Hey Guys, I've created a visual account for my character Aria on Instagram. If you want to see her outfits and other visuals about her, then go follow the account ( Aria_Gilbert15 ).

Aria, Elena and Bonnie were in Elena's bedroom talking about what they were all going to do next. Elena was standing in front of her dresser holding the moonstone, Bonnie was sitting on the bed and Aria was next to her. " Now that you've got this back what are you going to do with it? " Elena asked referring to the moonstone and Bonnie. " Right now it's binding the sun and moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, then the stone becomes useless." Bonnie replied.

" And according to Katherine Klaus becomes vengeful. " Elena reasoned. " Maybe, if he finds out. " Bonnie answered.

" Lena you shouldn't worry about what Katherine says all the time, the bitch is starting to screw up your head. " Aria told her older sister. " I know she's a lying manipulative bitch but you heard Rose, she knows about Klaus too, so what if Katherines not lying about this? I don't want to take that chance Ar. " And can't this wait? Stefans is still stuck in the tomb WITH Katherine. We've got to get him out.

" Stefan wants me to focus on this. '' Bonnie told her. " Well don't listen to him, he thinks he's protecting me but he's wrong. " I'm taking Stefan's side on this, we are not gonna let you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual. '' Bonnie told her firmly and took the moonstone back from Elena's hand. " I agree " Aria threw in after Bonnie took back the stone. " There's no way in hell we are letting that happen. " " What are you guys talking about? " Jeremy asked, entering the room. " Not arguing about anything " Bonnie said looking back at Elena. Then she picked up the moonstone and locked eyes with Aria with a hidden meaning in them, and then turned to face Jemrey and judging by his face Aria was guessing she looked at him the same way. Then she placed the moonstone in her bag on the bed, directly in Elena's eyesight, and Elena's eyes immediately flicked down and watched Bonnie place the stone inside the bag. Then Bonnie immediately Looked back at Aria and Jermey again before stating, " I need a coffee." And then she got up and left the room, heading downstairs and leaving her bag on Elena's bed.

After Bonnie left Jermey came further into the room and just stared at Elena who sat down hard on her bed and sighed loudly. When she realized That Jermey was staring at her she said, " What!? " In a bit of a mood. " Why are you on a suicide mission? " He questioned her gently. " I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt. " Elena informed him. Oh so bringing Klaus the moonstone, so you can get yourself killed is ok?" Jeremy huffed in disbelief before leaving the room. " Jer would you come to help me with something? " Aria questioned following him out of the room. " Sure Ar. " Her little brother replied. Jeremy followed Aria to her room and he shut the door behind them after he entered. " So how much do you wanna bet she's gonna take it and then make an excuse to leave the house? " " Oh Jer it's no fun when you're not betting against someone with a different viewpoint. " Aria teased him. " But I'm sure she will, you know that's what she does. "

Yes they had set Elena up. All three of them knew Elena would most likely just ignore everyone's wishes and do whatever she could to try to get herself to Klaus. " To keep everyone else safe. " So Bonnie, Aria, Jeremy and Damon had a plan of their own to keep her safe. And sure enough, a few minutes later they heard Elena's door close followed by footsteps going downstairs and a jingling noises that sounded like keys. " She's on the move," Aria stated, as she and Jermey exited her room and went back to Elenas and checked Bonnie's bag which had moved a little from its earlier position on the bed. Aria opened it and dumped it out and shook it roughly and sure enough it didn't fall out. Elena HAD taken the stone like they knew she would. She then handed the bag to Jermey and the two walked to the top of the stairs where they could hear Elena and Bonnie. " Where are you going? " Bonnie asked.

"Umm... To see Stefan. " You're lying. " No, I'm not. " Elena argued. " Really? Tell your face. " Bonnie challenged.

" Are you serious? " Elena demanded. " She took the moonstone. '' Aria and Jermey said at the same time, making their presence known and walking down the stairs together, while Jermey held up the bag. " How did you?..." Elena began. " We tested you. " Bonnie told her. " And you failed,'' Jermey finished. " " Come on Lena, we know you. Did you think we wouldn't even suspect something like this? " Aria asked. " Klaus killed Katherine's entire family, just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen. " Elena cried. Bonnie then moved out of the way and allowed Elena to open the door, but she tried to walk out, she couldn't because of a barrier spell Bonnie put up. Elena then turned to look at Bonnie in shock. " What did you do? " It's for Elena. " Bonnie told her.

