with a silver fade on the sides
Eye Color: Smoky grey eyes
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Slender
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: He has a 'less than' birthmark on his left cheek and a 'greater than' birthmark on his right.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 103 lbs
Normal Clothing: A tight long-sleeved black shirt with a red stripe down the sleeves, black skinny jeans and white sneakers that can turn into skates with pop-out wheels.
Accessories: A red and purple scarf in a windsor knot style and black trilby hat with a small red belt.
3. Katherine Roberts
Gender: Female
Creator: The Celestial Sky Dragon
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 16th
Home country: Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA)
Talent: Ultimate Lion Tamer
Blood Type: AB-
Appearance: Kitty is a very pretty lady. She has fair colored skin, free of visible blemishes. She has long violet hair, kept up in curly twintails. She has bright blue eyes, a small nose and mouth, and a slim figure, with a bountiful chest (Which she admits is her least favorite feature).
Hair color/style: Long waist length violet hair, kept up in twintails, held up by sparkly violet ribbons. There are streaks of white running through her hair, and it has a bit of a curl to it.
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Type: Slim figure, with D-cup breasts
Birthmarks, scars or tattoos: She has a bite mark on her wrist from when a Lion cub bit her. The cub was being playful and didn't know its own strength. Kitty labeled it as an accident, but uses it as a constant reminder of what lions can truly do, even when young.
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 120LBS
Normal Clothing: Kitty's normal outfit consists of an odd ensemble. She wears a tight fitting lavender shirt, with see-through poofy sleeves. The shirt has a low collar, showing off quite a lot of her cleavage. Over her shirt, she wears a black and violet leather corset, tied behind her back with royal purple silk ribbons. It also has visible paw prints decorating most of it. Kitty wears a matching layered skirt, the top layer is black in color with glittering sequins and paw prints. The second later is violet and poofy, the final layer is white, and features various Big Cats embroidered onto the hem with black thread. She wears violet fishnet stockings, as well as matching heeled boots. Atop her head, she wears a pair of black kitty ears, usually matching the color of whatever she's wearing, normally it's purple.
Jewelry: Kitty has a pair of cat earrings on her ears. She also wears a kitty ear diadem on her head, and has a cat themed charm bracelet, loaded with charms of all of the big cats, as well as some of the places she's performed.
4. Hideki Inoue
Gender: Male
Creator: Bellatrixshine
Age: 4
Birthday: March 3rd
Nationality: Japanese
Talent: Ultimate ?
Blood Type: B-
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Hair Style/Length: Hideki has fluffy, shaggy hair that goes past his ears.
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Hideki has a small frame that is very adorable and typical for a toddler. While not malnourished, it is clear that he needs to be fed more often.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: He has a surgery scar running down his back.
Height: 3'4
Weight: 36 lbs
Normal Clothing: Hideki wears a pastel green t-shirt, jean overalls, white socks, and white Velcro sneakers.
Accessories: Hideki has a baby blue pacifier that is clipped to his shirt, and he always carries around a white teddy bear.
5. Yui Yukimura
Gender: Female
Creator: StoryProducer214
Age: 12
Birthday: October 2nd
Nationality: Japanese
Talent: Ultimate Gunslinger
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style/Length: Long hair that reaches mid-back and is tied into a ponytail, along with long and messy bangs and has some hair loose on the sides.
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Petite build
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Has some scars in her torso, but not to the extent of her brother's.
Height: 4'4 ft
Weight: 69 lbs
Normal Clothing: She wears a black jacket over a sleeveless gray blouse, white short shorts, and knee-high black leather boots.
Accessories: She wears a checkered black and gray scarf around her neck, which covers her mouth. She also wears a grey flat cap on top of her head and a black leather belt around her shorts, which contain a silver Desert Eagle pistol and a Colt Python revolver on the left and right side of her belt respectively, along with ammunition. She also wears black fingerless gloves on occasion.
6. Shinya Dokusei
Gender: Male
Creator: WoopaKoopaTroopa
Age: 18
Birthday: 12th November
Nationality: Japanese
Talent: Ultimate Toxicologist
Blood Type: O+
Hair Color: Brown hair with the tips dyed Green.
Hair Style/Length: Short hair that ends right above the nape of his neck. The front is swept to the right of his face, hanging right above his eye.
