
'thoughts'= thoughts
italics= spells


I'm really sorry for the wait.

A girl of average height with especially round cheeks and brown hair stepped out of a bathroom with a particularly pleased look on her face.

"I never knew toilets could do that. I'm kind of wishing I didn't" she said as she walked out. "Rich living can sure be scary", patting her butt, "I may have discovered something new about myself, heh, heh" she chuckled.

That's when she noticed to the left of her a green head boy that just walked out of the boy's bathroom.

He looked to his left confusedly to see the cute brunette staring at him. He immediately got a touch nervous. "Um, hi"

"I was just joking about my butt!"

"Ahh, o-o-ok! I believe you!" he yelled back, throwing his arms up as well. "why are you yelling?"

"I-because um did you hear or see what I was doing?"


"Oh, well, um, lets start over" she said bashfully while scratching her cheek. "Hi I'm Uraraka Ochako". she gave a small bow while beaming at the greenete. "Nice to meetcha"

'Hnnn, she's bright!'. "Uh, hi I'm Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you as well" he returned the bow with one of his own.

A beat of silence passed. In fear of the empty space becoming awkward Izuku rushed to speak.

"The weather is nice outside today? / "Are you here for the exam?" they asked each other at the same time talking over one another.

"I'm sorry, you can go ahead" Ochako said.

"Nope! I mean, you can go ahead", he gave the girl a shaky grin, mentally kicking himself for his lame talking points. 'why do I keep talking about the weather today'.

"Ok, I was asking if you're here for the exam?".

"Yea, I was actually on my way to the auditorium with some friends". 'I hope they don't mind me calling them friends. But I had to use the bathroom so I told them to go ahead"

"Ah cool, I'm also a test taker, I was on my way to the auditorium too. You want to walk there together?" her smile widened.

"uh, sure, if you don't mind"

"Of course not, lets go before we are late" she said as she started walking down the hall. Midoriya quickly falling in step with her.

"Soo, sorry for screaming at you, didn't mean to freak you out earlier. I was talking to myself and kind of made an embarrassing joke".

"Ah, say no more, I completely understand, I have said plenty of embarrassing stuff when I talk to myself".

"Do you talk to yourself often?" she teased.

"No! I mean yes but not like in a psychotic way", In Izuku fashion he took her joke a little too serious, waving his hands. "I just… mutter a lot." He finished, muttering.

Ochako chuckled good naturedly at the boy's spazzing, "I'll take your word for it". Her eyes trailed down to Midoriya's athletic clothes. Her perma-blushed cheeks growing a little rosier as she eyed his shirt. "So, why are you dressed in athletic gear already?"

"Oh, I came to school in them, I was excited" internally wincing at the casual half-truth slipping out.

"Really, I probably should have done that. Would've saved me time this morning. I was in such a rush I only had toast for breakfast"


As if the mention of food summoned the gastral reaction, Uraraka's stomach growled.

"Guess I didn't eat enough huh, let's just ignore that?" she said as she tried to grin away her embarrassment.

But Izuku, the man he is, couldn't ignore such an obvious distress signal. "Hold on" he said as he unzipped his bag and revealed its glorious glutinous treats.

"woah, what's with all the bread?" she asked

"I need a lot of fuel" another half-truth. "Would you like some, I have plenty?" he offered.

"well, I don't want to-is that Yamazaki bakery premium mochi bread buns!". Her eyes lit up as she spotted the individually wrapped treats.

"Uhh, I guess, do you want them"

"Well, mama said to never decline a free meal" she answered as she tried quelling her obvious excitement.

Izuku gave her the snacks, three in total, which she took with reverence. She shuffled two of the sweet breads into the crook of her arm while holding the third in hand. "Thank you" she said as she attempted to open the package.

"Do you need some help" the young magician asked seeing her struggle.

"No, I'm good I…think I got it!". And got it she did, the package split wide open, unfortunately the contents of package flew out and away from her. "ah!"

Like in slow motion the duo watched the bread fly through the air. Ochako immediately began mourning her lost food.

