September 19th 1979- New Orleans

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BABY!" Hayley screamed at the three witches. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" Klaus declared. With one final scream, the baby was born into the world. They were all silent apart from the baby. "You have a beautiful daughter Nicklaus." Genevieve told her ex lover. Monique slit Hayley's throat and Klaus roared with rage. His daughter was going to be sacrificed and his little wolf was dead. He watched the witches leave the church and all went black. The witches snapped his neck and left to go to the cemetery so they may please the ancestors with the Mikaelson's first born.

A few hours later

The baby girl was back with her family and the witches were dead. "We need a name for her. Something unique." "Hermione. It's from Shakespeare's 'A Winter's Tale' I've always liked that name." Hayley admitted. Klaus and Elijah looked at eachother with small smiles. "It's a great name. Hermione is our symbol of Hope. Hope that one day we can all be a normal family." Elijah commented. "Hermione Hope Mikaelson." Klaus said out loud. "I love it." Hayley and Elijah said together. "Our little Tribrid. The person we're gonna fight hardest for."

16 years later before the end of fifth year - Ministry of Magic

"You're Bellatrix Lestrange!" Neville exclaimed loudly. "Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mummy and daddy?" She provoked. "Better now they're going to be avenged!" Neville was stopped by Ginny and Harry. "Now now, let's all calm down." Lucius Malfoy said calmly. Death eaters surrounded the teens. "I have waited 15 years for this." Harry said quietly. "I know." Malfoy commented. "I guess I can wait a bit longer. NOW!" Harry shouted and the teens cast spells at the Death eaters and ran.

They split up. Hermione was by herself, Harry was with Ron, Ginny and Neville were with Luna.

Hermione kept running as a Death eater chased her. She turned and shouted "Stupefy!" and the man couldn't block it in time. She carried on running until she found a door in the middle of the aisle. Not having the luxury of having time to think, she opened the door and found herself falling until she stopped a few millimeters from the ground before actually falling on the ground.

"Well Hermione Granger, How the hell are you going to get back to your friends?" she muttered whilst pushing herself up to a standing position. She looked up and saw the door shut. "Damn, that's actually pretty high up." She whispered to air. She looked around the room and found an empty archway and another door way. Hermione was about to make her way to the door until she heard whispers.

"Danger... Arch... Death... Take the bracelet off!"

Were the words the brunnette could make out. She looked to her right wrist and saw the bracelet she has worn since birth. Her mother, Jean, had always said to not take it off, she never understood why but followed her mother's orders anyway. 'Why take it off now?' She thought to herself. 'Why wear it without an actual reason?' She argued back to herself. "Screw it!" she said and took the bracelet off and shoved it in her pocket.

"HERMIONE!" Harry shouted as he fell with the others. Hermione moved out of the way as they all landed on the ground and then helped them on their feet. "Department of Mysteries. Got that right, didn't they?" Ron muttered as he brushed himself off. "Do you guys hear that?" Harry asked. "Hear what?" Hermione asked worriedly. "The voices coming from the arch?" He replied. "There aren't any voices Harry." Her voice quivered with fear. "I hear them too." Luna agreed with Harry with her soft voice.

"Get behind me!" Harry suddenly ordered but everyone did as he said and copied his movements and pointed their wands at the door the came out of. Black smoke came and started to attack the teenagers. Grabbing at least one to use as leverage against 'The Boy Who Lived'. The smoke dissapeard but in thier place were Death eaters holding on to Harry's friends with wands pointed at their necks.

Lucius appeared in front of the boy with his hand held out expectantly. "Give me the prophecy or your friends die." He bargained. "Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville said loudly and Bellatrix dug her wand into his neck whispering for him to be quiet. Hermione snapped her neck towards Bellatrix and Neville, albeit a bit painfully as one of the Death eaters had a firm grip on her hair. She knew what Bellatrix did to Neville's parents as he told her in their first year before she became friends with Harry and Ron. Thinking of the anger, she didn't realise that she was focusing on the physco witch when she suddenly was set on fire.

Every head turned to the witch trying to put out the fire but it was no use. Neville used the opportunity to knock back Bellatrix so her head hit the wall, he didn't mean to push her so hard but he did and didn't feel ashamed as she deserved it for everything she'd done. The fire didn't kill her. The Death eaters looked around to try and find who caused it but with them being distracted, the Order showed up, freeing the kids and sending Voldemort's followers to Azkaban.

Hermione placed the bracelet back on her wrist, whilst trying to figure out what exactly happened. 'Did I do it? Did I set the crazy cousin of Sirius' on fire? No, I couldn't of. I didn't use a spell.' Were the thoughts going through her mind. "Is everyone ok?" Kingsley asked, Hermione didn't answer and neither did Neville but the others did. She was lost in her thoughts until someone tapped her shoulder. "You ok Mione?" Harry and Ron were both standing there, looking worried. She tried to nod but she couldn't. The boys pulled her into a hug as she started crying. Overwhelmed by how much had happened that day and her emotions. Ginny and Luna started to tear up and Neville went to hug them both.

The Order looked sympathetically towards the children. "No more secrets, Dumbledore." Kingsley told the headmaster. "Agreed." He replied whilst looking at the Golden Trio but mostly at the Brightest Witch Of The Age. "Hey! what happened to my horrible aunt?" Tonks asked the non adults. "I... I don't know how but she caught on fire and Neville used the opportunity to push her into the wall where she... died due to a blow on the head." Ginny answered honestly. "What do you mean you don't know how she caught on fire?" Moody asked gruffly. "No one said a spell and there were no wands trained on her as we were in a... hostage situation." Hermione said as loud as she could whilst her face was buried in Harry's shirt. "Interesting." Dumbledore muttered.

Without warning, Harry put his hand to his head and cried out in pain. Everyone looked at him shock except for Hermione and Ron, who tried to calm him. "He... He's" Harry shouted out before running through the door to the entrance hall. Everyone followed after him.

A pale man, in a black robe, and a snake like face was stood facing Harry in anger. "One of my best followers is dead, Thanks to you. How did she die?" "Well, you're the one getting inside my head. Take a look." Harry snapped. "You will pay for this. How about I kill your little mudblood girlfriend just like I killed your mudblood mother." "Leave Hermione alone!" The girls yelled. "Tom, I suggest you leave. Now." Dumbledore interfered. A battle starts between the two and ends when the Minister of Magic arrived and sees Voldemort right before he disapparates away.

The Minister was freaking out and keeps repeating "He's back." Dumbledore tried to calm him and the order were comforting the kids. Sirius and Remus talked to Harry about running off, Tonks talked to the girls and tried to make them laugh, Ron and Neville were talking to Kingsley and Moody. "Alright kids, time to go back to the school." Dumbledore stated as he was walking back over from Fudge. "He relinquished Dolores Umbridge's title as Headmaster and high inquisitor. But it seems that she has not returned to the Ministry yet."

Hermione and Harry looked at eachother, smiling sheepishly. "What do you two know?" Tonks asked after seeing their looks. "Umm, Umbridge might be gone for a while..." Harry started and Hermione ended with "And probably won't be the same again as we sent her with the... Centaurs. We said we knew where Dumbledore's secret weapon was and we led her to Grawp. The centaurs showed up and were mad at her and we actually didn't try to help her during the capture." The kids, plus Sirius and Tonks, burst out laughing. Remus had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from joining in, Kingsley and Mad eye had matching smirks and Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye but remained solemn.