"UGH….why today is so boring?" Natsu complained, leaning back in his chair, hands crossed behind his head.

Today was the first day of Fairy Tail Investigation Bureaus entrance, and three of the best special agents of F.T.I.B. were stuck monitoring the candidate, applying to work there.

"Would you stop complaining and concentrate on the screen Flame-Brain!" Gray shouted, also bored of his watching duty.

"Boys, I know this is not ideal, but it's not gonna last forever" The scarlet-haired agent reassured them. "And beside we very well may be looking at one yet-to-be-selected special agent. We have to study each interview and study their actions and the way they present themselves. We have to give our views for the selected ones-"

"-But for twenty five people, why do we have to monitor two-fifty of them give interview!?" The pink-haired man whined cutting the scarlet agent. The raven head sitting there with them tried to improvise logic in the Pinky's head.

"Because flame-for-brain, if any one catches our eye other than the selected ones we recommend then for the written te-"

"-but st-"

"Enough Natsu!" The said agent paled and mentally prepared himself for the wrath of the scarlet-haired agent, who was getting angry at her friend for whining like a rookie when she knew that he was very well aware of the importance of the task at hand.

The scarlet agent took a deep breath and glared at the pink-haired man in front of her and spoke in a stern voice "We're trying to concentrate here. Even though the task is not ideal! Quit your whining and observe, if you're not going to let me and Gray concentrate!"

Natsu exhaled the breath he didn't knew he was holding before he muttered a, "Aye Erza." but then he turned his chair, now facing the monitor screen. "But I'm gonna watch, just to keep you guys company."

"Better" said Erza and Gray in unison.

After three hours of watching Erza sighed in disappointment. "They all look the same to me none of them looks interesting."

"I agree." Gray said leaning back in his chair.

Natsu who was chewing on his pencil like the starved man he was decided to improvise his opinion too, "Totally man, these people are nervous wrecks none the less they are freaking out about everything."

"Agreed." Erza said leaning back in her seat for the first time since their stupid movie marathon began. Still facing the monitor though, "Nobody seems to catch my attention."

"Nice try Erza." Natsu said broodingly to cheer the mood of the scarlet agent. "Many M.H. girls had been successful in getting my attention. There are at least a hundred female candidates we don't know personally and just the thought of you sending me to a blind date with any of them make me shudder."

"Well if it makes you feel any better the number of girls had gone to a forty." Erza said as she ripped a page from her note pad crumbled it and threw it straight in the bin below her desk."You don't find someone suitable enough for you and I can't let you die a virgin." she turned to face the pink-haired man, as his cheeks already starting to turn the same shade as his hair.

"That is why I most certainly can't leave it up to you; you don't even try to find yourself someone!" At that statement Natsu's face was rivalling Erza's scarlet hair.

"That's not true." Natsu mumbled as he pulled out some candy to chew on.

"Mister that fact is as true as 'Gray is a stripper'." Erza said in annoyance, "Which is why I suggest you mentally prepare yourself for forty blind dates every alternative day two weeks for now."

The salamander groaned and face palmed himself while his frenemy did nothing but laugh at his utter misery.

Natsu's face turned redder with embarrassment and anger,

"Shut up frosty!"

"Why? It's quite entertaining."

"Do you have a death wish!?"

"Hell yeah I have but the death certainly won't be mine!"

"You want to go at it!?"

"Boys." Erza said calmly. This was nothing new in the life of the Scarlet agent however, had it been another time and place that 'Boys' would have been delivered with a deathly punch. "And Gray put your cloths back on." She said and then sighed at the depressing atmosphere in the room.

Rubbing her forehead Erza turned in her chair to face the raven haired man before pinning him with one of her glares, "And don't go getting cocky Gray the only reason you're not going on any blind date is because you actually have your sight set on someone. When are you going to ask Juvia out?"

Trying his best to hide his flushed face, Gray started wearing his cloths, fast and once he was done, he tried changing the subject before any more question came his way about Juvia by pointing someone random on the screen but Natsu beat him over there "Guys look at that-"

"Not gonna happen frostbite! You're answering Erza's question."

A wicked smirk was present on Natsu's face saying 'think before you speak' while Gray gave him a look saying 'I'll get you back for this' he then turned to Erza who was sitting with an expression less...completely neutral…..impossible to tell what she was thinking. Gray gulped before speaking,

"Uhh…well me and…Juvia…"

"Have you asked her yet, Yes or no?" Erza questioned still with a neutral expression.

Gray sighed in defeat and said a simple…"No"

Erza's expression changed into a look of disappointment from anger before she said, "how many times do I have to tell you Juvia does have feelings for you, so quit being a chicken and ask her out already."

"I'm not being a chicken. It's just…Whenever I try to talk to her, my face become super hot and words get stuck in my throat choking me to death or until Juvia finds an excuse to get away from me."

Natsu sat there and watched his friend Erza and his rival/best friend talk about love problems with inattentiveness.