Without any thought Izuku laid out for the treat, full extension, his fingertips just grazing. "And I just overreacted for nothing and I'm going smash my face in front of pretty girl great."

He closed his eyes expecting pain, but none pain came, neither the sound of teeth smacking linoleum.

He cracked his eyes open to see he was floating two inches off the ground. "Whaa-"

"Sorry for using my quirk on you without out your permission but I didn't want you to hurt yourself over bread".

Midoriya slowly turned his head to look at her, "This is your quirk?" he asked with the biggest smile the brunette has seen in the short time of meeting him.

'He's bright'

"So, anything you touch with five fingers becomes weightless and you can lift up to a ton. That's amazing!"

"ehh, it's not that great" she replied, earning a frown and cute tilt of the emerald child's head.

"What are talking about, you literally throw away one of the universal laws." He spreads his arms out, "your quirk has so many potential applications, of course it's great!"

Ochako mouth made an "O" shape at his flattery. "Th-Thank you Midoriya" she finally said.

A few more steps later they were walking through large double doors into a gigantic room with nearly a thousand seats giving a panoramic view of the large stage. And each seat seemed to be filled with UA hopefuls.

"Well" Uraraka started, pulling out a piece of lamented paper, "were here, thanks for walking with me. And the food." She said only slightly disappointed about parting ways with the eager boy. "Maybe we'll see each other during the exam?"

"No, uh, thank you for letting me walk with you, and yea that would be cool".

"Well then see ya" the gravity controller left Izuku with one last smile before making her way to her designated seat.

'Did I just make another friend' he thought while smiling dumbly at her retreating form. 'No' he shook his head, "that's not how friends work, right?"

"Generally, naw" the deep voice of King answered apparently telepathic. The large man seemingly materializing out of nowhere, triggering the heart to jackhammer in his chest. But he didn't jump and scream like girl, so theirs that.


"Midoriya!" the mocha colored man mimicked the shorter teen's cry, then chuckled. "Come on young man you're with me". He said walking towards the front row of the amphitheater where Izuku's fellow magic touched testers were sitting.

"Midori-chan! What took you so long? Fell in the toilet or something?" the pink demon girl joshed.

Midoriya winced at the reminder of one of his biggest follies. "I-I was actually talking to someone.

"Ohhh, is she cute?"

"Wh-wha-what? How did you know it was a she?"

"I didn't until now" She shot him a toothy grin.

"No, need to tease Ashido-san" Ibara lightly chided. She tapped the seat in between her and Mina. "Come sit Midoriya-san"

He glanced at the bubbly, toned girl, then at the pristine vine girl, then at the seat that barely provided any leg room. Knees are sure to touch. He deeply inhaled. "Ok" he squeaked.

He scooched into the seat and made himself as small as possible. 'Why is everything else in this place huge except for the seats'. His nerves shot in such proximity of two beauties. Never mind his earlier hug with the two girls when Mina was in more risqué attire.

King simply sat down at the end seat shaking his head good naturedly at the shaking boy.

Lights around the room dimmed. A lanky man in leather pants and a leather jacket, with golden hair flared up and stiff, bounced onto to the stage. With a brace like object imbued with a speaker around his throat it was clear who the man was

"Its Present Mic!" Midoriya whispered, lightly bouncing in his seat and momentarily forgetting his situation.


Silence, deafening silence as no one entertained the man's call for action.

"tough crowd", the pro hero mumbled before activating his quirk again. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP EVERYBODY CAUSE I'M GOING TO TELL YA'LL HOW TO PASS THIS EXAM AND BECOME UA STUDENDTS!". He shouted, launching into the rules of the physical exams

Bakagou couldn't help his self-satisfied smirk that creeped onto his face as he noticed the groups of students in similar school uniforms taking up sections of the room. 'meaning they split us up by schools." He looked around to see he's by himself. 'that means I'm the only one from my shitty school that's here. Good'

The platinum blonde's red eyes surveyed the room from up high evaluating all of the 'extras. He half listened to Present Mic as he explained the point system of the exam. He already read the pamphlet twice.

