The sun rose in the sky showing a small village, more along the lines of a settlement, and calling its inhabitants out of the land of sleep. As most people started their days two individuals were already out and getting ready for a long day of traveling. These two were Zack Fair a young soldier and Sora the Hero of the Sword.
Sora walked sadly through town with his shoulders slumped. "Not one moogle…" He muttered sadly while walking back towards the inn. He had woken up early intending on finding a moogle to do business with only to find nothing. When he had talked to Donald about the moogles the duck mage had told him that they loved traveling to every world they could. So for this world not to have a single one… "What is going on with this world?"
"Did you say something?" Zack asked while walking beside him.
Turning his head Sora looked at Zack. "Have you ever heard or Moogles?"
Zack seemed to take a second to think before he clutched his head as if in pain. "No, but it sounds… so familiar." Zack said while shaking his head as if attempting to get rid of something.
Realising another sigh Sora shook his head. He wasn't one for mysteries and figuring things out. So he would wait for now and maybe some answer would come forward like it usually did. "Don't worry about it." The Keyblade user says with a wave. "We should focus on the task ahead of us."
"Yeah that would be for the best." As they started walking out of town Sora stopped and looked at one of the brown Filolial.
"Whoa what are those!" The Sword Hero said while walking up to one. "They look so awesome, and fluffy!" While saying this he started petting one which chirped back.
"Wait you don't mean to tell me that you don't know a filolial is?" The black haired man asked while watching Sora reach into a pocket and pulling some of the meat he kept from the dog monster out.
"No never even heard of them till now. Though I might have seen a picture of one at a friends house…" Thinking back to the Restoration Committee house he had seen a picture of a creature of similar look on Cid's computer. "But it is to be expected. You see it's cause I'm from-" Sora cut himself off as he remembered The Order of the Worlds. Seeing Zack looking at him funny Sora searched for something to distract from the conversation. Salvation came in the form of a beak pushing up against him trying to get attention back.
"...Well they are pretty common here." Zack said while looking at Sora still confused. "They are used in traveling, cause they like pulling wagons."
Sora's eyes widened before running up to Zack. "You mean we can ride them!" As if a bulb went off he looked around before running toward a stall that showed a filolial head above it. "Could I buy a filolial here?"
"Oh so you heard of our promotion!" The stall owner said with an almost blinding smile. "Good, here is your capture sword, now go out 'Hero of the Sword' and capture the biggest monster you can!" The sword Sora was red with a cut in the blade (Capture Blade from FFX).
As Sora walked back toward Zack with a confused look the young knight let out a sigh. "I guess we have time for a quick side distraction." The game was in celebration of the summoning of the Four Cardinal Heros and the game was simple. The contestants would act as one of the Heros and then go out to hunt monsters that they would then bring back to have appraised.
"Sorry I just thought we could get them and get out." Sora muttered before perking up. "Oh well let's win this game!" While hefting the Legendary Blade which had transformed to match the other blade. With a shrug Sora handed the Capture Blade to Zack.
"Yeah we should be finished in a hour or so." Zack said while giving the blade a test swing. The two went off into the woods while looking around for any monster to slay.
"So… why didn't you get any guards to help you." Sora asked while swinging at a rabbit enemy jumped out at him.
"Oh well," Zack started and seemed to take a moment to think. "The guards were, busy and couldn't help, along with the nobles and the adventures and anyone else I could think to ask." As he talked the young soldier seemed to lose some steam. "But that doesn't matter because you're going to help me!"
"Yeah and were going to do great!" Sora happily said while watching Zack swipe at a mushroom enemy and the keyblade wielder spun around to hit a sneaking up rabbit. The 'Capture Swords' had some type of enchantment put on them that would prevent them from actually killing what it hit but render them unconscious till an antidote was given.
Time passed in comfortable silence before Zack broke the ice. "Though I must ask why unconscious and not dead?" Zack asked holding the 'Capture Blade' Sora had given him.
"Maybe they want them for something?" Sora said while holding Zack's blade while trying the 'Weapon Copy' ability of his Sword. Leaning back he passed the blade back while getting comfortable. "Though I guess it is kinda irritating that I can't use anything except the hair for unlocking more blades. Though they didn't unlock much if anything.
"Yeah… so you think we got enough?" Zack asked while sheathing his blade after making sure it was clean. Looking around Zack felt a smile grow on his face as he looked at all of the laid out monsters now piled together.
"Yeah this should get us a filolial." Sora muttered as he to stood up from where he was also leaning against a monster pile. They had started out only intending on grabbing one or two monsters but now they found themselves with a pile between fifteen to twenty.
As they were about to head out both of them froze and realize what capturing so many of monsters meant… "Zack how are we going to get these back to town?"
The Sword sat in silence as it went through the memories of its wielder. It needed a way to upscale that Keyblade. It needed to unlock more abilities and the fur and hair it was fed was not enough to unlock anything seeing as how those weapons were already unlocked. So, as its two friends laughed at Wielders antics with his party member the Sword concuted new plans.
The Sword needed a way to become stronger soon otherwise it would fall to the wade side. It knew that the other weapon was strong and would remain strong but it had more potential, it just needed time. Time it didn't have… As it went through memories it came across something that made it stop. It would need to get its 'hands' on those otherworld items but after that it would have what it needs.