Natsu understood that Gray was having love problems…But he couldn't possibly help him in that (not that he would if he could) because these sort of problems can only be solved by experienced people and Erza is the one to talk to.

But of course if anyone wanted super fast progress without much effort you can talk to Mirajane.

Natsu being the ever-so-energetic couldn't tolerate the depressing atmosphere any more…or in this case he couldn't sit here any more and do nothing but watch people come in and out. Hence he picked up hisphone and stuffed it in his pants as he spoke, "I'm gonna go get some fresh air."

"And who's gonna watch the people pyro!?"

"You ice shit!"

"Natsu, you said you're gonna stay and now you're backing out?" Erza spoke sternly but Natsu picked up the tiny glint of disappointment in her voice. It made Natsu feel like a jerk.

"What else can you expect from this Pyro Erza? Oi ever heard of team work?"

At that moment Natsu wanted nothing but to punch Gray square one in the face but he knew better. If he punched him they both will get a thrashing from Erza and he didn't wanted to be in the hospital for the same reason.


Natsu let out a sigh and decided to ignore Gray or as he would call him-The frost bitten creeper and told Erza "First, I'll watch them later, all this is being recorded right and second I'm going down to watch the people in person, the monitor screen is damaging my retina."

Natsu watched the scarlet haired woman as she closed her eyes and let out a sigh before she gave the pinkette a small smile, "Fine Natsu just…Don't interact with anyone in the wait area and if you find anybody interesting, let us know."

The pink haired agent gave Erza his signature grin and left before Gray could say anything that might change her mind.

Natsu sprinted his way to the elevator. He was on the eleventh floor right now where all usual monitoring is done and data is stored, the wait and the interview was on the sixth floor but Natsu being the typical Natsu, just had to make a stop at the kitchen which was the entire seventh floor.

"After a meal it's down to sixth floor." Natsu looked at the time, 11:02. And started self talking while texting Mirajane he was so engrossed in texting her that he didn't even noticed that the lift was going up not down until he was greeted by a comrade of his, special agent malachite green Jessica Natalie. Age 23. And a very good stalker of Natsu.

"Hello Natsu. I thought master got you locked up on eleventh floor." She said.

Jessica was actually a pretty face and a good heart too but the only flaw in her was that she was too fake and way too obsessed with Natsu.

At first Jessica was a total flirt and Natsu had to get his friend Lisanna to back her off. However Erza informed him that she is just as crazy as she was before but not just around him.

"Hey Jessica you were here for a bite too?"

"No, actually am going for a meal. You do know that we are at the fourteenth floor right now?"

"Say what!" Natsu moved out of the lift and looked around and yes they were on the fourteenth floor.

"Aww man! No wonder it was taking so long."

"Natsu, kitchen is three floors down from data base and our offices are two floors up, how can it take more time?"

"That's because I'm starving."

"Fair enough. So wanna go and have lunch together?"

The pinkette saw that coming from a mile away and he was so not having lunch with her. This is the same girl who was a total flirt with him on psychopath level and according to Erza still is and if there is one person Natsu never doubts, it's Erza.

It was not like Natsu hated Jessica. He couldn't even if he wanted to he wasn't raised like that; it was just the fact that staying in the company of girls like Jessica will make him lose his virginity…again.

What Erza said is true. Natsu doesn't try. Not because he is picky or anything like that. Nu-Uh, his reasons were far simpler than that. His first reason for not trying at all was that he had no intention of getting involved in sexual congress and second reason was that maybe…just maybe he had his heart set on someone.

The pinkette mentally shook himself out of his thoughts of the past and focused on giving Jessica a reason other than that one, for not having lunch with her.

"So Natsu lets go." She said and got in lift and pressed the button taking them to the seventh floor. Natsu had to get out and luckily luck was with him today. He still had to go and watch the candidates.

"Actually Jessica it'll be a grab 'n go for me. I'm headed to the sixth floor wait area to study the candidates in person, the screen was boring."

"Oh…can't you take five minutes break?"

"I should've been there like seven minutes ago, so no. Sorry." Natsu said looking at his watch to put more emphasis on his own statement. When he looked at Jessica's face it was neutral however the disappointment in her eyes gave her away. She did pretty good trying to mask her feeling but as a blue malachite special agent for fairy tail, unmasking people weren't that hard for him.

"It's okay! Maybe next time."

Like that'll ever come Natsu snapped at her in his head.

When they got at the kitchen a large chicken grab 'n go was ready for Natsu as Mirajane passed it to him. Jessica was shocked to see Natsu taking away his food without even leaving the lift.

"How did Mirajane know you were coming and what you want?"

"Simple; I texted her, later Mirajane, bye." Natsu said it simply and left.

Jessica huffed in annoyance. It had been two year, since Jessica started chasing after Natsu. After firsts six months the youngest Strauss, Lisanna told her to back off and concentrate more on work.