Katsuki looked down toward the first row and his heart rate spiked. A familiar bloom of green hair took all his attention. His jaw clenched, his arm muscles tenses, and the familiar warmth of his quirk popping washed over his hands. His entire being was focused on that shock of green hair.

'That can't be him. He shouldn't be here! Why is he here! Why is that little shit here! Fucking magic touched aren't allowed in hero schools! After everything that has happened, he-"

"-and you! Over there with the blond hair" A tall well-built blue haired teen, called out. His booming voice knocking Bakagou out of his increasingly vehement thoughts. "You're incessant popping is a distraction to ever-"

"Shut your mouth glasses! You're the only one causing a distraction!" Bakagou interrupted glaring daggers at the 'extra' that dared to try admonishing him.


The tall boy nodded his head, "Yes sir, thank you for explaining and forgive my interruption" he gave a stiff bow then sat down in his seat, stiffly.

Bakugo shot the robotic teen a withering look before looking down at the original source of his ire sitting ramrod straight. All but confirming what he already knew. "Deku"

Down below Mina briefly looked behind and up at the causes of the commotion, "Those two seems like oodles of fun" she said sarcastically turning back around.

Ibara briefly thought something along those lines as well but quickly pushed them away. It not good to be so judgmental. Instead her mind focused on the boy beside her sitting rigidly.

She placed a hand on his arm, making him slightly jump. His eyes bounced between her hand and her kind face for a few second as his face bloomed red. "Um, Ibara-san?"

"Are you okay? She simply asked

He stared dumbly for a moment before his body visibly relaxed. He nodded his head, "Yea I'm okay, I was just reminded of something unpleasant".

The cursed girl beside watched the small interaction and wisely kept silent.

King watched as well though it was hard to tell due to his shades. 'That's good to see, they're going to need support one another to succeed. If they pass'

After the instructions were given Present Mic released the students to change clothes leaving King and the magical trio alone mostly alone in the hall.

Alright you three, you know what ya have to do, you're already dressed; thank you for doing that Ashido, all ya'll need now is these". He whips out three different lamented pieces of paper

Midoriya recognized it as the same type of paper that Uraraka pulled out when she left for her seat. Being handed one that had his name on it, he sees it has all his information on it. Name, age, blood type, etc. It also had bus numbers and mock city sections.

'Mock city? As in they made their own city' Midoriya thought.

"Also" he continued, "I wanted to apologize on behalf of the school." Giving an awkward but genuine half bow. "For not telling you all about the third exam, I know how much it sucks for the finish line to move further especially when you get so close".

It was a nice gesture, Midoriya was already passed that and was ready for whatever else. But he appreciated it, nonetheless.

"Also, also, I want to apologize for not giving all the details for my exam. I wanted to push ya'll and everything but still kind of garbage of me"

Shiozaki looked especially pleased with that statement.

"With all that being said, you kids still up for this exam?"

"Heck yeah I am! I'm ready to work off some of these calories" the demoness exclaimed while bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"I'm with Ashido-san" the catholic girl said, giving her pink friend a serene smile. They both looked at their last member of their little group.

"I'm definitely ready to take this exam", he said. And just on a sudden whim he pumped his fist in the air and yelled, "Plus ultra!". A wavy grin appearing on his face as the realization of how embarrassing this has hit him.

"Plus Ultra!"

"Plus Ultra!"

The greenette's smile solidified as the girls mimicked his motion and cry.

"Well then if ya'll ready, I will take these" James said hefting the bags and gently grabbing Mr. Planty from Shiozaki's hands, "you guys will head to your busses in the back and…good luck youngbloods" he finished. Allowing the teens to leave.

Iida Tenya was a man justice and fairness. Just like his older brother, his father, and all the heroes in his family. He also was man of order, someone who not just follow rules but appreciates them. And he would like to believe he perpetrates those values in a way befitting his family name.

So, he calls out discrepancies in pamphlets and teacher's instructions and correct students using quirks.

Straight forward and proper the only ways he knows to make it through life's quandaries, it was the way he was learned. And despite seeming socially inept at times (and actually being inept at other times) he was aware of how his general approach to, well everything, can grate on people. But he reasoned that if his intentions were well meaning and he was as honest as possible, people would understand him. Maybe.