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Tone: Very Pale
Body Type: Very thin with almost no muscle.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: A large burn scar across his chest and several smaller burn scars spreading up his arms
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 128 lbs
Normal Clothing: Blue T-shirt, a dark green hooded jacket (unzipped), black jeans and black boots reaching just above his ankles, black fingerless gloves.
Accessories: Bandages on both arms reaching past his elbows. Worn to hide his scars.
7. Yoshi Kruger
Gender: Female
Creator: NSPunny
Age: 15 years old
Birthday: June 1st
Nationality: German/Japanese (born and raised in Japan)
Talent: Ultimate Actress (also answers to Ultimate Magical Girl)
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Light Brown/Brunette
Hair Style/Length: Her hair is in twin tails, each of which go down to about her mid-back in length.
Eye Color: Light blue
Skin Tone: Medium (white with a little bit of light brown mixed)
Body Type: Slightly more athletic than most but not overly muscular. She has an average breast size as well.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: None
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Normal Clothing: She wears a pure white leotard with a sleeve length that stops at about her elbow. She wears a light pink skirt that goes to her knee in length. She wears white gloves on both hands that extend down to about an inch before each of her elbows. She wears white knee-high socks and hot pink high heels.
Accessories: She carries around a white wand with a cartoony star that glows at the top. Has no real powers but was her trusted prop through many TV-series
8. Gilbert Robbins (aka Sir Blaze)
Gender: Male
Creator: Gamergirl101
Age: 19
Birthday: December 13 (on a Friday the 13th)
Nationality: Irish
Talent: Ultimate Knight
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: very light brown
Hair Style/Length: ponytail
Eye Color: icy blue
Skin Tone: fair
Body Type: tall and somewhat muscular
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: tattoo of a sword on his back, multiple scars on his arms and legs
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Normal Clothing: black combat boots, black pants, white shirt, black leather jacket
Accessories: shield necklace he wears often, sword by his side at all times in case
9. Alice Blackwell
Gender: Female
Creator: Bellatrixshine
Age: 18
Birthday: September 15
Nationality: American
Talent: Ultimate Caregiver
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Peachy orange
Hair Style/Length: Long wavy hair parted over to the right that reaches her mid-back and windswept bangs
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Type: Alice has shoulders that are broader than her hips, a curvy figure, and a D-cup chest. Her arms, legs, and stomach do show signs of muscle tone.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Fading scars on her arms and wrists
Height: 5'9
Weight: 172 lbs
Normal Clothing: Alice wears a white button-up blouse that has the top button undone, a navy blue cardigan buttoned up all the way, a thick black belt buckled around her waist, a light pink skirt that reaches her mid-thigh, black tights, and black flats.
Accessories: A light pink headband, a matching mini-backpack, and a silver ring on her right ring finger
10. Percy Alpina
Gender: Male
Creator: JCW18
Age: 17
Birthday: July 4th
Nationality: Peruvian
Talent: Ultimate Fireworks Enthusiast
Blood Type: A Negative
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Style/Length: Curly, short, and wild, coming down to his ears
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Tone: White, with a chocolate, Latin American tan
Body Type: Average, slim build
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Has several minor burns on his hands from small mishaps dealing with fireworks, however these don't bother him, in fact he wears them as a badge of honor.
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 126 pounds
Normal Clothing: Percy wears an old, yet ornate and fancy traditional feathered poncho, that is colored white, yellow, sky blue, and orange. The sleeves are extremely long and over-sized, covering him well past his hands. His pants and small boots match his poncho, and he also has a tanned, feathered sombrero on his head. Finally, his look is finished with a long, flowing scarf, that also matches the color scheme of his poncho.
Accessories: On his back he carries a large satchel filled with various different types of fireworks. He carries it with him everywhere.
11. Christel Dreynamo
Gender: Female
Creator: LckiKoin
Age: 20
Birthday: February 23rd
Nationality: German
Talent: Train Conductor (Former)
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Style/Length: short and messy hair.
Eye Color: Brass
Skin Tone: Tanned
Body Type: Petite and slightly muscular. Her chest is quite flat. Also has a childish looking face.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Small burn scars on her hands, along with stains of ash from burnt coal on
her face and arms.
