Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer is one lucky gal.

A lot of this has lyrics from "Hold on" by Chord Overstreet. It really is a beautiful song and I think it fits the chapter nicely. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter (well as much as you can).

Paul POV (surprise)

How could she possibly think that? This was that sick bastards fault, I hope he even dares to show his face on the rez and I will rip him from limp to limp.

"Paul," I heard her plead with me but I knew I was still to angry to be closer to her. My mind was racing with different ways to kill her father, my girl was hurt for years and I could have stopped it.

"Paul," she said again but something wasn't right. I looked over just in time to see her body go limp.

"Aiyana! I screamed and grabbed her body that was half hanging off the bed, "Baby, wake up. C'mon baby please wake up,".

I rubbed her face in hopes to stir but I got nothing of a response, "Mom!" I screamed loudly grabbing her in my arms.

I ran out of the door into the hallway to see my mom rubbing her eyes, "What Paul?" she asked sleepily before she looked at Aiyana and I saw her face drop.

"We gotta go the hospital, now!" I said frantically. Mom nodded her head and grabbed her rob and slippers before following me down the stairs grabbing her keys to her Ford Focus.

"Get in the back and try and wake her up," Mom instructed, and I complied. I sat with her head in my arm and her strawed out in front of me. I could barely hear her breathing and her heartbeat was faint.

"Aiyana, please wake up," I said softly still rubbing her cheek, "Aiyana! Baby! Please open those beautiful green eyes, please don't leave me," I said louder this time.

Her eyes fluttered and I felt her regain consciousness, "Paul," she whispered.

"I'm here baby," I said smiling down at her. Those beautiful green eyes staring up at me confused.

"Oh thank god. Sam she's awake," I heard my mom say into a phone I didn't even realize she had called him.

"Why are you crying?" She asked so innocently, and I didn't even realize I was until she said it.

"You scared me, that's why," I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled slightly back.

"I'm so tired, I think I'm gonna take a nap," She said slowly and softly closing her eyes. No, no, no.

Aiyana's heartbeat was so faint then and her breathing was shallow, "No! Aiyana wake up! Come back, I still need you," I whined.

"Mom hurry!" I yelled and felt her foot push down even more, if possible, on the accelerator.

"Please don't leave me," I pleaded with my gorgeous girl, "I swear to love you all my life. Just hold on baby, I need you,".

"We're almost there keep talking to her," Mom said and I could see the lights for Forks. The hospital was just inside town.

"Baby, remember that time you pushed me off a cliff? Well I forgave you for that, but I can't forgive you if you don't stay with me," I said slightly smiling in hopes she would wake up and defend herself as she always did.

Nothing, no heartbeat, no breaths, she was gone. I felt the worst pain in my chest. We pulled up to the hospital at the exact moment and I practically flew out of the car with her in my arms running into the emergency center.

"Help! Help me! She's not breathing! Please!" I screamed entering the E.R. and immediately a gurney was pushed in front of me that I reluctantly sat her down.

"Her chest is filled with fluid, we need an O.R. now! Page Dr. Stevens! Move!" A nurse was screaming out orders and everything after that was a whirl wind as they pushed her down the hall. I refused to let go of her hand, but a small older woman stopped me when we reached a set of double doors.

"We have to help her hunny, we can't do that with you there, let us help her," The older woman said, and I slowly let go of her hand with a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you so much baby, hold on for me. I need you to come back," I cried into her before I was pulled away from a much stronger force than the nurse. I turned to see Jared there with Kim a few feet away.

"Alright sugar, can you tell me what happened?" The older woman said softly and I just shrugged.

"Paul, they need to know to help her," Jared said and I slid down against the wall.

"She was telling me something and I got mad and then next thing I know she just went limp and fell onto the bed," I said and I could feel the tears running down my face.

"Okay baby, let's go sit in the waiting room. From what I hear, you have quiet the crowd in there growing for her," The older woman said and reached for my hand to pull me up. I stared back at the double doors not wanting to leave because Aiyana wasn't too far.

"You can't do anything in here sugar, let's go," she said a little more demanding and for whatever reason, I listen.