Therefore, he felt only a modicum of regret when the smaller boy stiffened in fear when he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder stopping him from walking towards the nervous girl.

Turning the green hared boy around he said, "You shouldn't bother her right, she's clearly trying to prepare herself."

He saw nervousness, confusion, then some frustration on the freckled boy's face. Understandably so. Iida cleared his throat and hopefully some of the tension.

He took his hand off the shoulder as he began to spoke, "What I meant to sa-"


The sudden ear drum rupturing voice swallowed up whatever he was going to say.


Iida looked back just as the herd of superpowered children stampeded to the mechanical infested city jostling the rigid boy. He turned to face the green boy only to see that he was gone. 'He must've have been carried away by the crowd.

He rid his thoughts of shaky greenheads and activated his quirk, the mufflers embedded into his calves shuddered then roared to life. He ran easily overtaking most of the crowd ahead. 'No time to think about him now, I must focus on myself.' He thought spotting a vaguely humanoid camo green bot. leaping off one foot, letting his momentum carry him to his target, he swung his right leg into the hull of the machine sending it flying destroyed.

"If I'm fortuitous enough I'll see him again and be able to explain myself" he landed, saying to himself before speeding off to find more points.

Midoriya saw the intimidating man, easily run by the mob he was a part of and couldn't help but admire his quirk. 'Mufflers that increases speed, that's so cool and useful, especially for this exam'.

"Destroy my flesh, boil my blood, and set my soul ablaze. To be a dragon I must destroy, I must Dominate. Dragon Armor". The comfortable feeling of scales covered his flesh and the physical enhancements helped him outpace a lot of the group. 'I can focus on awesome quirks later'. Latin and Gaelic spilled out of his mouth next, "Arbores control, Sònraichte".

He stabbed one end of the staff into the ground and leaped letting the stick parabola him into the air not unlike a pole vault. At his apex he picked the suljan up and placed it under his feet riding it like a non-ergonomic hoverboard. Feeling a tug in his chest he floated up and away.

'I won't make the same mistake as this morning' he swore to himself. In the air looking down he could see all the other teens using their abilities; destroying robots and…everything else around. It was a colorful cacophony of destruction down there and if the dragon boy was honest with himself it was stunning.

"No point in staying with the pack". He scanned the cityscape looking for areas filled with robots and little people. "There!"

A city block unmarred by quirk destruction and littered with scorpion bots, white blocky twos painted on the spines, crawling along the various buildings like well… bugs.

He quickly counted 10 machines and a semblance of a plan started forming. But first he needs more information.

Feeling a more violent tug from his chest as he rocketed toward a two-pointer hanging on the fourth story of a 'company' building.

Its sensors picked up on the object hurtling at it, a second too late. Midoriya's feet connected with the 'two' on its back crushing it and the building going through multiple floors.

"Ackk, ptoo, that was…unexpected" he hacked out clearing his lungs of drywall and ceiling dust. "They're a lot more fragile than I thought they would be". He tapped the brim of his hat clearing more particles. He stomped his feet shaking oil and circuitry of his reliable red shoes.

His ears perked, the sound of electronic whirring and shifting rubble catching his attention. He moved as the tell-tale whistle of rocket sounded off, exploding where he was standing but still being blown out of the building's window and into the street.

Making their own exit, multiple one-pointers smashed through the building, menacingly stomping out of the hole followed by a shorter, bulkier robot with treads and mounted rockets.

Midoriya picked himself of the pavement and marveled at the utter lack of pain he felt. 'I know I have my armor and it didn't hit me directly, but still…let's see' he thought calculating the risk he was about to take. He jammed the staff into the concrete and waited.

And because villain bots lack the understanding of tension, he didn't have to wait long. The three-pointer launched a volley of rockets at him. Midoriya with none of his training to be shown only raised his arms up in defense letting the streaking projectile explode against his scaly body creating a cloud of smoke.

The smoke cleared to show him, not unharmed, but not hurt. His shirt were mostly tattered and his had scorch marks, but he felt little to no pain.

'That settles it'. His best imitation of a confident smirk curled onto his face.