Height: 145 cm / 4'9
Weight: 34 kg / 76 lbs
Normal Clothing: White checkered shirt with black lines, brown denim shorts with a yellow number 3 embroidered on the bottom-left side held on with brown suspenders, white stocking and black boots. Most of her clothes are mostly covered in black stains from burnt coal.
Accessories: A dirty brown checkered Stormy Kromer cap with a black and white emblem of an adjustable spanner and a monkey wrench crossed over a railroad track, a golden rimmed goggles with black lenses and brown straps hanging on her neck and decorates her suspenders with various steam locomotive related memorabilia pins that he got from his travels. She also carries a brown messenger bag with an encyclopedia about trains, a monkey wrench, a custom-made bronze tobacco pipe that has it's chamber (the bowl for burning tobacco) shaped like a train whistle, a matchbox, and a small box of shredded tobacco inside it.
12. Takeshi "Keshi" Abe
Gender: Male
Creator: Abitat Eco
Age: 16
Birthday: March 12th
Talent: Ultimate Combat Medic
Blood Type: AB
Hair Colour: Takeshi's hair is a light plum colour in shade, a mix of magenta and paler colours. He also has a single light grey highlight running down his fringe to the right of his face.
Hair Style/Length: Generally, Takeshi's hair has a rather scruffy and straggled appearance, appropriate for a blast-zone setting given his talent. His hair is cut in jagged edges and strands sticking up from the top of his head and running down along his face, forming wider spikes at the level of his ears which stick outwards before narrowing again and ending just above the level of his chin, thick and slightly wild. His fringe is also jaggedly cut a little unevenly and hangs just over his left eye and a little above his right eye, whilst two larger sections of his fringe are swept to the sides of his face to frame them and secured in place with hair grips. He also has two longer straggled strands of his hair that hang on either side of his face down to just past his shoulders, the ends jagged and rough. These parts are clearly in need of a good trimming to tidy them.
Eye Colour: Takeshi's eyes are wide and almond shaped, irises constantly flicking about as though watching cautiously, trying to examine every possible nook and cranny for potential dangers. His irises are a light green in shade, bright and constantly taking everything in.
Skin Tone: Takeshi is rather pale, not quite porcelain, but despite being frequently outdoors in varying environments, he isn't particularly well tanned. If anything, he just seems to burn more easily.
Body Type: Overall, Takeshi is notably a little shorter than the average boy his age, but has some decent muscle tone in his arms and legs, probably acquired through military training and using his talent day-by-day, without looking particularly well-muscled or stocky. He has small abs but a generally healthy weight in proportion to his height. His face is oval in shape, with a small cluster of brown freckles dotted across the midline of his long and upturned nose. His lips are pale red in colour and are often pressed together, or spread into a tiny polite smile of respect when addressing others. As well as this, his eyebrows are the same shade of his hair and sit raised above his eyes, a little droopy.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Takeshi's body is pop-marked with small scars and burns, the marks of conflict and combat violence. Most notable is the scar on the left side of his face which is a little untidily stitched and extends from the middle of his forehead and down, diagonally curved, to end at the edge of his left cheek. Takeshi also has a white eyepatch covering his left eye and what seems to be a small barcode tattooed on the side of his neck.
Height: 5.4 ft
Weight: 136 lbs
Normal Clothing: Takeshi's normal clothing is quite casual and very reflective of his talent. He wears an oversized khaki green hoodie with alternating darker green and brown patches making up its main cameo army design, which is opened with a zipper. He often wears his hoodie partially open, revealing the simple black cotton shirt underneath, a little torn and patched up from reuse. Takeshi will often wear the sleeves rolled back to his elbows in a similar manner to how he wears his long light brown camo shorts, rolled up to just below his knees. Large pockets are present on each leg, filled with a variety of nick-nacks Takeshi has picked up during his travels. Lastly on his feet, he wears a pair of sturdy grip dark brown boots with mismatched socks (his left being orange with a dark blue stripped pattern, the right being dark blue with a white star pattern). He is unlikely to change his outfit when it comes to sleeping or exercising. It's pretty much the only outfit he has.