I push myself up ignoring her hand and walk down the hall back to the waiting room. She was right though, the whole pack was there. Sam was pacing, Leah looked like she was about to cry and Emily sat there trying to console her cousin. The rest of the pack was scattered in different places of the waiting room but as soon as they saw me they all jumped to their feet.

Surprising all of us, Leah jumped up and hugged me if I wasn't a werewolf, I would probably have internal bleeding.

"Please tell me she's okay," Leah pleaded and her eyes went wide when she looked into mine.

Thankfully, the older nurse stepped in front of me sensing the tension that they all wanted answers I couldn't give.

"My name is Velma, I am the head the of E.R. Paul said that she was telling him something and he got angry so he stepped away to calm down and suddenly Aiyana went unconscious. When she arrived here she was unconscious with very faint breathing and heart rate. When assessed we quickly found that her lung cavity was filled with fluid. She is in surgery now and I will personally be here every hour with updates but I will not tolerate any loud disturbances," She said and her voice with authority then she turned to me, "Paul honey, I pray she will be okay. If you need anything, tell the secretary to page me,". I nod my head and she smiles softly before turning on her heal back into the main E.R. portion.

God bless Velma because everyone backed off except Leah and Sam. The two people closest to my girl.

Sam looked absolutely shattered and I could understand why, he just got his baby sister back and now look where we were. I know he felt the same as I did, regret we couldn't protect her, angry this is happening and looks to kill for what ever reason this was happening.

Leah on the other hand was just staring at the wall before she walked over to it and slid down. I followed suit, ignoring the many other available chairs and sat next to her on the floor. Surprisingly, Sam sat down on the other side of me.

It felt like days have passed but from the fact I have only seen Velma once, it's only been an hour.

"It's because of him, isn't it?" Sam asked softly even though I could hear the venom laced in his voice.

I shrugged my shoulders because I just really didn't know. Maybe I did this, she was pleading with me to calm down but I couldn't control my temper.

"This is not because of you Paul," Leah said and continued to stare at the floor in front of her, "You did everything you could for her, there was no way to know,".

My mom walked in at that point with Sue hot on her heels, I guess the whole reservation was taking point in the waiting room. They were holding grocery bags of food and Emily immediately jumped up to help along with Kim.

My whole pack could feel my pain, I knew it. Even happy going Seth was distraught over his second sister being in an operating room. Jared was just staring at Kim with this blank look. The younger pack members helped with the food and my mom came over to me with a plate full of snacks.

"Eat baby," My mom said and I grabbed the plate before handing it straight to Leah who took the bag of pretzels but made no move to open it.

"I need some air," I said and pushed my way past her. I knew under any other circumstances I would be grilled for the move but she just let me go.

I went and sat at one of the picnic tables and realized just how late it was. It had to be around 2 or 3 am. I don't know how long I sat there but I heard someone calling my name.

"Paul! Paul!" Velma called and I waved her down. She was out of breath by the time she got to me.

"Making an old lady run isn't nice young man," She scolded, and I gave her a sheepish smile.

"I went to give everyone an update but when you weren't there, I got worried," She said taking a winded seat next to me, "She's doing better than expected. They removed the fluid from her lungs and found that her rib had been fractured and a piece had been lodged in her lung causing her heart to overwork itself,".

So it was the bastard who did it, I am going to kill him but before I could set off to find him she grabbed my arm.

"No no no, you sit down right now and tell me what that poor girl has gone through," Velma said and yanked me down with a strength that surprised me for a human, let alone and older one.

"Her dad abused her since she was little, they moved to San Francisco when we were 14 and she said it got to be an almost everyday thing. She showed up to my house about a couple days ago battered and bruised and I knew it was him," I said not knowing why I felt so calm around this nurse.

"Oh that asshole! Let me get a piece of his child abusing ass," Velma said seething and I was shocked to say an understatement. Seeing my reaction she rolled her eyes, "I'm old Paul, not dead,".

I had to laugh at that and she sat there with a smile looking out at the night. I relaxed back next to her and she turned to me with a more serious look that had me worried.

"How long have you been together?" She asked and I sighed in relief and shrugged my shoulders.

"A couple days," I said sheepishly, and she snorted. I looked at her question.