The one-pointers rushed him and the three-pointer reloaded.

"What was it That King-san said, he pulled his staff out the ground and launched himself at his opponents 'this is going to be a breeze!'".

In a different mock city within n the gratuitous complex that is UA, vines buzzed through the air. Bundles of thorny tendrils grabbing and mangling any and all villain bots it came across. And did it all with constraint and precision not expected of things that could cause such destruction. It was awe-inspiring and slightly terrifying.

'Almost primordial', one Tokoyami Fumikage thought watching it happen. Though he himself didn't know why he used such a description. Even if he normally thinks in such fantastical ways, 'primordial' was a little much.

"The maiden must be affecting my mind' he thought, glancing at said maiden kneeling on the ground.

Looking at her made him feel off. Like something is wrong about her. It was a feeling he only got when he read occult inspired books or visiting potentially haunted houses. Which is strange considering nothing about her screamed sinister to him. From her white track suit that has mostly escaped dirt to the fact that she prays to use her abilities. Which she just did turning her back and elongating her hair/vines to block incoming rockets from a distant three-pointer.

Tokoyami stopped scrutinizing the girl to do the same against a laser from a scorpion bot, using his own quirk.

"Dark Shadow!" he yelled summoning an inky bird shaped creature with human arms from his back.

With its arms the shadow intercepted the beam dissipating it, then rushing forward claws first slashing the two pointer vertically, destroying it,

Dark Shadow; the physical personification of his dark subconscious that rages in the darkness. A powerful and dangerous quirk

"Ha! Did you see that, maybe that cute girl that you been staring at saw it too?

Powerful, dangerous, and annoying quirk.

"Maybe now we can stop stalking her and have her come to us"

The teen wiped some dirt off his feathered face not deigning to give his…self, technically, a response.

He turned to look back at the girl to see her running at the three-pointer hair flowing behind her.

Being so close the burly machine twisted its body, swinging its large fist. She ducked the wide hook as she did, her cascading hair wrapped around the metal appendage.

The plant follicles then detached from her head, crawling up the machine's arms then face, tightening and tightening until *crunch*.

The girl continued running not even sparing a glance at her handiwork. Tokoyami followed, not to stalk, to watch.

'I do not know how or why, but this holy maiden…I must know who she is'

It was a warzone. Dozens of craters pocked the center of mock city D. Streets and buildings were left gashed and smoking, buildings were toppled, and rivers of sugary smelling liquid melted the roads. And of course, dismembered bots and fires completed the apocalyptic setting the city has taken on.

None of that phased young Asui Tsuyu.

'I use my legs a lot I should start thinking of ways to diversify' she idly thought flipping over an overaggressive one-pointer. Giving it just enough of a kick in its back during her rotation to push it into a deep hole filled with the sweet-smelling death juice. 'my legs are my best attribute though" she shook the lactic acid in her muscular legs out.

Then a familiar of dread washed over her, pins and needles jabbing her spine. And few seconds later, as she expected at this point in the exam, an explosion occurred behind the girl. Her blank expression holding steadfast.

She turned around to see a bisected three-pointer sizzling on the ground in front of, what once was a fake laundromat. And stepping out of the blown-out building was none other than Ashido, looking a bit different.

She was in her underwear again but even more eye catching (if that was possible) her nails has lengthen and sharpened, and pupils have dilated to almost non-existent. Drool dripped from her chin to the floor sizzling as it landed.

"Scary" she said simply, seemingly unfazed by the demon stalking out of destruction. Her frog quirk gave the young woman a variety of physiological changes; like larger hands and legs. The quirk also, prevents the ease of certain facial expressions.

Mina bounded off in search of more victims Tsuyu close behind.

Since the beginning of the exam it was clear the demoness was of a different breed. As everybody rushed into the mock city Ashido was a step faster than most. She reached the automatons first and tore through unfortunate machines with reckless abandon one wouldn't see with the hardiest of warriors.

She dived claws first into every machine, slashing and gutting the things. If she wasn't was using her nails, she would crush them with her fists and feet with rhythmic movements reminiscent of capoeira or breakdancing, Ashido twirled and wind milled in a beautiful fighting style if not for savage results.