Accessories: Lastly, Takeshi carries with him a few notable accessories of his own, mostly related to his talent. This includes a pair of medical cross shaped hairgrips to keep the sides of his fringe out of his face, his eyepatch, a thin navy strapped watch (currently showing the incorrect time), latex blue gloves and a light brown scarf hanging around his neck, decorated in a variety of different badges (including small medal pins and a few cuter badges, including both a cat and dog badge). He also has a holster around his belt which bears holdings for various items. Takeshi has with him a stun gun and a purposefully unloaded gun. Most notable however is his enormous dark brown rucksack ('crash pack') which he carries on his back. This is filled with medical supplies: bandages, surgical emergency tools, oxygen masks, medication – it's all there in that one pack. There are a few other more personal items in there, including a crumpled photograph of Takeshi with the rest of his 'squad', some probably out-of-date gummy worms and a large flask of water. He also has a small stuffed teddy in his bag, coloured white and wearing an army uniform ('Seargent Beary')
13. Gemma Hawkwood
Species: Elf (She was present in London during the outbreak in October 2020)
Gender: Female
Creator: Crit Fail
Age: 16
Birthday: March 21st
Nationality: Italian/British
Talent: Elite Archer
Blood Type: AB
Hair Color: Honey Blonde
Hair Style/Length: She has long golden blonde hair, some of which is in a braid. Being an Elf now she has long ears which are tapered to a point.
Eye Color: Turquoise, but with almost no discernible pupil. (She has extremely good sight even in near pitch dark situations. Her eyes are sharper as well in appearance instead of being rounded.)
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Body Type: Gemma is quite the opposite of what you'd anticipate as an elf. She is of average height, however she's extremely voluptuous with wide shapely hips and a huge bosom. Her curves are more pronounced because her waist is far smaller then what is typically possible for a human to obtain. Her arms are fairly muscular but her legs and neck are rather slender.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: She has a green tattoo of an arrow across a coat of arms that represents the Hawkwood Family on her right shoulder.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 Lbs
Normal Clothing: She wears a green tunic with the chest open exposing a generous amount of cleavage. She sports a pure white cloak that offers her a bit more modesty, it's held in place by a broach that again has the Hawkwood Family Crest upon it. The cloak has a hood that she pulls down sometimes. She wears a pair of thigh-high black boots that are laced up the front.
Accessories: Strapped to her back is a mahogany longbow that she made for herself when she began competing professionally. She also has quiver with thirty arrows on her back, and a large leather satchel that's usually slung over her shoulder. It contains tools for restringing and repairing her bow, and smaller tools, like knives in case she needs to make new arrows. She also has a number of extra fantasy inspired outfits she carries in her bag from various cosplay conventions.
14. Anthony "Tony" Rufheiser
Gender: Male
Creator: 71526483
Age: 15
Birthday: January 4th
Nationality: Cuban
Talent: Ultimate Artificial Lifeform (But desperately wants to be known as the Ultimate Humanitarian)
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style/Length: Short, smooth, slightly spiky hair slicked back with gel, tucked behind his ears.
Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Skin Tone: Light mocha tan
Body Type: Light muscle definition in his chest, slim arms with slender-like hands, thin legs.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: A dark gray, nearly black smoke-shadow tattoo starting from his hips, up his sides, snaking up both sides of his neck and curling onto his cheeks into a halfway spiral, mirroring opposite each other.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 122 lbs
Normal Clothing: A form-fitting gray suit jacket with a shawl lapel and center vent, white button-up shirt, black dress pants, and brown dress shoes.
Accessories: A bright purple-pink tie, a silver wireless headset with a bluetooth microphone and circle of white light emanates from his chest, barely seen through his shirt and jacket.
15. Minemi Gojou
Gender: Female
Creator: Prince Pokepersona
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: April 10th
Nationality: Japanese
Talent: Parapsychologist
Blood Type: A-
Hair Color: Silvery White
Hair Style/Length: Long straight messy hair that ends at her ankles and is styled with two cone shaped buns on the sides of her hair with messy curly low hanging twin tails with two curly strands framing the sides of her face.
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Pale White
Body Type: A skinny petite frame with a small bust size.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: She has a small scar on the back of her neck and a few small scars on her back shoulders.
Makeup: She wears black lipstick with a silvery gloss over on the lower lip, light grey eyeshadow on her eyelids and nails painted black with white skull designs on each nail.
Height: 5ft. 3inc. tall
Weight: 104lbs.