According to Jessica, Lisanna is annoying. She was here at fairy tail just a year before Jessica joined. Even though that was the case, Jessica always considered herself the senior; considering the fact that she was the special agent while Lisanna was with emergency unit.

At Crime Education University's (or C.E.U.'s for short) fresher man party, Jessica remembered seeing Natsu but at that time she didn't care because first year at C.E.U. 78% of people fail and she don't wanted that happening to herself because Jessica considered herself a winner not a puny loser. Scarlet Erza was actually a year ahead of Natsu but ended up being same batch for the same reason.

You can't always keep running away from me Natsu because I will never stop chasing you,Jessica thought smirking.

In the lift Natsu tore the foil around the chicken grab 'n go and finished it before reaching the 6th floor.

As Natsu left the lift the first thing he noticed was that the air here was more tense than that of the CCTV room, every man and woman here was doing something or the other to reduce their nerves.

Natsu walked toward the wait area and noticed a few prying eyes staring at him but he ignored them and walked inside, as for the room itself was packed.

"The timing for the interview is from 8 am to 5 pm, why is it packed at 11" Natsu wondered out loud taking notice of time.

He walked around in the room looking at the candidates many of them must've thought that he was here for an interview as well because one random person sitting in a chair asked Natsu 'if he was here for interview as well'.

Natsu turned to the man and said nothing but simply nodded, lying isn't good, but telling them that I'm an agent here they won't act like themselves. Natsu thought.

The man nodded and in a rather unfriendly tone he asked, "So what are your qualifications?"

"I'm a C.E.U. graduate."

The man's face paled after hearing about Natsu's C.E.U. graduation and probably wanted nothing more than to get out of the conversation more than Natsu did.

He laughed half-heartedly "Ha-Ha…..uh well good luck." With that he turned and started pretending as if Natsu wasn't even standing there. Natsu, on the other hand, mentally scoffed and moved ahead he didn't had time to waste on piece of shit like him.

Walking around the hall, a girl caught salamander's eye, she had brown hair which turned dirty blond half way her hair length. She was sitting in a chair in the right side of the room. She was wearing a white shirt which had ruffles on the shoulder and a black pencil skirt, her hair was tied in a high pony tail and was doing something on her cell phone. Natsu stared at her for a good ten seconds and then glanced at the security camera on the right corner of the hall then back at the girl.

His phone buzzed because of the call from Erza.

"Hey Erza."

"That girl, anything special?" Erza asked in a voice that was both commanding and questioning.

"Well out of all she seems to be calm…really calm….more like confident."

There was a pause before Erza spoke again.

"Do you think she might be malachite?"

"If she is a malachite, it means she's not red which means that her chances to be working in the special unit is low and before you even think about it, no I don't see anything special in her professionally and non-professionally alike."

"Don't act like that with me Natsu, it is I who decides who is special enough for you unprofessionally!" Erza exclaimed from the other side of the cell. "As for now, go and find out which malachite she is, green or blue."

"Aye sir." with that Natsu ended the call.

Alright lady let's see what your made of? He thought and took two deep breaths before he walked up to her and faked cough to have her attention.

"Hello may I help you?" The girl asked politely but her eyes were a whole other matter. They were shooting some serious daggers at him.

Yep! she is malachite, Natsu thought taking the chair beside her, he opened his mouth to talk but the girl beat him to it, "You want to know about my qualification?"

"How did you know?" Salamander asked a bit surprised but then not surprised at all.

"Everyone ask the same question, and when I tell them, they get lost." the girl said with a hint of smugness in her voice.

"Maybe I'll stick around." Natsu answered politely.

"C.E.U. graduate, Green malachite." She said confidence dripping in her voice, Natsu nodded and thought to himself how she was definitely not gonna make it in special unit. "Level four. That's good."

Surprised by his comment and the fact that he was still here, she asked "What about you?"

"Me? Well I'm level three."

At that the girl dropped her phone on the desk.

The shocked expression on her face made Natsu wanna laugh out loud yet at the same time made him wonder that maybe he had seen her somewhere before. Shaking that thought of his mind he got up from the chair and dusted any imaginary dust off his cloths and walked off completely ignoring her yet he could feel her shocked eyes following his back until he left the room.


First of all I'd like people to know that I had posted this story before but then I had to take it down because of some personal issues which was kind of lame I shouldn't had done that.

But here I am posting it again from starch and better than before.

Second, to all those who just discovered this story I hope you like it. And it is updated regularly on Saturdays. And don't worry if I miss a Saturday that i will definitely post on the next saturday.

Because MZ. HYDE will be a complete story.

Your sincerely,


And now little about the story:-

Malachite: this is a ranking system used in crime education university. There are total of five levels of malachite.

Level five is brown malachite.

Level four is green malachite.

Level three is blue malachite

Level two is red malachite.

And as for level one that is something people call 'unachievable gold'