"My quite the hall you have here." The merchant said hiding a chuckle. The judges, who were nobles from the village and nearby villages, were having their men going through the pile. "Well I have no doubt an A ranking beast somewhere in there so feel free to pick an egg out of the top selection."
"Wait an egg!" Sora said in shock as Zack seemed to take this news in stride, by trying not to laugh his ass off.
"Yes an egg all your own!" The merchant seemed to misread Sora's shock. "Now I don't mean to rush you but I see some other 'Heroes' returning so please hurry on your way and make sure to return the sword." Looking back Sora saw that indeed some others were walking their way so walking over to the top shelf the keyblade user grabbed an egg before walking over to the attendant who put it in an incubator. After getting the egg back Sora handed the 'Capture Sword' back and headed back towards Zack.
"Did you know?" Sora asked while holding the egg close. Hey he had gone through a lot of effort to get it so he wasn't giving it up. He should probably start thinking of a name.
"No, well I had an idea, but." Zack waved him off before starting to head down the road. Sora abesmindly started following him while trying to think of a name. Well he should wait to see what gender they were first.
"So what is going on with this village we are heading to?" Sora asked while trying to get the egg into a more comfortable position. He didn't mind carrying it but he really wanted his hands free, just in case. Maybe he had something in his pockets?
"A GIANT monster is heading for it!" Zack said as he thought back to the report he got. "The other members of the kingdom are busy so it was… What are you doing?"
"Just looking for something." He really should organize his pockets better. Well he did orginzie but he was used to doing so in the Gummi Ship, a weak excuse but he was tired last night. As he was digging around Sora pulled out a charm which showed a baseball bat on it. "Oh almost forgot I had you." When was the last time he had used Chicken Little?
When he was about to put it away he heard an animal start growling. Turning they saw an egg hop out followed by a few insects. "Dang look like we'll need to fight these off." Zack said before hearing some shuffling behind him. Turning he saw Sora trying to find a good place to put the egg while also drawing the sword. "Don't worry I got these weaklings." With a cry the human and monsters rushed at each other.
As the fighting was going on Sora moved his new egg to one hand while digging with the other hand. Sora pulled out a part of a cloth and used it to attach the incubator to his back in a sling. Hearing a growl the keyblader turned toward the bushed where a monster started prowling toward him. Moving fast Sora pulled the blade out which rippled with delight while he blocked a hit. Getting a better look at the monster he saw that it looked like some kind of ape. Sorta like a Powerwild.
As he was pushed back the young hero felt his magic move coming ready to cast an aero spell. As the he moved the magic into the sword to use it resulted in an unusual, to him, reaction.
"I am the Hero chosen by the Key and Sword who has command the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Heed my call and assist me now."
"Zwite Wind Blast."
A strong blast of wind shot out of the tip of the sword. It was quite different compared to the magic he was used. Before more thought could be put into it the condensed air struck the ape dealing damage and slamming it into a nearby tree.
Seeing his opponent open Sora dashed forward and used a quick swipe to finish off the opponent. Or he would have if the balde didn't stop at the skin. Seeing how he was dealing little to no damage Sora lept back. "Well back to basics then."
The Sword was more then happy. It was able to help it's master with magic, Wind magic. Now as Wielder charged forward Sword waited for the final blow only to watch the monsters natural defence stop it. With a bit of annoyance it watched as it's Wielder jumped back to summon the Keyblade, again.
Watching its friends watch the fight the Sword turned its attention to its project. It was quite happy its Wielder was so absent minded that he gave it what it needed to complete the project. It was quite shocking to see that at no point something like this had been absorbed so it was now up to him to give the blade a name.
Looking back through the memories from before it found something it could use. Now to make the blade.
After lowering the keyblade Sora looked over at Zack who was finishing up his own fight. Seeing that he was fighting two enemies Sora ran forward and swung the weapon down. The egg he was locked on to looked up as its eyes widened as the silver blade hit it sending it crashing down while dealing massive damage killing it.
"I had that!" Zack shouted finishing off the rabbit he was fighting.
"I know, I was just hurrying things up." Sora walked up to the egg and dumped the egg into the Legendary Sword. "You mind helping me gather things up?"
Getting a nod they started feeding things into the sword and checking the new swords unlocked. "Oh hey what is that one?" The young knight asked pointing at a new tree.
Turning the sword they watched as it turned into a blade that seemed to glow with an inner blue light attached to a silver blue handle.
Wayfinder Blade
Equip Bones: Dimension Link
Special Effect: Light Glow
"Dimension Link? What is this?" Sora asked while tilting his head.
"Well we might as well try it next fight." Zack suggested while shrugging his shoulders. Sora nodded his head in return while they pilled the rest into the pouch.
AN: Sorry this is a day late, work you know which is also why this chapter is so short but next one will be longer promise. Now onto a question I'm shocked hasn't come up, Shield Hero magic vs FF/KH magic. Now how I see it, and feel free to change my mind, FF magic is better due to a few factors. One: it is faster, due to not needing a chant besides a word and two it can be altered. Such as launching fire vs using fire to create a barrier.
Now as for the Master of Masters, yes he has a plan and Sora will still be taking part in certain events.