Normal Clothing: She wears a black gothic straped elegant dress with cobweb white laced long sleeves, black lace chest section and swirly flowery grey patterns all over the dress, a knee length flared out skirt with white lace transparent elegant trimming along the hemline with a cinched in white ribbon sash, black lace stockings with white pentagram stars patterned all over and black boot heels with white spider bows on the front straps.
Accessories: A black lace necklace choker with a red ruby pendant in the center, grey lace fingerless gloves on both of her hands with black ribbon tied around each, a bright red rose ribbon headband on top of her head and a white parasol with black stripes patterned all over it with a curled handle she carries with her.
16. Iyasa Rivieras
Gender: Male
Creator: My death can't be cured
Age: 21
Birthday: February 12th
Nationality: Argentinian
Talent: Former Ultimate Mngwa
Blood Type: AB-
Fur Description: Golden-brown outer coat fur and white undercoat with tabby-like marks all over the body.
Other body features: Iyasa has a muzzle, a small black nose with a dot of peach, has sharp teeth, a long furry tail with subtle darker stripes, hocked legs, whiskers, and slightly big cat ears on the sides of his head.
Eye Color: Green with a slit-like pupil
Skin Tone: Light mocha tan (Formerly)
Body Type: Slim build, muscled arms and chest, and toned legs.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Iyasa has a small scar on his wrist.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 189 lbs
Normal Clothing: Iyasa wears a gray cloak that parts to the sides to show off a white undercoat of fur, red short shorts and goes barefoot.
Accessories: White gauze on his forearms.
17. Rafaela "Redslash" Frenzel
Gender: Female
Creator: 1Glimmershine
Age: 18
Birthday: 2/28
Nationality: German
Talent: Cyberpunk
Blood Type: B+
Hair Color/Hair Style/Length: Long, loose spiky mohawk, with maze-like cornrows on the sides. Half of her mohawk is bleached white, and the other half is crimson. The cornrows are jet black.
Eye Color: Light brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Relatively lean, well-toned muscles, BB cup breasts, and slightly above average curves. Furthermore,
Scars,Tattoos or Birthmarks: She has a few scars of slashes on her face.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 183 lbs.
Normal Clothing: She wears a jet black leather jacket with the entire right sleeve torn off, a white undershirt, torn up jet black skinny jeans with some of the color faded away, and jet black, studded, combat boots. She also wears a studded, crimson leather glove on her left hand, and white and crimson bandages on her right arm from her shoulder to her elbow. Finally, she has a thin white cape that has a jagged crimson line running down the middle, and the cape has seen better days.
Accessories: Three silver earrings in both ears, a bronze lip ring, gold eyebrow ring, a white leather belt, and a gold chain necklace with a medallion that looks like cybernetic skull with her hairstyle.
Additional: Her right arm is entirely cybernetic, it's design is highly refined and fearsome in appearance. It has large metal claws, and can turn into a super-heated blade that has teeth-like edges sort of like a saw.
18. Garnet Maddigan.
Gender: Trans Male.
Creator: Alter Ego AV
Age: 17.
Birthday: January 12th.
Nationality: New Zealander.
Talent: Ultimate Acrobat
Blood Type: O+
Hair Color: Cerulean blue.
Hair Style/Length: Long on top, buzz-cut on the bottom, with the top tied back into a tight foxtail.
Eye Color: Dark pink.
Skin Tone: Pale peach.
Body Type: Slightly muscular.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Surgical scars on his upper chest, acne scars on his back, legs and shoulders. Piercing holes in his earlobes, long since grown over. Galaxy pattern tattoo sleeves on both arms.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Normal Clothing: An open blue vest over a white tank top, black jeans and beige sandals.
Accessories: A red bandana scarf with a white mandala pattern around his neck.
19. Tenshi Tsuchiya
Gender: Female
Creator: Trust Me the Spider
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: June 17th
Nationality: Japanese
Talent: Ultimate Iaidoka
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Auburn (but she wears a flaxen blonde wig)
Hair Style/Length: Her natural hair is styled into a short bob cut with frayed bangs. In stark contrast, her wig leaves the forehead revealed and has long, luscious locks that cascade down her back.
Eye Color: Yellow (but she wears aquamarine contact lenses)
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Type: Lithe and flexible with delicately-toned arms and legs. Flat-chested and completely devoid of curves.