Arias's phone started to ring, She saw it was one of her best friends Tyler and she answered it. " Ty hey! What's up? " Ar could you come to me please? I need you" He sounded worried. " Sure just tell me where. " You remember the old cellar we used to play around as kids? " Yeah." Can you meet me there? " Sure I'm on my way, see you soon. " She then went and asked Jeremy if he'd be alright bu himself on Elena duty until Damon got there, cause she needed to go help Tyler. He said he'd be fine and told her to go on.

When Aria arrived she got out of the car and walked towards the cellar. On the way she stopped for a minute and did a double-take cause she swore she saw someone behind a tree watching her, It almost looked like a suit jacket was sticking out from behind a tree. But when she looked again it was very clear there was nothing there. She shook the feeling off and hurried to meet Tyler. She didn't quite know how much about it Tyler had figured out yet but pretty much everyone in their group knew Tyler was a werewolf and Caroline had been helping him cope with it. Aria couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty. Sure she had been really busy the last few months but she should have been helping him cope with his wereolfness just as much if not more then Caroline.

I mean we are the best friend for bloody sake! She thought to herself. She felt even more guilty because Mason had been Tyler's uncle and he had loved him. Mason had been declared a missing person now, shed heard since Mason's friend had shown up in town and said he'd never come home. Yet she knew exactly where he was. Dead. She knew Damon had killed him to find out more about Katherine.

When she finally arrived at the entrance to the cellar she greeted Tyler And Caroline. Tyler then told her about how he was a werewolf and Aria pretend to be surprised. After she stopped feigning surprise, she hugged him for real and said " Ty you're still one of my besties and nothing will change that. " Caroline had already told him that Elena, Aria, And Bonnie already knew about her being a vampire so there was no surprise there. After that the three of them entered the cellar to help Tyler prepare for his transformation.

While Tyler prepared the chains, Caroline commented " I hope you brought the instruction manual. " " And I hope you brought the wolfsbane. " Tyler responded. " Yes and umm... It's not an easy herb to find. " But this is it. " She then picked up a plastic bag and slowly pulled a plant that looked similar to vervain but without the purple. Tyler touched it and his hand started to burn and steam and he cried out in pain after jerking back his hand. " I have water bottles in my bag, we can mix it in there. " He said before turning back to the chains. " Ok " Caroline replied. Aria went to help Caroline with the wolfsbane while Tyler adjusted the chains. " The guy at the hardware store said this setup was rated up to 5,000Ibs. " Tyler remarked. " Is that more than a werewolf can pull? " Aria asked. " I have no idea. " Tyler Replied. " Hey Tyler, how are you doing? " Caroline asked almost nervously. " Still human. " Tyler answered. He then walked over to the corner and took off his shirt and adjusted his shorts.

Upon seeing what he was doing., Caroline cried, " Oh my god! You're not gonna get naked are you?! " Aria smiled at her friend's lack of comfort upon seeing Lockwood shirtless. Tyler meanwhile replied to Care, saying, "It's elastic, I mean what should I wear? I don't think it's like the hulk, where I keep my pants. "

A few hours later and Tyler was all chained up and starting to sweat. The three of them were discussing how long Tyler might be an actual wolf and that he didn't know a few hours or maybe more was his guess. Just then Lena called Aria and told her she needed her to come home right now, cause she had to talk to her about something important. And that no it couldn't wait. " Look, Ar I know you're with Tyler but Carolines with him isn't she? So he would not be alone. And trust me this is important. " Just then Tyler spoke up, " Ar it's ok. It sounds really important and I know you'll always be around for me when I need you. I have Care, I won't be alone, it's ok. Go on, I'll be fine. " Are you sure? " Aria asked. " I'm sure of it now, go. " Aria told Elena she was on her way, hung up, hugged Tyler and Caroline goodbye and then left the cellar, walked back to the car and drove home.

When she got home she went inside, said hello and good night to Aunt Jenna and then went upstairs to Elena's room as she had said to. She then followed further instructions and knocked on the door and Elena opened it, quickly pulled her in before closing and locking the door behind her. " Lena what's wrong? " " Don't freak out, but there's someone here who needs to talk to us but wouldn't do it until you got here. Aria racked her brain but couldn't think of anyone. " Who?... " She blankly asked. " You can come out now. " Elena said turning her head towards the bathroom. Aria then felt her heart beat faster and her breathing tightened as the person stepped into the room closing the door behind him., and she began to blush a little when he smiled at her and spoke. " Hello Aria. "