The Wedding
The rail system didn't go all the way to Praxis by design. Helen had wanted to keep her Sanctuary a secret, but it made visiting Praxis a bit more work. When the Tube-way ended, there was a trail. When it was known someone was coming. A glider truck was sent. The truck was a large open vehicle similar to an army truck with the soft pull back tops. Except these were lower to the ground and glided on the air like a hoover craft.
They were met by 3 members of Garris' clan. They loaded everyone and there things on board and headed for the city. It took about 30 minutes on the glider. So it wasn't really all that long of a trip. But Kate was nervous and just wanted to get back to the house.
When they arrived at the house the woman that met them had a few words with Aunt Z (Kate couldn't pronounce her soon to be aunt's name so she called her Z. Zaadabibide, didn't seem to mind.) The she them directed the two men on which rooms to bring everyone's things.
Aunt Z greeted Kate lovingly with a hug, "You seem happier, this is good." "You clearly were right… I did need to get away. But now I'm getting nervous again." "Tomorrow you will walk over hot coals and trust me. All your nerves will be forgotten. Now Kate, take everyone out to the garden. Then we will bring them refreshments." Helen spoke up, "Could I help?" "You are Helen of Magnus?" Aunt Z asked with a raised eyebrow. "Just Helen will do." "Then yes you may assistance Kate."
Everyone squeezed into the garden. It was nice but the large table took up a lot of room. Aunt Z, Kate and Helen brought out drinks and many different finger foods, some Indian and some Herusans.
As everyone was eating Aunt Z explained what would be excepted of them at the wedding. Kate had asked Helen to be her attendant. Garris was having a clan member be his attendant. The attendant had two important jobs. 1) To make sure they did not see their mate before the ceremony. 2) To clean their feet after they walked the path to marriage.
As for everyone else they were to wear something White, Blue or Green. The ceremony would last about 30 minutes after which the party started. Many of the Indian and Herusans ways were similar, but not all. Kate had wanted two things. 1) To wear a somewhat traditional red dress. 2) To have a wedding cake. The Big Gut was proud to make her a 3 layer cake. It would be French Vanilla, white icing with red and blue flowers. He promised to make a large cake too. So there would be enough for the post dinner party.
Aunt Z sent the men to see if they could help with the setting up for the event, mainly it was to just get them out of the house. Will and Nikola were less then pleased because they were not married to their women. They would have to sleep separate from them. Nikola tried to say the last time they were in Praxis they had shared a room. But Aunt Z was not having it. In the city housing was one thing but in the house of a Herusans, absolute not. Aunt Z was a sturdy 5'5" and when she looked at you with those cat like eyes. It was clear she was the boss of this house, at least until after the Wedding. Then Kate would be conceited the 'Alpha Female' of the house. But to keep Garris in a state of honor, with his clan. Would probably have to follow the same rules, about sleeping arrangements.
As Helen and Abby looked over Kate's beautiful dress, Helen asked more about her roll in the wedding. "When and why am I supposed to clean your feet?" Kate sat on her bed, "Ok ya see, the ceremony is short. But the guy has to walk 12 feet cross broken glass and pottery. To show how cut up he would be or that he would do anything to be with his female. I have to walk across 12 feet of burning coals. To show how my heart burns for him or that I'd do anything to be with my man." Abby's mouth was wide open, "You're kidding right?" Kate shook her head, "Nope, at the end of the pathway is a chair. Our attendants clean and wrap our feet with ointment and special socks." "Really, are you up for that?" Helen asked. Abby jumped in with, "What happens if you don't make it all the way down the path?"
"I have to make it! If I don't we can't get married." Kate said answering both questions at the same time. Abby smirked, "Dam, what happens if you want a divorce?" "That's day two. The day after the wedding there is a 10 minute ceremony that we'll have. If after our wedding night we decide we don't want to be married. We walk back down the wedding path of glass or coals. But if we both want to stay married them we walk down a special rug they lay between the two paths." Helen had been to many wedding in many counties, but this was defiantly a first.
Abby couldn't help but ask Kate if her a Garris had be intamet yet. Which Kate said no, and it was nice to build a relationship first. Not to feel the normal pressure of when should I sleep with a guy. Garris had wanted to have their wedding sooner. But with everything going now, they had to wait. Kate said she was really nervous, but couldn't wait.
Waiting for the wedding to start at Noon was never racking. But it came as Will, Abby, Greg, Henry and Nikola all found their seats. Near Biggie who was sitting near the outside of the row to not block anyone's view. There were about 40 seats in the front. It was standing room only in the back of the Pavilion. Abby thought there must be like 300 people here. It looked like the bride would enter to the right and the groom from the left.