"Let me rephrase that, how long have you known each other?" Velma asked and I smiled at the memory of my beautiful imprint.

"She's been my best friend since we were born. Our mom's were really close and got pregnant somehow at the same time, our birthdays are only a couple weeks apart," I said smiling and Velma lit up too.

"So why the hell are you guys just now getting to the fun part? Well, I guess you are young. How long have you been in love with Aiyana?" Velma asked and that's what started a very long conversation that had me in higher spirits talking about my girl.

"Alright, I am going to get an update, they should be about finished now, go eat something. Your momma is worried sick," Velma said and I stood up making my way back into the hospital with her. We see a man in scrubs talking to Sam and my mom and Sam was shaking.

All I heard was, "Do you think the boyfriend could be abusing her? Her trauma is really severe, and he fits the build," come from his mouth.

Before I could say anything Velma marched with anger up to the doctor, "How DARE you? I know you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed but this boy is absolutely broken with his family surrounding him and you have the audacity to ask something so stupid? Get OUT of my E.R. and you're off my service. Goodbye Schmit," Velma seethed and pointed to the door.

Velma turned back to me and smiled softly before glaring at the boy who stood there in shock.

"Dr. Calhan, please," he tried to reason with her. Doctor? I thought she was a nurse. There was whooping in the room as my pack now all stood next to me and glared at the man.

I bet we did look intimidating and even Sam had stepped back in front of me into the group that glared him down.

Leah went to step forward but my mom stopped her with a look that her just glare back at the man.

Once he finally left, Carlisle stepped into the room and I tensed, everyone did.

"Hello, I assisted on Aiyana surgery to assure there was adequate work done," Velma snorted at the dig against her team, "I was surprised I didn't see you in there Dr. Calhan," Velma just shrugged.

"I had other business to attend too and I have to upmost faith in my trauma team Dr. Cullen, now any update?" Velma said wanting to get to the point.

"Oh yes, you will all be relieved that she made it through fine, a few hiccups but we placed her in a medically induced coma to allow her body to heal before she wakes up," Cullen said.

"Can I see her?" I asked and stepped forward. Cullen and Velma spoke at the same time.

"No," Carlisle said.

"Yes," Velma said.

I looked at Velma as she took the chart from Carlisle and waved for Leah and Sam to come with us. She walked down the hall away from Carlisle who stood shocked.

"You're kind of a badass Velma," I said smiling at her and she winked back. Leah even gave a small chuckle.

We got to the room and before she opened the door, she turned back to us, "She is going to be hooked up to a lot of machines but she is alive and that is all that matters. She is on a ventilator to allow her lungs a chance to heal so you need to prepare yourselves, talk to her, only touch her hands and gently and only three people in the room at a time, got it?" she said and we all nodded muttering yes ma'ams.

She opened the door and my heart fell as I looked at her. I walked forward to her and dragged a chair immediately sitting next to her and grabbing her hand and kissing it softly.

"Talk to her, she can hear you," Velma said to us and Sam stepped forward grabbing her other hand.

"You scare us quiet a scare bug, I am so happy you're going to be okay. We will all be here when you wake up, I love you," He said smiling and I felt the urge to kick everyone out and take her far away where she could never be hurt. My wolf has been trying to claw his way out this whole time, but it was easier when she was away to contain.

"Come back to us soon Aiy, I love you, you're the best sister I could have ever asked for," Leah said from next to me then left the room suddenly. Sam stared after her and frowned. It wasn't personal, we both knew it, it was just hard for her to go through things like this because of losing her dad.

Sam and Velma left shortly after Leah to allow more people to visit for awhile and I just sighed looking at her.

"I couldn't imagine a world with you gone, the joy and the chaos. The demons were made of, I'd be so lost if you left me alone," I said thinking about one of her old favorite songs. She said that lyric reminded her of someone she loved, I just assumed it wasn't me but now I am having second guesses on how oblivious I really was and how much time I had wasted with her.

Aiyana growing up was my absolute best friend. She was always stronger than I was, always standing up for the underdog but as scary as a 10 year old could be, everyone that met her knew she had a heart of gold. She was absolutely perfect, she is absolutely perfect.