Chapter 2


I stare at the view and wonder about the time that has passed. Opening the drawer, I took the paper worn with time and read the words that still resonate with me even now.

Dear Caroline,

I wish I could think what to say when I am saying goodbye, but I really can't. I want to say thank you for a lot of things. Thank you for never resenting me for your transition. Thank you for being my best friend, for being my biggest support when I needed you to be for me. Thank you for always loving me, never blaming me for what happened.

But the truth is Care, no matter who I am human or vampire, my legacy, my life will always depend on my ancestor's deeds. I cannot escape my history. But I can protect you and everyone else from it. So I am leaving. I know Stefan, Damon and Jeremy will want to search for me. Please tell them not to do that. Dissuade them and tell them that it is my wish not to be found. I have already started taking measures so that none of you can find me.

As for the cure, drop the search Care. I know everyone thinks that my wish is to be human so that I can preserve my humanity, but recently I have seen and learned from you, Elijah, Stefan that I don't have to be human to preserve my humanity. I am a predator, that is a fact, but it is a fact I can live with for the rest of my life. I would rather live as a vampire than see anyone lose their life just to fulfil my selfish wish.

And I want a last favour from you Care. Help Bonnie, she is slowly losing herself in some dark magic and I don't know how to stop that. Get her away from that Professor Shane. I have made a deal with Kol, to find someone who can train Bonnie better. Please persuade her to accept that help.

Maybe, when a century passed I will come back to find you. Till then,

See You Again,



I feel arms circle my waist, and a head rest on my shoulder. Turning I see the devilish smile on his face with blue eyes sparking and his blonde hair styled. He asks "Missing the doppleganger?". I roll my eyes, and said "Klaus."

Klaus tightens his hold around me and said "Missing Elena?". I encircle my arms around Klaus's neck and said "It's just today. She should be here. She would be delighted in seeing everyone together. She would have made herself the favourite of Hope, Lizzie and Josie within 3 years I guarantee that."

Klaus looks at me with a sceptical expression and said "Even when she knows that Hope is my daughter." I smirk at Klaus's scepticism and said "Elena holds grudges Klaus, I will give you that but the moment she sees that the person has changed, she drops the grudge. I guarantee, once she would have found that you have mellowed down, she wouldn't have left any opportunity to spoil Hope at all."

Klaus looks at the letter still clutched in my hand, and his face softens into that expression that he usually takes when he thinks he hasn't fulfilled my wants. Its been 10 years, but even then sometimes I find him looking at me with an expression as if he couldn't believe that I am with him. I tilt his face to me and said," Hey none of that. I know you made every effort to find Elena, but Elena is determined once she believes in doing something, then no one can dissuade her mind not to do it."

And I put the letter back in the drawer and close it. Turning I smile at Klaus and said, "Now come on we have a party to attend to. Otherwise, Rebekah will kill us for being late to her engagement party with Stefan."


I gaze at the party going around me and slowly sip the champagne. Feeling the presence beside me, I turn and see Hayley standing, her strapless gown in brown colour suiting her skin tone. 5 years ago, my breath would have caught seeing her beside me, but now I feel a genuine fondness settle seeing her. I know that my love for her will always remain but both Hayley and I agreed that she and Jackson were more suited for each other and me and her.

That doesn't mean that there won't be a time I can lend ears for her. Seeing her sigh softly, I said "Hope went quietly?". She looks at me with an exasperated expression and I chuckle quietly. My niece Hope at 10 yrs old seem to attain more and more of Klaus's qualities. However, her innocence still remains which is more for what I and Klaus said at that age with Mikael's constant beatings. With the entire Mikaelson family and Hayley often having to bend to Hope's wishes, it is often up to Caroline and Bonnie to make sure the discipline is enforced in the house. Thinking about the two of them, I turn and see the two of my almost sister in laws talking to some of their other vampires.

My gaze then turns to see Damon whisper something to Rebekah and she throws back her head and laugh. I never imagined that our relationship with the Salvatore brothers and the rest of the Mystic gang would improve to such a point that we were able to laugh with them. But 10 years was the time, when the relationships slowly progressed and some even changed. Bonnie and Kol grew close and I am sure very soon they will also announce their engagement very soon. It was a surprise for all of us, when Bonnie was able to retain her witch powers even after transition taking place 3 years ago. Yet, seeing all of them laugh I know a part of them still missing. That part belonging to a certain brown haired, dark compassionate eyes girl who took off leaving a space and a tentative truce which had slowly developed not only in making my family whole again but also adding new family members to it.

My thoughts were broken as I see Jackson reach Hayley's side and all 3 of us start conversing about the pack relations. However, what happened next was something I never imagined would ever happen in a long time. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see a waiter.

He said "Sir, there are some FBI agents here to see Mr Finn Michael." Michael was our current Alias name. I saw Niklaus and Finn head shoot up and I know they heard what the waiter had said. Nodding my head, I took the card from him and gestured to go. Excusing myself from curious Hayley and Jackson, all 3 of us meet at the entrance making sure to be casual enough so that Rebekah and others would not notice.

Finn who had joined our family and against mother after his resurrection took the card from me and said "Agent Aubrey." Hearing a voice behind me say "Who is Agent Aubrey?", I turn behind to see Freya standing behind me. It is true that nothing escapes from her gaze. Standing beside me, she looks at the card "From the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Why would a government agency want to talk to us?"

Niklaus said "Well, we won't know while standing here. So let's meet this Agent Aubrey of the FBI." All four of us walk to the room, this intimidation tactic all familiar for us. Opening the door, Finn walks in first and the rest of us enter. I see two people in the room, one lady with short straightened hair facing the window whereas other man with curly hair inspecting the paintings. Finn said an irritation apparent in his voice "Agent Aubrey?". The man turns and seeing the four of us, straightens his shoulder and moves forward saying "Mr Finn Michael?". Both shake hands and Finn introduces us saying "I hope you don't mind but my siblings heard about this and was curious. This is Ms Freya Michael, Mr Elijah Michael and Mr Niklaus Michael." Agent Aubrey nods his head " Nice to meet you all. Well Mr Finn, Me and my Partner Agent Elijah are from the FBI and we would like to ask a few questions." But I am stunned to hear the name Elijah and as the agent points to the partner, all of our gazes turn and remain stuck on the lady, the lady who has been missing from our lives for the past 10 years, her eyes reflecting her trepidation yet even now shows resilience and determination. My Elena. An Agent of the FBI?