The Pavilion was decorated with candles and flowers. Most of the decorations inside were Red and Blue. The outside where the post wedding party was set up was Blue and Green. There were quite a few Drums of all shapes and sizes, with a few chime and cymbal like instruments too.
Some parts of the wedding no one could understand, because the words were obviously in Herusans. So Abby gave the run down to everyone of what Kate had told them last evening.
When the Priest for lack of a better word asked if the men were ready. The men of the clan roared like lions. The Priest then asked if the women were ready. Aunt Z and a few women in the clan made a similar roar. Garris was wearing royal blue pants and a long button down shirt. Kate's dress was beautiful, it was Red with Gold trim. The top was short and showed her stomach. The sleeves came to her elbow, and the skirt touched the ground. She had one sheer wrap that went over her one shoulder to shield her bare stomach, from view. Another flowing sheer head scarf and a beaded necklace and forehead piece. Abby thought she looked like a princess.
Garris walked down his wedding path slowly, but still cut himself a few times. Helen help Kate gather her dress up, so it wouldn't singe the bottom. Kate looked a Garris, who was sitting while his attendant cleaned his feet. Garris was looking straight at her. She hadn't seen him in almost a week. That must be why they don't let you see each other. Walking over hot coals so she could get to her man. Didn't seem so scary, when he looked at her like that. Kate quickly made her way across the coals. Which earner her some female roaring with laugher. After they pledge their love and lives to each other the party was on!
It was like across between and disco and a rave gone mad. The music was loud and everyone was dancing wildly. Helen, Abby and Biggie had been the only ones to tear up at the wedding.
Will seemed to think the whole thing was crazy. "I don't know about you Henry. But I'm glad I won't be doing that anytime soon." Will shouts to Henry over the music. "What walk over broken stuff or get married?" "No way I'd walk over broken glass. And as far as marriage… I'm just not sure about the whole thing." "I don't know Dude, Kate and Garris look really happy! For having their feet all wrapped up." Will pointed over to Helen and Nikola, "Yeah, but then you got those two. They're never going to get married. They'll just have fun until Nikola gets bored and leaves." "Well, Erika's probably planning our wedding right now with Gina a Jess. I'm hoping for something small, but she can have what ever she wants. The weddings more for the bride anyways." "You got that right," Will says taking a drink.
Abby had walked up behind them and had heard most of their conversation. Not that she was ease dropping, she had been watch everyone dancing. Greg bumped into her as she turned to leave before Will and Henry realized she'd heard them. "Abby, I'm sorry, this place is crazy! I wonder how many are staying for dinner?" Will and Henry turned at the sound of Greg's voice. Abby took Greg's drink and handed it to Will. "Come on Greg, I want to dance." Abby took him by the wrist and pushed her way between Will and Henry. "Dude, riddle me this? How much of that do you think she heard? Cause she looks pissed!" Will didn't plan to worry. They had already been bickering for a few weeks now.
Only the Clan members and Kate's guest sat down for the dinner and more drinking. Magnus had never seen abnormals hold liquor like Nikola before, but the Herusans were doing well. She was seated next to Kate and Garris as her attended even though her duties were done for the day. After dinner it was expected that the happy couple would go of the bachelor's pad for the evening and won't be seen again until the final ceremony at Noon the next day.
Magnus sat looking at everyone enjoying themselves, expect for Will and Abby. They seem to be bickering even when they weren't talking. Nikola was on the other hand very quiet. Other then enjoy the different types of wine. "Nikola, you've been very quiet. Is there to much noise for your vampire ears?" She playfully touched his ear. He half smiled at her, "No, just thinking about the order of life." He swirled his glass trying to pretend to be admiring the taste. "Very Well, care to share your thoughts?" "If we were sharing a bed tonight maybe," he's filtering lacked conviction. She had seen Nikola flirt with her even when they were in a life and death scenario. This was different it lacked confidence and was melancholy. "Well, then maybe when we get home you might fill me in on your theories or findings." Nikola took another sip, "Perhaps." Nikola didn't need to eat but had picked out a few pieces of fruit. Which he now decided to eat. Magnus decided to let it go.
Magnus and Abby helped Aunt Z back to the house around 1am. Not that she was drunk, just tired. The boys stayed for another hour.
