To celebrate poetry month and superhero month (which I thought was a thing but maybe it isn't) I'm writing three MORE Superhero poetry anthologies, and this one is about the Incredibles!
I know I did it well
That whole hero thing
I know I ran the world
I know I was adored
But what I don't know
Is why it can't just be
The days of my past
I have this new thing
And I don't always do it well
I don't always succeed
I no longer run the world
I run a household
And I wouldn't change it
I would not go back
If it meant choosing
The world over my family
I'm not choosing
I wouldn't choose
I wouldn't pick
This over them
I couldn't choose
I miss it
Saving the world
Saving the day
It hurts sometimes
Being strong enough
Yet held back
But it's fine
I won't choose
I'd do anything
To save them
My new world
I'm going to be special
Not mom and teachers "special"
Where everyone else is as well
That's not what special means
Special sets you apart
I was born with it
Others make it for themselves
Either way, I'm going to do something
I'm going to break out
Away from everyone gets a gold star
People will know whatever name I go by
I'm going to be special
I don't want to be special
I don't want to be seen
That's why I hide
My origin made me a freak
Violet Parr the invisible girl
But I can't stay that way forever
So I do other things
Hid in my hair
Hid in my clothes
Hide in a sea of people
Students who don't know
I am not like them
I like that they believe
That I am the same.
I am very confused
But very happy
This is new
This is fun
I do things
I am big!
I am bright!
Hear me roar!
I am confused