And of course, the acid.

At one point a bunch of other prospective students fought beside the girl. A few close calls with streams of acid convinced them that it may not be the safest idea to around her. So, they slowly dispersed throughout the city away from her. Except Tsuyu.

Why would Tsuyu put herself in such danger and disadvantage. Because Mina is a trouble magnet. She gained villain bot interest just as much as human interest. Somehow someway multiple villains constantly converged on the girl. And due to her careless style of fighting the pink demon found herself in plenty of comprising situations.

So Asui being the kind woman she was, intervened when possible. Defending the girl from the few enemies she managed to miss. And if she gets some relatively easy points, that's just a bonus.

"Ne, you see something you like" the little devil asked spotting her hidden protector staring and coolly strolling towards her.

"I'm just admiring how terrifying you look right now" she responded bluntly making the pink girl smile.

"Thanks, I try to be". When she got close to the girl, her smile faltered a bit. She started shuffling her feet nervously. Confusing the greenhead, everything she's seen of the other teen telling her shyness isn't the pink girls thing.

"Say, um, thanks for watching my back and you know, sorry that you felt like you had to"

"You noticed me, kero"

"How could I miss someone as cute as you" her smile returned

"Well, it's no problem" said ignoring the compliment/tease earning a pout from Mina, "Besides I should be thanking you too, you made it easier to pick some points off"

"Well, I'm glad to help" she beamed before quirking an eyebrow at her conversation partner who was shivering. "You ok?"

"I'm fine kero, I think I just figured something out"

That's when their world began to shake. The land beneath trembled and the vibrations shooting through the feet and up their spines and presumably everyone else in the city.

The girls both looked up at the same time to witness the gravitas of the zero-pointer. Its verdant head scraping through the clouds as it rumbled through the city thoroughly terrifying the young people just trying to become heroes. But now they must escape a god damn Gundam.

"This seems excessive" Tsuyu wisely observed.

Mina stared with eyes at the beast in shock. It quickly shifted into a wild look. "Oh yeah!"


Midoriya was tired and now realizing his earlier assertion about the exam being a 'breeze' may have been a bit presumptuous.

After destroying the initial group of villain bots, Izuku's life for the last 30 minutes was blowing up green machines, avoiding said machines attacks along with superpowered children, and finding more robots then repeat. Leaving his body strained and his mind addled, the lack of rest in between exams didn't help his predicament.

Despite the ailments though, the young mage felt good. He doesn't know how many 'villains' he took out, but he knows he took out a plenty, his oil soaked scales providing evidence.

He couldn't help the smile creeping on his face even as he ran for his life from the gargantuan zero-pointer. Suljan and hat in hand, scales nowhere to be spotted as he was content on playing it safe and avoiding the stupidly large machine eating up the main street.

Then it happened.


As if a paralyzing agent flooded the boy's system, Midoriya's whole body stiffened, while digging his heels into the ground and spinning around.

"Help" the voice cried out again. colors seeped into monochrome and sounds of teens and treads dulled into hums. His heart dropping as he spotted the nice girl from earlier, stuck under some rubble with the zero-pointer bearing down on her.

Funny how quickly the pained pleading of someone in need can sap the joy out of a boy.

Izuku was already running when he became aware of himself, feet pounding pavement, arms pumping. After a few moments of running He flipped his staff down while leaping, the suljan flying into the air without a chant as he rode it like a horse.

He noticeably gagged with six loaves of bread threating to expel from his stomach.

He soared through the air no higher than seven feet, pouring as much mana as he could into arbores control.

He pulled up on his flying staff causing it to angle up and toward the green beast's single red 'eye'.

Izuku fleetingly remembered his earlier promise to make time to plan. But the memory disappeared just as quickly, obviously Sakura's advice didn't apply to this situation. Or maybe it did Midoriya couldn't remember, more focused on saving the trapped girl. And he knew just how to do that.

A familiar yet distinctive fire bloomed in his stomach as he prepared his most destructive spell yet. Unlike the usual warmth or inferno typical of his base status, this flame was dense, compact like a molten ball of iron.
the temperature surrounding the killer bot sharply increased creating a haze of heat.