"So Vlad, you've been quite. You and the Doc fighting too?" Henry asked hopping up on a stone pillar, next to Chris. "No Heinrich, we aren't fighting. Just thinking about the ceremony tomorrow. Where the new love birds decide whether they are compatible." Chris almost sip out the drink, Will had just brought over. "Compatible? I think it's more of a, did they feel pressured to marry. If so now's the time to back out." "You ever worry about your marriage to Jess?" Henry asked, the wedding had really got him thinking too. "No way! I waiting a long time just to get a date with Jess. Besides a week before we got married she had me branded." "Branded," everyone said except Greg. Greg smiled, "Show them." Chris unbuttoned his shirt and showed off a nice tattoo above his heart that read 'Taken'. "She's got one too. Same tattoo in the same spot." Chris said buttoning up his shirt again. Will looked disgusted, "I can't believe you two would get matching tattoos?" "Why not? I am taken. I can't image every finding someone as compassionate, strong, loving to a fault and passionate." Greg put his hand on Chris, "Ok, I'm going to have to stop you there." He shivered as if disgusted. "Hey young man, Henry isn't the only one about to tie the knot. We all know you are planning to go to the Emule commitment dance with your lady." "Dude, that's right and that's coming up. So you'll be like married for a year until the next dance, right?" Henry asked Greg. "That's how it works. No messy divorce, but on the other hand. Makes you work to keep your lady happy. Otherwise next year, she might go dancing out of your life." Chris, Henry and Greg shared a look only a man in love would understand.
The Next Day
Kate was blissfully happy as she stood ready for the final ceremony. She looked over and thought Will, Henry and Greg looked hungover. Biggie, Tesla and Chris had probably paced themselves.
"Ready," Aunt Z asked as Magnus was adjusting her sheer shoulder wrap. Kate was wearing her dress but without the Headdress and the necklace, from yesterday. Garris said it was a good thing to show off any marks they may have left on each other. He was wearing his blue pants but went with a very thin white sleeveless shirt. As excepted they both took the option of staying married. The Clan roared even louder and longer the yesterday.
There was a small help yourself finger buffet and then Kate and Garris were off again to his place for the next week. After that they would both live in the family home with Aunt Z. It was the way Herusans lived. When children were born the older members of the house were excepted to help with the children. That way the stronger adults were free to do the harder physical jobs.
As the evening party continued on Greg and Henry found themselves dancing with more then a few women. Every time they stepped of the dance floor another clan member or other female would grab them. Chris found Aunt Z had helped him out by stating he was married with children. Which meant he was mostly sought out by older women. Who just want to dance or talk. Will tried to dance with Abby, but his heart wasn't in it. Abby decide it way time to take him side for a talk.
"Will, start talking. Because if we don't figure this out. When we get back the Sanctuary, I'm move to a different room." "Abby look, I know things have been a little strained for us. With everything going on at the new Sanctuary. I mean, Magnus and I are trying to build a new relationship and then there's Ashley." Will was passing slightly and running his hands through his hair. Abby grabbed his arm to make him look at her. "Will, it's more then that. Yes, Magnus has been a mentor, a second mother even. She did things you didn't like or understand. That's what moms do! They give you the old 'because I said so' and you have to deal with it. As far as Ashley goes, I know losing her would be like losing Henry. She was or is family. You want to help her, you want to be the one in her head. But your not! I know you can't stand that Jess calls her bunny. I've read her notes and giving Ashley a nickname. One so far from her old self probably helped. Especially when Ashley's mind reverted to a childlike state. My mom used to call me pumpkin."
Will was looking at Abby's shoes or the ground. Abby wasn't sure, "Will, Magnus said if I wanted to go work with Declan I would need to leave in a week, for City 2… I'm going and I'm going to tell her to send me early. Just so I can settle in. I'll be gone for a few weeks or more, depending on how things go." "Are we breaking up?" Will asked, thinking he's screwed up yet another relationship. "We can call it a break. We can take this time to find out what we both want. Maybe we'll miss each other like crazy or maybe we'll end up just friends. I'd hate for us not to at least stay friends." Abby took his hand, Will gave a weak smile. "Can a friend hug you?" "Yes Will, a friend can hug me." Will didn't know how to feel, about Abby leaving. He was tired of always arguing. When he was away from Clara he missed her like crazy. Maybe this would be a good thing.
Nikola and Magnus had danced most of the evening away. Magnus didn't even bother with batting his hands away, when he got to frisky. Not like anyone there was paying attention. "Helen, are you sure we can slip away somewhere?" Nikola asked in a very husky voice. Magnus had defiantly use the excuse of a crowed dance floor to rub up against him. She could feel how excide she was making him and she loved it. "Nikola, don't pout," she smiled as she turned around to face him. "But I do it so well," he teased. She did want to secretly drag him off. But she also knew keeping him wound up meant when they got home. He would be extra vigorous. Which she also loved.
