Author's Note: Here you go! Another Chapter! Ah, concerning Royal content, I will be including it, though the story may not follow the timeline… But that's a given considering Hakuno's presence.

TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere: I'm so slow with playing games, take my sweet time with them. Seemed like you enjoyed Royal though!

kerrowe: Yes, my Digital Human Stories were always a bit slow paced. Hakuno isn't typically someone that charges in recklessly, the trials of the Moon Cell Holy Grail War has tempered her actions to be cautious and collect information.

guisniperman: That was my fault. She really only needed the name and what the Palace was represented to be.

Engineer4Ever: There are plenty of ways that she could earn money, unfortunately, she's lacking in knowledge on what is around her. She's a smart cookie, just not much real world experience, give it time.

jmcdavid: Bingo!

What lies in the body, the heart, and the soul? Are they but physical and metaphysical? The flame caused by her actions now seeks to devour her, but the road to her deletion is yet to be paved. Can this Digital Human change her path?


Chapter 16: Way of Life (1)

Hakuno Kishinami stretched and yawned as she awoke from her peaceful slumber. The young girl reached for the Portable Terminal, eyeing the date displayed of May 6th, which marked the brief three-day break from school life. If she recalled, in five days she will be the start of midterm exams, a series of tests that shouldn't be difficult.

She smiled, it was nice to worry about educational pursuits, it reminded her of the preliminary rounds of the Moon Holy Grail War, before the truth of it all came to light. But that was the past, she should start getting ready for school.

A few minutes passed, a brief restroom break, cleaning up, and donning the black Shujin Academy uniform were all accomplished in that time frame.

The brunette girl went down the stairs and placed some bread into the toaster and grabbed butter spread from the fridge. She didn't have time to make rice for a more traditional breakfast, as she slept later than usual, so butter on toast will have to do. Hakuno double-checked her school bag, the textbooks were neatly organized and all accounted for. At the chime of the toaster, she spread the butter and began munching on the basic food as she left the building.

Her 'grandmother' was not present at the time, likely elsewhere or perhaps still asleep.

Hakuno walked through Yongen-Jaya, heading for the station, she came across a now-familiar person while awaiting the train's arrival.

"Good morning," Hakuno greeted.

Ren Amamiya turned to her, "Good morning."

Her eyes glanced down at his bag, "Morning."

The cat's head pops out in answer, "Good morning, Hakuno! How come she's the only one that keeps noticing me in your bag?"

Hakuno smiled lightly, "Cute," She said while resisting the urge to stroke the animal's ears.

"Morgana says morning," Ren replies.

She looked at the boy, "Aren't animal companions not allowed at the school?" She questioned.

He shrugged, "Hasn't stopped Morgana yet."

"As if those teachers can catch someone skilled like me," Morgana praised himself.

"Maybe they know," Hakuno replied. "But act like they don't. You have a record, right?"

Ren nodded.

Her smile broadened, "Perhaps they think Morgana keeps you in check," She said humorously.

"They'd be right," Ren answered in return.

"Yeah- Wait, what does that suppose to mean?" Morgana asked.

The indication of the train's arrival interrupted the conversation, forcing both students to board the train. In an act of kindness, Ren offered Hakuno a free seat, allowing the girl to rest instead of standing the entire trip. With the train and the surrounding ongoing chat, the noise disrupted any further topics between the two, and they were separated by the mass of people.

Hakuno, instead, messed around with her Portable Terminal detailing and re-organizing information concerning the Metaverse. She made a reminder to revisit the Velvet Room and inquire about contextual knowledge concerning the Palaces and their inhabitants. As well as a side note to purchase the limited Yakisoba Pan from the school store before it ran out, Hakuno wanted to try it.

It felt refreshing to return to Shujin Academy and go about an average school day. Hakuno Kishinami felt that the prior three days had been quite long, an indicator of how used she was to spending her time in a school environment rather than elsewhere. This was not surprising, considering the Moon Holy Grail War had taken place within the illusion of such a facility, it was all that Hakuno had known for a long while besides the shifting Arena designs.

Still, classes went by in a flash, mostly revolving around reviewing course materials for the upcoming midterm exams. At the end of the school day, Hakuno's Portable Terminal chimed with the notification of instant messages. She brought up the device and was split between two decisions, both Rani and Makoto were asking for her attention in their own ways.

[Makoto: "The midterms are approaching, since you transferred late it, I'm willing to help you with studies."]

[Rani: "I'm free today. Message if available to interact with me."]

She wanted to interact with them both, but considering that the Velvet Room entrpresidentance was just outside the school building, Hakuno decided to interact with the student council president. As Rani requires the use of a train to meet up and it would be a hassle to travel back here to access the mysterious place. As tempted as Hakuno was to visit her familiar friend.

The young girl typed in response.

[Hakuno: "Thanks, Makoto. I'll head your way."]

Afterward, Hakuno pocketed the Portable Terminal and swung her school bag over her shoulder. She left the classroom and headed through the hallway towards the staircase, hearing a few gossips and rumors by other students.

"Do you think the Phantom Thieves exist?"

"I heard that they have a fan website, there's a poll on it."

"Really? Don't you think that it's just a prank?"

"Well look what happened to Kamoshida, that's not just something occurring from a prank."

It wasn't a surprise that the Phantom Thieves were a topic of discussion, such gossip was typical of school environments; even within the Moon Cell's Grail War that fact remained. Though, a website, likely a fan creation like stated but it could provide clues. Hakuno made a note to check it out later.

