A cool breeze flows through the Paris night as Luka stares at an empty chair. The person supposed to be the chair was currently busy saving Paris from yet another akuma. Marinette, Paris' savoir, was often missing from their dates due to Hawkmoth being overactive these past few weeks.
Luka sighs as he looks at the dinner he spent hours on making perfect. The candles almost completely burnt out, and his flowers going unattended to on the floor beside him. His thoughts begin to wander to his night that he had planned out. A candlelit dinner with a flower surprise. A sudden tapping at the window brought him out of his thoughts.
A pigtailed bluenette in a skin tight ladybug suit gazed back as Luka jumped back slightly. He gets up to open the window, letting the super hero into the room. Ladybug disappears in a blinding red light as Marinette appears in her place. "I'm so sorry for being late Luka. Hawkmoth has been pretty active recently," Marinette frowns and looks at the ground. Luka could never blame her for saving Paris and missing their date. Grabbing her chin, Luka tilts her head up for a kiss. "It's no problem ma-ma-Marinette," Luka giggles slightly as Marinette's face gets red. They enjoy their remaining evening eating and talking about their plans for the future.