She took his hand to lead him off the dance floor. "Perhaps, it's time for another break and something cool to drink." "Do you plan to stand in front of me or sit on my lap? I'm not exactly in a gentleman like state." As they neared the drinks table, "Nikola, think of how you would feel if someone walked in on us have sex." Nikola just shrugged. Helen smiled as she turned and handed him a drink. He definitely was putting a strain on the seem on those pants. "Even if it was Jessica or Lizzie?" Again he shrugged as he took a drink. Her smile got wider as she thought of how to get him. "How about if you walked in on Jessica and Chris. With her on top and.." That seem to do it. Nikola started choking on his drink waving his hands. "That did! Thank you for that lovely image, I didn't need." She gave him a peck on the lips, as a sort of apology.
After he finished choking and they stood watching the dance floor. Nikola eyes soften as he looked at Magnus. "Kate and Garris seems really happy. Jess and Christopher seem a really happy couple too." Helen looked at him with almost doe eyes, "They do." "Have you ever been that happy?" Magnus studied her drink, "You mean in a romantic relationship?" Nikola nodded. "Maybe, when I was young and naive." There was a long pass as they watched the crowd. Nikola confessed in almost a whisper in Helen's ear. "I worry sometimes that I'm going to screw this up. I don't want to lose this. I don't want to lose you. Those 60 years we didn't talk nearly killed me." This time Magnus nodded. "Going underground was about starting over. I don't see why we can't. So far, I think we've done well." Nikola rubbed her back and trailed his hand down to hers. Intertwining their fingers, "We have a lot of history, good and bad. Women tend not to forget things like men. (He winked at her) I've always loved you, and you know it. It's a cliché but true, I am a better man when I'm around you." He brought their hands up and kissed hers. Helen thought of how to get out of this intimate conversation with grace. But Nikola beat her to it, "Maybe you could rescue Christopher out there and he can walk you back to the house." "What about you," Magnus asked putting her hands on his sweating shirt. "I'm not tired. I think I'll take a walk before heading back. Try to relax a bit." He shooed her in the direction of Chris.
Chris was happy to see Magnus cut in. They finished the dance and she took his arm as they walked back to the house. Greg caught sight of them and was about to follow when yet another hot young thing grabbed him for a dance.
As they walked along Magnus asked, "Christopher, do you ever worry that you'll mess thing up it Jess?" "Why has she said something," he playfully tried to look worried. "No, I've just been alive so long. Sometimes I forget what it felt like to be young and in love." Chris stopped them near a stop they could sit. "Helen, you have been a live for a long time. But how much of that time did you spend living? How many times have you almost died? Hell, you had to hide your children, so no harm would come to them… If you died tomorrow, would you have any regrets? And since we are talking about love, I mean love life regrets?" Magnus leaned on his shoulders and he put his arm around her, little the brother he'd become. "Not having a lasting relationship, I guess. I mean one with true intimacy. Dear Lord, I sound like Jess now." Chris laughed, "What is love? I know her moods, how she takes her drinks, how much salt she likes in her food. I know when she worried or just plain fed-up. And she know me. She knows how to turn me on with a look. She know when I'm being serous and not to push me. She knows when I just need time to myself to decompress." "Yes, but she's telepathic." "No, not when we were dating. She was only empathic, feeling things when we touched. With all that said. That's when I knew I had to make her mine. I couldn't risk any other man coming along and thinking she was available." Magnus was about to protest the 'mine'. Chris held up his had, "And she was dam sure not going to let any woman think that I was available." He smirked, "Have you ever seen or noticed my tattoo. Or as Jess calls it her brand." Maguns shook her head, "I know you have a tattoo on your chest. But I've never seen what it says." He showed it to her. Magnus laughed, "That's my girl, 'Taken' and that mark." She pointed to a fading hickey. Chris just smiled taking her hand as he stood.
"Helen, whether you're a mermaid and live 400 years or a Emule and live 60. Life is short and real love, the kind that feels like a warm blanket on a cold snowy night. That is rare! If you find it, hang on to. Otherwise someone's discarded item is another's treasure. After all do you think I could ever find another one like Jessica." "Dear Lord, let's not even think how scary that could be, 2 Jessica's." She linked her arm as they walked on. "We will just have to hope little Elizabeth has plenty of her father in her. That Rolling Thunder can be quite unpredictable." They laughed as they walked in the house.