"Release" he barely whispered cutting the stream of magic to his suljan ceasing the flying and letting the momentum carry him the rest of the way. His figure steaming as the layer of sweat on him evaporated, body temperature above and beyond what's normal. The sphere of flame inside bounced and boiled, craving to be released.

And as he got closer and closer he began reciting his simplest spell in his repertoire, "Zhǎnshì wǒ de lìliàng." *

He jutted his hand out palm open towards robot. Then a large burning white circle emerged in front the zero pointers chest and face with ineligible script spiraling inside of it.

"Fènnù." A surge of magic racked his body. The supernatural energy, white as the symbol itself, cloaked Midoriya. A ball of alabaster streaking though the sunny afternoons sky until he reached the center of the flaming sigil.

Proving to be solid, Izuku thrusted his hand into the circle, uttering the last words of the spell, "Diǎnrán. Explosion"

Inside his body the ball of magic popped leaving his insides spotted with shrapnel that burned his blood and organs. Outside he was blind and deaf.

The spinning circle detonated into a ball of cornea destroying light and fire that encompassed the top half of the automaton and scorching the boy.

The initial sound was a terrible boom of the sonic variety shattering ear drums and hundreds of windows alike. Followed by the equally as terrible sound of tons of metal being blown to pieces.

The zero-pointer flew off its feet, its torso shattered exposing all its wired guts. Arms and head popped off in a way reminiscent of old rock-em sock-em toys. The machine timbered until it crashed thunderously into the ground below.

Observers from below like Iida, looked at the boy in air, in awe at the display of power.

Ochako closest to the action, was similarly gob smacked mouth agape as can be. She could never have predicted that she would pathetically get trapped under some rubble or that the plain, nervous boy she met earlier today would be the only one to come back and try to save her. Or for the boy to actually succeed in such a spectacular way.

'I assumed he there was more than meet the eye but this…that was amazing' she thought staring at her hero who was now falling.

Falling head first.

'He's not moving' she thought with a start as she attempted to wriggle out of her concrete trap.

Midoriya wasn't moving because he was unconscious, magic almost completely drained.

Explosion, as the name implies, is just that, a violent release of magical flames that causes a shock wave. And unlike his other spells there was no tempering of explosion. There's only big explosion or bigger explosion. In Midoriya's case he used the biggest explosion he could muster, knocking him out and falling dome first to his doom. Until he wasn't

*Slap*. The sound of palm hitting face rang out as Ochako somehow escaped her concrete trap, hopped on a large metal plate making it float to reach the boy and slap him. halting his decent.

"Re-release" the brunette gasped out touching her fingers dropping them both from the safer height of a few feet.

"TIME!" The extravagant voice of Present Mic called out across the complex of mock cities, finally ending the hero practical exam.

Almost in relief, Uraraka instantly threw up her earlier meal of bread off the side of the plate. As her savior continued sleeping on the ground peacefully unaware of how close to death he was.

Ochako herself felt like she could take a nap too but opted instead to look at her rescuer. With his shirt gone it showed off his raw skin and mangled right hand.

'Thank you Midoriya-kun' was all she could think of seeing his state. Before she continued to puke up rainbows.

Hours later our draconian protagonist could be seen laying down on his bed clad only in green pajama pants, staring at a piece of paper with clear worry on his face.

After he passed out and subsequently taken back to the nurse's office to be treated, Recovery Girl would release him to home. But not before scolding him for being so reckless and gifting him a letter from his 'friends'.

The scolding did not end there though. After making it back home, ready to end this very long day. Only to be accosted (lovingly) by his guardians as he entered the home.

Both of his mothers jumped on him hugging, kissing, and in Inko's case crying, asking what happened.

Then Sakura and Guinevere walked in and 'gently' pulling the two women off the suffocating boy before fussing over the boy themselves. Well fuss as much as they could.

The magical trio of the four sensed that Midoriya's mana went to dangerously low levels sending all of them into a state and it was only due to cooler heads that three angry/worried sentient creatures did not storm UA.