Scars, Tattoos, or Birthmarks: Her palms and fingers are roughly callused in stark contrast to the rest of her baby smooth skin. Furthermore, the backs of her hands are covered with thin scars.
Cosmetics: Tenshi almost obsessively applies makeup to her face every morning. She uses lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, blush for her cheeks, and loads of foundation for her skin. When she's fully dolled up, Tenshi looks like an angel, but underneath all that makeup is a rather plain and freckled face. Tenshi also wears strawberry-scented perfume on her wrists and neck. And defying expectations, she strangely doesn't wear any sort of nail polish.
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 109 lbs (49 kg)
Normal Clothing: It'd be a bit strange to call it her "normal" clothing, but right before she found herself in the Killing Game, Tenshi just so happened to be cosplaying as Kirarin from Sainan Shoujo, a magical girl anime (that I made up, lol). This outfit has a black and hot pink color scheme that consists of a frilly skirt (pink) and sleeveless top (black and pink), the sort of clothing you'd expect a J-pop idol to wear. Frilly thigh-high stockings (black), ribbon sandals (pink), and short detached sleeves (pink) complete her unusual look.
Accessories: A black headband with an oversized pink bow. Small, yellow, star-shaped earrings, one in each ear. Gloves made from black silk. She keeps a black felt-tip marker between her (nonexistent) cleavage, and this is only possible because of how tight her top is. Most importantly, Tenshi has a pink-hilted katana with a cherry blossom-shaped guard and solid black scabbard attached to the right side of hip.
20. Jamie Smith
Gender: Male
Creator: Fee5H
Age: 8
Birthday: June 1st
Nationality: American
Talent: Ultimate Adapter
Blood Type: A-
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Messy, but not unruly.
Eye Color: Dark gray. A few shades away from black.
Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned
Body Type: Thin
Scars, Tatoos, or Birthmarks: None
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 49 lbs
Normal Attire: A black t-shirt and beige shorts. Both look like they haven't been in a washing machine in months. His plain sneakers are tattered, and his socks are quite worn out.
Accessories: None
21. Arachne Weaver
Gender: Female
Creator: ShinyOshawottKing1
Age: 17
Birthday: March 14th
Talent: Ultimate tapestry weaver
Blood Type: AB-
Hair Color: A Soft brown with soft pink tips
Hair Style/Length: waist length waterfall braids
Eye Color: A Soft sunset orange with hints of an icy blue
Skin Tone: Alabaster
Body Type: Her upper body matches that of a swimmer with an E-cup chest. Her lower half is that of a black widow spider connected at the waist
Changes due to mutation: Arachne now has a set of fangs with one that always sticks out, venom that she can inject via the fangs at will and control the potency of, the bottom half of her body has been turned into a spider, she can produce a silk like webbing, and luckily for her the transformation left her reproductive organs alone. She can also communicate with spiders and forge a bond with them as their queen. She can climb walls and generate a silk like webbing thanks to the mutation.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: She has a tattoo of an Owl and Black widow staring each other down on her stomach and various spiders from video games tattooed on her arms and back. She has jagged scars on her wrists that she hides.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108
Normal Clothing:She usually wears a Hot pink bikini top, a black mesh covering over her waist down until it reaches the 2 inches below the connection between the human half and the spider half, and a pair of Arm bands that match her skintone
Accessories: she has a pair of obsidian earrings in the shape of a black widow
22. Heikki "Henry" Ruutikainen
Gender: Male
Creator: Runicwolf
Age: 25
Birthday: 5th November.
Nationality: Finnish.
Talent: Former Rescuer
Blood Type: Rhnull
Hair Color: Pepper grey/blonde.
Hair Style/Length: Short, scruffy and poorly maintained.
Eye Color: Grey blue.
Skin Tone: Pale.
Body Type: Slim, but well built.
Scars, Tattoos or Birthmarks: Multiple scars on hands and scars, including a Y incision on his abdomen. Deep scratch scars on his throat and upper arms.
Height: 6'4 ft (193 cm)
Weight: 184 lb (83 kg)
Normal Clothing: Brown leather and metal plague doctor mask w/ straw function from underneath beak; the lenses to the mask are tinted a dark color. Rain proof long sleeve padded red-brown shirt, dark red SAR vest, brown utility pants w/ safety fire belt and NRS workboot wetshoe. Additionally slightly long kevlar gloves, modified flame retardant cloak open at front and has tightening straps at all openings, including hood. Entire set up is built to conceal and contain all skin contact.