After a week of the best sex Kate had ever had. Garris had to return to his duties and Kate and Aunt Z had to talk about who was going to be responsible for what duties in the home. Now that Aunt Z made it clear this was Kate's home and what she said goes. Aunt Z did warn her that she still excepted to receive the Elder Respect she was due. Kate admitted to being the worst cook and aske Aunt Z to take charge of the kitchen for now. Except for when the Big Guy to came over and helper with her dessert skills. She had at least started making half decent cakes.
Kate checked her messages, most were from the women in the clan. But one caught her eye, from the Sanctuary. She had forgotten about the surprise Jess had set up for Tesla's. There was a brief note and a recording of the whole thing. Kate hit play, like she was watching her favorite show.
'Kate, hope you're not too sore. An Epsom salt bath with either frankincense or lavender will help. Chris should having given you the gift bag I sent. That was the main reason I had us take our honeymoon in Oregon. I wasn't planning to leave the hotel much. And even working on a farm, my muscles never were so sore. Anyways, you wanted to see Nikola's reaction to his gift. Watch and enjoy.'
The Video showed them setting up. Erika had set up 4 different cameras in the living area. She wanted to make sure she didn't miss a thing. Jess and Gina set up the large corner cage Greg had built after Bromley carried up to the Unit.
"You really think he is going to flip out?" Erika asked, checking the cameras on her tablet. "Nikola has always loved bird, but pigeons and doves are his favorite." Gina answered, putting in the final perch. "I was not going to bring pigeons in here. Dove I like, and I think Lizzie will like them too." Jess handed Gina the nest to place in there. "Well, you are all set up to record for Kate and for posterity." They all wave at one camera, "HI KATE."
(Kate laughed)
There was to be an alert from Cricket. When the group had just entered the Sanctuary. Cricket had falsely said Jess needed to see Nikola right away. Magnus knew something was fishy, Jess had been acting odd before they left.
As Nikola opened the door to the Unit, he started sniffing the air. Then like a dog, turned his head a listened. "For heaven sakes Nikola, stop blocking the door," Magnus chimed. "No, it can't be?" Gina and Jess were sitting on the sofa. Pretending to read to Lizzie. Nikola dropped his bag and starred, "How?" Was the only word he could get out. Jess couldn't help but look into one of the cameras. "Everyone have a good time at the wedding?" Magnus dropped her bag next to Nikola's, with her hands on her hips. "Really, Really? Carry to explain this?" Jess stood up all innocent as Nikola was losing him mind. He knelt down and was speaking softly to the birds.
"What… oh those. Well, I miss not having animals around. It's good for kids to grow up with pets. I didn't think a dog or cat was appropriate. So the next logical step was birds." Jess walked up behind Nikola and put her hand on his shoulder. "I did think about a few different birds. I've always wanted an African Grey. But I thought the soft sounds of doves would be more relaxing." Nikola looked at her like a child asking permission, "I suppose I have to wait to play with them? All these knew people and noises." "I think that would probably be best. They are a little unnerved right now." Nikola got up and took Jess by the hand. When they walked about 10 feet from the cage. He reached down and placed his arms under her bottom to pick her up. "You sneaky little! Kiddo, I have never loved you more!" Jess actually squealed out of shock, but covered her mouth to not scare the birds. Nikola put her down and kissed both her hands. "I am going to take a shower and then you and I will have a drink and we can pick out names." Nikola kissed her on the cheek. Turning around he saw a very large Chris with folder arms staring at him. In a mocking tone, "Not to worry, old bean, I knew about the surprise. But I different lost the bet on how excided you'd get." "Seriously," Magnus flung her arms out looking around. "Does anyone care to fill me in?" "I asked Declan on his last order to the surface to get live doves, when he ordered pigeons." "Declan and Chris knew, what about the cage?" She turned and stared at Greg, "Gregory Watson Magnus?" "I'm beat, think I'll have a shower and off to bed for me." Greg made a hasty retreat to his room. Erika bounced in the door with Alister, "Dam, I missed it." Jess pointed to the cameras, "Don't worry, we always have instant replay." "I give up," Magnus said as she grabbed her bag and headed for her room.
Erika with Alister and Gina with Lizzie and Jess all waved at one of the cameras. "Well Kate, I said he'd be excited. But even I didn't think he'd be that excited." Jess said holder her stomach like she still had butterflies. "Can't wait to see you on your next visit," Erika added.
Kate closed the video, she knew that Biggie wasn't a big fan of Tesla. But even he'd have to admit that was hilarious. She couldn't wait to show him at her next cooking lesson.