Izuku then recounted an abridged version of his day. He then elected to go to bed which they allowed seeing his slumped. Sending him off to bed with gentler hugs and a firm pat on the back from Sakura.

Which brings us to now, him staring with furrowed brows at the piece of paper with a string of numbers on it. With the heart stopping words 'call me' written on.

He squeezed his eyes shut for moment then opened them up a smidge to peek at the loose leafs. 'yup still there'.

Making a quick business decision before he lost the nerve, slipped his phone off the bedstand, and tapped in the phone number.

It rung three times before a voice answered, "Hello"

"Hey Ashido-san"

"Midori!" she answered loudly making the boy move the phone from his ear briefly. "Ibara-chan! Midori-chan is on the phone. Can I put you on speaker?"

"Uh, s-sure" 'her voice is close' he thought, glad she couldn't see his face.

"Hi, Midoriya-san , glad to hear you're ok" the catholic girls voice filtered through the phone. "Please don't be so loud Ash-Mina-san we're in a café" admonished her friend. But he could hear the mirth in her tone.

"Yea dude, when we heard that you were injured, we waited for you. But then Recovery Girl got really scary and kicked us out".

He imagined she did 'spooky' hands when she said scary.

"Oh, yeah…we met your mysterious girlfriend" the demon girl sing songed.

"Gi-ggir-girl fri-friend!" Midoriya spluttered

"Girlfriend!?" The other girl squeaked before apologizing to someone out of earshot of the phone.

"Oh, let's get her on the phone, make it a foursome" she said.

"Wha-who-I don't have a girlfriend!" he explained but it was too late another voice joined the call".

"Hey, Mina-san" a distant voice said.

"Uraraka, guess who's on the phone"

"Oh! Midoriya-san you're awake"

"Oh, you were talking about Uraraka-san" Shiozaki chimed in now realizing Mina's teasing. Ochako looked at her confusingly.

"Uh-, yes" Izuku mumbled still reeling for Mina's joke. "Thank you for saving me" he blurted out.

"Saving you? I was going to say thank you for saving me! You saved me from being crushed with that amazing explosion" the gravity girl complimented making Midori blush even harder.

"Midori-chan you've been holding out on us" Mina jibbed. "You have to tell us how you did it all about it next week"

"Sure" he responded "wait what?"

"That's why I wanted you to call me, to a: make sure you're okay, which you are, and to invite you to hang out"

"Hang out. With you three"

"Yea were going to this festival celebrating All Might day next week. I heard its super fun"

'It is fun' he thought pushing the involuntary bit of sadness when ever All Might is mentioned.

"It will be a time to honor a great hero and potentially celebrate us making it into UA". Ibara continued.

"And send off Ochako on a good note before she head back home". Mina also added.

"So, are you coming?" they all asked simultaneously.

Izuku, as shaky as he is, isn't nearly dumb enough to deny himself the chance to hang out with three new people. Even if they are three beautiful girls and he feels like breaking into hives just at the thought. "yes!"

"Awesome!" Mina cheered "send you the deets later going to finish talking about you, byeee!"

"Heh, heh, hopefully only good things Ashido. Have a good rest of your day girls"

"You too Midoriya" Shiozaki said.

"Yea see you later" Ochako said.

Then the connection ended, leaving the boy only with the sound of blood rushing to his ears. "Holy crap I was on the phone with three girls" he breathed out.

"Holy crap I just realized I invited a boy on date with three girls, how about that."

"Pttoooooo!" the round-faced girl spit taked the water she was drinking.

"Why would you turn something so innocent into something immoral" Ibara sighed taking a bite of her angel food cake.


First and foremost my bad. Two months without a chapter or at least an update on whats happening, feels bad man. My Computer got a virus an it require a hard wipe. But even so it still took longer than i wanted it to.

My plan for next time something like this happens is to have a twitter or tumbler or something to give updates.

Other than me explaining my self, I just want to say thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Have a good one ya'll.

Zhǎnshì wǒ de lìliàng. Fènnù. Diǎnrán Chinese: To show my power. Rage. Ignite