Accessories: Several tools inside SAR vest; utility scissors, two way radios, diving right angle flashlight, and water flask. Sealed metal wallet with pictures of close friends and family, and nothing else.
Other Stats
January: Anthony (4th), Garnet (12th)
February: Iyasa (12th), Christel (23rd), Rafaela (28th)
March: Fera (3rd), Hideki (3rd), Takeshi (12th), Arachne (14th), Gemma (21st)
April: Minemi (10th)
June: Jamie (1st), Yoshi (1st), Lucille (7th), Tenshi (17th)
July: Percy (4th)
September: Alice (15th), Kitty (16th)
October: Yui (2nd)
November: Henry (5th), Shinya (12th)
December: Gilbert (13th)
Arranged by Age:
Henry (25), Iyasa (21), Christel (20), Gilbert (19), Rafaela (18), Lucille (18), Alice (18), Kitty (18), Shinya (18), Garnet (17), Arachne (17), Tenshi (17), Percy (17), Fera (16), Takeshi (16), Gemma (16), Minemi (16), Anthony (15), Yoshi (15), Yui (12), Jamie (8), Hideki (4)
Arranged by Height:
Gilbert (6'6), Henry (6'4), Shinya (5'10), Alice (5'9), Anthony (5'8), Iyasa (5'8), Rafaela (5'8), Yoshi (5'8), Gemma (5'7), Lucille (5'7), Kitty (5'6), Percy (5'6), Tenshi (5'6), Fera (5'5), Garnet (5'4), Takeshi (5'4), Arachne (5'3), Minemi (5'3), Christel (4'9), Yui (4'4), Jamie (3'7), Hideki (3'4)
Arranged by Weight:
Iyasa (189 lbs), Henry (184 lbs), Rafaela (183 lbs), Alice (172 lbs), Gilbert (150 lbs), Gemma (140 lbs), Takeshi (136 lbs), Shinya (128 lbs), Percy (126 lbs), Anthony (122 lbs), Kitty (120 lbs), Lucille (115 lbs), Garnet (110 lbs), Yoshi (110 lbs), Tenshi (109 lbs), Arachne (108 lbs), Minemi (104 lbs), Fera (103 lbs), Christel (76 lbs), Yui (69 lbs), Jamie (49 lbs), Hideki (36 lbs)
Japanese: Hideki, Yui, Shinya, Yoshi, Takeshi, Minemi, Tenshi
French: Lucille
Laotian: Fera
American: Kitty, Alice, Jamie
German: Yoshi, Christel, Rafaela
Irish: Gilbert
Peruvian: Percy
British: Gemma, Arachne
Cuban: Anthony
Argentinian: Iyasa
Italian: Gemma
New Zealander: Garnet
Finnish: Henry
Hair Color:
Blonde: Lucille, Hideki (dark), Gemma (honey), Tenshi (flaxen wig), Henry
Brown: Fera (dark), Shinya, Yoshi (light), Gilbert (very light), Percy (chocolate), Christel (light), Iyasa (golden), Arachne (soft)
Purple: Kitty (violet), Takeshi (plum and magenta)
Black: Yui, Anthony, Rafaela, Jamie
White: Kitty, Minemi (silvery), Iyasa, Rafaela
Green: Shinya
Orange: Alice (peachy)
Gray: Takeshi, Henry (pepper)
Red: Rafaela (crimson), Tenshi (auburn)
Blue: Garnet (cerulean)
Pink: Arachne (soft)
Eye Color:
Green: Lucille, Takeshi (light), Iyasa
Gray: Fera (smokey), Jamie (dark)
Blue: Kitty (bright), Yoshi (light), Gilbert (icy), Gemma (turquoise), Tenshi (aquamarine contact lenses), Arachne (icy), Henry (gray-blue)
Brown: Hideki (hazel), Alice (hazel), Anthony (chocolate), Rafaela (light)
Red: Yui (crimson), Minemi
Gold: Shinya, Percy
Brass: Christel
Pink: Garnet (dark)
Yellow: Tenshi
Orange: Arachne (sunset)