She continued up the stairs and walked to just outside the Student Council Room where Makoto Niijima stood patiently, but somewhat lonely. However, upon noticing Hakuno Kishinami, the black-haired president brightened with a smile.

"Hello, Kishinami," Makoto greeted.

"Hello," Hakuno replied back. "You wanted to help me to study?"

"I'm your senior but I can recall my prior exam material well enough to help. You said you had trouble with social studies?" She said.

The magus nodded.

"How about we study in a diner at central street?" Makoto suggested. "Sometimes a different environment can help in memorizing."

That was incredibly tempting, Hakuno Kishinami did desire to try new types of meals. But she needed to stay near the school to access the Velvet Room. Though… She could also access it through Mementos, but entering and leaving that place exhausted her, even if it was for a brief visit. Hakuno compared it to the Arena, which could only visit it once a day and she must accomplish what was needed while inside else it was wasted.

"Sorry, have something I need to do nearby. So can we stay in Shujin Academy?" Hakuno replied. She meant to mean apologetically, but her near-monotone expression offset the intention.

Makoto blinked, but recovered, "Oh, sure. You must be very busy." She paused, thinking for a moment. "Then we can work in the Student Council Room, nobody is using it right now."

"Snacks?" Hakuno inquired, wanting to try that Yakisoba Pan.

"We can stop by the school store."

"Thank you."

Makoto made a strange expression that the Digital Human has trouble deciphering, "I don't mean to sound rude, but are you feeling well, Kishinami?"

Hakunk blinked and tilted her head, "I feel fine."

Niijima immediately coughed and glanced away with a bright red pinkish tint on her cheeks. It took her half a minute to return back and finally speak again, "It's nothing."

Hakuno Kishinami wondered why Makoto Niijima asked an odd question, but decided not to press. For now, Hakuno spent time with the student council president studying for midterm exams while also indulging in snacks and the delicious Yakisoba Pan. It was relaxing and Hakuno felt like she learned a thing or two to help her education, as well as feel a little no closer to Makoto.

Now if only they had been a cake roll in the school store.

The ever-increasing familiar hue of blues colored this mysterious classroom representing her heart, contrasted by the reds representing the aflamed city just outside the broad windows. Hakuno Kishinami stood separated from the residents of the Velvet Room by a line of stacked school decks. The principle of this place is absent, leaving only a pair of twin children adorned with identical teacher-esce outfits typically found in a school setting to accompany the Digital Human.

Caroline and Justine greeted her with neither malice or joy, but rather a sense of duty and a bit of amusement.

"Welcome back to the Velvet Room, Inheritor," Justine spoke in a passively gentle tone.

In contrast, Caroline's tone was sharp and straightforward. "What's your reason for visiting, student."

"I need some explanations," Hakuno said.

"Oh?" Caroline raised a brow. "Seeking to improve your knowledge? Well then, speak your questions!"

Hakuno Kishinami was glad that they were so readily willing to help her. She should have taken Igor's advice about them earlier, they took their roles as her 'teachers' rather seriously despite their appearances.

"Please define Palaces and its residents," Hakuno started with.

Caroline began explaining what the Palaces and other related terms meant, with Justine occasionally slipping in more context that helped Hakuno understand a bit better. For the next twenty minutes, Hakuno asks question after question, for which the twin teachers were eager to answer. Of course, that did not mean they could answer everything, it seems that they refused to delve into some topics that Hakuno had yet to experience personally within the Metaverse.

It was relieving to know that the people within the Palace were naught but just cognitive illusions. They weren't real, not even to the sense of being NPCs, just representations of the Ruler's perspective, who was Sialim. That still carried with it dreadful notions, bit it wasn't as bad as the alternative possibility. Furthermore, the Shadows in the Palace were the same as in Mementos, just chained to the Ruler's control and disguised in the likeness of the Palace's environment.

"We will also allow you to access the Velvet Room at the entrance of the Palace," Caroline finished. "Now, is that all your questions?"

"Yes, thank you," Hakuno replied sincerely.

"I-It's our job, nothing to be thankful for!" Caroline shouted while glancing away from the brown-haired girl.

"Can I have access to Saber again?" The Digital Human asked.

Justine answered, "Until you've reached progress we deem acceptable, your restrictions will remain as they are. You are still free to use the functions of the Velvet Room still available to you."

"Which are?"

"Servant Summoning and Alteration of the Heart," Justine replied. "Do you seek to use either?"

Hakuno Kishinami nodded, recalling that through this ritual called Alteration of the Heart, she can do two others called Soul Attunement and Ascension. However, she also remembered that it relied on her bonds with other people, likely referring to Confidants. Since none of her currently summoned Servants had equal Confidants, there would be no point. She also did not wish to summon another Servant, as Ruler wasn't facing trouble against the shadows at this point in time.

"I won't do anything, Justine," Hakuno replied. "Thank you both for helping," She said.

"It is our pleasure," Justine replied.

"Done already?" Caroline said.

The Digital Human nodded.

She had come to the Velvet Room for explanations and received just that. But, knowing that the Velvet Room will be accessible at the entry point of the Palace would also help greatly. In a way, it was similar to having a break around the fountain on the first floor of the Arena during the first week in the Moon Cell... Hakuno assumed that SERAPH had thrown the Masters a bone for that week, that fountain had been incredibly helpful.

Well, the fountain didn't have twin children moderating it… Oh wait, perhaps the Alices did that in their own Arena... An interesting assumption.

In any case, she was finished for the day, time to head back to Yongen-Jaya.

Maybe pick up some Japanese sweets on the way.